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View Full Version : weird text theory

2007-07-28, 05:54 PM
so... it has been confirmed that posting questions like e"]th[/U]"]is[/I] makes people look smart (im not sure exactly how, it should make you look bored, it must be like glasses make you look smart, even though it should make it look like your vision is impaired, or how fat makes you funny(this one im not comlpaining about), even though it should make people think you have a bad diet) but does it do the opposite[in asking a ]question?

what do you think?

2007-07-28, 06:03 PM
Acutally, it's against the rules. :smallbiggrin:

Typing Incoherently
This is a written medium and people have to read what you write. Chat speak, l33t speak and anything that has to be “translated” falls into this area. You may have something incredible to say, but it won’t be read if you use “m8” and “pwn3d” as every other word in a post. The occasional typo or confusion regarding spelling is understood and expected, but at least take a moment to read over a message before you post it.

Excessively Embellished Formatting
This refers to using different colors for different words, using formatting to appear smarter than someone or generally going overboard with formatting. It’s not using bold, underline, paragraphs and lists to make your post look nice and be easy to read. If your post looks like this one overall, you’re fine. But if your post has sentences that look like this one, you're not.

2007-07-28, 06:05 PM
Try again. This time. In English

Edit: Dont try again, its against the rules.

2007-07-28, 06:06 PM
what do you think?

I think I now know what an aneurysm feels like.

2007-07-28, 06:07 PM
what do you think?

I think no more caffeine for Tannish, he's had quite enough for one day. :smallwink:

1: Stop
2: Think your post through
3: Then post
4: ???
5: Profit!

2007-07-28, 06:10 PM
Or likewise:

1. Think about it.
2. Profit.
3. Post.
4. Stop.
5. ????
6. Tiem paradox!

2007-07-28, 06:15 PM
Or likewise:

1. Think about it.
2. Profit.
3. Post.
4. Stop.
5. ????
6. Tiem paradox!

In Soviet Russia Profit. ???? you!

I really have no idea what is going on in this topic...

Lord Herman
2007-07-28, 06:17 PM
I don't think anyone knows. We're just making it up as we go along.

Also, isn't '???' traditionally phase 2?

2007-07-28, 06:20 PM
Also, isn't '???' traditionally phase 2?

Nah, it's just the last little thing we have to work out between 'the plan we already have' and 'profit'.

Personally I think ??? = x/0, or possibly "Do a barrl roll!"

edit: the original was the South Park "Underpants Gnomes" episode. Why do they steal your underpants in the night? It's all part of the grand plan:

1: Steal underpants
2: ??? "We haven't quite worked out step two yet."
3: Profit!

re-edit: Now Tannish2, if you truly want to talk about weird text theories, go look up Alan Sokal, "Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity" and "The Social Text Affair". It don't get weirder than post-modernism... :smallamused:

2007-07-28, 06:20 PM
I believe it was originally

1. step 1
2. step 2
3. ????
4. Profit.

alternatively you can skip step three to make them search days for it like this

1. step 1
2. step 2
4. ????
5. Profit.

2007-07-28, 06:36 PM
Or, to be even worse,

Step 1: Aquire ????
Step 2: Sell ????
Step 4: ???? ???? ???, then ??? ????
Step 5: Rule the world!

Missing Shoe
2007-07-29, 02:11 AM
You should all be ashamed for hijacking this thread so badly.:smalltongue:

This could still be applied for our situation. On certain parts of the forums people talk "in character" in a certain color. So what he is saying depending on the color you pick can influence the way people perceive you and your character. I can see that to an extent, but I think what you actually say has a much greater effect.:smallwink:

PS sorry if this was poorly written, I'm running on very little sleep.

2007-07-29, 03:25 AM
You should all be ashamed for hijacking this thread so badly.:smalltongue:

This could still be applied for our situation. On certain parts of the forums people talk "in character" in a certain color. So what he is saying depending on the color you pick can influence the way people perceive you and your character. I can see that to an extent, but I think what you actually say has a much greater effect.:smallwink:

PS sorry if this was poorly written, I'm running on very little sleep.

i never post any other way, and yes, thats part of what i was trying to say, that and that people posting with excessive formatting somehow magically adds value to facts, like wearing glasses makes you smart(well, last year and b4 it made u look smart, but now smart is subjective and so looking smart=being smart, dont ask), or being fat makes you funny(it doesnt seem to work on internet), but does it do the same for questions, and the overwhelming response seems to be no

2007-07-29, 10:26 AM

No, I've lurked around many forums, and only this forum and another forum actually have members that use different colors and look smart. *nods to Trog*

2007-07-29, 11:12 AM
No, I've lurked around many forums, and only this forum and another forum actually have members that use different colors and look smart. *nods to Trog*

*Trog stumbles in quite drunk*

Okay... okay heressh wa we shoulddo... okay? We should take off all our clothes, streak through the next comic, moon Rich, and then poke Mods with sticks. *hiccups. Grabs stick*

Roland! Hold still darn ya!

*stumbles off undressing*

2007-07-29, 11:21 AM
Yeah, CFG. I can taste the IQ from here.

2007-07-29, 12:21 PM
You should all be ashamed for hijacking this thread so badly.:smalltongue:

Ashamed? It had become necessary to hijack (and then destroy) the thread in order to save it! :smallamused:

Also I'm with Trog's naked theory. A Plan with No Visible Drawbacks. :smallbiggrin:

2007-07-29, 05:15 PM
now, im all for the streaking and poking mods with sticks idea, but i think this requires careful planning, for example, what TYPE of sticks? wood? metal? hollow? solid? short? long? cmon i need some details or ill just go for random, hopefully with uncanny accuracy, like time E smith 4372 random avenue kentucky post name... uh.... well i think this thread is now total spam either way it continues and since i cant find the delete button and this is an edit im just going to say the following: anyone who doesnt like pie should be eaten by the easter bunny

Lord Herman
2007-07-29, 05:23 PM
Personally, I'd go with the traditional medium-length wooden stick. But if you like a more modern approach, you could go with the fully automatic Pokemaster 2000®. It's pricey, but it's got all the bells and whistles. I'm still not sure why anyone would want bells and whistles on a stick, but hey, to each his own.

Aramil Liadon
2007-07-29, 07:38 PM
Ooh, I've heard that those tend to jam. Maybe not a wise investment. I always liked the 10ft pole combined with 10-inch twig in the off hand.

Why is this thread so much more awesome than random banter? 'cause RB is no fun.

2007-07-30, 11:58 AM
Ooh, I've heard that those tend to jam. Maybe not a wise investment. I always liked the 10ft pole combined with 10-inch twig in the off hand.

...and cue the innevitable "Why two-weapon prodding is sub-par" thread. :smallbiggrin:

Why is this thread so much more awesome than random banter? 'cause RB is no fun.

Coz spontaneity is only fun when it *is* spontaneous, such as now
edit: also Ghostly eggy is haunting your thread "WhoooooooOOOOooooo!"

2007-07-30, 12:07 PM
However, if made of a metal alloy, with integrational parts (read=it screws together), then not only is it two weapons, but one helluva long single weapon - everybody's happy! :smallbiggrin:

My personal favourite is the broom handle - easy to use, lightweight and practical

Ashamed? It had become necessary to hijack (and then destroy) the thread in order to save it!

Also I'm with Trog's naked theory. A Plan with No Visible Drawbacks.

So, you decided to go for the 'invisible-when-nude':elan: theory of perception? Or are we going for innuendo... :smallamused:

2007-07-30, 12:27 PM
I've had my Pokemaster 2000 for over a year now, and haven't had any jamming problems, though I do take extra care to keep mine clean. Now, why is it we're discussing our poking sticks?

Naked Mod Poking you say? Excellent!

"Oh Alaaaaarrrrraaaa....." *insert giggle here*

2007-07-30, 12:40 PM
Those kids these days, with all their pokin' machine thingies. Now, back in my day, we had to work to get a decent pokin' stick. Yeah, the good ol' days, when a pocking stick was just a stick 'n we wore an onion on our belt. I says kids these days are spoiled, a-yup! I'd prefer one of those ol' poking sticks above the crazy machines any day, at least you have the satisfaction of doing the actual pokin' yourself! I mean, makin' a machine doin' your poking is like having another man do your... Well, y'all catch my drift.
Now get off my lawn, you crazy kids!

2007-07-30, 03:07 PM
that and that people posting with excessive formatting somehow magically adds value to facts

Everywhere respectable I've ever been on the internet stresses the EXACT opposite. Excessive embellishment tends to make you look roughly as cool as those early 90's website with all the animated gifs and bad midi music.

2007-07-30, 03:29 PM
so... it has been confirmed that posting questions like this makes people look smart but does it do the opposite[in asking a ]question?

what do you think?

By whom and published in what professional journal has this phenomenon been confirmed to make people look smart?

Hell Puppi
2007-07-30, 03:47 PM
Those kids these days, with all their pokin' machine thingies. Now, back in my day, we had to work to get a decent pokin' stick. Yeah, the good ol' days, when a pocking stick was just a stick 'n we wore an onion on our belt. I says kids these days are spoiled, a-yup! I'd prefer one of those ol' poking sticks above the crazy machines any day, at least you have the satisfaction of doing the actual pokin' yourself! I mean, makin' a machine doin' your poking is like having another man do your... Well, y'all catch my drift.
Now get off my lawn, you crazy kids!

*jumping around on Ed's lawn*

*looks up at yelling*

It's not what it look like! I uhhh....lost a contact!

2007-07-30, 04:43 PM
What? A dog on my lawn?!!
But that takes ages to clean up afterwards!
Well, I guess it's time for some good oldfashioned pokin', yessiree!

*Pokes HelliPuppi until she leaves his lawn alone with a poking sticks, not one of those newfangled ones with all the lights and gadgets and what-not, no, one of those oldfashioned, splinters-in-my-finger, break-after-three-pokes poking sticks*

2007-07-30, 05:19 PM
*threaddrift-fives Nigma*

I always thought of people who are that hardcore in the typing of their posts as more pretentious

2007-07-30, 05:31 PM
You're on a forum about D&D. WE need a certain level of pretentiousity to even live with ourselves.

2007-07-30, 06:29 PM
its true, and screw the pokemaster 2000 ill just use a chair, that way ill be poking with FOUR sticks at onece, and if i use a super lightweight one i can use one in each hand, how pwnagenessosityismness is that?