View Full Version : What monsters can i put in mechanus?!

2017-04-11, 10:08 AM
I am setting a campaign in mechanus. What all monsters and beasts can i place in the plane

2017-04-11, 10:19 AM
Formians are the most notable monsters that I can remember. Lawful neutral to the core. Since they don't officially exist in 5e yet, I'd recommend refluffing chasmes: change their type to monstrosity, lose the wings/flight, and grant them something equivalent to pack tactics for fighting.

Devils shouldn't be too rare there...but neither should angels.

2017-04-11, 11:11 AM
OK, why do you want to set a campaign there?

What is it about the place that is going to make the campaign fun? If we know what you are looking for we might be able to tailor a response.

2017-04-11, 11:21 AM
Modrons, Constructs, and Fomorians make up most of the population... as well as lawful humanoids of almost every type. A whole campaign there might be challenging but you could spend quite a bit of time there just dealing with lawful humanoid civilizations and organizations

2017-04-11, 12:51 PM
I was literally going to write Modrons 100 times but I think that's how I get scrubbed.

Also, golems aplenty should be cool. I know they're not technically lawful, but I feel like Mechanus, being itself a gihumungous machine, lends itself well to the idea of tin soldiers walking around.

This is a cool idea! Have fun, make lots of gear shaped dungeons.

2017-04-11, 02:52 PM
I'll go off the beaten track a little and suggest sphinxes presiding over great libraries of lore.

2017-04-11, 02:57 PM
Invasions of Slaad to mix things up?

2017-04-11, 03:23 PM
I've run a 5e homebrew adventure there and used Modrons and converted some of the higher level modrons from 2e. If you google Parai, Gear Spirits and Moigno you'll find some other natives of the plane. Formions were Arcadia, I thought.

If you are just looking Monster Manual constructs and sphinxes also work.

But monsters are just part of the fun. I had the players arrested on trumped up charges (being unlawfully unable to explain how you arrived here, etc), ran an unfair trial and sent them to prison. Then they escaped and got to bash many a modron. Good times.

2017-04-11, 03:54 PM
Formians are the most notable monsters that I can remember. Lawful neutral to the core. Since they don't officially exist in 5e yet, I'd recommend refluffing chasmes: change their type to monstrosity, lose the wings/flight, and grant them something equivalent to pack tactics for fighting.

Someone made a Planar Bestiary (http://www.dmsguild.com/m/product/193100) that has them. It's pretty well made.

2017-04-11, 04:32 PM
Construct versions of regular beasts?

Also, I've heard ants, bees, and other insects referred to as "natural constructs" before, given that they seem designed to perform specific functions almost robotically. Giant insects wouldn't seem out of place, I wouldn't think.

2017-04-11, 05:33 PM
Construct versions of regular beasts?

Or simply more geometric versions. Like bears that are cube shaped for easier storage while they hibernate

2017-04-11, 05:45 PM
Lawyers, lots of Lawyers... not sure what the collective noun should be though!

2017-04-11, 06:27 PM
Lawyers, lots of Lawyers... not sure what the collective noun should be though!

A Summons of Lawyers.

This is what I was getting at. The rules should have rules. The two factions I used from 2e are the Governors (Guvners) and the Mathematicians, one group trying the arrest everyone while the other tried to analyze, dissect and figure things out all newcomers. Perfect for NPC vengeance paladins, knowledge domain clerics and diviner wizards.

2017-04-11, 07:14 PM
Some Devils and angels are good as lawful planars of high power. Perhaps throw in some constructs refluffed to be lawful neutral. I'd also include the gith (they are lawful planars so they should fit right in). Hobgoblins also work seeing how Acheron is right next to Mechnus. Make sure to include the Fraternity of Order as the lawful neutral faction of the planes.

Modrons are a must of course.

(Also try to homebrew the Mechnus Cannon spell from planescape torment).

2017-04-11, 07:36 PM
Lawyers, lots of Lawyers... not sure what the collective noun should be though!
Meh Laywers exist up and down the Lawful planes... from idealistic champions of the little man up in Celestia, down to the exploitative contract writers in Baator, and a spectrum in between.

No, it is in fact the bureaucrat that really has their true home in Mechanus.

"I'm sorry, I have to confiscate that sword sir... no, not because they are illegal here. No sir, it doesn't matter that you are currently under attack from that malfunctioning golem. To carry an enchanted blade longer than 14'' in this district you need to fill out form 893-298-BY and have it notarized..."

2017-04-14, 05:32 PM
Lawful dragons; Gold, blue, tome, mechanus planar, etc

2017-04-14, 06:07 PM
no mention of inevitables, the objectively coolest D&D monster?

2017-04-14, 08:23 PM
Clockwork automata.

Machines of all sizes run by clicking gears and springs and steam and chains and belts. Perhaps with spinning saws and gatling guns for arms.

2017-04-15, 11:31 PM
Homebrew anything lawful. Tweaked reskins of modrons. constructs of any kind, myconids, azer, githzerai, gynosphinx, androsphinx, and (if you are a truly evil DM), mind flayer litches.

2017-04-16, 09:02 AM
no mention of inevitables, the objectively coolest D&D monster?

I had not heard of them until this, but now that I've googled them, yes, more of these. I especially like the Quaruts who guard against those who mess with time and space.

Also just thought of another Monster Manual monster: Spectators, the chest-guardian Beholders.

And yes, it looks like Formians were moved from Arcadia to Mechanus is later editions, so by all means, add ant-people.

2017-05-27, 03:03 PM
The Greek mythological villain Procrustes

2017-05-27, 04:17 PM
Construct versions of regular beasts?

There are guidelines for these in the Artificer class from Unearthed Arcana.

2017-05-27, 05:10 PM
Myconids! Their deity Psilofyr comes from a growth under one of the main cogs, and his domain can't be found unless you aren't looking for it! That's what I'd do if I was having a party foray into Mechanus, at least.