View Full Version : Twilight Circle Druid and WTF I am Supposed to Do With It

2017-04-08, 10:59 PM
Alright, this is my first 5e post so be gentle!

I am an avid 5e player, and my level 11 Treacherous Paladin (http://media.wizards.com/2016/dnd/downloads/UAPaladin_SO_20161219_1.pdf)/Swashbuckler Rogue (https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/SCAG_RoguishArchetype_m39d.pdf) dwarfen bamf pirate has been murdered. Gruesomely. By some kind of void dragon thing (I am not quite sure yet. It happened so quickly at like 2 AM last night).

And here I am, being told by the DM that despite my character having a Ring of Mind Shielding (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Ring%20of%20Mind%20Shielding#content), the likeliness of getting Sir Ajax Goldbeard back from the Astral Plane is likely to none.

So I am making a fine new character. I can't play Wizard, my go-to class, and I'd hate to be another Rogue-- I've decided to be adventurous and play Druid for the first time. And not just any druid, but a Twilight Circle (https://media.wizards.com/2016/dnd/downloads/UA_Druid11272016_CAWS.pdf) (UA) druid. The DM has mercy and is allowing us to start at level 11 (the same level I, uh, ‘died’), and so I have 11 levels to plan.

So— suggestions on multi classing a twilight druid? What animals I should take? I don’t have a clue about how to optimize this fruit loop of a character, and any feedback is appreciated.

2017-04-08, 11:28 PM
Alright, this is my first 5e post so be gentle!

I am an avid 5e player, and my level 11 Treacherous Paladin (http://media.wizards.com/2016/dnd/downloads/UAPaladin_SO_20161219_1.pdf)/Swashbuckler Rogue (https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/SCAG_RoguishArchetype_m39d.pdf) dwarfen bamf pirate has been murdered. Gruesomely. By some kind of void dragon thing (I am not quite sure yet. It happened so quickly at like 2 AM last night).

And here I am, being told by the DM that despite my character having a Ring of Mind Shielding (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Ring%20of%20Mind%20Shielding#content), the likeliness of getting Sir Ajax Goldbeard back from the Astral Plane is likely to none.

So I am making a fine new character. I can't play Wizard, my go-to class, and I'd hate to be another Rogue-- I've decided to be adventurous and play Druid for the first time. And not just any druid, but a Twilight Circle (https://media.wizards.com/2016/dnd/downloads/UA_Druid11272016_CAWS.pdf) (UA) druid. The DM has mercy and is allowing us to start at level 11 (the same level I, uh, ‘died’), and so I have 11 levels to plan.

So— suggestions on multi classing a twilight druid? What animals I should take? I don’t have a clue about how to optimize this fruit loop of a character, and any feedback is appreciated.

Read this guide:

There's not much difference in how a Twilight Druid and a Land Druid play so I suggest following the guidelines for a land druid and focus on the AOE damage spells in the druid spell list for you to spend your Harvest Scythe d10's on.

Druids are really flexible in general so you can play him/her however you want. You can focus on control spells, miniomancy spells, AoE damage spells, or even single target damage.

In terms of "optimizing" there's really not much to do. Max out your character's wisdom and/or get resilient(con) and warcaster. Lots of the druid's best spells are concentration so expect to make lots of con saves.

2017-04-09, 02:45 AM
apart form the better spells, you obviously excel at dealing damage and healing back up. Your lvl 2 feature basically is a godsend and it is set to trigger when you deal damage with a spell: so it works great with Moonbeam, Call Ligntning, Flaming Bead, Sunbeam, etc.

You can also speak to the dead every short or long rest for free (to find out what misery befell your target, but basically a ribbon ability),

And at lvl 10, you grant advantage on deathaves to your allies while you are near and concsious.

That last ability is a godsend as it basically ensures that your allies will stay alive more often then not. I'd advice to go full druid and enjoy the druid's orbital lasers

2017-04-10, 05:09 AM
Clever stuff has already been said. I'll add some comments:

So— suggestions on multi classing a twilight druid?

Don't. A DM giving access to so much is likely to give you access to all the spells too, so might as well take full advantage and stay singleclass. At the very least until level 17.

And at lvl 10, you grant advantage on deathaves to your allies while you are near and concsious.

That last ability is a godsend as it basically ensures that your allies will stay alive more often then not.

That ability gives resistance to necrotic and radiant damage IIRC, which is the major part of that ability. Once you get into double digit levels, the death save stuff is just a ribbon from what I've seen. Bonus action heals are common enough to prevent a lot of death saves being made, and people are spending less time studying the floor boards around now than they did early on anyway, as combat is less swingy.

2017-04-13, 09:09 AM
Clever stuff has already been said. I'll add some comments:

Don't. A DM giving access to so much is likely to give you access to all the spells too, so might as well take full advantage and stay singleclass. At the very least until level 17.

I have decided not to multiclass. I really like that level 10 ability.

Thanks for the input, guys!

Here is what I have for her thus far. Any refining before this weekend is appreciated. Concept of character is below.


Imajj, child of light and death. Twilight Druid Level 11.

The fire genasi is an incredibly bright, but furtive creature with distant eyes and dusty cinders in her hair. Imajj Kreznik is but a teenager, rising no taller than 5'3" and weighs at a light eight stone. With pixie-like features and a soft glow about her matted dread-locked hair, all those who are in her presence bask in a kind, gentle warmth. Despite her size, she is no creature to take lightly. Much like the primordials her race has descended from, she is a creature of entropy and magic.

To say that Imajj is an outside creature is an understatement best understood when she is inside. She dislikes for her bare feet to touch any kind of man-made stone or carved wood, and prefers the wild shapes, sometimes gruesome in nature such as spiders, or more intelligent-- like ravens.

With a personal hatred of unnatural death and the undead, Imajj has made a mile-deep vendetta against the twisted things of the earth. Able to assume the umwelt of many a creature, she uses her powers of the forest and the living to prey upon the dead. Able to see, to speak and to even stave off death, Imajj has made a quiet, but undeniable reputation for herself as the child of light and reaping.

As a young teenager, disgusted by decay and deadwood of the High Forests, she scorched the earth with her Ignan power and burned down everything within the mile. An accident of zealotry, she fell into a bone-heavy depression-- one that lasted whilst haunted by a strange and other-worldly entity.

Imajj was and is still haunted by the ethereal and unblinking fey moon-- an entity in the night sky that took her to the Fey Wild and did not release her for an entire year. Brandishing an intimate friendship with a darkling there, Imajj learned of the beauty and horrors of the fey realm, and when she was released, thirty years in the material plane had passed.

Her sister, thinking her dead or missing, was found amidst the purchase of the Zhentarim guild. Three years have now passed, and her bond to her twin sister has become like iron. Her sister is now a sharp weapon of the mind, far beyond anything that Imajj remembered from only a 'year' before. She hopes to keep her sister grounded in worldly matters of life and death rather than the labyrinthine aspects of the mindscape. A formidable duo, the twins have gained some renown in the organization, all the while Imajj seeks no rank or money for her deeds. She trusts her more mature twin in manners of civilization and socialization, being quite flighty herself, she aches for the touch of grass and feel of rain that the city does not offer. However, if there is an undead thing that walks the plane, Imajj makes a personal resolve to condemn it.

Thirty years later, Imajj's burnt wasteland is now a flourishing green of forest, with decades old trees and beautiful, lively plantlife. She has yet to return.

2017-04-13, 10:17 AM
I'd recommend 1 dip into death cleric and pick up that new necromancy cantrip and chill touch or something or whatever spell you want that cleric only gets. When you want to deal damage just pump out d12 to two people add in your harvest scythe to taste. I wouldn't dip anymore than that though.

Edit: my goodness can you link me a blank copy of that character sheet. It's perfect

2017-04-13, 11:52 AM
I'd recommend 1 dip into death cleric and pick up that new necromancy cantrip and chill touch or something or whatever spell you want that cleric only gets. When you want to deal damage just pump out d12 to two people add in your harvest scythe to taste. I wouldn't dip anymore than that though.

Edit: my goodness can you link me a blank copy of that character sheet. It's perfect

I can't post links due to low post count, but google "Forged Anvil." It runs through Excel. It's the bees knees man.

2017-04-14, 09:36 AM
I'd say try and get your wisdom to +4 instead of your Constitution, or just bump it to plus 5. Goes into your attack and DC's. Another neat feat if your interested in more melee is to pick up pole arm master with a quarter staff, Wis to attack and damage with Bonus action attacks!