View Full Version : The Coronation of Kalus Mensus (Empire 3 Event)

2017-04-11, 01:54 PM
The Expanse in Caligonia is a vast stretch of beach, reaching half a mile inland and stretching from the western boarder to just before the capital of Kinright. Over 200 years ago, the Calis arrived at these shores seeking a home, and the Ligians moved here, nursing the wounds from conquering the land. Today, these beaches are utterly crowded, as Calis, Ligians, and hundreds of dignitaries, merchants and nobles line they beach for the coming ceremonies, which will re-enact the arrival and meeting between the groups, and the subsequent oaths. Traditionally, guests are asked to choose to take part in the ceremonies, by either arriving with the Calis, or marching with the Ligians, however, due to far more guests arriving than ever before, foreign delegations have been permitted to wait on the expanse itself, in a cordoned off area to provide privacy.

Before the meeting ceremony:

Before the ceremonies, many gather on the beaches. Songs are sung, and a large carnival springs up, with games, food and a small duelling competition. Being on the beach, the tide does come in, but as this is a coronation, this stops no one. At high tide, the furthest outstands and tents are knee deep in water, but if anything, this encourages far more dancing and singing. An area for foreign leaders who are not taking part in proceedings has been set up and cordoned off, with a few conscripted merchants and soldiers acting as translators and guides for proceedings.

The Order of Ceremonies:
The meeting:
Under the double full moon, the two groups will meet as sea meets shore. They will then make a blood oath to each other, each Calis and Ligian has an opposite number with which to make this oath with. This will cumulate to Kalus and Frenat mixing blood.
The coronation:
The coronation will take place after this, with items brought by both sides setting up a mound, a throne, and crown jewels, so that the throne can be seen across the expanse. After oath swearing by all landsmen and Chiefs, Kalus will be blessed by both the Destar and the Temaltat, then crowned King.
After this, the next day will be of wild celebration, filled with tournaments and festivities. The day after, Kalus will meet at Outreach with any foreign dignitaries who have chosen to come, and discuss with them.

The meetings:

At sea:

Those who agreed to take part at sea are asked to join the small flotilla of boats, anchored about a mile off the shore, to carry the Calis onto the beach. Kalus, the King-Elect is here, representing the leader of the Calis. He is outfitted in the finest satin robes, with pearls in his hair, and a shining gold sword at his side. He carries a shield, with a pure white design on it. The boat itself is covered in a silver leaf, making it shine brightly in the evening light. It is a relatively small boat, with a very shallow draft, made to be able to carry the King onto the shore directly. An honour guard surround him, with white painted helmets, and blue sashes, though if approached, they will allow someone to talk to Kalus. Amongst other individuals there, the Destar of Caligonia, recently appointed is in traditional robes, with a white headdress. She is looking very seasick. A few Laskist refugees are also part of the group, among those playing the part of sailors, as they are refugees from their lands as well. They look slightly surprised to be here, but also slightly afraid of any foreign leaders who might be here.

On Shore:

Those who are joining the Ligians wait around two miles away, in an area of desert, specially cordoned off to prevent any who might be slightly too drunk to wander in and disrupt everything. All the Ligians are dressed in sand coloured robes, and all have green scarves around their faces: both the symbol of the original Ligian tribes, as well as a tradition to disguise their leader. Of course, before events begin, these are off. Frenat, the Marshal, has been granted the right to represent the Ligian leaders, and is certainly showing a few nerves, constantly toying with his own scarf. The only other discernible figure is the Temaltat, the unofficial head of Lunaltism. She is dressed in a strange robe of black with a silver moon depicted on the hood. The Temaltat is almost the opposite of Frenat, very calm and composed, gazing off into the distance, where the moons will rise. Everyone is mounted on horses, and a few camels, but a carriage has been set up to carry anyone who cannot otherwise make it.

Waiting around:

For the rest, the festivities continue loudly, but begin to wind down. The guards are all at attention, and relatively few people of importance are here. The Captain of Duke (King?)Tomar's local company is here, as well as a very heavily jewelled Ligian woman: Gernia D'Aust, the previous king's sister.

By the rise of the two moons, the proceedings will begin...

Rain Dragon
2017-04-11, 08:43 PM
The Emperor himself and a Xin Len translator stand at the bow of a relatively small but fine ship. The Emperor's carefully combed fiery hair flew freely in the sea breeze to the disappointment of his various attendants. The ship had arrived with plenty of time for the Caligonians to coordinate them for the proceedings. While the Emperor stood with dignity with ease as they waited with the other boats, his son* seemed barely able to contain his excitement.

The boat itself was typical of one from Xin Kun** with plain reddish sails. A large banner with two silver moons on top of a red diamond design on a white field flies above a smaller more ornate one featuring a dragon. The larger is easily recognisable to many as the banner of Xin Kun while the smaller is of the Imperial family.

* I realise the Ten Len and Xin Len both look quite youthful, but it should be pretty well known the Emperor is middle aged and his son has been an adult for a bit.

** I was thinking the ship looked like this one. I just quickly google image searched it, so if it's wrong somehow or the image doesn't work, let me know and I can fix it later.


2017-04-12, 05:41 PM
Martino walked out of the cabin of his ship and leaned over the starboard railing. He glanced across the beach at the masses of revelers, tents, tables, and food, then looked over his shoulder. All of the crew were visibly excited, and many were visibly impatient. Even Martino caught himself tapping his fingers on the railing.

He stepped back from the side, waiting for the signal for his three ships to sail in with the rest.

2017-04-12, 06:00 PM
Prince Johannes stood leaning on an elaborate wooden cane at the bow of a Ciriyan ship, though one sporting the garish, multihued sails more commonly found in Gleiss proper. He wore a sleeveless tunic and long, billowing pants, both in a subdued tan color; a band of thorns tattoo encircled his left arm. A banner flying his new personal sigil– a gold flower surrounded by red-tinged thorns– hung from the central mast and flapped in the gentle breeze. The crew behind him went through their motions in subdued silence; none wished to disturb the prince, who, like his father, had gained a reputation for a fearsome temper in recent years. The prince drummed his hands against the end of his cane as he waited for his wife to join him and for the ceremony to begin– hopefully in that order.

2017-04-12, 09:09 PM
The Grand Vizer of Baalbek and its Holdings, Sullayman, arrives at the flotilla in a Baalbeki junk. Adorned in a mauve robes with golden tassels and hair braided with a pony tail, the lanky man observed the smaller ships present slowly bobbing across the waves. It was a tranquil departure from an otherwise busy year. Unfortunately the relative silence was shattered by a high pitched voice from the left "Sullayman!! Why are we here, is all of Cellessa blasted desert?". Tightening his shoulders and furrowing his brow Sullayman explained " As you're a member of the grand council Hannibal,and I saw it fitting that you attend diplomatic events relevant to the Empire." The short chestnut brown Orsoerean princess, garbed in a flowery pink robes with a hieroglyph tattooed on her forehead proceeded to tapped waiting for the ceremony to start.

2017-04-13, 07:17 PM

Queen Amara came atop the deck of her ship, the Moons Grace. The wide sailed junk was perhaps not as graceful as her name implied, but she sailed her royal cargo safely to the waters surrounding Caligonia. Servants rushed to lay a heavy furred cloak over their queen's shoulders as she was struck by the chill maritime breeze that whipped her white hair maliciously around her head. She had been self conscious of her hair once the shock of her divine vision had subsided, but that too had passed. She wore her new snow white hair with pride, as a physical manifestation of the Exalted's answer to her call. It was but a small price to pay for her brief communion with the Divine.

Her heiress, similarly draped in furs came to stand by her Queen followed by Amara's half-Sheolim daughter Aysun. The three horned women took turns naming the other delegations by the emblems upon their ships sails as they approached the procession, their own black sails emblazoned with the silver ziggurat and crescent moon identifying them as Gehennites.

"I do not see the Zhen sigil." Amara spoke with a fond smile to Laliyah. Though Yamin did not bear strong marks of the Divine, he had endeared himself to Amara through his recent interest and study of Kunism and it was known that she approved of him highly as the next King of Zhentanna. And as Laliyah's future husband, of course.

"What of Sheol?" Aysun spoke shyly, as though embarrassed of her desire to see her giant of a father again. It had been several years since they had first met, and at twelve, Aysun was now a young lady, tall and beautiful with her mother's features and her father's startling white-blue eyes.

"I do not see them yet either, child. Though Urut might come by land." Amara also was interested in seeing the Sheolim King once again, though her motivations for attending the Coronation was largely driven by her desire of a respite from the crushing masses of pilgrims that continued to descend upon Marad. And also as a show of solidarity amongst her Southron brethren.

2017-04-13, 08:54 PM
In the middle of the festival, a loud gong is struck suddenly. At this sign, the crowd went from loud joviality to almost complete silence. The twin moons could now be seen clearly in the sky.

At sea, a similar gong is struck on the silver ship. At this, a sailor, not one of the refugees, shouts loudly from the rigging of the silver ship:
"By the light of the moons I see it at last! Land ahead my friends, I see land!"

At this, every sailor present, begins repeating the mantra:

"Land ahead my friends, I see land!"
"Land ahead my friends, I see land!"
"Land ahead my friends, I see land!"

This soon is being shouted by the neighbouring boats, and then the ones neighbouring them, until all the Calis in attendance (and guests if they feel so inclined) are shouting it loudly. On one ship, the sailor laugh and clap each other on the back. Another, they weep heavily. Another still, has a group of minstrels begin playing tunes. Similar scenes are repeated on every boat, except for the silver ship. While the sailors there shout hard, they are hard at work, climbing up and down the rigging, dangling over the side, and looking out ahead. Through all this, Kalus remained silent. Then he stepped forward, to the prow of the boat, and gazed off to the land.

"To land we go men! We have been provided for in our darkest hour! Even in the darkest of times we will survive! Let us go forth! Helmsman! To the shore!"

At this, the anchor for the silver ship is raised, and the helmsman brings the ship forward on its shallow draft. A Green flag is raised on the ship, which is subsequently raised on every other ship around, and all the ships sally forth.

Soon, some ships have to stop and weigh anchor, as they cannot risk getting beached at such an important event. Most continue further though, until the crowds on the beach can easily be seen. Around fifty metres from shore, all boats apart from the silver one weigh anchor to watch. The silver ship continues onward, up to the shore.

Meanwhile among the riders and the Ligians, no gong is struck. The Temaltat merely states suddenly "It is time."

At this, all the riders wrap their scarves around their heads, and mount. Very quickly, a rider dressed in the same robes comes galloping down to the group.

"My friends, as fortold, aid has come to us. Ships come to our starving lands!"
One rider, it is impossible now to tell which one, speaks up:
"Then to sea we go! We have been provided for even in our darkest hour! Even in the darkness, we will triumph! Let us go forth men, let us head to the sea!"

At this the group of riders all gallop forth the mile or so to the sea. The riders constantly shift around, swapping places in the charge. As they get closer, groups of onlookers begin to line their path. As soon as they are seen, a great cheer erupts, that spreads all across the crowds. Although it is night, the moons provide enough light for it to be an easy path to sea, and the riders make good time, arriving at the shore less than ten minutes after they left.

As the silver ship comes to shore, and lays still in the wake, the group of riders appear, and ride close, but still give a good berth. Silently, the occupants of the boat disembark, the waves lapping at their feet, until Kalus himself steps off.
Kalus silently walks forward towards the riders as a rider, now dismounted, walks towards Kalus. The rider speaks first, somewhat nervously:

"Are you here to aid our dying people?"

Kalus replies:

"Are you here to provide us a homeland?"

At this, a moment of utter silence follows. Then the rider removes his scarf with one hand in a fluid motion. It is Frenat, the Marshal. Drawing his knife, he holds the knife by its edge, pointing downwards, with his scarf in his other hand, held beneath it.

"My people hold that an oath made by mixing blood is an oath unbreakable. Let us mix our blood so we may prosper together."

Kalus replies by outstretching his own hand, and grasping the knife tightly.

"Then let us be two peoples brought together as one. We have been provided for, and thus we shall provide."

With both men with their palm around half the knife, blood soon drips down onto the scarf. At this, all the other men on the ship come forward, and repeat this action with a rider, shedding blood onto the scarves.

"We have been provided for, and thus we shall provide!"
"We have been provided for, and thus we shall provide!"
"We have been provided for, and thus we shall provide!"

Lastly, the Destar and the Temaltat come together. Without a word of exchange, they both grasp the knife, and drip blood onto the green scarf. With this all completed, the Calis draw their own knives-or in Kalus' case, sword- and cut the scarf in two. Everyone wraps the scarf around their injured and bleeding hand.
With this done Kalus turns to the riders and crew, and the crowd in general.

"We are a people who have survived the darkest of nights! By the blessings of Lunala and the Exalted, we stand here today! We came together, hungry, homeless, with only a glimmer of hope. Yet now we stand, a great kingdom. We are greeted as friends and advisors across the lands. Our merchants and soldiers are the envy of all. Through the rights entrusted onto me, I am the King of Caligonia. The ruler of the sea and sand! Today, I am crowned, as Regis Insulus was crowned on this shore. Yet I still need a throne. Who shall show their loyalty by building my throne?"

At this, all the crew and riders bar the religious leaders, Kalus and Frenat, scramble away. The riders produce a crown of shining silver. which Frenat takes, as well as a silver pendant, which is given to the Tenaltat. The crew produce a sceptre, which the Destar takes. Finally, a throne is carried out of the boat, carved from marble, and carried by five large men. The throne is placed onto the shore. While this is going on, rowing boats are brought out on the furthest out ships, to bring guests and nobles closer to the coronation.

Two men approach the throne first, and stand behind it. They are the lookout and the scout, who started proceedings on both ends. Although they may not look it, they are in fact powerful tribal and urban leaders, who have fought hard to gain this honour.

"We, the leaders of the people, kneel before you king, and offer you a place to rule."

Both the men kneel , behind each corner of the throne. Kalus, with his shield still on one arm, approaches the throne, and sits smoothly onto it.

Now the Destar approaches, with the sceptre in hand.

"King, the Exalted finds you worthy to lead these peoples fairly and justly. May you use this to defeat the Beast wherever you find it. Take this sceptre as a symbol of your justice."
The Destar places the sceptre in Kalus' right hand, which he holds upright, against his shoulder. She moves to the seaward side of the throne, and stands, still looking a little seasick, but stalwart nonetheless.

Then the Temaltat approaches.

"King, Lunala Temalta has blessed you with wisdom and foresight. May you be a bulwark against the chaos of the world for our people. Take this amulet as a symbol of your wisdom."

The Temaltat slowly moves to the opposite side of the throne to the Destar. She is certainly not seasick, and seems almost on edge.

Finally, Frenat approaches the throne. Between his hands, he holds the crown.

"My king, I Frenat D'Ilasyit, the Marshal of our people, bring you the crown. When our people met, this crown was made as a sign of our everlasting oath, to be kin to each other. As king, you have power over us all, as the sign of our joined people. Thus I crown you King Kalus Mensus, first of his name, first of his house!"

As Frenat carefully places the crown on Kalus' head, a low murmur can be heard from the crowd. As he steps away, and then kneels, the murmer turns into a roar of noise and sound. Kalus has been crowned king, and none deny him of this.

The next day...

The day after the coronation is reserved for celebrations, tournaments, and joviality, if in part to get over the previous late night. Many competitions such as wrestling, knife throwing and riding are taking place. Arguably the most professional and prestigious tournament is the duelling, where contestants fight to first blood with a weapon of their choice.
If any character wants to take part in a tournament, please note it, and I'll write it up

The day after:

Today is the day when actual diplomacy takes place. By now, Kalus and most of the nobles have migrated east to the city of Kinright, to the large clan room their. Kalus is present, with his crown still on and in his robes, but his other items taken off. Frenat is standing near him, surprisingly more at ease now than anyone who glanced him at the coronation saw, openly sizing up everyone in attendance. A bit to the side, the Destar, who is named Amilla Insula, is quietly sitting, dressed in white robes. In the far corner, the Temaltat, who traditionally doesn't reveal her name, is standing, in her black and silver robe, giving even more obvious glances to the delegations present than Frenat.

That took way too long to write up. Feel free to skip formalities if you wish and start diplomacising, and point out any mistakes I may have made.

2017-04-14, 09:55 PM
In the middle of the festival, a loud gong is struck suddenly. At this sign, the crowd went from loud joviality to almost complete silence. The twin moons could now be seen clearly in the sky.

At sea, a similar gong is struck on the silver ship. At this, a sailor, not one of the refugees, shouts loudly from the rigging of the silver ship:
"By the light of the moons I see it at last! Land ahead my friends, I see land!"

At this, every sailor present, begins repeating the mantra:

"Land ahead my friends, I see land!"
"Land ahead my friends, I see land!"
"Land ahead my friends, I see land!"

This soon is being shouted by the neighbouring boats, and then the ones neighbouring them, until all the Calis in attendance (and guests if they feel so inclined) are shouting it loudly. On one ship, the sailor laugh and clap each other on the back. Another, they weep heavily. Another still, has a group of minstrels begin playing tunes. Similar scenes are repeated on every boat, except for the silver ship. While the sailors there shout hard, they are hard at work, climbing up and down the rigging, dangling over the side, and looking out ahead. Through all this, Kalus remained silent. Then he stepped forward, to the prow of the boat, and gazed off to the land.

"To land we go men! We have been provided for in our darkest hour! Even in the darkest of times we will survive! Let us go forth! Helmsman! To the shore!"

At this, the anchor for the silver ship is raised, and the helmsman brings the ship forward on its shallow draft. A Green flag is raised on the ship, which is subsequently raised on every other ship around, and all the ships sally forth.

Soon, some ships have to stop and weigh anchor, as they cannot risk getting beached at such an important event. Most continue further though, until the crowds on the beach can easily be seen. Around fifty metres from shore, all boats apart from the silver one weigh anchor to watch. The silver ship continues onward, up to the shore.

Meanwhile among the riders and the Ligians, no gong is struck. The Temaltat merely states suddenly "It is time."

At this, all the riders wrap their scarves around their heads, and mount. Very quickly, a rider dressed in the same robes comes galloping down to the group.

"My friends, as fortold, aid has come to us. Ships come to our starving lands!"
One rider, it is impossible now to tell which one, speaks up:
"Then to sea we go! We have been provided for even in our darkest hour! Even in the darkness, we will triumph! Let us go forth men, let us head to the sea!"

At this the group of riders all gallop forth the mile or so to the sea. The riders constantly shift around, swapping places in the charge. As they get closer, groups of onlookers begin to line their path. As soon as they are seen, a great cheer erupts, that spreads all across the crowds. Although it is night, the moons provide enough light for it to be an easy path to sea, and the riders make good time, arriving at the shore less than ten minutes after they left.

As the silver ship comes to shore, and lays still in the wake, the group of riders appear, and ride close, but still give a good berth. Silently, the occupants of the boat disembark, the waves lapping at their feet, until Kalus himself steps off.
Kalus silently walks forward towards the riders as a rider, now dismounted, walks towards Kalus. The rider speaks first, somewhat nervously:

"Are you here to aid our dying people?"

Kalus replies:

"Are you here to provide us a homeland?"

At this, a moment of utter silence follows. Then the rider removes his scarf with one hand in a fluid motion. It is Frenat, the Marshal. Drawing his knife, he holds the knife by its edge, pointing downwards, with his scarf in his other hand, held beneath it.

"My people hold that an oath made by mixing blood is an oath unbreakable. Let us mix our blood so we may prosper together."

Kalus replies by outstretching his own hand, and grasping the knife tightly.

"Then let us be two peoples brought together as one. We have been provided for, and thus we shall provide."

With both men with their palm around half the knife, blood soon drips down onto the scarf. At this, all the other men on the ship come forward, and repeat this action with a rider, shedding blood onto the scarves.

"We have been provided for, and thus we shall provide!"
"We have been provided for, and thus we shall provide!"
"We have been provided for, and thus we shall provide!"

Lastly, the Destar and the Temaltat come together. Without a word of exchange, they both grasp the knife, and drip blood onto the green scarf. With this all completed, the Calis draw their own knives-or in Kalus' case, sword- and cut the scarf in two. Everyone wraps the scarf around their injured and bleeding hand.
With this done Kalus turns to the riders and crew, and the crowd in general.

"We are a people who have survived the darkest of nights! By the blessings of Lunala and the Exalted, we stand here today! We came together, hungry, homeless, with only a glimmer of hope. Yet now we stand, a great kingdom. We are greeted as friends and advisors across the lands. Our merchants and soldiers are the envy of all. Through the rights entrusted onto me, I am the King of Caligonia. The ruler of the sea and sand! Today, I am crowned, as Regis Insulus was crowned on this shore. Yet I still need a throne. Who shall show their loyalty by building my throne?"

At this, all the crew and riders bar the religious leaders, Kalus and Frenat, scramble away. The riders produce a crown of shining silver. which Frenat takes, as well as a silver pendant, which is given to the Tenaltat. The crew produce a sceptre, which the Destar takes. Finally, a throne is carried out of the boat, carved from marble, and carried by five large men. The throne is placed onto the shore. While this is going on, rowing boats are brought out on the furthest out ships, to bring guests and nobles closer to the coronation.

Two men approach the throne first, and stand behind it. They are the lookout and the scout, who started proceedings on both ends. Although they may not look it, they are in fact powerful tribal and urban leaders, who have fought hard to gain this honour.

"We, the leaders of the people, kneel before you king, and offer you a place to rule."

Both the men kneel , behind each corner of the throne. Kalus, with his shield still on one arm, approaches the throne, and sits smoothly onto it.

Now the Destar approaches, with the sceptre in hand.

"King, the Exalted finds you worthy to lead these peoples fairly and justly. May you use this to defeat the Beast wherever you find it. Take this sceptre as a symbol of your justice."
The Destar places the sceptre in Kalus' right hand, which he holds upright, against his shoulder. She moves to the seaward side of the throne, and stands, still looking a little seasick, but stalwart nonetheless.

Then the Temaltat approaches.

"King, Lunala Temalta has blessed you with wisdom and foresight. May you be a bulwark against the chaos of the world for our people. Take this amulet as a symbol of your wisdom."

The Temaltat slowly moves to the opposite side of the throne to the Destar. She is certainly not seasick, and seems almost on edge.

Finally, Frenat approaches the throne. Between his hands, he holds the crown.

"My king, I Frenat D'Ilasyit, the Marshal of our people, bring you the crown. When our people met, this crown was made as a sign of our everlasting oath, to be kin to each other. As king, you have power over us all, as the sign of our joined people. Thus I crown you King Kalus Mensus, first of his name, first of his house!"

As Frenat carefully places the crown on Kalus' head, a low murmur can be heard from the crowd. As he steps away, and then kneels, the murmer turns into a roar of noise and sound. Kalus has been crowned king, and none deny him of this.

The next day...

The day after the coronation is reserved for celebrations, tournaments, and joviality, if in part to get over the previous late night. Many competitions such as wrestling, knife throwing and riding are taking place. Arguably the most professional and prestigious tournament is the duelling, where contestants fight to first blood with a weapon of their choice.
If any character wants to take part in a tournament, please note it, and I'll write it up

The day after:

Today is the day when actual diplomacy takes place. By now, Kalus and most of the nobles have migrated east to the city of Kinright, to the large clan room their. Kalus is present, with his crown still on and in his robes, but his other items taken off. Frenat is standing near him, surprisingly more at ease now than anyone who glanced him at the coronation saw, openly sizing up everyone in attendance. A bit to the side, the Destar, who is named Amilla Insula, is quietly sitting, dressed in white robes. In the far corner, the Temaltat, who traditionally doesn't reveal her name, is standing, in her black and silver robe, giving even more obvious glances to the delegations present than Frenat.

That took way too long to write up. Feel free to skip formalities if you wish and start diplomacising, and point out any mistakes I may have made.

The next day
Hulacanis, under Sullayman's haggard eye, fiercely watched upon the fighters, nearly gambling 3 Balbek's at the events. Truth be told, the one on one fights in the arena were a spectacle to behold for the few men attending. While there was a distinct access of northern mercenaries the fighting styles of men from the east, west, and South of Cellessa were shown in vivid detail. Post arena fighting, the Baalbeki party partook of Ligan snack food when Sullayman ran into the emperor of Xin Kun. Sullayman shuffled to the Emperor shifting his eyes rapidly to keep track of the multitude of people "Greetings emperor, are you enjoying the festivities. Personally I think its extremely well organized....Hulacanis please don't stare." The Oroserean woman interjected, blushing in embarrassment "My apologies I did not realize humans such as you existed"

Diplomacy day

Sullayman and Hulacanis hurried to find the new king before a swarm of dignitaries would make reaching him highly impractical. Sullayman briefly bowed to the new king. "King Menus, congratulations, on behalf of Baalbek take this gift to honor your ascension. The contents of this box are of a unique plant only found in the Oroseros." Sullayman hands the king a box filled with a brown aromatic powder(nutmeg)."The wonders of the lands beyond Cellessa are endless, unfortunately our coffers aren't. Exploiting foreign lands is very expensive it would be prudent if our merchants to work together, to this end I'm suggesting the creation of a East Ocean trading company to enable are merchants to go further together than alone."

OOC: Basically we give each other permission to buy out trading posts in our colonial possessions.

2017-04-15, 04:37 AM

the High King had indeed arrived by land, he and his retinue having no intention of taking part in the ceremony itself. Part of that was doubtless pride, but so too did the High King worry that his presence and that of his golden-helmed giants might distract from the new king's own grand procession. So Sheol awaited in the tents reserved for dignitaries, Urut accompanied by a scant six of his Nehir Kiliclari to keep gawkers at bay. In his hands he held an ingeniously long spyglass, tracking the slow arrival of the delegations from both near and far. He was most eager to catch sight of Allanar's flag, for there was business yet unresolved between himself and the elven queen.

2017-04-15, 01:05 PM

Though Queen Lachiel arrived at the coronation by sea, she chose to disembark and and make her way to the cordoned off spectator area preferring to watch rather than to involve herself in the ceremony. She traveled with a small retinue, Caelora having stayed in Siledorei to oversee her wedding preparations. The Lightstalker walked beside the Queen and they were flanked by several guards resplendent in their crimson royal livery, two of which held aloft the black and flame kissed banners of Allanar.

Queen Lachiel had chosen to wear gold for the kingly occasion, her skirts fell to the floor and dragged in the sand upon the beach. Her top left her waist exposed though a filmy cloak sat atop her shoulders in a clever dichotomy of modest and bare. Her long fiery hair was braided intricately and arranged neatly around her head beneath her sparkling crown of flames, impervious to the coastal winds. Lord Uylerion was dressed as ever, in his dark nondescript though finely made leather.

With a subtle eye towards the Nehir Kiliclari, the Lightstalker signaled to his Queen the presence of the Sheolim. Queen Lachiel's eye followed her father's and seemingly without preamble, she altered her course until she stood before the High King's delegation.

"Queen Lachiel of Allanar for High King Urut of Sheol." The Lightstalker announced his daughter's presence as Lachiel awaited her long anticipated audience with Urut.

2017-04-15, 02:33 PM
Diplomacy day

Sullayman and Hulacanis hurried to find the new king before a swarm of dignitaries would make reaching him highly impractical. Sullayman briefly bowed to the new king. "King Menus, congratulations, on behalf of Baalbek take this gift to honor your ascension. The contents of this box are of a unique plant only found in the Oroseros." Sullayman hands the king a box filled with a brown aromatic powder(nutmeg)."The wonders of the lands beyond Cellessa are endless, unfortunately our coffers aren't. Exploiting foreign lands is very expensive it would be prudent if our merchants to work together, to this end I'm suggesting the creation of a East Ocean trading company to enable are merchants to go further together than alone."

OOC: Basically we give each other permission to buy out trading posts in our colonial possessions.

Kalus studied the strange powder, and visibly tested the aroma coming from the box.

"Thank you. This is certainly a wonderful gift my friend. Our own explorers have found strange winged creatures in their journeys, but unfortunately were not able to take one on their original venture. Certainly, If we establish colonies, Baalbeki merchants will be welcomed for the foreseeable future, though of course, our own merchants would have first pickings, as would yours in your lands. Let us hope that our times are fruitful."
Kalus pauses for a second.
"We might also want to consider the natives of that land, and how to communicate with them, or even if they have their own kings, or if they are mere savages. Nevertheless, I would certainly value your opinions on them."

Quietly, an attendant comes to Kalus, who calmly gives the box to him, who quickly moves off, to place the gift at the far edge of the room.

2017-04-15, 02:53 PM

Sighting the flame-kissed banners of the elven kingdom, Urut gave a simple nod to the captain of his bodyguard, a man near eight feet in height who had served him for decades now. Silently, the Nehir Kiliclari began expanding out from their tight cordon around Urut, forcing merchant and dignitary alike back from the southern monarch with dangerous glares and barely-concealed disdain. Soon, an empty space had been created in the center of the throng, occupied only by a table, two chairs, and the High King. As Queen Lachiel approached, Urut rose with arms outstretched.

"Queen Lachiel! Too long has it been since we set eyes on each other. Please, come and sit. We have much to discuss."

The Nehir Kiliclari parted to allow the elven monarch passage, and exchanged looks with the Lightbringer in recognition of his danger. Still, the father of the queen was allowed entrance, before the golden wall closed again.

2017-04-15, 03:51 PM


Sighting the flame-kissed banners of the elven kingdom, Urut gave a simple nod to the captain of his bodyguard, a man near eight feet in height who had served him for decades now. Silently, the Nehir Kiliclari began expanding out from their tight cordon around Urut, forcing merchant and dignitary alike back from the southern monarch with dangerous glares and barely-concealed disdain. Soon, an empty space had been created in the center of the throng, occupied only by a table, two chairs, and the High King. As Queen Lachiel approached, Urut rose with arms outstretched.

"Queen Lachiel! Too long has it been since we set eyes on each other. Please, come and sit. We have much to discuss."

The Nehir Kiliclari parted to allow the elven monarch passage, and exchanged looks with the Lightbringer in recognition of his danger. Still, the father of the queen was allowed entrance, before the golden wall closed again.

The Lightstalker's eyes flicked to the guard captain, the brief recognition a concession of respect from the proud elf. He stood back as his daughter greeted the high king of Sheol. Queen Lachiel's face warmed with a smile as she took Urut's hand and allowed him to guide her into a seat.

"The years have treated you kindly, High King Urut." Indeed, many of the Southern monarchs seemed impervious to the usual time assessed decrepitude of the human form. Not as impressive as the elves, but still a feat all things considered. She shifted in her seat to make herself more comfortable and crossed her long legs, looking for who to signal for a drink.

"I trust your ambassador relayed my offer of the altered deal?" Her tone was mild though a raised eyebrow belied her her long held anticipation of this conversation.

2017-04-15, 09:57 PM
Kalus studied the strange powder, and visibly tested the aroma coming from the box.

"Thank you. This is certainly a wonderful gift my friend. Our own explorers have found strange winged creatures in their journeys, but unfortunately were not able to take one on their original venture. Certainly, If we establish colonies, Baalbeki merchants will be welcomed for the foreseeable future, though of course, our own merchants would have first pickings, as would yours in your lands. Let us hope that our times are fruitful."
Kalus pauses for a second.
"We might also want to consider the natives of that land, and how to communicate with them, or even if they have their own kings, or if they are mere savages. Nevertheless, I would certainly value your opinions on them."

Quietly, an attendant comes to Kalus, who calmly gives the box to him, who quickly moves off, to place the gift at the far edge of the room.

Hulacanis interjected "WE in Oroserosean archipelago have a long and storied history; we may not have created the printing press but we are no savages. It's not inconceivable that polities exist that have achieved greater technological prowess than even you my king. Many cities within the islands allowed Baalbeki settlers, and some even accept Baalbeki suzerainty in exchange for trade agreements, and protection form pirates. Communication require lots of effort, but can only go so far, if those you wish to communicate with don't reciprocate then....would it not be necessary to bring them to heel."

To Sheol

Sullayman slowly approaches High King Urut within his tent after his conversion with Queen Lachiel. "King Urut, how are you in this pleasant time, though I assume you've heard rumors. Is it really possible that The Red Orcs could swarm the south like the Skrillings have the North. Unfortunately Baalbeki's isolated location has left us inexperienced in military matters, may I ask you for access to the Sheolim bombards. We would gladly give you access to the Baalbeki junks along with a next technology we are currently building, something that will certainly further your conquests."

2017-04-16, 04:41 AM
Sheol and Allanar

The Lightstalker's eyes flicked to the guard captain, the brief recognition a concession of respect from the proud elf. He stood back as his daughter greeted the high king of Sheol. Queen Lachiel's face warmed with a smile as she took Urut's hand and allowed him to guide her into a seat.

"The years have treated you kindly, High King Urut." Indeed, many of the Southern monarchs seemed impervious to the usual time assessed decrepitude of the human form. Not as impressive as the elves, but still a feat all things considered. She shifted in her seat to make herself more comfortable and crossed her long legs, looking for who to signal for a drink.

"I trust your ambassador relayed my offer of the altered deal?" Her tone was mild though a raised eyebrow belied her her long held anticipation of this conversation.

The High King circled the table to offer Lachiel her seat himself, before sitting himself and turning his mind to the affairs of state. The diplomat yu-Harouk had submitted a detailed report, and had been granted an ambassadorial posting for his troubles. It was not surprising that the elven dominion sought to include all elves, and while it grated that Sheol's records had so deteriorated as to forget that simple fact it was a failing of Assembly members many centuries dead.

"Indeed, our representative informed us of Allanar's desires. I am only sorry that one empowered to speak fully on my behalf was not sent to Vishanya, for they might have agreed then and saved Allanar years of speculation. Some members of the Assembly will scream over moldy land-grants that will never now be honored, but I see no reason not to accede Allanar's new conditions."

Sheol and Baalbek

Sullayman slowly approaches High King Urut within his tent after his conversion with Queen Lachiel. "King Urut, how are you in this pleasant time, though I assume you've heard rumors. Is it really possible that The Red Orcs could swarm the south like the Skrillings have the North. Unfortunately Baalbeki's isolated location has left us inexperienced in military matters, may I ask you for access to the Sheolim bombards. We would gladly give you access to the Baalbeki junks along with a next technology we are currently building, something that will certainly further your conquests."

Reclining as best he could in the Caligonian chair, Urut stood with a respectful nod as the Grand Vizier approached. Bronze fingers rolled across the surface of the table as he listened to the offer, the slow rumble ceasing with a smile.

"So, Baalbek would have mastery of fire and stone, and in return offers the same over wind and sea? I find those terms amenable, Grand Vizier. Have you scribes at this meeting, that we might agree in good form?"

2017-04-16, 12:55 PM
[Celestial Cult]

The first person to step off of the Sunlands' caravel was a red-haired woman clad in armor. Her face a stony mask of indifference framed by blood-red locks. Silver eyes raked over the crowds of people around her.

Beneath that stony facade, however, her blood boiled. Alluil was loathe to leave the Sunlands. Not for her own sake, but because the Hand of Fate and the Avatar were supposed to be close at all times; her job was a bodyguard, not an investigator. Whatever interest these people had piqued in Enazan and her charge, she didn't need to be here.

Whatever these Lunalta were, it wasn't the Lunari. She just had to confirm that, sit through this coronation, and then they could go home.

She took comfort in knowing that Isaia's physical appearance was not public knowledge. It made hiding him while she was away from the Sunlands so much easier.

2017-04-16, 01:17 PM
As Martino walked through the crowded diplomacy hall, he overheard the second half of the Baalbeki delegates' offer. He approached Kalus and Sullayman carefully.
"Greetings and congratulations. I must apologize for my rudeness, but I could not help but overhear your proposal, Sullayman. I believe that Neveran's aid in such a company would be beneficial to all of us; in fact, that is one of the main reasons I am here."

He rubs his left shoulder, still aching from yesterday's tournament, to give the others a moment to respond.

2017-04-16, 03:22 PM
Sheol and Allanar

The High King circled the table to offer Lachiel her seat himself, before sitting himself and turning his mind to the affairs of state. The diplomat yu-Harouk had submitted a detailed report, and had been granted an ambassadorial posting for his troubles. It was not surprising that the elven dominion sought to include all elves, and while it grated that Sheol's records had so deteriorated as to forget that simple fact it was a failing of Assembly members many centuries dead.

"Indeed, our representative informed us of Allanar's desires. I am only sorry that one empowered to speak fully on my behalf was not sent to Vishanya, for they might have agreed then and saved Allanar years of speculation. Some members of the Assembly will scream over moldy land-grants that will never now be honored, but I see no reason not to accede Allanar's new conditions."

Queen Lachiel's lips quirked at the mention of the possible protestations of his countrymen at the contract's alterations. She too, had needed to pacify those who took the unfortunate circumstance of Altimia as proof of Sheolim duplicity. They did not know that Altimia had always been meant for Sheolim governance, though the terms of that governance had been taken from Allanar through Lady Jiyen's cunning.

In some small way, it was comforting that elven and Sheolim monarch alike faced similar issues in ruling their people and she felt a camaraderie with her fellow monarch.

"I would speak of the Lady Jiyen. How fares she since the conquering of her people? I admit I quite admire her resolve, I have not often encountered such strength of character amongst.." She had meant to say humans then, but remembered in whose company she now sat. A giant amongst humans perhaps, but still purportedly so.

"Well, at all admittedly. Present company accepted of course." She smiled mildly, eager to hear of the Altimian noble as the Sheolim Ambassador had not news of the Lady's well-being during their brief conversation in Vishanya.

2017-04-16, 03:52 PM
Gehenna and Caligonia

Amara's loyal handmaiden Ianna announced her Queen's presence to King Mensus.

"The Divine Queen of Gehenna for King Kalus Mensus of Caligonia."

Gehenna and Baalbek

Amara spied the Baalbeki banners and made her way over to her fellow southerners. Long had she held a fondness for their Hannibal and she wished to see if he was amongst the attendees.

"The Divine Queen of Gehenna for King Hannibal II of Baalbek."

Gehenna and Gleiss

Word of her distant fellow Kunists ongoing struggles had reached Queen Amara in the South and she wished to speak with them and offer her support, if only of the moral kind.

"The Divine Queen of Gehenna for the delegation of Gleiss."

Gehenna and Sheol

Amara had left Ianna at their tents and walked with Laliyah and Aysun to where the Sheolim were housed for the event. A short flash of the old self consciousness her hair had briefly caused her after the ritual returned, only to be shrugged off almost immediately. The three women presented themselves to the Sheolim guards, and though their identity should be obvious to any guards worth their salt, the Queen herself relayed their names to the guard captain.

"Queen Amara, Princess Laliyah and Princess Aysun to see the High King Urut." They awaited entry as Aysun tried to peer into the tent for a glimpse of her larger than life father.

2017-04-16, 05:04 PM
Hulacanis interjected "WE in Oroserosean archipelago have a long and storied history; we may not have created the printing press but we are no savages. It's not inconceivable that polities exist that have achieved greater technological prowess than even you my king. Many cities within the islands allowed Baalbeki settlers, and some even accept Baalbeki suzerainty in exchange for trade agreements, and protection form pirates. Communication require lots of effort, but can only go so far, if those you wish to communicate with don't reciprocate then....would it not be necessary to bring them to heel."

Kalus nods. "Indeed, though with that comes the problem of not knowing what they can do, due to lack of communication. For all our sakes, it would certainly be easier if we could communicate and they were amenable. I would never be so rash as to count on that though."

Martino and Baalbek
As Martino walked through the crowded diplomacy hall, he overheard the second half of the Baalbeki delegates' offer. He approached Kalus and Sullayman carefully.
"Greetings and congratulations. I must apologize for my rudeness, but I could not help but overhear your proposal, Sullayman. I believe that Neveran's aid in such a company would be beneficial to all of us; in fact, that is one of the main reasons I am here."

He rubs his left shoulder, still aching from yesterday's tournament, to give the others a moment to respond.

"It is good to see Neveranians here in Caligonia" replies Kalus. " In the past, my predecessor traded many letters with King Endero over the new lands. A mutual colonial trade agreement between us all? I would be all for it. It would theoretically mean our three realms would have almost complete control over trade from those lands..."
Kalus mulled it over in his head a little. It was tantalising, certainly.
" We would also have to ensure that our colonies remained safe of course, as well as our homelands, but I would certainly be interested at the very least in an informal arrangement. "

Gehenna and Caligonia

Amara's loyal handmaiden Ianna announced her Queen's presence to King Mensus.

"The Divine Queen of Gehenna for King Kalus Mensus of Caligonia."

Kalus noticed the Divine Queen almost before her handmaiden announced her. Her white hair seemed almost ethereal, especially to himself, one of the lucky few to witness her visions. A minor courtier, who had previously been talking about 'Naksal' waste problems, saw Kalus' look, turned to see the Queen, and wisely finished his talk quickly and moved on.
"Queen Amara, it is certainly a joy to have you here, as well as taking part in the ceremonies. I trust that the pilgrims have not weighed you down too much?"
Nearby, Frenat rolled his eyes.

The Tournament

To any Character that wishes to compete in the duelling, please note they are, and then roll 2d6, and add 3 if they can be considered well trained, or less if you wish. A few locals will be competing as well, as it is a somewhat open event.

Frenat D'Ilasyit, Marshal of Caligonia
Diona Midiv, Noblewoman of Caligonia
Pallens Superbus. Scribe of Caligonia

2017-04-17, 03:16 AM
To Neveran/Caligonia After Martino spoke Sullayman addressed both gentlemen. Surprised his idea is gaining traction. "I believe the three of us have come to an arrangement. May the coming years prove profitable to all our nations. While we have consented to a trade agreement, I believe it would be wise to address issues of defense as they arise, but don't hesitate to ask for help."

To Queen Amara
Sullayman approached the Queen an oddly apologetic tone " I apologize my Queen, Hannibal was unable to join us at this fine day." Sullayman then whispers to the Queen "Perhaps it is out of my purview, but between you and I, the kings only child has fallen ill, so he wishes to stay at the capital for the time being. However, he wished for you to have these as thanks, for being a steadfast friend to the citizens of Baalbek." A guard proceeds to hand the queen a golden box containing a brown aromatic powder.

2017-04-17, 11:27 AM

Kalus noticed the Divine Queen almost before her handmaiden announced her. Her white hair seemed almost ethereal, especially to himself, one of the lucky few to witness her visions. A minor courtier, who had previously been talking about 'Naksal' waste problems, saw Kalus' look, turned to see the Queen, and wisely finished his talk quickly and moved on.
"Queen Amara, it is certainly a joy to have you here, as well as taking part in the ceremonies. I trust that the pilgrims have not weighed you down too much?"
Nearby, Frenat rolled his eyes.

Amara smiled at the new king warmly.

"It was a joy to see you ascend the throne. I found the ceremony quite interesting and was honored to be a part of it. I wished to congratulate you in person and present you a gift." She turned and Ianna stepped forward with a banded cage in which could be seen a large spotted brown owl that looked at them through the bars of his cage and hooted softly.

"They make excellent hunting companions or messengers. This one has proven exceptionally intelligent, his name is Naki." Naki's head turned towards Amara as she spoke his name and hooted.

Amara's smile turned self depreciating as King Kalus turned the conversation to the pilgrims that had swollen Marad's population since the miracle ritual beneath the ziggurat.

"They come to see the Divine, and I am what they get. My throne has been named the Divine Throne since the days of the first siblings, but now I feel it has earned that title at last. So I try and busy myself with prayers and good works as an example to my people. As is the Exalted, they are always watching." She laughed then, amused at being both the pious Queen and the woman from the illicit tablets. In true, she did not mind the celebrity but the break from it was welcome.

"I am grateful to you for providing this distraction." Throughout the conversation, Amara pointedly ignored Frenat, divesting her full attention on the new king.

To Queen Amara
Sullayman approached the Queen an oddly apologetic tone " I apologize my Queen, Hannibal was unable to join us at this fine day." Sullayman then whispers to the Queen "Perhaps it is out of my purview, but between you and I, the kings only child has fallen ill, so he wishes to stay at the capital for the time being. However, he wished for you to have these as thanks, for being a steadfast friend to the citizens of Baalbek." A guard proceeds to hand the queen a golden box containing a brown aromatic powder.

Amara's welcoming smile had turned stricken as Sullayman told her of the unfortunate news.

"No need to apologize, this is dire news indeed. Please send Hannibal my love and wishes for his child's swift recovery." She removed a small pin from her cloak and handed it to Sullayman. It was sparkling silver with the ziggurat and crescent moon sigil done in black onyx.

"Please take this token back to him that he knows he is not alone in this trying time." As the guard thrust the gilded box at her, Ianna steeped forward quickly and took it from him. She opened the lid towards her Queen and they both regarded it powder curiously. Ianna was the first to sniff the mysterious powder and she swiftly turned her head and sneezed.

"For give me, Your Grace." She reddened as she recovered her poise, though Amara merely looked amused and sniffed the spice herself, warily.

"The fragrance is enticing, rather like cinnamon but more comforting like a warm blanket on a chill mountain night. We will enjoy this, with thanks." Amara nodded and Ianna closed the lid.

2017-04-18, 04:08 AM
Sheol and Allanar

Queen Lachiel's lips quirked at the mention of the possible protestations of his countrymen at the contract's alterations. She too, had needed to pacify those who took the unfortunate circumstance of Altimia as proof of Sheolim duplicity. They did not know that Altimia had always been meant for Sheolim governance, though the terms of that governance had been taken from Allanar through Lady Jiyen's cunning.

In some small way, it was comforting that elven and Sheolim monarch alike faced similar issues in ruling their people and she felt a camaraderie with her fellow monarch.

"I would speak of the Lady Jiyen. How fares she since the conquering of her people? I admit I quite admire her resolve, I have not often encountered such strength of character amongst.." She had meant to say humans then, but remembered in whose company she now sat. A giant amongst humans perhaps, but still purportedly so.

"Well, at all admittedly. Present company accepted of course." She smiled mildly, eager to hear of the Altimian noble as the Sheolim Ambassador had not news of the Lady's well-being during their brief conversation in Vishanya.

Urut chuckled at Lachiel's jest, his hand sweeping expansively westward.

"She remains a guest in my palace, both as proof against further Altimian duplicity and in recognition of her bravery. I have attempted to convince her that her stout heart is put to better use working alongside Sheol rather than against us, but it has been slow going."

He waved a hand, and one of the High King's bodyguard melted into the crowd in search of refreshment.

"And what of yourself, Lachiel? I cannot imagine it is easy, to wrangle the largest demesne in recent history."

Sheol and Gehenna

Gehenna and Sheol

Amara had left Ianna at their tents and walked with Laliyah and Aysun to where the Sheolim were housed for the event. A short flash of the old self consciousness her hair had briefly caused her after the ritual returned, only to be shrugged off almost immediately. The three women presented themselves to the Sheolim guards, and though their identity should be obvious to any guards worth their salt, the Queen herself relayed their names to the guard captain.

"Queen Amara, Princess Laliyah and Princess Aysun to see the High King Urut." They awaited entry as Aysun tried to peer into the tent for a glimpse of her larger than life father.

The boots of the Nehir Kiliclari clicked together with expert precision at the appearance of the Gehennan delegation, their captain bowing deeply and waving the three women through. Beyond their wall of gold and steel, Urut stood watching the oncoming fleet, his hand stroking his beard, eyes lost in thought. That is, until his captain barked out in a scathing voice.

"The Holy Queen Amara of Gehenna and her entourage."

Urut turned, his face already a slight smile, only for his face to eclipse the light of the sun at the sight of his daughter. Bastard though she may be, and no small source of friction with his wife, he delighted in the girl. Striding forward, he scooped her up in his battle-worn hands and looked up into her eyes.

"Amara, such treasure you have brought me!"

2017-04-18, 05:22 AM

Amara smiled at the new king warmly.

"It was a joy to see you ascend the throne. I found the ceremony quite interesting and was honored to be a part of it. I wished to congratulate you in person and present you a gift." She turned and Ianna stepped forward with a banded cage in which could be seen a large spotted brown owl that looked at them through the bars of his cage and hooted softly.

"They make excellent hunting companions or messengers. This one has proven exceptionally intelligent, his name is Naki." Naki's head turned towards Amara as she spoke his name and hooted.

Amara's smile turned self depreciating as King Kalus turned the conversation to the pilgrims that had swollen Marad's population since the miracle ritual beneath the ziggurat.

"They come to see the Divine, and I am what they get. My throne has been named the Divine Throne since the days of the first siblings, but now I feel it has earned that title at last. So I try and busy myself with prayers and good works as an example to my people. As is the Exalted, they are always watching." She laughed then, amused at being both the pious Queen and the woman from the illicit tablets. In true, she did not mind the celebrity but the break from it was welcome.

"I am grateful to you for providing this distraction." Throughout the conversation, Amara pointedly ignored Frenat, divesting her full attention on the new king.

Kalus carefully took the cage with Naki inside and looked at him gently. "I have heard many great things of the owls of Gehenna. I will certainly take care of him well." Kalus very pointedly handed it over to Frenat to find a suitable place to place the owl contentedly, with the somewhat subtle look of 'behave'.

"Indeed, a ruler should certainly act as a paragon of their realm whenever possible, as without a ruler of faith to guide, the people are blind. On those lines, I hope the Chosen is found soon so we may have such guidance." Kalus, for a second, looks slightly grim, "Caligonia has seemed...strange since Anlos' death. But I digress. Is King Gideon (or Yamin possibly) attending this reception? I have barely seen a meeting without both Zhentanna and Gehenna present."

2017-04-18, 11:45 AM
Sheol and Gehenna

The boots of the Nehir Kiliclari clicked together with expert precision at the appearance of the Gehennan delegation, their captain bowing deeply and waving the three women through. Beyond their wall of gold and steel, Urut stood watching the oncoming fleet, his hand stroking his beard, eyes lost in thought. That is, until his captain barked out in a scathing voice.

"The Holy Queen Amara of Gehenna and her entourage."

Urut turned, his face already a slight smile, only for his face to eclipse the light of the sun at the sight of his daughter. Bastard though she may be, and no small source of friction with his wife, he delighted in the girl. Striding forward, he scooped her up in his battle-worn hands and looked up into her eyes.

"Amara, such treasure you have brought me!"

Amara beamed at the praise heaped upon her progeny.

"I have no doubt that she will be the most beautiful women in Gehenna once she is grown." Laliyah looked momentarily affronted at this assertion and Queen Amara sought to soothe her wounded pride.

"That does not make you any less, niece. Doubtless it is a mother's love coloring my perception." Amara's hand stroked the other woman's back comfortingly though her eyes stayed upon her lover and their daughter with delight, it was clear from her voice that she did not believe this an exaggeration of her daughter's charms.

Aysun laughed to be swept from the ground like a small child in her giant father's arms, her face alight with her parents love and praise.

"Sire father! You have been well missed. Though mother keeps me busy." Her smile turned slightly shy,

"She has me learning the language of Sheol." She spoke in Sheolim, somewhat halted and clumsily, but understandable.

Kalus carefully took the cage with Naki inside and looked at him gently. "I have heard many great things of the owls of Gehenna. I will certainly take care of him well." Kalus very pointedly handed it over to Frenat to find a suitable place to place the owl contentedly, with the somewhat subtle look of 'behave'.

"Indeed, a ruler should certainly act as a paragon of their realm whenever possible, as without a ruler of faith to guide, the people are blind. On those lines, I hope the Chosen is found soon so we may have such guidance." Kalus, for a second, looks slightly grim, "Caligonia has seemed...strange since Anlos' death. But I digress. Is King Gideon (or Yamin possibly) attending this reception? I have barely seen a meeting without both Zhentanna and Gehenna present."

"The search for the Chosen continues as we speak and will not end until until they are found." Her head tilted curiously as the new king spoke of the oddness within his land.

"I am certain that with your strong leadership, your people will soon become contented once again. Please know you have my support should you need it." Her smile returned as he queried her husband's attendance.

"I do believe a representative from Zhentanna is present, though I am sorry to say I can not be certain which it might be." Recent internal disruptions within Zhentanna had taxed most of her husband's time and energy, though she knew there was urgent business to be settled for Gleiss and so her brother-state was certain to attend.

QB has actioned the event, but I know he's really busy this round so am not sure he's posting his attendance!

2017-04-18, 01:11 PM
Sheol and Allanar

Urut chuckled at Lachiel's jest, his hand sweeping expansively westward.

"She remains a guest in my palace, both as proof against further Altimian duplicity and in recognition of her bravery. I have attempted to convince her that her stout heart is put to better use working alongside Sheol rather than against us, but it has been slow going."

He waved a hand, and one of the High King's bodyguard melted into the crowd in search of refreshment.

"And what of yourself, Lachiel? I cannot imagine it is easy, to wrangle the largest demesne in recent history."

"I am sure you will win over the Lady's favour in time." Her smile was gracious, she felt she understood the Lady's prideful reticence to give herself over fully to her invaders. Her own opinion was not so easily swayed.

"Allanar has been fortunate in the satisfaction of her people. Once Caelora is wed the to the former King of our new holding, the populace should fall in line." Her face became slightly clouded in speaking of her eldest daughter, but she did not seek to ply the High King with her familial troubles.

"I would not call it easy, no. But I gather my strength from managing my people and from their contentment, and use that energy to further our cause." Her face turned thoughtful as she regarded the giant King.

"And how fares Sheol? We have heard of potential conflicts far to the west. We have recently perfected an armour made from Mithral. If you thought you might make use of it, I am sure we could come to an agreement. Though it would require a source of Mithral available to you of course, if you spoke to our merchants, I am certain they would be amenable." And also cause them to view Sheol in a more favourable light, she was sure.

2017-04-19, 04:09 PM
"The search for the Chosen continues as we speak and will not end until until they are found." Her head tilted curiously as the new king spoke of the oddness within his land.

"I am certain that with your strong leadership, your people will soon become contented once again. Please know you have my support should you need it." Her smile returned as he queried her husband's attendance.

"I do believe a representative from Zhentanna is present, though I am sorry to say I can not be certain which it might be." Recent internal disruptions within Zhentanna had taxed most of her husband's time and energy, though she knew there was urgent business to be settled for Gleiss and so her brother-state was certain to attend.

QB has actioned the event, but I know he's really busy this round so am not sure he's posting his attendance!

"I shall certainly keep that in mind for the days to come." replied Kalus. "Above all else, Caligonia has quartered and settled many refugees from Northern lands in the past few years, and we shall certainly keep our arms open, wherever we end up."

Celestial Cult

As the first few members got off the ship, a figure dressed in yellow robes with a green scarf emergds from an alley at the port, and came up to Alluil.
"I have heard you wish to observe the traditions of the Lunaltans, friend," the woman, for it was a woman half whispered. " I can arrange for a small number of you to join with the Ligian riders discreetly, if you wish. I am Deara D'Illoa." She held up a robe, almost exactly the same as the one she was wearing. "If you wear these, you shall be unrecognised, and as near as you wish to see the ceremony."

2017-04-20, 03:11 AM
Sheol and Gehenna

Amara beamed at the praise heaped upon her progeny.

"I have no doubt that she will be the most beautiful women in Gehenna once she is grown." Laliyah looked momentarily affronted at this assertion and Queen Amara sought to soothe her wounded pride.

"That does not make you any less, niece. Doubtless it is a mother's love coloring my perception." Amara's hand stroked the other woman's back comfortingly though her eyes stayed upon her lover and their daughter with delight, it was clear from her voice that she did not believe this an exaggeration of her daughter's charms.

Aysun laughed to be swept from the ground like a small child in her giant father's arms, her face alight with her parents love and praise.

"Sire father! You have been well missed. Though mother keeps me busy." Her smile turned slightly shy,

"She has me learning the language of Sheol." She spoke in Sheolim, somewhat halted and clumsily, but understandable.

Urut smiled up into his daughter's face, laughing boisterously at the sound of his mother tongue.

"Aye, and with your salt-touched soul I've no doubt you will soon be its master. Then you might walk the streets of Akkraul alongside me, and see a land of giants!"

He pulled her into a hug, squeezing tightly before releasing her back to the safety of the sand's embrace.

"I am well pleased to see Ayzun, Amara, and for that gift you have my thanks. Is there aught else I might do for you and your lovely companion?"

Sheol and Allanar

"I am sure you will win over the Lady's favour in time." Her smile was gracious, she felt she understood the Lady's prideful reticence to give herself over fully to her invaders. Her own opinion was not so easily swayed.

"Allanar has been fortunate in the satisfaction of her people. Once Caelora is wed the to the former King of our new holding, the populace should fall in line." Her face became slightly clouded in speaking of her eldest daughter, but she did not seek to ply the High King with her familial troubles.

"I would not call it easy, no. But I gather my strength from managing my people and from their contentment, and use that energy to further our cause." Her face turned thoughtful as she regarded the giant King.

"And how fares Sheol? We have heard of potential conflicts far to the west. We have recently perfected an armour made from Mithral. If you thought you might make use of it, I am sure we could come to an agreement. Though it would require a source of Mithral available to you of course, if you spoke to our merchants, I am certain they would be amenable." And also cause them to view Sheol in a more favourable light, she was sure.

At mention of the looming campaign against Yssa, Urut's face grew hard.

"I thank you for your offer, Lachiel. While it is my hope that the conflict in that benighted corner of the world will be swiftly resolved, I would not turn aside aid so offered. Thought it would be ill-conceived to deliberate a new agreement when one yet lies upon our table."

His palms flattened on the smooth wood.

"Your terms are just, and accepted. I would have the business of Kumlasaf and our oaths of mutual defense settled now, that we might build upon its foundation."

2017-04-20, 08:28 AM
Celestial Cult

As the first few members got off the ship, a figure dressed in yellow robes with a green scarf emergds from an alley at the port, and came up to Alluil.
"I have heard you wish to observe the traditions of the Lunaltans, friend," the woman, for it was a woman half whispered. " I can arrange for a small number of you to join with the Ligian riders discreetly, if you wish. I am Deara D'Illoa." She held up a robe, almost exactly the same as the one she was wearing. "If you wear these, you shall be unrecognised, and as near as you wish to see the ceremony."

Alluil shook her head. "The Hand of Fate must bear his- her armor, ever and always." She gestured to several of the robed men with her, presumably her servants, and they came forward. "I shall observe your rituals." Her tone was skeptical and emotionless.

It was doubtful that the Lunalta were the Lunari; as far as Alluil was aware, they had no Avatar.

2017-04-20, 11:51 AM

Sheol and Gehenna

Urut smiled up into his daughter's face, laughing boisterously at the sound of his mother tongue.

"Aye, and with your salt-touched soul I've no doubt you will soon be its master. Then you might walk the streets of Akkraul alongside me, and see a land of giants!"

He pulled her into a hug, squeezing tightly before releasing her back to the safety of the sand's embrace.

"I am well pleased to see Ayzun, Amara, and for that gift you have my thanks. Is there aught else I might do for you and your lovely companion?"

Aysun returned her father's big hug happily,

"I look forward to that day!" She spoke eagerly again in Sheolim, her determination to learn it renewed with her King father's pleasure in hearing it. Amara's smile matched her daughter's and even Laliyah seemed pleased to be addressed as lovely which soothed her wounded ego.

"I am afraid there is something I require your help with, if you may indulge me." The Queen's voice turned serious.

"Laliyah and I are quite famished. If we could entreat upon you to host us both this evening, we would be grateful." A playful twitch at the corner of her lips broke her feigned solemnity. Laliyah looked to her Queen with a delicately raised eyebrow before her attention back to the High King, this time with a more speculative eye.

"A kindness, certainly." The Princess murmured an agreement with her Aunt as her mood improved greatly.

"I shall certainly keep that in mind for the days to come." replied Kalus. "Above all else, Caligonia has quartered and settled many refugees from Northern lands in the past few years, and we shall certainly keep our arms open, wherever we end up."

Amara nodded as the King spoke of the recent influx of refugees.

"You are to be commended for your dedication to welcoming these poor souls and granting them succor within your lands. Your compassion is an inspiration to us all." She smiled warmly at King Kalus and continued.

"There are those within Gehenna who would wish to strengthen our bond with our southern brethren. If you are agreeable, I would offer my eldest daughter's hand in marriage. She is weakly marked, I'm afraid." Her tone was apologetic for her daughter's perceived faults. To have especially small horns as a member of the royal family was an embarrassment indeed, though the young woman might find more happiness outside of her own lands where this would not be the case.

2017-04-20, 01:30 PM
Sheol and Allanar

At mention of the looming campaign against Yssa, Urut's face grew hard.

"I thank you for your offer, Lachiel. While it is my hope that the conflict in that benighted corner of the world will be swiftly resolved, I would not turn aside aid so offered. Thought it would be ill-conceived to deliberate a new agreement when one yet lies upon our table."

His palms flattened on the smooth wood.

"Your terms are just, and accepted. I would have the business of Kumlasaf and our oaths of mutual defense settled now, that we might build upon its foundation."

Queen Lachiel smiled as Urut deftly returned them to their outstanding business.

"Of course. I trust you will find that Kumlasaf has not suffered for Allanar's stewardship. As we do not seek to directly dictate the realms of men, we shall turn the land to the east back into your control. It is quite a different political climate from when you first conquered it, it seems you will not have the same difficulties regarding its retainment as you suffered in the past." Indeed Kunism had risen in the eyes of the world thanks to Queen Amara, and likewise Shishiyanism had fallen thanks to its own misguided practitioners, much to her dismay though she had chosen to maintain her aloof posture throughout, she felt the time neared to embroil herself within the conduct of her faith.

Her eyes went to the Lightstalker who gave his daughter a scarcely perceptible nod.

"We are both Warrior-Kings of old, my actual gender notwithstanding." Her lips quirked at her own jest before she continued,

"We seek the former glory of our birthrights, this is an honourable pursuit but one which attracts enemies and resentfuls. Let us bolster each other and be stronger for it. Woe be for he who dares to stand before the combined might of Allanar and Sheol." She extended a graceful arm to the giant king, that they may solidify their contract under witness from the Lightstalker and the Exalted.

2017-04-20, 03:46 PM
Alluil shook her head. "The Hand of Fate must bear his- her armor, ever and always." She gestured to several of the robed men with her, presumably her servants, and they came forward. "I shall observe your rituals." Her tone was skeptical and emotionless.

It was doubtful that the Lunalta were the Lunari; as far as Alluil was aware, they had no Avatar.

Deara nodded. "As you wish, my friend. Come with me."

Once Alluil and company were ready, Deara guided them through the crowded streets of the port. A few onlookers looked at the group dressed in ceremonial robe, and a few gave small blessings"
"May Lunala Temalta shine on you"
"May you ride swift"
"May Mother and Son be reunited"

As they continued, Deara whispered a few brief points of the faith.
"We are the descendants of the third child of the Moon, who walked the sands in a bygone age. With her guidance, our people were formed, and by the mothers guidance, we found hope which we keep to the present day."

If Alluil is sharp enough, she might notice that they began to walk among a few more robed figures. Ones who are surprisingly armed. Eventually, Deara lead the group towards a group of horses. With at least half a day before the beginning of ceremonies, many riders were preparing. Deara beckons to a large tent set up, and gestured for Alluil to go inside.

Inside the tent, were two chairs, a table, a few guards in yellow robes, and a standing Kalus Mensus, King in waiting, who looked sharply at Alluil.

"Greetings Sunlander," Kalus begins, utterly on guard, " I hope the journey finds you well. We have something important to discuss."
He gestured to a letter on the table, which seemed to be written in blood.
Despite what it may seem, this is not in fact a trap :smallbiggrin:


Amara nodded as the King spoke of the recent influx of refugees.

"You are to be commended for your dedication to welcoming these poor souls and granting them succor within your lands. Your compassion is an inspiration to us all." She smiled warmly at King Kalus and continued.

"There are those within Gehenna who would wish to strengthen our bond with our southern brethren. If you are agreeable, I would offer my eldest daughter's hand in marriage. She is weakly marked, I'm afraid." Her tone was apologetic for her daughter's perceived faults. To have especially small horns as a member of the royal family was an embarrassment indeed, though the young woman might find more happiness outside of her own lands where this would not be the case.

"That is incredibly kind of you Queen Amara" Kalus replied, quite possibly a touch surprised. "Although I am not as young as I once was, I would be honoured for such a marital union between our realms. Be assured, the people will not judge her for her marks. " Kalus did not show it much, but he definitely seemed to be smiling.

2017-04-20, 04:41 PM
Deara nodded. "As you wish, my friend. Come with me."

Once Alluil and company were ready, Deara guided them through the crowded streets of the port. A few onlookers looked at the group dressed in ceremonial robe, and a few gave small blessings"
"May Lunala Temalta shine on you"
"May you ride swift"
"May Mother and Son be reunited"

As they continued, Deara whispered a few brief points of the faith.
"We are the descendants of the third child of the Moon, who walked the sands in a bygone age. With her guidance, our people were formed, and by the mothers guidance, we found hope which we keep to the present day."

If Alluil is sharp enough, she might notice that they began to walk among a few more robed figures. Ones who are surprisingly armed. Eventually, Deara lead the group towards a group of horses. With at least half a day before the beginning of ceremonies, many riders were preparing. Deara beckons to a large tent set up, and gestured for Alluil to go inside.

Inside the tent, were two chairs, a table, a few guards in yellow robes, and a standing Kalus Mensus, King in waiting, who looked sharply at Alluil.

"Greetings Sunlander," Kalus begins, utterly on guard, " I hope the journey finds you well. We have something important to discuss."
He gestured to a letter on the table, which seemed to be written in blood.
Despite what it may seem, this is not in fact a trap :smallbiggrin:

What do you think, Admiral Ackbar?
Sounds legit.

The Hand of Fate observed, hiding her piquing curiosity. The moon was something that featured prominently in the Solari's old myths as the bride of the sun, but the second moon conspicuously lacked any plausible explanation. Some theorized it was the corpse of Elder Sun, but that line of thinking had never gained any real traction, least of all in Alluil's mind. The Lunalta, it seemed, filled a hole that the faith lacked an explanation for. It brought up the question of what the third moon's pairing was, as all things must have a complement, but that was a question for another time.

As they passed well-armed men and women, however, Alluil grew noticably more tense. She was armed and armored herself, to be certain, but numbers could overcome even the greatest of heroes. More importantly, her charges would be in grave danger.

The King may be surprised to notice that Alluil did not come into the tent alone; two of the robed figures with her, both male, came into the tent behind her. They were silent as the grave, though one's eyes darted about curiously, eyes alight with excitement. He was probably new.

Alluil raised an eyebrow at the blood letter, the first display of real emotion since the trip began. "Do we, your majesty?" She leaned down to read it. His tone implied it was not a matter of the Lunalta's similarities to the Lunari. This was something... grimmer.

Oh I hope Zayuz told you what I think he told you~

2017-04-20, 05:21 PM

"That is incredibly kind of you Queen Amara" Kalus replied, quite possibly a touch surprised. "Although I am not as young as I once was, I would be honoured for such a marital union between our realms. Be assured, the people will not judge her for her marks. " Kalus did not show it much, but he definitely seemed to be smiling.

Amara's smile brightened as King Kalus graciously accepted her offer. She took a moment to whisper something to Ianna in their native tongue before her servant disappeared. She quickly returned with a young woman who bore a passing resemblance to Queen Amara. She had inherited King Gideon's curly hair, though she wore hers in a long cascade down her back and the curls served to obscure the small dark horn nubs just behind her hairline. The Princess Ianassa was just much like her mother, in a golden filmy garment which accentuated her feminine form and the golden jewelry she wore sparkled brightly in the light. She lowered her dark eyes and curtsied deeply before the King.

"I am honoured by your favor, Your Grace. I pray you find me likewise pleasing." She straightened and regarded the Caligonian King a bit shyly.

2017-04-20, 07:47 PM
Queen Lachiel

Sullayman speaks to the Queen within Urut's tent once the two warrior monarchs completed their conversation. "Congratulations on your successful voyage, may your colonization attempts go well. As payment for our ships we would like you to send advisers to help modernize and equip our army. It seems that Baalbek's isolated location may no longer protect us from the horrors of war, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I hope that by the time the modernization is complete, the Baalbeki army will be able to compete on the world stage."

2017-04-21, 12:15 PM
Queen Lachiel

Sullayman speaks to the Queen within Urut's tent once the two warrior monarchs completed their conversation. "Congratulations on your successful voyage, may your colonization attempts go well. As payment for our ships we would like you to send advisers to help modernize and equip our army. It seems that Baalbek's isolated location may no longer protect us from the horrors of war, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I hope that by the time the modernization is complete, the Baalbeki army will be able to compete on the world stage."

Queen Lachiel's face remained neutral as she listened to the Baalbeki ambassador's request, smiling slightly at his congratulations on her people's successful venture.

"Thank you, though Colonising is new to the elves, we felt due to distance it would be prudent to attempt a peaceful settlement of the area before we sought to subdue the land through force of arms. Whether we will be successful in this endeavor is yet to be seen." Her face turned thoughtful as she mused upon peaceful settlements.

"As I am sure you are aware, the initial agreement between Allanar and Baalbek for the Junk Ships excluded the exchange of military advancements in the deal." An amused smile softened her harsh words.

"I am admittedly a proud woman, but not an unreasonable one. In light of your perceived need to bolster your military and also the boon of our new colony which could not have been attained without the knowledge of your Junk Ships, I hereby rescind the limitation against sharing our military advancements with you and grant your request. Your people shall be given the knowledge of our riveted mail. Thus our deal for the Junk Ships concluded in a satisfactory manner." Her tone was gracious as she consented to the emissary's request.

2017-04-21, 12:16 PM
What do you think, Admiral Ackbar?
Sounds legit.

The Hand of Fate observed, hiding her piquing curiosity. The moon was something that featured prominently in the Solari's old myths as the bride of the sun, but the second moon conspicuously lacked any plausible explanation. Some theorized it was the corpse of Elder Sun, but that line of thinking had never gained any real traction, least of all in Alluil's mind. The Lunalta, it seemed, filled a hole that the faith lacked an explanation for. It brought up the question of what the third moon's pairing was, as all things must have a complement, but that was a question for another time.

As they passed well-armed men and women, however, Alluil grew noticably more tense. She was armed and armored herself, to be certain, but numbers could overcome even the greatest of heroes. More importantly, her charges would be in grave danger.

The King may be surprised to notice that Alluil did not come into the tent alone; two of the robed figures with her, both male, came into the tent behind her. They were silent as the grave, though one's eyes darted about curiously, eyes alight with excitement. He was probably new.

Alluil raised an eyebrow at the blood letter, the first display of real emotion since the trip began. "Do we, your majesty?" She leaned down to read it. His tone implied it was not a matter of the Lunalta's similarities to the Lunari. This was something... grimmer.

Oh I hope Zayuz told you what I think he told you~

"We do I am afraid." Kalus replied without smiling. "Sit, if you wish." Kalus himself remained standing.

"Now, under normal circumstances, I would have asked your ship to leave immediately, as you are regarded as an enemy of the Church in parts." Kalus paced up and down, his tone never rising.
"However, there are a few reasons that I shall allow you to remain here for a while. The first is whether my Ligian brothers, and Lunala Temaltat are the Lunari you seek, or some offshoot, or utterly unrelated. If they are closely related, my people may see a reason to argue for tolerance and restraint at all levels, and the cult would certainly be accepted into these lands. Likewise, if they were unrelated, we would both have a weight off our minds."
Kalus stopped turning, and leant on the back of the chair.
"But the more pressing reason is this letter. You may not know this, but my predecessor, King Anlos, before he died, wrote a letter in his own blood, sealed it, and signed it for me. Only I have read it."
Kalus looked her directly in the eyes.
" What it says is that a great darkness, a final darkness, stalks the land, coming ever closer. It says when the mother and son are united, the reckoning of the world will be at hand."
Kalus leant in. "And it says, that the only way to avert this doom, is if three blessed by great powers confront it as comrades-in-arms. "
Kalus leant away again. "Maybe this is untrue. Maybe this is the last ramblings of a man at the edge of life. Maybe it was an attempt by an old man to leave a legacy on the world."
"But Anlos was a man shrewd yet blunt. His way was the way of subtlety and support, yet truth. He was not a man who would do this, even at death, not to such a length."
Kalus finally sat down, and stared into the air.
"For months, I have pondered what this is. Three blessed by great powers? My first thought was the Chosen, who is installed with great power. My second was of the Beast. Maybe the beast would value keeping the world alive? Maybe, maybe not. But that still left one more at least. One who is reportedly blessed by a higher power. One who in fact has survived in Celesa for Aeons. The Avatar of the Celestial Cult."
Kalus looked one more time at the Hand of Fate.
"Maybe this is all madness, but I cannot believe it from the hand of Anlos. I believe the Church and the Cult need to come to a peace before either is wiped out, lest such a doom happen. That is why, I would be willing to provide...aid, to an extent, if you need it in the future. I will not deal in armies, that goes against the point, but I will offer you this:
If the Cult shall ever need a shelter, lest the worse occur, come to Caligonia, and you shall be given safe refuge."

Nothing from Zayuz, but probably something a lot, lot more interesting.


Amara's smile brightened as King Kalus graciously accepted her offer. She took a moment to whisper something to Ianna in their native tongue before her servant disappeared. She quickly returned with a young woman who bore a passing resemblance to Queen Amara. She had inherited King Gideon's curly hair, though she wore hers in a long cascade down her back and the curls served to obscure the small dark horn nubs just behind her hairline. The Princess Ianassa was just much like her mother, in a golden filmy garment which accentuated her feminine form and the golden jewelry she wore sparkled brightly in the light. She lowered her dark eyes and curtsied deeply before the King.

"I am honoured by your favor, Your Grace. I pray you find me likewise pleasing." She straightened and regarded the Caligonian King a bit shyly.

"You are certainly a beautiful woman Princess Ianassa" Kalus replied Kalus. He carefully stretched out, and gently pulled up her hand to give it a kiss.
"I am sure that you will find Caligonia a place of wonder, my Lady. We may not be known for our gardens, or our churches, but our knowledge of crafting and philosophy are second to none, and the Expanse at night is a wonder to behold."
Kalus turned back to Amara. "I thank you dearly for this. Our Kingdoms have been friends for years, so I am glad we can show this in other ways."

2017-04-21, 02:10 PM
"You are certainly a beautiful woman Princess Ianassa" Kalus replied Kalus. He carefully stretched out, and gently pulled up her hand to give it a kiss.
"I am sure that you will find Caligonia a place of wonder, my Lady. We may not be known for our gardens, or our churches, but our knowledge of crafting and philosophy are second to none, and the Expanse at night is a wonder to behold."
Kalus turned back to Amara. "I thank you dearly for this. Our Kingdoms have been friends for years, so I am glad we can show this in other ways."

Ianassa gazed at her newly betrothed warmly as he brought her hand to his lips.

"If Caligonia is as wondrous as her King's kindness, then I shall never wish to leave it." Amara looked upon the pair with a gentle smile. Rousing herself as King Kalus spoke his thanks for the match.

"I too, am pleased to strengthen our bonds of friendship in this way. I wish you both long years of happiness." She kissed her daughter's cheek and turned to embrace the King in a quick but happy hug.

2017-04-21, 11:26 PM
"We do I am afraid." Kalus replied without smiling. "Sit, if you wish." Kalus himself remained standing.

"Now, under normal circumstances, I would have asked your ship to leave immediately, as you are regarded as an enemy of the Church in parts." Kalus paced up and down, his tone never rising.
"However, there are a few reasons that I shall allow you to remain here for a while. The first is whether my Ligian brothers, and Lunala Temaltat are the Lunari you seek, or some offshoot, or utterly unrelated. If they are closely related, my people may see a reason to argue for tolerance and restraint at all levels, and the cult would certainly be accepted into these lands. Likewise, if they were unrelated, we would both have a weight off our minds."
Kalus stopped turning, and leant on the back of the chair.
"But the more pressing reason is this letter. You may not know this, but my predecessor, King Anlos, before he died, wrote a letter in his own blood, sealed it, and signed it for me. Only I have read it."
Kalus looked her directly in the eyes.
" What it says is that a great darkness, a final darkness, stalks the land, coming ever closer. It says when the mother and son are united, the reckoning of the world will be at hand."
Kalus leant in. "And it says, that the only way to avert this doom, is if three blessed by great powers confront it as comrades-in-arms. "
Kalus leant away again. "Maybe this is untrue. Maybe this is the last ramblings of a man at the edge of life. Maybe it was an attempt by an old man to leave a legacy on the world."
"But Anlos was a man shrewd yet blunt. His way was the way of subtlety and support, yet truth. He was not a man who would do this, even at death, not to such a length."
Kalus finally sat down, and stared into the air.
"For months, I have pondered what this is. Three blessed by great powers? My first thought was the Chosen, who is installed with great power. My second was of the Beast. Maybe the beast would value keeping the world alive? Maybe, maybe not. But that still left one more at least. One who is reportedly blessed by a higher power. One who in fact has survived in Celesa for Aeons. The Avatar of the Celestial Cult."
Kalus looked one more time at the Hand of Fate.
"Maybe this is all madness, but I cannot believe it from the hand of Anlos. I believe the Church and the Cult need to come to a peace before either is wiped out, lest such a doom happen. That is why, I would be willing to provide...aid, to an extent, if you need it in the future. I will not deal in armies, that goes against the point, but I will offer you this:
If the Cult shall ever need a shelter, lest the worse occur, come to Caligonia, and you shall be given safe refuge."

Nothing from Zayuz, but probably something a lot, lot more interesting.

Alluil remained standing throghout the King's speech.

"It is strange to me, to look at these Lunaltan." Alluil admitted. "They clearly revere the moon, but I have seen nothing to suggest a Lunar Avatar is among them. The Lunari are said to be highly matriarchal, as a counterpoint to the Solari's patriarchy, and yet they follow you. If you put a knife to my throat and made me decide now, I would say they are an offshoot of the Lunari; this third child of the moon they revere was likely one of the Avatar's children. However, I would need to investigate their history further to be certain."

As he told his story of his father's ramblings, Alluil said nothing and showed no emotion.


"World-ending dooms are far less common than the prophecies predicting them." She said simply. "But we are always waiting."

At the comment that the Avatar had lived on Celessa for Aeons, Alluil's eyebrow cocked. It was the most extreme display of emotion since she entered the tent. "You are... misinformed. The Avatar can die. When he dies, a new one is appointed in his place. The power the sun has granted Isaia is great, but he is not immortal."

The two acolytes behind her glanced at each other. The one to her right looked confused, while the one on her left looked nervous.

"The Church chose this fight, not us." Alluil said calmly, speaking less an accusation and more of a statement of fact. "We are even attempting to aid the Church's installment of a properly pious ruler in Slavia while they crusade against us."

"Oh, is that what we're doing in Slavia?"
"I thought Lightbringer was fighting vampires?"
"No no, he's definitely there to preach. Besides, vampires are a myth."
"Nah, they're just really rare. Like 3 in 5 mi-

"Silence, please. Both of you." She said, without turning around.

The one on her right stuck his tongue out at her.

"And put your tongue back in your mouth." She added, again without turning around.

"Your offer of sanctuary to the Avatar is noted. What would you want in exchange? The conflict you wish to negate by this act will not be ended."

2017-04-22, 04:11 AM
Sheol and Allanar

Queen Lachiel smiled as Urut deftly returned them to their outstanding business.

"Of course. I trust you will find that Kumlasaf has not suffered for Allanar's stewardship. As we do not seek to directly dictate the realms of men, we shall turn the land to the east back into your control. It is quite a different political climate from when you first conquered it, it seems you will not have the same difficulties regarding its retainment as you suffered in the past." Indeed Kunism had risen in the eyes of the world thanks to Queen Amara, and likewise Shishiyanism had fallen thanks to its own misguided practitioners, much to her dismay though she had chosen to maintain her aloof posture throughout, she felt the time neared to embroil herself within the conduct of her faith.

Her eyes went to the Lightstalker who gave his daughter a scarcely perceptible nod.

"We are both Warrior-Kings of old, my actual gender notwithstanding." Her lips quirked at her own jest before she continued,

"We seek the former glory of our birthrights, this is an honourable pursuit but one which attracts enemies and resentfuls. Let us bolster each other and be stronger for it. Woe be for he who dares to stand before the combined might of Allanar and Sheol." She extended a graceful arm to the giant king, that they may solidify their contract under witness from the Lightstalker and the Exalted.
King Urut's lips quirked as Lachiel spoke of warrior kings, his mind turning to the ash-black throne standing alone in the darkness of the old capital. A throne he, in his wildest dreams, thought he might someday reclaim.

"No doubt the people of Kumlasaf will be disappointed that I am not so fair a Suzerain as yourself, Lachiel."

He smiled fully, standing to take the elf queen's hand in his own enormous grip.

"Let those who stand against us feel the full wrath of the Exalted's holy power, gifted us by divine right. I have some few scribes in my camp - they shall deliver you a formal treaty on the morrow. The Assembly does so love their slips of paper."

He realized it was a risk, to bring a written contract into a bond sealed in older things. But the world was changing, and while the Assembly's meticulous bureaucracy was no small irritant it was a necessary one.

Sheol and Gehenna

Aysun returned her father's big hug happily,

"I look forward to that day!" She spoke eagerly again in Sheolim, her determination to learn it renewed with her King father's pleasure in hearing it. Amara's smile matched her daughter's and even Laliyah seemed pleased to be addressed as lovely which soothed her wounded ego.

"I am afraid there is something I require your help with, if you may indulge me." The Queen's voice turned serious.

"Laliyah and I are quite famished. If we could entreat upon you to host us both this evening, we would be grateful." A playful twitch at the corner of her lips broke her feigned solemnity. Laliyah looked to her Queen with a delicately raised eyebrow before her attention back to the High King, this time with a more speculative eye.

"A kindness, certainly." The Princess murmured an agreement with her Aunt as her mood improved greatly.

Urut's pale gaze passed from the queen to the princess, realization dawning. He had promised Lachiel her treaty on the morrow. But the High King was ever an early riser, and much of the work had already been attended to months or years earlier.

"It would be my honor, Amara, to provide you Sheolim hospitality."

2017-04-22, 06:56 AM
Alluil remained standing throghout the King's speech.

"It is strange to me, to look at these Lunaltan." Alluil admitted. "They clearly revere the moon, but I have seen nothing to suggest a Lunar Avatar is among them. The Lunari are said to be highly matriarchal, as a counterpoint to the Solari's patriarchy, and yet they follow you. If you put a knife to my throat and made me decide now, I would say they are an offshoot of the Lunari; this third child of the moon they revere was likely one of the Avatar's children. However, I would need to investigate their history further to be certain."

As he told his story of his father's ramblings, Alluil said nothing and showed no emotion.


"World-ending dooms are far less common than the prophecies predicting them." She said simply. "But we are always waiting."

At the comment that the Avatar had lived on Celessa for Aeons, Alluil's eyebrow cocked. It was the most extreme display of emotion since she entered the tent. "You are... misinformed. The Avatar can die. When he dies, a new one is appointed in his place. The power the sun has granted Isaia is great, but he is not immortal."

The two acolytes behind her glanced at each other. The one to her right looked confused, while the one on her left looked nervous.

"The Church chose this fight, not us." Alluil said calmly, speaking less an accusation and more of a statement of fact. "We are even attempting to aid the Church's installment of a properly pious ruler in Slavia while they crusade against us."

"Oh, is that what we're doing in Slavia?"
"I thought Lightbringer was fighting vampires?"
"No no, he's definitely there to preach. Besides, vampires are a myth."
"Nah, they're just really rare. Like 3 in 5 mi-

"Silence, please. Both of you." She said, without turning around.

The one on her right stuck his tongue out at her.

"And put your tongue back in your mouth." She added, again without turning around.

"Your offer of sanctuary to the Avatar is noted. What would you want in exchange? The conflict you wish to negate by this act will not be ended."

"They do follow me, but I am the secular and material ruler of the land. The Kings and Queens of Caligonia exist as a show of unity, in that we both believe the other are chosen companions unknowingly provided for by our Gods. The Temaltat is the unofficial head of Lunaltanism, and her position is always female. I do not personally know all the rites and history of the faith, but she certainly knows more than any other. I suggest you seek her out in future. Anyway, if the Solari are then utterly patriarchal, I would imagine it must have been nigh impossible for you to rise so high. Unless I am missing something, there are certainly exceptions."

Kalus then narrowed his eyes: " I am very aware of the fact that I might be utterly wrong, and Anlos was indeed mad at the end. I suppose the church did technically kill him, through incense inhalation...
But the problem with prophecy is that it is hard to tell prophets from madmen. Remember, I witnessed Queen Amara's vision first hand, and I currently have the Celestial cult, possibly the Avatar, in my lands, and I have met vampires masquerading as nobles and vice-versa. Forgive me if a bloody letter sets me on edge. And the fact that the letter was addressed solely to me... I may as well make contingencies, just in case. And at that, I am sorry, I spoke poorly. I meant the Avatar had existed in a metaphorical sense, as in the many Avatars who have existed."

"Slavia has never exactly been a peaceful place," he continued, "As long as someone brings back peace, and doesn't cause a civil war and armada of refugees crossing the sea, I am fine with whoever brings back order."

During this conversation, Kalus' guards, almost in response to their counterpoints 'unprofessionalism,' make sure to stare at them very, very hard.

Kalus' gaze softens. "As for what I want in return, some of that is self-fulfilling. If the prophecy is true, then it would be self-evident, but that might take years anyway. Firstly, I would like to see the correlation between the Lunari and the Lunaltans, which we both certainly are interested in. More importantly, as payment for sanctuary in necessary, I would like your soldiers to help protect the land if you happen to come here. Aside from that, I wish you to secure a resource known as 'Dragons Eyes' for me, as a down payment. They have been many rumours about them, and my tradesmen are very interested"

Anlos is in fact entirely unrelated to Kalus. Caligonia is an elected monarchy

2017-04-22, 09:31 AM
"They do follow me, but I am the secular and material ruler of the land. The Kings and Queens of Caligonia exist as a show of unity, in that we both believe the other are chosen companions unknowingly provided for by our Gods. The Temaltat is the unofficial head of Lunaltanism, and her position is always female. I do not personally know all the rites and history of the faith, but she certainly knows more than any other. I suggest you seek her out in future. Anyway, if the Solari are then utterly patriarchal, I would imagine it must have been nigh impossible for you to rise so high. Unless I am missing something, there are certainly exceptions."

Kalus then narrowed his eyes: " I am very aware of the fact that I might be utterly wrong, and Anlos was indeed mad at the end. I suppose the church did technically kill him, through incense inhalation...
But the problem with prophecy is that it is hard to tell prophets from madmen. Remember, I witnessed Queen Amara's vision first hand, and I currently have the Celestial cult, possibly the Avatar, in my lands, and I have met vampires masquerading as nobles and vice-versa. Forgive me if a bloody letter sets me on edge. And the fact that the letter was addressed solely to me... I may as well make contingencies, just in case. And at that, I am sorry, I spoke poorly. I meant the Avatar had existed in a metaphorical sense, as in the many Avatars who have existed."

"Slavia has never exactly been a peaceful place," he continued, "As long as someone brings back peace, and doesn't cause a civil war and armada of refugees crossing the sea, I am fine with whoever brings back order."

During this conversation, Kalus' guards, almost in response to their counterpoints 'unprofessionalism,' make sure to stare at them very, very hard.

Kalus' gaze softens. "As for what I want in return, some of that is self-fulfilling. If the prophecy is true, then it would be self-evident, but that might take years anyway. Firstly, I would like to see the correlation between the Lunari and the Lunaltans, which we both certainly are interested in. More importantly, as payment for sanctuary in necessary, I would like your soldiers to help protect the land if you happen to come here. Aside from that, I wish you to secure a resource known as 'Dragons Eyes' for me, as a down payment. They have been many rumours about them, and my tradesmen are very interested"

Anlos is in fact entirely unrelated to Kalus. Caligonia is an elected monarchy

"Putting aside that the Avatar is and always will be more powerful than I, I am the only female Hand on record." She said calmly. "A record that is 200 years long in a Cult that (if legends are true) has existed for six millennia. It is all but impossible. And as far as the other Hands are concerned, I am here either because of a mistake with the anointing oils or because Isaia finds me attractive, not because I deserve to be."

"Not entirely wrong."

Alluil ignored them. "Preparing is good. We will be ready if the time comes."

"Lightbringer is popular amongst the peasantry of Slavia; if the Shishiyan cannot restore order, then we will."

The acolytes stare right back. And occasionally make silly faces.

"Dragon's Eyes?" She repeated, searching her memory. "...We don't have any. You would do better to negotiate with the Kingdom of Neveran directly, but I shall see what I can do."