View Full Version : Devil's Deal IC 9: An Affectionate Avalanche

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2017-04-10, 02:32 PM
"What outfit would you be, uh, would you be purchasing, Niramour?" Nephy asks, as Oozling sets down her book and leans down to snuggle one of the gelatinous cubes.

2017-04-10, 02:37 PM
Niramour smiles mischievously at Nephy's question.
"A nice one."

2017-04-10, 02:42 PM
"That is not a very helpful answer." Nephy replies warily. "But...I will go in, if you do so first, and when you leave, I will also go in. If that is acceptable." She nods.

2017-04-10, 02:46 PM
Niramour smiles happily, and nods.
Wonderful! And she's bargaining too! Self Confidence!
"Of course it is, Nephy. I'll see you in a bit."
Still smiling, she heads over to Oozling, and waits for a few moments, so Oozling could finish her snuggle before she speaks.
"Would it be possible for you to measure me, while I describe what I'd like to get?"

2017-04-10, 03:03 PM
Oozling gently puts down the cube, which wobbles slightly, as she leads Niramour to the booth. "Of course! Go right ahead."

2017-04-10, 04:00 PM
Nodding happily, Niramour follows Oozling, before she starts to describe her order, a lovely dress, green, to match her eyes, with silver highlights, made of silk.
As well as some additional underclothing.

Alas, not an expert on dresses.

2017-04-10, 07:59 PM
Oozling listens to Niramour's instructions and promptly gets her measurements before leaving and writing down her order. "And how much would you like to spend?" She asks, as they leave.

2017-04-11, 04:43 AM
Niramour shakes her head, and tries to turn Oozling's questions around.
"How much would you like to charge?"

2017-04-11, 08:51 AM
Luzille is silently thankful - both that Niramour was able to convince Nephy to get measured, and that she seems to have thought better of continuing to wear her deliberately unflattering clothes. But then she sees her inexperience come into play again, and steps forwards to try and help smooth things out.

"Niramour, the question she's asking is about budget, materials, that sort of thing - if you're willing to pay more, she can use higher quality materials that cost more, or make it faster, and similar," Luzille explains. "Asking her how much she'd like to charge doesn't really help there, I think."

2017-04-11, 09:04 AM
Niramour shakes her head at Luzille's statement.
"I'm afraid that I don't know what my options are, or how much of a cost difference they would make, or anything, really. Thus making a decision quite difficult. So, I need to know more before I can make a decision."

2017-04-11, 09:49 AM
"It is very simple, wear cheap clothes, and you look like a beggar. Wear proper clothes, and you look like a princess.", Nossis cuts in.

2017-04-11, 09:52 AM
Niramour looks over at Nossis, and shakes her head once more.
"I'm afraid that I can't agree with that, Nossis. Beggars tend to be unable to maintain their clothing, whereas princesses have enough money to just wear new clothing all the time. There is quite a range between those."

2017-04-11, 09:59 AM
"That might be, but fundamentally, that is the difference between the extremes. And you don't want to look like a beggar, because that makes you one.", Nossis is quite certain of her ideas. Which is why she generally spends quite a bit on her clothing.

2017-04-11, 10:03 AM
Niramour shakes her head determinedly at Nossis's comment.
"I'm afraid that I can't agree with that. Frankly, both are almost identical. Neither actually cares about their clothing. The princess, because she simply gets new clothing, and the beggar, because food and shelter are more important. A better example might be a merchant, who buys clothing to last, and takes care of them. Finally, appearance is only what the shallow think of you. It is a beginning, not an end."

2017-04-11, 10:06 AM
"Are you accusing me of being shallow?", she giggles for a few moments, "The princess cares for her appearance, because appearance is important. It is who you are, what you are. By putting on the clothes of a goddess, I become a goddess. By dressing as a warrior, I become a warrior. Appearance is who you are. What lies beneath isn't important, no one cares for that. They care for what they see and hear. The princess cares for what she looks like, because looking like a princess is what makes her one in the eyes of others. The same goes for a beggar. If a beggar would wear rich clothes, they would fail as a beggar."

2017-04-11, 10:12 AM
Niramour shakes her head.
"The princess cares for her appearance, because she is trained from birth to do so, for her appearance reassures the foolish that all is well. After all, if the princess has the time to look good, then surely everything is ok?"
She sighs.
"Sadly, that is rarely the case. Appearance is a tool, one that can be used for many things, but it is always better to understand a tool than it is to simply use it. Understanding is key. Knowing what message you wish to send, and then making sure it is sent. Wearing the right clothing for the situation is far more important."

2017-04-11, 10:48 AM
While the pair debate, Oozling gestures Nephy into the booth, where a faint squeal can be heard, followed by a squelch, then hastily-muttered apologies until Nephy shuffles out.

2017-04-11, 10:49 AM
Hearing the events in the room, Niramour quickly turns to the fleeing Nephy, clearly concerned.
"Nephy, is everything ok? What happened?"

2017-04-11, 10:50 AM
"So we don't disagree at all?", Nossis smiles, "As you say, the purpose of the princess is appearance, as is that of everyone else. We all have our parts to play, and can only hope that we entertain. Although, of course, I know that I entertain. Because I see my role clearly."

She then turns to look at Nephy.

2017-04-11, 10:54 AM
"N-Nothing!" Nephy answers, followed by biting her lip.

Oozling, who emerges from the other side of the booth with book in hand, smiles at the group. "She just got a little fright." She says, as she scribbles measurements down.

2017-04-11, 11:05 AM
"What happened?", Nossis asks worriedly. She doesn't want to lose her guide because she got scared.

2017-04-11, 11:08 AM
Niramour smiles calmingly at Nephy.
"All's well that ends well, right? Everything's ok."

2017-04-11, 11:15 AM
Luzille is content to listen to the decidedly unusual discussion between Niramour and Nossis, glad to see Nephy and Oozling go into the measuring room - only to be jolted from her half-listening state at the sound from inside. Nephy's reply to Niramour's question causes Luzille to raise an eyebrow, and she forms a quick conclusion as to what exactly caused her fright.

"I don't think it's our business," Luzille says to Nossis.

2017-04-11, 11:45 AM
"I'm fine." Nephy nods, eyes flicking between all the people addressing her.

2017-04-11, 11:49 AM
Luzille smiles. "And that's that, I'd say," she says, before turning to Oozling. "Should I pay now, or when they're finished?" She asks.

2017-04-11, 12:09 PM
Oozling puffs up her cheeks. "Now would be best, Luzille! It's awful hard to find somebody else who can fit in tailored clothes."

2017-04-11, 12:14 PM
Luzille nods quickly, honestly not sure if the puffing cheeks are a sign of displeasure and fairly certain it would be rude to laugh. "Right! That was, ah, how much again? In total?"

2017-04-11, 12:17 PM
"One hundred and twenty gold doubloons. Drakes. Sovereigns. The big ol' shiny ones." Oozling answers, as she puts her open book down.

2017-04-11, 12:29 PM
"Unfortunately, all of my coins are vassals," Luzille says, before pulling out the right number of coins, placing them into orderly piles on the counter for easy counting. "Two days, you said?"

2017-04-11, 12:33 PM
Oozling nods as she places her hand on the coins and they sloop up into her body. "Two days until fabulousness."

2017-04-11, 12:40 PM
Luzille stares, for a moment, as the money is absorbed, then nods. "Right. I'll pick them up then!" She says, the surprise wearing off and her friendly smile returning. She steps off to the side, to let Niramour pay, and turns to Nephy.

"Do you have any ideas for things to do next?"

2017-04-11, 03:12 PM
"Uhhhh." Nephy stares at Luzille. "Whatever it is that you would prefer to be doing?"

2017-04-11, 03:40 PM
Luzille can't help but smile. "In some cases, my reply to that choice of words would be a bit...lewd. But I was thinking a stroll through Garmine could be nice - taking a bit of time to try and get acquainted with the place I'll be staying. Maybe discuss a place to meet in the future, assuming you haven't had enough of us to last a while."

2017-04-12, 02:04 AM
Nossis starts: "Well, I would be very interested in getting to know the theatres of Garmine, so if you could show some of them, that would be wonderful!"

2017-04-12, 07:41 AM
"Well, uh, well," Nephy looks between the two and clears her throat. "You will have to decide among yourselves where you would like to visit next."

2017-04-12, 08:04 AM
While Nossis, Luzille, and Nephy discuss what to do next, Niramour discusses options with Oozling, eventually reaching into her bag, and producing 10 neat stacks of coins, wrapped in paper, which she passes over to Oozling.
"I think that's that?"

2017-04-12, 08:50 AM
"Maybe...how about where you live? It could be nice," Luzille offers.

2017-04-12, 08:56 AM
"Art is the highest of all, so I think that we should certainly visit the theatres. It is what we all need in our life!"

2017-04-12, 01:02 PM
"Maybe visit those, first, and then the local drama houses?" Luzille proposes, looking between the other three.

2017-04-13, 06:37 AM
"Uh, I'm not entirely certain that I understand the proposed course of action. Which places would be followed by theater?" Nephy asks.

2017-04-13, 07:17 AM
Luzille shakes her head. "That, ah - I misspoke. I meant, we could go to the theatres and such first, then to where you live," she says.

2017-04-14, 04:38 PM
Nephy nods and waits for everyone to leave Oozing Style first before following just behind and slipping into the middle of the group. It doesn't take long for her to lead the group through the streets, which seems to be something of a pattern for the day, and up to a squat circular building not too far from the darks. When they arrive outside its wood-paneled walls, they find a tanned woman sitting outside a large closed pair of doors.

Her skin is dark, with most of her torso exposed save for a thin blouse around her bosom. This reveals a tattoo stretching all over her front, a pair of slender arms embracing her as though from behind, and almost realistic enough to believe they're there. Her gaunt face is focused intently on bundle of papers balanced on her layered leather skirt.

2017-04-14, 05:31 PM
Luzille approaches the building, raising an eyebrow at the woman outside before approaching, the questioning look gone and replaced by a friendly smile. "Good afternoon," she says. "I, ah, hope I'm not bothering you...?"

2017-04-14, 05:38 PM
The woman stops moving her lips for a moment to look up at Luzille. "No, you're perfectly welcome. What are you after?" She asks, with perfect enunciation.

2017-04-14, 05:38 PM
Looking reasonably happy, Niramour calmly stands in the background, clearly content to allow Luzille to handle the conversation.

2017-04-15, 03:47 PM
"We're here to get acquainted with the local theaters," Luzille says, indicating Niramour and Nossis. "Luzille von der Akademie," she adds, pointing to herself.

2017-04-15, 04:49 PM
Joining in on introductions, Niramour follows up.
"I'm Niramour. No last name, or title, or anything. Just me. I don't suppose you might have a schedule or something, so we can find out what plays are when?"
As she asks her question, she smiles hopefully at the the woman.

2017-04-16, 06:51 AM
"Dazer." The woman inclines her head at the group. "The troupe is in rehearsal at the moment. Plays are every night, as soon as light steps away rom the shore."

2017-04-16, 07:12 AM
"Are you with them?" Luzille asks Daze, deciding to forgo the 'that explains why you've dazed me' line that pops into her mind as the woman states her name.

2017-04-16, 07:13 AM
"I am." Dazer nods. "But, I scared one of the new members and they've sent me out here to give her time to recover."

2017-04-16, 07:19 AM
"Oh my," Luzille says, surprised. "I hope that doesn't interfere with the performance, if it's already tonight?"

2017-04-16, 07:21 AM
"One skittering actor does not a performance spoil." Dazer replies. "If you attend, you will not be disappointed."

2017-04-16, 07:43 AM
Niramour smiles, reassured by the reassurance of Dazer.
"Would you recommend showing up early, so we can get good seats? And how much is the entry fee?"

2017-04-16, 07:45 AM
"The theater is rarely full, and we do it for the art. However much you feel the performance is worth is what we'll accept." Dazer explains.

2017-04-16, 07:53 AM
"Does that mean it'd be possible to stay after and speak to people once the show is over?" Luzille asks, mind immediately going back to old experiences in a theater house in Cibdere, when she'd tried to speak to an actress after her performance and found the task far more difficult than she'd expected. Perhaps this troupe would be easier to approach?

2017-04-16, 07:55 AM
"The attempt could be made, but be prepared for fatigue." Dazer answers.

2017-04-16, 08:09 AM
Luzille nods. "Of course. A performance can be quite tiring," she says. "It sounds like the best time to come would be this evening, then, just before the performance is to begin?" She asks, turning as well to Nephy, Nossis and Niramour for their responses.

2017-04-16, 08:11 AM
"Your skill at summarizing is unequaled." Dazer comments.

Nephy seems to be content with looking at the street around her and seems to have no strong feelings one way or the other.

2017-04-16, 08:12 AM
Niramour smiles and nods.
"Certainly. That sounds like a good time to me."

2017-04-16, 08:29 AM
With no voices against, Luzille turns back to Dazer. "That's settled, then. I wish you a good afternoon, and we'll be seeing you in the evening," she says, stepping back over to the group with a small wave.

"Think you'll join us this evening, Nephy?" Luzille asks as she returns to the group.

2017-04-16, 08:45 AM
"Um. I mean. I can go if you want me to?" Nephy replies uncertainly, as she tucks some hair behind her ear. She then leads the rest of the group through the streets of Garmine again, eventually ending up near the Eastern outskirts where homes become a bit more recognizably that, rather than a store or other realm of curios. The group ends up at a relatively short building that rather resembles a wheel of cheese that's been cut in half along its width and across the center. It has a foundation of stone bricks, with wood tapering up from the edges to form a pleasant dome-like shape.

Nephy reaches into her top to retrieve a key on a string, which fits into the perfectly ordinary door with a hefty thunk. "M-Momma Sharo," She calls in, opening the door only slightly. "I, um, am back, and I have guests." She says, then pushes the door open completely.

The group is greeted by a sweet fruity scent, along with a place that could comfortably be called home after only a second inside. At the cetner of the room is a stone hearth, arched up to the ceiling, with pots and plans sitting over a set of currently-unlit coals. Extending from the centerpiece is more stone, leading up to the wooden floor that dominates the rest of the room, decorated with the occasional fur.Wooden beams are visible all around, forming a faux separation between areas, with one that has a large table and fur-draped chairs, another with low and wide chairs around a ceiling-facing bookcase, and another segment near the back, with rich cloth shrouding whatever's hidden behind it.

Beside the doors, one on each of the four walls, there are strings of flowers, woven decorations hanging from beams, and alcoves in the walls that play host to candles gently lighting the room.

The only current occupant sits cross-legged on a bare part of the floor, with a box, a thick stick, and a carving knife in her hand. When she spots the group, a smile forms on her barely-wrinkled face, and candlelight flickers on her pale flesh. Her attire consists of a fur-lined cloth skirt, which flaps as she gets to her feet, a halterneck top that just barely contains her extreme curves, and a mantle that matches the skirt. Her hair is black, tied back with feathers, and she has a red streak across the bridge of her nose.

"Welcome home, Nephy!" Her voice almost booms with warmth as she strides over to the group with barely-contained excitement. "And to all of you, as well!" She grasps everyone's hand and gives them a firm handshake with both hands clasping theirs. "You may call me Cousin Sharo!"

Nephy is greeted with a big hug that seems to bring a smile to her face.

2017-04-16, 10:36 AM
Luzille is charmed by the home - its external appearance is a bit odd, but once the door opens she can't help but smile at the interior. She hadn't grown up in anything similar, and what little time she'd spent in this sort of place had been brief (and, of course, often beset by matters of paranoia and precaution) but the house still had a sensation of a familiar, home-y place. Of course, the room's occupant only strengthens that feeling. While the red stripe and feathers are unusual, Cousin Sharo herself seems a touch familiar, at least in her manner. Things are made somewhat more complex by the fact that she's Nephy's mother, which makes Luzille's normally very clear decision-making process grow a bit conflicted. Nephy didn't seem to respond that well to Luzille's flirting with her friend, and even at the best of times she can't imagine flirting with one's hostess' mother being anything but awkward.

So Luzille chokes down the response that comes to her mind as Cousin Sharo covers one of her hands, instead giving her a warm smile and returning shake. "Luzille von der Akademie," she begins. "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

2017-04-17, 06:27 AM
Having followed Nephy home, like a collection of lost ducklings, Niramour looks over the somewhat strange architecture of Nephy's home while her guide opens the way.
Hearing her call out to Momma Sharo, Niramour prepares to meet the woman who had been raising Nephy as she follows Luzille and Nephy inside, pausing as she enters, to take in the strange room.
It looks rather like a tribal dwelling. Perhaps modeled on a tent? But why?
However, before she can spend too much time looking around, the aforementioned Momma Sharo booms, and advances, shaking hands, and hugging Nephy. Niramour, of course, smiles kindly at the woman.
"I'm Niramour. It's good to meet the one that Nephy has had so many good things to tell."

2017-04-17, 07:25 AM
Momma Sharo laughs softly. "Oh, I'm not all that interesting. Take a seat." She invites the group to the large table. Nephy slinks over to it and settles into a seat near the center.

2017-04-17, 07:28 AM
Niramour smoothly walks over to the table, and takes a seat near Nephy, before she continues talking.
"Nonsense! Everyone has their stories, their achievements, their desires, their life, and they're always of interest, even if they don't know it."

2017-04-17, 07:32 AM
Luzille sits next to Nephy at the table, giving her a smile before turning back to Cousin Sharo. "We've just arrived in Garmine," she says. "In a few weeks, I doubt anyone who isn't a walking tree, has a forest on their head, or can send me through a portal to the nearest clothing store will seem especially interesting - but for now I'm still eager to meet people who are much more...well, one could say 'normal'."

2017-04-17, 07:34 AM
Momma Sharo sits on the opposite side of the table to the quartet. "Oh, you met slip. I hope she's well."

"Momma Sharo has been reincarnated." Nephy says. "Many times."

2017-04-17, 07:37 AM
Niramour's gaze reveals a lack of comprehension as Nephy mentions that Momma Sharo had been reincarnated a lot.
Reincarnation? Isn't that pretty much restricted to the whims of the gods placing a favored soul somewhere? But isn't she a druid?
"Reincarnated? Really? Which god, if you don't mind me asking?"

2017-04-17, 07:38 AM
"Reincarnated?" Luzille asks, surprised. "I...don't think I'm sure what that means. Well, I know reincarnation, as the idea, but - you've lived a lot of lives, then? As different bodies?" She asks Cousin Sharo. "I'm sorry to say, Cousin Sharo, but I don't think that 'not all that interesting' is an accurate description."

2017-04-17, 07:57 AM
"No God." Momma Sharo smiles. "But more bodies than you can count on one hand."

2017-04-17, 08:29 AM
"So that means..." Luzille stops, and smiles. "Well, I'd ask, but it's impolite. And I imagine saying you look young for someone who has lived more lives than I have fingers on my sword-hand is a tad...obvious, if you've been living in different bodies," she says. "Have you spent much of your time in Garmine? Or have you moved around often?"

2017-04-17, 08:31 AM
Not wanting to offend more people, Niramour settles down to listen, hoping that Luzille would ask the right questions.

2017-04-17, 08:37 AM
"Just a little longer than Nephy has lived here." Momma Sharo smiles fondly at her daughter. "It seemed time to let my people learn the ways of the world themselves."

2017-04-17, 08:39 AM
"Oh? You were a sort of guardian, for them?" Luzille asks, leaning forwards slightly.

2017-04-17, 08:45 AM
"A teacher." Momma Sharo corrects. "But, over many, many years, nobody was learning anything new. When one learns from only one source, one learns nothing at all, and so it was for them."

2017-04-17, 08:48 AM
Hearing Momma's Sharo's explanation, Niramour chimes in once more.
"A teacher? What did you teach?"

2017-04-17, 08:50 AM
Luzille nods then pauses to let Niramour speak. "Did you travel for long, before coming to Garmine?" She asks.

2017-04-17, 10:47 AM
"Living with the land, living with one's self, and, the one most people like, magic." Momma Sharo chuckles fondly. "It depends on your definition of travel. I did venture out of my people's lands, but mostly, I traveled through time."

2017-04-17, 11:03 AM
"So you stopped and stayed in places often?" Luzille asks. "Like you are here, or more temporarily?"

2017-04-17, 11:04 AM
"I'm here now, and that's good enough for me." Momma Sharo answers.

2017-04-17, 11:12 AM
Luzille chuckles, and nods. "Do you teach here, in Garmine?" She asks.

2017-04-17, 11:18 AM
Momma Sharo shakes her head. "I'm spending my time relaxing with my partner and my lovely daughter."

2017-04-17, 11:33 AM
Luzille glances at Nephy as Cousin Sharo speaks and can't help but smile at her response. "That actually reminds me of something - your name, and the, er, first part. Cousin, and Momma; is that a practice of where you're originally from? I noticed that Nephy doesn't seem to have a...word-title, of her own."

2017-04-17, 11:38 AM
"Everyone is family. Nephy didn't grow up in Farahm, and she didn't want a title, so I don't call her by one." Momma Sharo explains. "But I like the reminder of my home, and shouldn't everyone get to choose who they are?" She smiles.

2017-04-17, 11:47 AM
Luzille nods in understanding. "That makes sense. I was a touch worried, that I'd missed something, and it would be polite for me to use one," she says. "Your partner, are they also from Farahm?"

2017-04-17, 11:54 AM
"Oh, no." Momma Sharo leans back in her chair. "You'd struggle to find a swordswoman in Farahm, much less one like Lielas."

2017-04-17, 12:04 PM
"Farahm's a very peaceful place? Or just not fond of swords?" Luzille asks. "And does that mean it'll just be Lielas, if we meet her? No title, either?"

2017-04-17, 12:15 PM
"Spears, bows, all manner of weapons. But, not swords. Too much metal and they're only made for killing people." Momma Sharo replies. "Lielas Krutis, if you'd like to be formal, but she favors Lielas."

2017-04-17, 12:24 PM
Luzille shifts slightly in her seat, feeling a tad more self-conscious about the sword at her hip. Of course, Cousin Sharo was with a swordswoman, but the description still gave her the slightest unease. It's a moment later that she pauses. Swordswoman. Lielas. Lielas Krutis. Could it be...?

"Lielas, is she...she's elven, yes? It's, well, I think she's someone I've heard of," Luzille says, after a moment, some of her contained excitement making it into her voice.

2017-04-17, 12:26 PM
"She is." Momma Sharo nods. "I hope you've heard good things." She chuckles.

2017-04-17, 01:02 PM
Niramour seems to be intrigued, but, like Nephy, continues listening intently.

2017-04-17, 01:14 PM
"Well..." Luzille says, deciding to omit the more lascivious tales from those she shares of Lielas' time in Cibdere. At least, until Nephy isn't present. While Cousin Sharo might have some appreciation for the whole picture painted of Lielas by the stories about her, Luzille doubts that Nephy would enjoy hearing 'the story of how one of your parents caused a scandal by sleeping with a visiting foreign noblewoman'.

"She's something of a heroine, of mine," Luzille admits. "The stories of her skill and deeds are more than impressive. And that's even if half of the details are exaggerated," she continues. All true. All unlikely to seem like anything but a summation of the woman's grand martial abilities. Luzille turns to Nephy. "...And now, it turns out that she can boast of an exceptional family as well."

2017-04-17, 01:19 PM
Luzille catches a brief glimpse of a glower on Nephy's face.

"Then it would be an honor to have you around when she's around." Momma Sharo beams at Luzille. "And quite fun."

2017-04-17, 02:18 PM
Uh oh, Luzille thinks to herself. Let's...avoid that, in the future. And change the subject.

"I'd love to," Luzille replies with a smile, before pausing. "Nephy's been showing us around Garmine," she continues after a pause, as no elegant solutions for moving to another topic come to her mind. "It was a stroke of luck, finding someone who could give us a hand like that - we've all just arrived, so we're not sure where is where yet."

2017-04-17, 02:59 PM
"I was about to ask how you'd all met." Momma Sharo leans forward and places her chin on her palm. "Where have you been so far?"

2017-04-17, 03:16 PM
"We were doing a favor, for the captain of the ship who brought us to Garmine," Luzille explains. "There was an...unusual survivor we picked up from a floating wreck we passed, who needed to be handled by someone in Garmine. So we found one of the captain's contacts, and sent her message along. A bit after that, we ran into Nephy who was coming to speak to the same person. After that, we went to..." Luzille realizes she never got the tiny woman's name. "To a tiny, seasonal woman, a couple tailors, and a theater."

2017-04-17, 04:27 PM
Niramour smiles cheerfully, and chimes in.
"It's certainly been a memorable day so far."

2017-04-18, 07:10 AM
"It is such a lovely city.", Nossis adds, shaken from her thoughts about the glories of the stage that she would experience. She would be the great diva, she was certain of it. "I am an actress, and have always been one. And I am utterly grateful to your sweet daughter for guiding us through this unfamiliar place. It has been a truly educating experience."

2017-04-18, 10:40 AM
Momma Sharo nods along, listening intently.

2017-04-18, 02:22 PM
"And, looking forwards, we're planning on visiting the theater again, to see their performance," Luzille continues. "And if you'd like to come along, we'd be happy to have you," she adds, turned to Nephy to be sure that she knows the duelist is referring to her.

2017-04-18, 07:19 PM
"Very well." Nephy nods, after blinking at suddenly being addressed. "I will accompany you to the theater."

2017-04-18, 07:28 PM
Niramour smiles broadly at her newest friend, hoping to offer some encouragement and support.
"Wonderful! I was hoping you'd agree! I'm quite sure we'd end up lost, without your help!"

2017-04-20, 06:56 AM
Nephy smiles softly and looks away.

"So, who will you be seeing?" Momma Sharo asks, clapping her hands together. "Or, what? Tragedy? Romance?"

2017-04-20, 12:51 PM
"It's, uh," Luzille promptly realizes that she has no idea what the play is going to be about. "It'll be a surprise!"

2017-04-20, 12:54 PM
Niramour smiles, and nods.
"Somehow, I feel certain that the play will be enjoyable."

2017-04-20, 09:28 PM
"Ah, just wait until it's a five hour monologue on the tanning techniques of Eastern Eberron." Momma Sharo steeples her fingers together. "Which does serve some purpose, in convincing the beasts to surrender their hides just to escape."

2017-04-21, 06:32 AM
Hm... she probably means animal tanning, but she wasn't specific, so... let's see how she handles this?
With a merry grin, Niramour chimes in, her voice earnest, her expression calm.
"Really? I'd always wondered how they managed tanning. The weather was so often bad when I was there, so how could they manage to find enough sunlight to tan? I know, I know, tanning is really bad for your skin, but to some people, surrendering their skin in an effort to make themselves more beautiful is a perfectly good choice. Perhaps they have some sort of indoor tanning arena? Or something?"

2017-04-21, 06:57 AM
Luzille listens, smiling as she realizes what Niramour's doing, then pausing as she continues. The words 'tanning arena' stick in her mind, and she for a moment imagines a wide-open structure in which a pair of contestants face off, staring each other down as they wait for the sun to darken their skin. The absurdity of it brings a wider smile to her face, and she silently concludes that the tiny hair-dying woman would likely emerge victorious.

"I was promised a non-disappointing show," Luzille says after a moment. "And I've yet to meet a woman with arms tattooed onto her that hasn't been trustworthy."

2017-04-21, 11:13 AM
Momma Sharo beams at Niramour. "I can't say I've had the opportunity to use such a thing, but I suspect I'd blister without wards." She runs a finger along the pale skin of her hand. "Which would spoil the point, wouldn't it?" She laughs, then raises an eyebrow at Luzille. "You must not've met Army McPaintedbody! Never a more scurrilous scoundrel have I met!"

2017-04-21, 12:21 PM
Niramour nods.
"That would be rather uncomfortable, to be sure. I've never thought tanning to be a good idea, since I can't imagine that much sunlight being good for anyone, really."

2017-04-22, 10:12 AM
"I suspect you'd think very differently, were you a flower." Momma Sharo smirks.

2017-04-22, 10:16 AM
Niramour shakes her head fiercely at Momma Sharo's comment.
"Speaking as someone who did grow flowering plants in the mountains, I don't think I would. Too much sunlight burns plants just as much as it burns people, perhaps more, since plants can't get out of the way."

2017-04-22, 11:39 AM
"Scurrilous scoundrel?" Luzille asks, raising an eyebrow. "Should we be prepared for some sort of scandalous performance in the theater?"

2017-04-23, 06:33 AM
Momma Sharo winks at Niramour. "That'd depend on the play! I don't think they're prone to anything scandalous, but it might be frightening. That Dazer is an amazing actress. Or liar, depending on your point of view." She chuckles.

2017-04-23, 01:01 PM
"Have you seen her perform?" Luzille asks, wondering if they'd stumbled upon Cousin Sharo's favorite drama house without knowing it.

2017-04-23, 01:35 PM
"Once or twice." Momma Sharo says, cryptically. "Truth be told, I struggle to sit still."

2017-04-23, 04:27 PM
"Does that include carving?" Luzille asks, remembering how she'd been seated as they arrived.

2017-04-24, 04:44 AM
"To act is something entirely different from deceiving. This slander has often been repeated, but the truth is that an actress shows something more, while a deceiver takes something away. That difference is everything.", Nossis defends herself, and her competitors.

2017-04-24, 06:26 AM
Niramour smiles.
"Regardless, I think we'll have a good time."

2017-04-24, 07:03 AM
Momma Sharo smiles kindly at Nossis. "Quite right."

2017-04-25, 06:35 AM
After a moment's thought, Niramour chimes in once more.
"Say... you've been to the theater here before... do you have any recommendations for seats?"

2017-04-25, 01:53 PM
"Not at the front, unless you enjoy getting splashed." Momma Sharo beams. "So where are you all sleeping tonight?"

2017-04-25, 01:57 PM
Niramour smiles back.
"That certainly sounds like good advice. So, somewhere near the middle, and hope the chairs are raised enough to see. As for sleeping tonight, well, somewhere?"
She sounds much less confident about sleeping arrangements than she does about seating.

2017-04-25, 04:01 PM
"Splashed...?" Luzille asks, raising an eyebrow, though Sharo's quick changing of the subject causes her wondering look to quickly fade. "I had...vague plans. An inn, or similar," she says, waving a hand around in a suitable vague manner.

2017-04-25, 08:27 PM
Momma Sharo nods understandingly. "No matter where you end up, it'll be the safest place you've ever slept."

2017-04-26, 12:51 AM
"Aww," Luzille says with an exaggerated frown. "No night attacks? But I spent so much on my enchanted chainmail lingerie! Are you saying it's useless now?" She asks.

2017-04-26, 06:08 AM
Niramour looks quite concerned by Momma Sharo's comment.
"Ah... the last time someone said that, they politely waited until I retired to my room, before trying to rob me. I trust that something similar isn't going to happen here? Jumping out of windows is rather painful."

2017-04-26, 07:50 AM
Momma Sharo chuckles at Luzille's comment, while Nephy examines Luzille from the corner of her eye. "Let me put your mind at ease. Ne'er-do-wells never do well around Garmine."

2017-04-26, 08:08 AM
"Remember the discussion before? Where we learned about the...network-thing, they have in Garmine?" Luzille asks, turning to Niramour. She spots Nephy's look and lets a slight smile come to her lips as she shifts in her seat. The duelist changes her posture to a bit more casual, though that's at most an excuse, as she moves mostly to encourage Nephy's search to continue, doing her best to hide her eagerness to see the shy mage-to-be's reaction to her showing off.

2017-04-26, 08:33 AM
Niramour sighs, and shakes her head as she leans back in her chair.
"Ah, Luzille, I was trying for humor, which, I think, missed rather completely. Sharn, especially the poorer areas, isn't really the safest city. Compared to what I've seen here... It's like night and day."

2017-04-26, 08:38 AM
Luzille bites her lip softly. "Hmm," she says, before speaking normally. "Yeah, I missed that one," she admits. "Sounds like you've run into enough trouble to make your earlier worrying make sense, though. Can't say I've had to worry too much about being robbed...though maybe I just know how to avoid the robbers."

2017-04-26, 08:40 AM
"With the pointy end?" Momma Sharo suggests to Luzille, while Nephy continues her surreptitious search.

2017-04-26, 08:52 AM
"Ideally, without it coming to that," Luzille says with a shrug. "But...sometimes, yes. Have you ever had to..." Luzille pauses, realizing that "reincarnate your way out of trouble" had a few not-so-good implications, deciding to go for something else. "...magic your way out of trouble?" She finishes, doing a flourish with one hand that she hopes looks suitable magic-ish.

2017-04-26, 09:00 AM
Niramour looks sad at Luzille's comment, but before she can answer, Momma Sharo chimes in, and Niramour simply listens, not really wanting to be reminded of the troubles in her past.

2017-04-26, 09:00 AM
"That was its purpose." Momma Sharo answers patiently. "Most of the trouble came from wild beasts or unruly Fey, and the more amicable of both kinds helped with anything that was neither."

2017-04-26, 10:35 AM
"On the road, too?" Luzille asks, raising an eyebrow, wondering if Cousin Sharo had woven a web of alliances large enough to cover her even on the move. The thought of bears waiting in the wings to swoop in whenever she's threatened comes to her mind.

2017-04-26, 10:44 AM
"If near a forest, certainly." Momma Sharo nods. "But sometimes you have to make do. Once, I set upon a bandit with a horde of ducks."

2017-04-26, 10:45 AM
Niramour looks surprised at Momma Sharo's comment.
"Ducks? Really? Geese can be quite nasty, but ducks?"

2017-04-26, 10:55 AM
"They took them down." Momma Sharo says.

2017-04-26, 10:57 AM
With Momma Sharo's serious response, Niramour's expression shifts to one of concern.
"Were the ducks ok?"

2017-04-26, 10:58 AM
Luzille can't help but grin at the idea of battle ducks swarming a bandit at the behest of their ally, too preoccupied with that to catch Cousin Sharo's pun. "Were the ducks...happy to help? Or did you have to reward them afterwards, for their aid?"

2017-04-26, 11:34 AM
"Yes, and they were." Momma Sharo nods. "There were a few scratches, but nothing that I couldn't fix."

2017-04-26, 11:52 AM
"Well, I can say I never imagined I'd hear that sort of story," Luzille says. "Perhaps I'm just unimaginative though - for me, unusual stories of fighting off bandits don't get that strange, and most stories I hear from similar folks are swords, maybe a gun...I guess magic is helpful for that,

2017-04-26, 12:57 PM
Niramour's concern vanishes as Momma Sharro explains that she took care of the ducks.
Good. It wouldn't be fair to ask them to fight, and then not take care of them afterwards. It would have been terrible if they'd died.
As Luzille starts telling tales of bandits, Niramour just looks sad.
"The stories about bandits... the ones that go a long way... they're really nothing like the reality. Nothing at all."

2017-04-26, 01:37 PM
"The ones that go a long way?" Luzille asks, raising an eyebrow. The turn in conversation is sudden enough that she almost forgets she's trying to keep subtly posing for Nephy. Almost.

2017-04-26, 01:44 PM
Niramour nods.
"Yes. The stories of bandits... they get spread because they are stories, not reality. They're full of gallant bandits fighting against some random foe... real bandits just kill and rob their way through their short lives, spreading nothing but misery. And no one wants to hear those stories, beyond merchants."
She seems to be speaking from personal experience.

I'm thinking that the divide is similar to the one between real pirates, and pirates in movies.

2017-04-26, 01:52 PM
"I feel like you're forgetting the stories that tell of bandits being slain by the dozen, at the hands of heroes." Momma Sharo chimes in. "Neither kind is quite true to life."

Nephy retrieves a scrap of parchment from her pack, scribbles on it, then folds and passes it to Luzille.

Are you certain you're wearing enchanted chainmail undergarments?

2017-04-26, 01:59 PM
"Oh," Luzille says, realizing suddenly the potential gap in the conversation, focus shifting fully back to the words and ideas being spoken. "I think we might be talking about different kinds of stories. I meant, people's encounters with them. Generally ending poorly for the bandits..." she trails off, as a note slides across the table to her. Reading the note, Luzille grins and, after getting Nephy's quill to write with, responds, passing the paper back once she's finished.

Do you want to check?

2017-04-26, 02:04 PM
Niramour just shakes her head, still looking quite sad, although the sudden note passing distracts her, slightly.
"Both are bad, and cause their own problems... One encourages people to let the bandits to just have their way, which doesn't end well, and the other shows bandits as incompetent fools, easily defeated... both lead to misery."
She sighs.
"But perhaps we can talk about something brighter? Are there any festivals, or things like that coming up here?"

2017-04-26, 02:08 PM
"Mostly personal ones." Momma Sharo answers Niramour. "Or ones shared by those with similar faiths and beliefs, but nothing official. I'm surprised you're looking for more excitement!" She notes with a laugh.

Nephy takes a few moments more than seems necessary to read Luzille's note, then writes an answer and slides it over.


2017-04-26, 02:10 PM
Niramour smiles wryly.
"I was trying to get us moving one other, brighter things. Festivals tend to be bright, celebratory, and lots of fun. Often, the entire town is involved, because everyone gets to have a wonderful time. And they're often so different!"

2017-04-26, 02:34 PM
I prefer the ones that end with reform of local government that eliminates the banditry entirely and inspires not random travelers to seek safety, but those in positions of power to do the same is what Luzille almost says, before Niramour changes the subject and Nephy's note returns, stealing her attention for the time being. As honestly nice the conversation was, flirting with the most adorable person she's met in Garmine was more important! She feels a moment of trepidation as she opens the letter; even with her confidence, she's still just a tad worried that following her normal instincts here may have been a bit much, or perhaps too forward.

Then she reads the letter and any shadow of doubt quickly leaves, without even pausing to pack its bags. Rude.

"There aren't any events worth commemorating in Garmine?" Luzille asks, as she prepares her reply. "Say, the founding? Or some disaster the people survived?" As she passes the note back, the duelist gives Nephy a smile and brief wink.

And I was worried I was being too forward. Would you prefer sooner or later?

2017-04-26, 02:37 PM
"Well then," Momma Sharo taps her fingers thoughtfully. "I'm afraid I can't think of a thing! But I'm sure you'll find enough friends regardless, Niramour. And you can visit Ruffles, if you'd like to dream one." At Luzille's question, she hums for a second. "No, none in particular. A lot of Garmine rounds up for defense, but that's more for sport than anything."

Nephy blinks rapidly at Luzille's wink, then scrawls another messy message on the parchment, which is rapidly losing blank space.


2017-04-26, 02:55 PM
Niramour seems to be surprised by Momma Sharo's response, leaning forwards in her chair once more.
"Really? Garmine doesn't feel like it has ever accomplished anything worthy of being celebrated? Not one song, not one event of significance? That's... quite strange, really."

2017-04-26, 03:01 PM
"Dream up a friend?" Luzille asks, raising an eyebrow, the matter interesting enough to let her ignore the urge to simply watch Nephy write up her reply. As the note arrives, though, she goes quiet, letting Niramour take Cousin Sharo's attention. An idea comes to her mind, for a bit of quick fast-talking if she spots the notes and asks about them; somehow, Luzille doubts simply telling her what they were discussing would be a good idea. At the very least, Nephy might simply faint from having all her blood go to her cheeks...

Luzille takes a bit longer with her reply than the others, her words winding around former messages to use less space, trying to keep it legible despite the smaller size.

Now (?) You have a room?

2017-04-26, 03:07 PM
"Most residents of Garmine have spent their whole lives achieving things, for good or ill." Momma Sharo answers. "Most are content to be retired and live the simple life, with whatever passions they have outside of changing the world." At Luzille's question, she nods. "If you so choose! Ruffles can make your dreams feel real."

Nephy, rather than writing anything else on the paper, nods and her eyes flick to one of the four doors.

2017-04-26, 03:14 PM
Niramour smiles, clearly amused by Momma Sharo's answer.
"You know... the simple life usually does include celebrations, feast days, things of that nature... Maybe something could be planned?"
Organizing something like that might be tricky, but I'm sure I'd get to meet lots of people, and learn quite a bit, maybe even what I'm looking for...

2017-04-26, 03:18 PM
Luzille nods, then stands, slowly. "I hope you don't mind; I was wondering about some of the rest of the house, and Nephy's agreed to show me..." she steps away from the table, looking back to Nephy before going any further.

2017-04-26, 03:21 PM
"I wouldn't stop you." Momma sharo replies. "But I think you'd get frightfully few guests if you've only just arrived."

Nephy pulls herself away from the table and nods. "Um. Yes. I am prepared to provide a demonstration of the...room, situation."

2017-04-26, 03:26 PM
Luzille steps over towards the doors, never going too far ahead of Nephy, before stopping by the one she'd indicated earlier. "Here, right?" She asks, voice a bit lower to fit the less open tone of their exchange. If Nephy indicates that it's the right door, and doesn't seem like she'll be going in first, Luzille will head through the door.

2017-04-26, 03:44 PM
Niramour smiles, as she shakes her head.
"I'd need to find something that the town would be interested in celebrating, and get the mayor to front it, I think? Probably. Usually it's the town head, or someone similar who does, so I'd probably need to show them that it helps them be a better mayor, but... That still leaves finding something. And I don't know anything about Garmine. And for it to be a good tradition, it would need to be something significant that happened recently, or a year ago..."
She sighs, shaking her head, and looking sad.
"Probably just me dreaming, I think."

2017-04-26, 03:45 PM
"I wouldn't say our house is terribly unique, but if it catches your fancy..." Momma Sharo smiles at Luzille. "Please avoid the room opposite the front door, however - it's mine and Lielas', and she's not here to give permission." She then turns to Niramour again. "Kalahira is the leader of Garmine. I'm afraid she isn't terribly interested in managing things on the social level, aside from ensuring everything works."

Nephy nods her head and quickly shuffles after Niramour. The room itself is relatively large, despite the tapering rooftop, at the far end of which sits a low, large bed with a material drape that's been tied to the side. One wall has a set of shelves, the lowermost holding clothes and shoes, while the uppermost have books, and the middle has various trinkets from musical instruments to crafting tools.

The other wall has a large mirror of reflective crystal, along with a cabinet that has various jars and a runic rod on a rack. A table sits near the shelves, with a couple of chairs, and there's a large fur rug on the floor. The room is illuminated by a small iron chandelier that holds glowing stones.

2017-04-26, 03:50 PM
Niramour continues to look a little disappointed, but she keeps on trying..
"That's probably a good thing, I think? Who does manage the social level? For future reference, of course."

2017-04-26, 03:54 PM
Luzille nods in response to Cousin Sharo's instructions, doubtful she'll need them of course, but appearances needed to be kept up after all.

Inside Nephy's room, Luzille takes a moment to properly look around, silently enjoying the cozy feeling it had. It was also neat - something she knew was less than common, and had been terrible at herself before she began her time on the road. "A nice room," Luzille says after a few moments, voice low, turning back to Nephy. "A tad warm, though, don't you think?" She asks, before removing her hat and overcoat, setting them on one of the chairs if it doesn't seem to bother Nephy.

2017-04-26, 03:57 PM
"Nobody." Momma Sharo answers. "If one has a problem, one reports it to the Authority and meets with whoever helps manage what you have a problem with."


"That is why Momma Sharo included the illumination stones." Nephy replies, as she removes her cloak, folds it up, and places it on one of the shelves. "I spend more time in my room than is traditional in buildings like these in her homeland, and having a torch lit all the time would have made it stuffy and hot, or at least require the inclusion of another hatch in the roof."

2017-04-26, 04:04 PM
Luzille can't help but smile at Nephy's response. It's, from what she's seen, a typically Nephy-type response, and adorably misses the point. "I see," she says. "Though, for future reference - in this context, that comment is more meant to...well, it's an excuse," the duelist explains, as she undoes her sword-belt and sets it on the table. "Especially given our discussion before we came here."

Maybe it was cruel, but Luzille is sure to pause there, waiting to see Nephy's reaction before she continues.

2017-04-26, 04:08 PM
Nephy blinks as she turns to look at Luzille. "Ohh." She says, then approaches the table and places her hands on its edges. "You see, I didn't think it necessary to provide an excuse for the, uh, already, the established thing, we decided...upon, before we, uh, came. Here. Because it was already decided?" She manages to stammer out.

2017-04-26, 04:11 PM
"Maybe not necessary," Luzille agrees with a nod. "But...well, it adds a certain flair to things. Even I enjoy being a little indirect, sometimes," she says. "It'd have made for a different matter if I didn't start with the whole enchanted chainmail thing, wouldn't it?"

2017-04-26, 04:13 PM
Nephy bites her tongue as she considers Luzille's words. "Yes. It would have."

2017-04-26, 04:22 PM
And that's adorable, too, Luzille thinks, as she removes her jabot and gloves. "Anywhere you'd prefer I put my shoes?" She asks, as she sits down on one of the available chairs to begin opening those.

"I, ah, take it your mother won't get suspicious if we're back here for a bit?" Luzille adds after a few moments, mostly for Nephy's response, though she does briefly consider the possibility of Nephy being closer with her attractive friend(s) than she seemed to be.

2017-04-26, 04:30 PM
"By the door, please." Nephy replies. At Luzille's question, she shrugs. "I do not know. I have never had anybody visit here before."

2017-04-26, 04:55 PM
Luzille sets her shoes by the door, rising again to nod in response to Nephy's continuation. "I'll do my best to give you a good first impression, then," she says, with smile. "Want to take a seat before I get started?"

2017-04-26, 04:58 PM
Nephy nods and takes the other seat at the table, and it is there that this particular scene fades away, because sometimes people's privacy should be respected.

2017-04-26, 07:17 PM
Niramour looks slightly confused by Momma Sharo's answer.
"The Authority... that's the governing body? Who manages what? If you don't mind me asking, I promise, I don't mean to harm anyone!"

2017-04-26, 07:32 PM
"They are, and they work for Kalahira." Momma Sharo says. "I could provide you with a list of everyone in every position, but we'd be here for some time."

2017-04-26, 07:49 PM
Niramour nods, slowly beginning to understand.
"Well, just the upper ones? Usually, governments divide people into groups, so you might have one person managing the guards, another managing trade, and so on. Smaller towns divide things less, so, say, the person managing the guard would also be managing the army, if there is on."

2017-04-26, 07:55 PM
"Who in particular are you looking for?" Momma Sharo asks.

2017-04-26, 07:59 PM
Niramour shrugs.
"I'm not sure. I'm more looking for general information, I suppose. I don't know anything about The Authority, so I'd like to learn more."

2017-04-27, 09:14 PM
Momma Sharo provides Niramour with a basic summary of the Authority and some of the important people in it, through methods so incredibly that it would be an insult to repeat or even describe them.

2017-04-28, 03:57 AM
Nossis listens a little, thinking about where to sleep. She decides that she will try to just go home with someone, and sleep with them. That often works, and besides, it is much nicer than being alone again. "The structure of government sounds fascinating, and it is no wonder that the city is so safe."

2017-04-28, 09:59 AM
"You flatter me." Momma Sharo chuckles. "But that's enough talk of bureaucracy, don't you think?"

2017-04-28, 11:19 AM
"I would say so yes.", Nossis agrees, "It's not the most stimulating subject, especially when we are going to a play!"

2017-04-30, 11:12 AM

It doesn't take very long for Nephy and Luzille to return from the room, looking just about the same as when they left.

"We find ourselves in the main room, um, again." Nephy introduces.

2017-04-30, 11:14 AM
Niramour smiles at the newly arrived pair, still sitting, clearly having just finished a conversation.
"Were you two able to work out your issues?"

2017-04-30, 01:21 PM
Luzille raises an eyebrow at the question. "Issues? I don't think that's accurate," she says, with a subtly pointed look.

Taking 10 on Bluff to convey a secret message of Don't ask about this now to Niramour.

2017-04-30, 01:45 PM
Niramour looks blandly back, before she shrugs.
Ok then... looks like whatever they were doing, they don't want to talk about it. Right.
"All right. Well... did any of you happen to spot a list of showtimes, for the theater?"

2017-04-30, 04:12 PM
"I think we were told it began just after sunset," Luzille replies, glancing to Cousin Sharo for confirmation - if this was when they always started, it would make sense for her to know.

2017-05-01, 09:27 PM
"From what I know, they're flexible. They perform when they perform." Momma Sharo answers, as Nephy hovers uncertainly near the chairs.

2017-05-02, 06:05 AM
Niramour smiles at Momma Sharo, and goes to stand, gently pushing her chair back as she raises, her ill-fitting clothing falling into shape around her.
"Then perhaps it is time to go and try our chances?"

2017-05-03, 05:02 AM
Nossis is shocked by the revalation that it could already have begun: "Then let us go, I wouldn't want to miss anything!"

2017-05-03, 07:01 AM
"I'm quite certain Dazer told us it would begin just after dusk," Luzille says. "That's a few hours away, for now. I think we shouldn't rush off quite yet."

2017-05-03, 07:05 AM
Niramour smiles cheerfully as she leans forward, her hands resting on the table.
"Which, of course, leaves the big question. What to do? We could rent rooms somewhere, find some sort of food we could take with us, and finish having a look around the town, potentially finding a helpful wizard?"

2017-05-03, 07:21 AM
Nossis yawns: "I would rather just go there, nothing is as fascinating as the theatre."

2017-05-03, 07:23 AM
Niramour frowns, crossing her arms on the table.
"If it's several hours, there probably won't be anything to see. They might not even let us in, so they don't spoil the surprise."

2017-05-03, 07:48 AM
Luzille suppresses the desire to respond with 'Oh, I think there are some. Nephy can attest to that, I think'.

"I think it's best if we don't interrupt the rehearsal," Luzille says with a nod. "After all, we wouldn't want to compromise the performance."

2017-05-03, 11:16 AM
Momma Sharo leans back in her chair as the group discusses their plans among themselves.

2017-05-04, 12:55 PM
Niramour's gaze turns back to Momma Sharo as Luizille agrees with her.
"Hm... Might you have any recommendations for places and people to see in Garmine?"

2017-05-04, 01:05 PM
"That depends on what you want to see." Momma Sharo answers, as she adjusts her top. "And who you want to meet. I know a very large cattaur."

2017-05-04, 01:21 PM
Niramour's smile continues unabated.
"Well, seeing Garmine? I'm afraid that I don't really know enough to even know what there is to see."

2017-05-04, 02:16 PM
Luzille's attention is split, between what Cousin Sharo says, and what she does. After a moment, her words win out. "A large...cat-taur?" Luzille asks, saying the word slowly. What would that be? She imagines a centaur, with with a cat's upper body, and smiles involuntarily. It was ridiculous! And cute.

2017-05-05, 04:42 AM
"What my dear friend is trying to say is that we are unfamiliar with the city, so it is hard to say what it is that we would most want to see.", Nossis says.

2017-05-05, 06:00 AM
Niramour nods, and tries to explain, leaning forwards in her chair.
"Are there any museums, or public gardens, or other such places we might be able to visit?"

2017-05-06, 06:59 AM
"Imagine the top half of a person, hips upwards, and then a large cat all the way down." Momma Sharo instructs Luzille. "There are no public places for either, but private places you may enter. I'm afraid it's something of a theme."

2017-05-06, 10:31 AM
Niramour nods, as she starts to understand the extent of Garmine's privatization.
"Perhaps you could tell us a bit about them?"

2017-05-06, 05:52 PM
Luzille takes a moment to process what Cousin Sharo tells her. The mental image in her mind grows much less silly, and significantly more appealing.

"That, ah, does sound like an interesting person to meet," she says. "Is she, er, are they...open to meeting people?"

2017-05-07, 05:35 PM
"Are you both talking about Charname? That's her name." Momma Sharo asks, looking between the pair.

2017-05-07, 06:26 PM
Niramour shakes her head.
"I was asking after private museums, and other similar places."

2017-05-08, 03:02 AM
Again Nossis notices that Luzille is set on trying to take center stage. Which by all reason should be hers. She after all is the greater beauty, and by far the better lady. No, she will not accept this: "It is fascinating to see how varied people are, here in Garmine, and how much there is to see. But honestly, I think that gossip can be a bit unpleasant, it's much better to meet someone in person, without being overly shaped by preconceptions."

2017-05-08, 03:06 AM
Luzille nods at the information, and is preparing to speak again when Nossis does so, prompting her to smile and nod, pointing over to the other woman with one thumb. "What she said. Where would we go to meet Charname?"

2017-05-08, 06:49 AM
"Let's see," Momma Sharo leans back as she thinks. "There's Earl E. Risa, who collects lore on various Sun deities. Vitay, who has an interesting array of red things. Linkaling, who has sought many of the original versions of popular books through the ages. Q.T., she's a painter with a fine collection featuring finer forms. And, of course, there's Widowpeek, who has documented betrothal through the ages and significant events involving it, which often involves grisly ends."

At Luzille's question, she temporarily puts a finger to her lips. "I think Charname will just be finishing her training and on the way to her second lunch."

2017-05-08, 06:51 AM
Niramour listens intently to Momma Sharo's explanation, leaning forward, her hands still. She looks to be somewhat excited by the prospects.
"Do you know where we might be able to find them? They mostly sound quite interesting, except for maybe Widowpeek?"

2017-05-08, 07:58 AM
Luzille nods and, given Niramour's interest in the lineup of interesting people, decides to let her take over that matter. She could, hopefully, remember everything they needed. So she turns to Nephy again. "Will you be joining us?" She asks.

2017-05-08, 08:00 AM
Momma Sharo provides Niramour with the locations of the mentioned people.

Nephy bites her bottom lip, then shakes her head. "I am going to refocus my efforts on my studies, until I am ready to depart for the theater."

2017-05-08, 08:05 AM
"Of course," Luzille says with a nod. "Good to know at least one of us is the responsible type!" She adds with a smile.

Luzille is going to go for a Hunch on Nephy, to try and get a feel for what's behind the lip bite / decision.


2017-05-08, 08:12 AM
Niramour smiles as Momma Sharo explains where the mentioned people are, inwardly hoping that she could find them. And then Nephy chimes in, sparking a new bit of surprise, and worry.
"Nephy, would you like us to meet you here, or at the theater?"

2017-05-08, 08:24 AM
"I will meet with you at the theater." Nephy nods.

2017-05-08, 08:48 AM
Niramour smiles cheerily at her.
"Wonderful! We'll see you there."
Moving slowly, so she doesn't risk damaging the floor, Niramour slides her chair back, and stands up, instinctively smoothing out her clothing as she does so.
"Cousin Sharo, it was nice meeting you, and thank you for all of your help today."

2017-05-08, 08:48 AM
"Sounds good to me," Luzille says with a nod. "Where to first?" She asks, turning to Niramour and Nossis.

2017-05-08, 08:49 AM
"You're quite welcome." Momma Sharo rises from her seat to lead the group to the door.

2017-05-08, 08:55 AM
Niramour follows Momma Sharo out, smiling cheerfully. After departing, she starts to respond to Luzille's earlier question.
"It sounded like you two wanted to see Charname? I was thinking that Earl E. Risa, or Linkaling, or Q.T?"

2017-05-08, 09:00 AM
Realizing they'll be leaving before Niramour answers, Luzille takes a moment to turn back to Cousin Sharo as they exit, giving her a smile. "Thanks for having us, it was a pleasure," she says.

"Charname, and then Q.T., would be my choice. Does the order matter to either of you? Especially since we may not have time to visit them all before the evening..." Luzille says once they're outside, looking between Nossis and Niramour.

2017-05-08, 10:09 AM
Niramour shakes her head, and smiles.
"Why don't we see Charname first, then maybe Q.T.? I don't want to stop you two from enjoying yourselves, and I've never met a Cattaur."
She seems to be hopeful.

2017-05-08, 10:49 AM
"That sounds fascinating.", Nossis agrees, "I don't doubt that she will have the most fascinating tales to tell."

2017-05-08, 11:14 AM
Luzille nods. "Then we're agreed. Lead the way, Niramour," she says, beginning to step forwards before realizing that she can't lead the way due to not having the directions.

2017-05-08, 11:25 AM
Niramour looks worried, and then nods.
"I'll do my best. And try not to get us lost."
With that said, she somewhat nervously starts walking, trying to follow Momma Sharo's directions to Charname.

2017-05-08, 11:27 AM
Nossis follows Niramour, pointedly not looking at Luzille, who is such a terrible person to her. "Niramour, I am convinced that you can find the way. You look like someone with a talent for it. And I should know, I have an eye for talent."

2017-05-08, 11:41 AM
Finding the woman called Charname proves remarkably easy, in no small part thanks to the size of the woman (Which they discover as soon as they lay eyes on her). Most of her size comes from a massive cat-like body, about ten feet in length, with a sandy coat. Then, where its head might be, a curvy humanoid form starts. A lightly-bronzed skin tone leads up to a chest held in place with a small, but stylish, vest that seems to be just about her only clothing. Her face, as high up as it is, is framed with curly caramel hair, and she licks her lips as she pads down the street. People give her just enough room to pass by, but otherwise don't seem to notice her presence.

2017-05-08, 01:21 PM
As they find Charname, Luzille stops for a moment, stunned by yet another thing she had kind of been expecting, but was still nothing like she imagined. After a few moments, she recovers, approaching Charname with much more of her usual confidence than she would have had without the moment to recollect herself, to ensure her first words to the woman weren't "you're like a centaur, but cat". The idea comes as she realizes that she's getting hungry, and that it's been hours since she's eaten anything. Didn't Cousin Sharo say Charname would probably be heading to lunch?

"Hello," Luzille says as she comes close enough. "Ah, pardon me if this seems sudden, but - would you like to join my friends and I for a meal?"

2017-05-08, 01:27 PM
Charname looks down at Luzille, which would be almost impossible for her to not do. "I wouldn't say no to strangers buying me lunch!"

2017-05-08, 01:46 PM
Luzille is ready to nod, until she remembers just how large Charname is. "...As long as you don't eat too much," she says. "We just arrived, and it would be a bad way to start our time here by going into debt already, I think," she continues with a smile. "I'm Luzille, by the way," the duelist adds, extending her hand. Did sphinx-cattaur-women shake?

2017-05-08, 01:50 PM
"Me? Noooo." Charname reaches down for Luzille's hand, then uses it to pull her into a face-smothering hug. "I'm Charname!"

2017-05-08, 01:55 PM
Sensing that the time, Niramour smiles, and joins in the introductions, while Charname was distracted by Luzille.
"Nice to meet you, Charname. I'm Niramour. Do you have any recommendations for somewhere to have lunch? We're new in town."

2017-05-08, 02:29 PM
Luzille would lose her cool as she was pulled in, if she hadn't spent quite some time honing her ability to keep said cool. Still, it's a bit of a struggle, though what comes next immediately increases the quality of Charname's first impression. With the fortitude to hold her breath, Luzille still takes a moment to return the hug, albeit a bit awkwardly, her arms briefly going around Charname's back just above where her human half begins. Not long after she manages it, Charname releases her, and Luzille steps back, blinking and taking a moment to breathe.

"That, ah, that's right. Just got here today, so...we don't know the good places to eat yet," Luzille says, still needing a moment or two to properly collect herself, hiding the mental side of things with a bit of effort on making sure her clothes are back in order.

2017-05-08, 02:35 PM
"I like the bakery." Charname says, patting Luzille on the head once the woman is released from her grasp. "They're far too delicious to have every day, but why not get the best first impression of Garmine?" She smirks. "Their glazed buns, especially - you could eat a wagon full of them!"

2017-05-08, 02:50 PM
Luzille finds herself with a hint of a blush after Charname pats her head. "The bakery sounds good," she agrees quickly, stepping to the side both to open the way forwards and hold herself at an angle so it's less likely Niramour or Nossis notice. "We can go there right away!"

2017-05-15, 04:45 AM
Niramour smiles cheerfully at the mention of the bakery.
"I could go for some baked goods? Shall we?"

2017-05-15, 05:38 AM
For a moment Nossis glares at Luzille. Again she tries to take things from her, trying to get with anyone who looks interesting. But glazed buns sound like something that she would love: "Then let's have something nice then!"

2017-05-15, 07:15 AM
"Off we go, then." Charname starts to lead the group down the street, but not before giving Nossis a pat on the head as she passes. It's quite difficult to tell where the group is traveling, unless they tend right beside Charname's powerful front legs, but they can tell they stand beside the bakery by the sugary scents that fill the air. That, and the sign that says "bakery" above the hole in the wall that bares all manner of baked goods to the world. The food sits on counters that seem particularly clean, even compared to surfaces just a few feet away.

I dunno choose some baked goods and they have it!

2017-05-15, 07:56 AM
On the way to the bakery, Luzille is quiet, her thoughts on the subject of Charname and, to a lesser extent, Paladin. Their odd nature - odd from her point of view, that is - as human-but-also-snake/cat-person raises some questions that she ponders before eventually setting them aside, as they arrive at their destination and she begins to think about what to eat. Inside the bakery, Luzille orders a pair of glazed buns filled with a sort of (sweetened, of course) strawberry jelly, eager for a treat she's not had in long enough to forget when she'd last had it.

2017-05-15, 08:04 AM
With Charname leading the group, Niramour follows, reasonably happy to walk behind the large cattaur, and look around at the many sights as she walks.
I do wish I could see, but not needing to lead is nice too... maybe I should have asked for a ride? But she might not have reacted well to that, and I hardly know her...
Before long, the bakery comes into sight, and Niramour gets a chance to look over the contents.
Doughnuts and bagels and bread and rolls and scones and biscuits... Ooh! pies! Maybe they have a nice meat pie?
Reviewing the many delightful baked goods, she soon locates a barbecue chicken meat pie, and orders it, and waits for the others to get theirs before she starts eating it.(And being careful to hold it with the paper, lest she burn her hands.)
After her first bite, she smiles up at the shopkeeper.
"Thank you for the pie, it's quite delicious!"
Before turning to Charname, still smiling, with a bit of sauce on her lips.
"And thank you for helping us to find this place! It's a wonderful choice for lunch."

2017-05-15, 08:37 AM
The baker representative just by the open-air windows waits patiently to be paid for the food. once Charname has filled a small basket with glazed buns and breads. "Isn't it? I have to stop myself from visiting every day." She laughs, then gobbles down a whole bun.

2017-05-15, 08:41 AM
Taking another bite, and passing a silver coin over to pay, Niramour turns back to Charname, smiling still.
"I can see why that might be difficult. It is rather delicious."

2017-05-15, 08:44 AM
Luzille approaches the representative to pay for herself and Charname, refraining from beginning to eat until she's paid.

Once that's done, though, she takes a large bite of one bun, taking a few moments to savor the taste before speaking. "I can see why so many people seem to have come here," she says. "Garmine is full of interesting, pleasant people and unless this is an outlier, the food is great as well."

2017-05-15, 08:50 AM
"Some people can be prickly, but they won't bother you to let you know." Charname licks her lips. "But the food is good all around. As long as you don't eat something not suitable for your race." She shifts her basket into the crook of her elbow. "Bloodwine is all too literal in Garmine."

2017-05-15, 08:53 AM
As Charname mentions Bloodwine, Niramour makes a moue of disgust.
"That stuff is awful! I got tricked into trying some once... and spend the next twenty minutes or so throwing up. But at least no one's been interested in trying to trick us. Which is a good thing."

2017-05-15, 08:54 AM
"Bloodwine? There are...vampires, in Garmine, then?" Luzille asks, taking a moment to conceal her surprise by taking another sugary bite. Vampires were not something she'd been expecting, even with all the unusual things she's seen so far.

2017-05-15, 08:56 AM
Charname smiles fondly at Niramour. "There are a few vampires, yes. You won't notice, aside from..." She snaps her fingers. "Er, Hatty. She enjoys the daylight, but, for obvious reasons, can't stay in it. So she wears a hat with a shroud of shadow."

2017-05-15, 09:00 AM
Luzille nods, deciding to keep that in mind if she happens across someone in the middle of the night. Which was unlikely, probably. Would it be an issue, though? If they could just have their needs met with blood-wine, would a vampire want to feast on her?

"I take it...they're not dangerous, to other people, if they're here in Garmine?" Luzille asks.

2017-05-15, 09:01 AM
Nossis doesn't like being patted on the head, it gives her the feeling that there is something wrong with her. As though she isn't a serious person. She has played in some of the most spectacular tragedies! So she certainly is a serious grown-up person. Unlike that awful Luzille. But one day, she will have her revenge. And it will be fantastic. The actress resists the urge to cackle madly, but she knows that she will have a wonderful revenge.

She orders a nice brioche, without any filling. She likes it like that. Of course, she eats them slowly. "Vampires are such interesting creatures! So utterly and completely dramatic. I once played one, in the Transfirlian Cycle. Five plays, all of them fantastic. I loved them. But then again, who can't love one of the plays of Varendel? She was just the best writer there ever was!"

2017-05-15, 09:07 AM
Niramour seems surprised by Charname's response.
"Really? Friendly vampires? That's a new one. Most of the ones I've heard of have been rather evil. And violent. And generally, not nice at all. Not even a little bit. Does she really call herself Hatty?"