View Full Version : DM Help Running "The Claws of Madness"

2017-04-08, 07:14 AM

I'm a fairly unexperienced DM. My new group and I have played the module "The Claws of Madness" by LoreSmyth for two sessions. I wonder if anyone has DMed this module and has any advise running it, especially the dungeon crawl part. I choosed this module over Lost Mine of Phandelver as I did not like to start introducing new players to D&D without giving them any significant roleplaying encouter in the first session.

Running the game in Sestone wasn't easy for me (because roleplaying all this NPCs is a challenge for new (more or less) DMs), but I think everyone enjoyed the first session, which finished with the first combat against the bandits on the island.

However, the second session contained a short interogation of the bandits (unfortunately, I didn't do a good job here) and the combat encounters with the Gnolls in docks, Turek, the Mangkoon on the stairs and the far touched villager at the monastery's gate. I feel the mix between combat, roleplay and exploration wasn't good.

Monday is my next session and the PCs are now inside the courtyard of the monastery. I appreciate any advise you can give me running the module (how to make the combat encounters more interesting). Maybe someone here has DMed the module and likes to share her/his experience?

Thanks! :smallsmile:

2017-08-07, 05:46 AM

We are the creators of this module. Hope this reply comes in time :)

First to easily discuss any tips please message us on Facebook > loresmythofficial
We are active there on a daily basis

From what you explain it sounds you made a great start. First time DMing is not easy but as long as your players have fun its ok!

The main goal for the players at this point is to investigate what caused the Far Touched mutant they encountered in Sestone marketplace. They might think its the Gnolls that have something to do with it or the bandits. Take them deeper into the old Monastery so they can find more clues. Make sure to consult the sidebar information about The Hand of Narkul and the Realm Rift. Most players are Very intrigued about the Hand and will want to do everything they can to learn more about it :)

