View Full Version : Hoard of the Dragon Queen: Episode 4 - Which wagons are the cultists?

2017-04-12, 03:02 PM
As the title says, in Hoard of the Dragon Queen, I'm trying to find out which merchants/wagons are involved with the Cult of the Dragon. It seems to not specifically say unless I missed it. Which wagons did you use to be the wagons transporting the cultists treasure?

Falcon X
2017-04-12, 08:58 PM
None of the sample merchants are said to be connected to the Cult.
The cult has wagons full of their stuff, led by nameless cult members, mixed in with OTHER wagons that we are given samples of.
The only person explicitly connected is the Red Wizard who joins towards the end of the trip.

What I did in my game was made up a document of all the wagons of the caravan, in the order they normally travel in, color coded, with labels for every person who rides in each wagon and who knows each other.
I made it so that about 1/3 of the wagons were Cult wagons.
It really worked well. Especially because Episode 4 ended up taking about 10 sessions for my group to play through (lots of added side quests).
Personal Message me your email if you want a PDF and publisher file of what I did.