View Full Version : So do you think the DM's Guild has succeded? Why or why not?

2017-04-09, 11:52 AM
So its been a good while now since the launch of the DM's Guild and I was wondering if its succeded in any capacity or not.

Personally I think its failed in the odea that its what we are supposed to live off of interms of content, at least non adventure wise. For the most part its been the same stuff in the top list and doesn't look like its changing antime soon.

But enough of me being a sour puss, what do you guys think of the DM's Guild?

2017-04-09, 01:27 PM
So its been a good while now since the launch of the DM's Guild and I was wondering if its succeded in any capacity or not.

Personally I think its failed in the odea that its what we are supposed to live off of interms of content, at least non adventure wise. For the most part its been the same stuff in the top list and doesn't look like its changing antime soon.

But enough of me being a sour puss, what do you guys think of the DM's Guild?

It's created a centralized place for people to submit/download adventures, which is a nice plus. The "official" AL things are going to dominate, mainly because there's an entire community for those. It was a mistake to put those on the same site and not give the same amount of backing to other quality submissions. What they really needed to do was to hire some staff to read/playtest promising adventures and give them the seal of AL approval so there's SOME sort of parity for submissions.

As it is, you can spend money on something that has the perception of being officially vetted and approved by Wizards, or some third party thing that a lot of people like.

2017-04-09, 01:47 PM
It's created a centralized place for people to submit/download adventures, which is a nice plus. The "official" AL things are going to dominate, mainly because there's an entire community for those. It was a mistake to put those on the same site and not give the same amount of backing to other quality submissions. What they really needed to do was to hire some staff to read/playtest promising adventures and give them the seal of AL approval so there's SOME sort of parity for submissions.

As it is, you can spend money on something that has the perception of being officially vetted and approved by Wizards, or some third party thing that a lot of people like.

They do have a way of getting your adventures AL approved, you submit them as convention created content. It's a bit of an involved process though, and I can't imagine them ever just looking at random stuff on DMs Guild and just saying "sure, this is good".

2017-04-09, 02:44 PM
Anyone know what sales are like for DM's Guild? I'm not sure if it's worth it for a seller to post things in the DM's Guild over DriveThruRPG or elsewhere online as the former takes a big cut of the sale. As a buyer (not in AL), I don't see any benefit in buying from the Guild as opposed to elsewhere as the quality is just as variable.

2017-04-09, 06:29 PM
Anyone know what sales are like for DM's Guild? I'm not sure if it's worth it for a seller to post things in the DM's Guild over DriveThruRPG or elsewhere online as the former takes a big cut of the sale. As a buyer (not in AL), I don't see any benefit in buying from the Guild as opposed to elsewhere as the quality is just as variable.

Aren't there different licensing rules where you're allowed to use more 5e material on DM's guild stuff than elsewhere? I know they have rules about settings and other product identity stuff.

2017-04-09, 07:48 PM
A lot of stuff at the. DM's Guild website looks like it would be really cool, but as long as it only remains PDF's that I need to purchase "online" rather than printed material that I may order through my FLGS, I sadly just won't be making use of it.

2017-04-09, 10:56 PM
A lot of stuff at the. DM's Guild website looks like it would be really cool, but as long as it only remains PDF's that I need to purchase "online" rather than printed material that I may order through my FLGS, I sadly just won't be making use of it.

Wait, if you need a hard copy couldn't you just print it?

2017-04-09, 11:09 PM
Wait, if you need a hard copy couldn't you just print it?

If I had a printer yes, but the bigger hindrance is that I just won't buy "online" anymore (not after my credit card information was stolen).

I don't "click" to pay.

I need to speak to someone, or have a physical address to send checks to.

2017-04-10, 12:41 AM
I've used it about as often as Drive-thru RPG, which is to say not a whole lot.

Most of the time I just can't be bothered to try and look stuff up on there, especially with how much free and less-clicks-required content can be found on various forums, like this one.

I haven't taken the time to become proficient with the interface, but I haven't been impressed by the presentation either.