View Full Version : MagiKensai?

2017-04-12, 05:15 PM
Weird idea, perhaps, but this just came to me as I was working on another build:

The wording of the Kensai prestige class seems to imply that as long as you have weapon focus in your weapon of choice, you're good. Now, you can have Weapon Focus in weaponlike spells and Eldritch Blast. Does this mean those could be enchanted? Or does it not count because they are somehow not a singular weapon?

Or am I just being weird?

2017-04-12, 11:29 PM
I'd have to read up again on weapon-like spells... but I can both see it working and see it not working.

I can see a DM saying "sure, why not" since Kensai won't give you new Invocations and such. Certain weapon effects just wouldn't work (Keen, for example) and others would be pointless (Radiant, for example).

I could also see a DM saying that you'd have to pay an extra 20% for each Blast Shape you had, just like someone with Natural Weapons has to pay an extra 20% for each one after the first.

2017-04-13, 12:52 AM
Or am I just being weird?

You´re weird ;)

Some things count as weapons for meeting some prerequisites but ultimately aren´t. They´re still spells. For example, you can chose Weapon Focus: Rays, this doesn´t make rays into weapons.

2017-04-13, 02:40 AM
Can you take Weapon Focus (Eldritch Blast)? If so.. Would it affect the blast shapes, like.. Eldritch Glaive? If that still holds true, then the Kensai's weapon enchantments should apply to the Eldritch Blast when in an applicable form.

2017-04-13, 02:46 AM
Can you take Weapon Focus (Eldritch Blast)? If so.. Would it affect the blast shapes, like.. Eldritch Glaive? If that still holds true, then the Kensai's weapon enchantments should apply to the Eldritch Blast when in an applicable form.

Yes, you can take Weapon Focus (Eldritch Blast). Yes, it would affect Eldritch Glaive (but not Eldritch Claws, because that's a Feat and not an Invocation... though it should be an Invocation instead of Hideous Blow).

However, just like the example given for a Monk/Kensai declaring his unarmed strike as his signature weapon would cost an increased amount of xp... if Kensai could work for Eldritch Blast, it would require an increased amount of xp for each blast shape the Warlock had. Essence Invocations wouldn't affect the xp cost.

2017-04-13, 03:16 AM
Hmm, I could see that being worth it honestly. There are easily certain enhancements that would be great on a touch weapon over straight extra damage. Not gaining extra invocations is a shame, but it might be a worthwhile tradeoff?

2017-04-13, 03:37 AM
A little off topic, But.. Would a soulknife kensai work in a similar fashion? Would the enhancement bonuses stack? Or would they just be applied to separately?

2017-04-13, 08:13 AM
A little off topic, But.. Would a soulknife kensai work in a similar fashion? Would the enhancement bonuses stack? Or would they just be applied to separately?

It depends if they're called enhancement bonuses or not. If they are, they won't stack and you'll pretty much have to have Kensai only add special modifiers like Bane & Shocking.

Same thing for the special weapon ACF of Psychic Warrior.