View Full Version : [Solved] Tricking video-editing software into thinking a 25fps video is 60fps.

Draconi Redfir
2017-04-13, 10:42 AM
Edit: Nevermind, i found a thing. Eyeframe works.

see the title.

i've got a video editing software that's being a dink to me right now. i'm trying to make a new project to edit 60fps videos, but there is a small 5 seccond animation i play at the start of each videowhich is only 25fps, and for some reason the 60fps project won't accept it.

i was previously able to get the 5 seccond clip into a 30fps project just fine, but recently the program updated, and since the project is set to 30fps but the video clips are 60fps, it either halves or doubles the length / speed of the video clips for some reason.

Any idea how to change my 5 seccond video clip into a 60fps 5 seccond video clip without changing the speed, length, or duration of the clip? or at least do something to trick the program into THINKING it was 60fps?