View Full Version : Megaman Battle Network: CHAOS - IC

Sir Grave
2017-04-13, 02:17 PM
The year is 200x.

Or something. Like 8 years after the Falzer/Gregar incident.

But anyway, we covered that in my last entry.

I was talking about the next team. They're all here because they caught Chaud's attention. But...

...Well, y'know. They're still baking. They certainly have talent, but they're not a team yet.

We're still trying to whip them into shape. That's what today is all about. As well as however many more days it takes. So far, they haven't gotten to the end of the simulation.

I don't expect them to of course. Not for another year at least. It was my design. Not to brag.

...Okay. I am so bragging. The simulation is so awesome.

Like...They obviously have the more common viruses. But there are traps, security doors, pretend hostages... it's really neat stuff. I know it's complicated, but... what situations aren't right? Plus it's got a flag. I worked so hard on that freaking flag, it looks so glorious.

Okay. Tangent. Moving on.

So they need to beat the simulation. They need to have beaten it so many times, it's like clockwork. And they haven't gotten there yet. Because, like I say, they aren't a team.

...Seems like it's about to start. I need to head to my post.

This ought to be good...




Seven beams of light touch down on the First Stage. The transfer completes, each navi looks at their surroundings.

A few sets of platforms and bridges. Mettaurs. Candumbs. Swordys. Not to mention a series of turrets and security gates. Of course, no telling what kind of traps to expect.

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HGlRbe29Bk83R4Tr4GrLEDc4WgeYQ6APJC9hK8ttBGw/edit?usp=sharing)

A holo projection comes to life. Sean's cute as a button face fills the screen.


"Well, guys, here we are again.

"As you can see, you have an obstacle course of dangerous things to get through before you move on to the next stage. There are three stages each leading to a port you need to get to, with the exception of the third stage, where you need to capture a flag.

"Rules are the same as before. Leave someone behind? End simulation. One of you 'dies?' End simulation. Hostages unaccounted for? End simulation. I want a perfect score accross the board here. All seven of you need to be touching that flag at the end.

"We all green?"

2017-04-14, 04:42 PM
Touching down first are a pair of beams that seem to spiral around one another, one sprouting into a small cross between avian and lizard that looks almost metallic, gleaming red, yellow, and orange as movement seems to make the colors dance. As Blade Archaeopteryx looks around, her hands idly reach into the razor sharp looking blades adorning her arms, knives stylized as feathers, plucking a pair and flipping one idly in her hand as she crosses her arms as the other, taller navi touch down. Meanwhile, her companion beam solidifies before touching down, leaving an audible thud as two giant, armored feet hit the ground. Towering above most of the others, if not all, Charge Tortoise takes a slow, sweeping gaze of the land, any area not covered by plating looking like branches woven together, greens and browns being the dominant colors.
"Green and geared to go, Sean."
"Ready as ever. Green and good to go."

Flame Wheel
Psycho Cut

Razor Leaf
Stone Edge

Question, since I have two guys, do I split my six across the two or do each get a folder? Assuming I keep it to one folder split between two

2017-04-14, 07:43 PM
A warp column lands, splashes out, and fades into the ground. The tiles shimmer in eye-searing lime for a moment before settling. A small gap opens along the seam, and a reply creaks out:

ArchMan Status: Ready => Green.
Opening Coordination Link: Deny.
Confidence: High.

Can I take actions yet at this point? If so, Swift to start Channeling Blade Deny. I intend to Channel everyone, unless someone intends to run too far ahead, to be ready to make good use of Battle Synchronization if we encounter a serious threat. Also possibly Shared Senses for scouting and one-way silent comms. I intend to Imprint Deny before she exits range.

Gray is Binding 4 AP to have two Ports readied.

Chip list:
Mirror Coat

2017-04-14, 08:48 PM
As the beam of light touches down and dissipates, a very humanoid looking Navi appears in a squatting position. The Navi appears to be wearing a full body tights that is primarily dark grey and ultramarine in color, with light blue lined design on his athletically fit body. The design ends at his feet, which are tipped with aquamarine soles. On both shoulders, he sports gunmetal colored shoulder guards, which appears to have a dull polish finish. The shoulder guards also warps around his nape, as well as the lower back of his neck, connecting to one another. The Navi's left arm is cover in flame-like design. Both of Lancer's hands are draped over the red lance that is sitting on his shoulders.

With a toothy grin, Lancer stands up from his squatting position. He twirls the lance off of his left shoulder, spinning it around to get a better grip with his right hand. "All green." Lancer assures Sean, turning his head slightly over to answer the holo projection of Sean. Lancer is glad about the live simulation, mostly because it gives him a chance to fight stretch his legs. Lancer looks at his surroundings, noting the digital landscape, viruses, and the other Navis that have logged in.

2017-04-14, 09:35 PM
Memo's entrance is the... least flashy of the group's so far; the shrine maiden-type Navi simply opens her eyes once her warp column fades. A naginata materializes in her hand, ornate carvings on the flats of its wide blade.

"Memento Vivere, status green. Awaiting orders... Rise."

"Okay, um, right! First we should... set up defenses! Is this chip okay?"

Memo waits with practiced patience for Rise to fumble with her battlechips on the other side, hands no doubt shaking with nervousness.
"Haah... At least she's taking it seriously..."

Finally, a faintly shimmering veil settles over the group as they begin their advance down the seemingly-empty corridor.

Light Screen
Ice Beam
Cosmic Power
Initiative 5, so probably executing close to last.

Standard: Reflect (anyone can expend a use of Reflect to resist a Physical attack one step further).
Shift: follow or get beside Charge Tortoise to start forming something of a front line.

If Rise gets a Standard aside from using the chip, Inspired Orders (+1 Evade/+2 Saves).

2017-04-15, 12:27 AM
Plug-In! Deny.EXE! Transmission!

A neon tower of swirling red and blue descended into the digital plane, coming to a stop inches above the ground to materialize into a decidedly blue-tinged Navi with a large pair of wings and whose body from the knees down faded to merely a column of blue light. She allowed herself to rest near the ground's surface for mere moments before dashing back up to hover 2 meters in the air, eyes scanning the distance. "Emerald."

"Emerald, Sir." corrected her NetOp. "Eye in the sky. I want a report of as far as you can see"

As commanded, Deny rose a further 6 meters up in the air and turned her sight as far as she could, marking the position of each hostile.

Trained Stat: Speed+1CS
Agile: +1movement, +4 Initiative

2017-04-15, 03:55 AM
As the beam that transported him here fades, Synth is already waiting with his hands crossed, looking every bit as though he was as sullen as one would expect from a navi that looked like a dark knight from some cheap fantasy game, but this wasn't their first test and his eyes flash red before he holds out a hand and materializes an oversized blade, "All green." For her part, Yuki sighs in relief. She knew he meant well but this wouldn't have been the first time that Synth didn't actually take the time to confirm his status and just charged in. Even he was serious this time though, and willing to put up with procedure.

"Remember, stay with the team, just because you're strong enough to take things on alone doesn't mean you have to, alright?" Test or not, the NetOp couldn't help but worry. "Relax. This isn't like that drill. I know what I'm doing." Despite saying that, however, the dark navi moves to the front of the group and starts to tap his foot impatiently.

Trained Stat: +1 CS to Attack
Focused and Agility Training (+4 to Initiative, +2 to skill checks, +1 to accuracy rolls and movement capabilities)

Safe to assume that Synth is channeled at all times, but I can also channel others if they're willing (or unwilling but I'll save that for hostiles or emergencies)

Likely going to be using Dragon Dance as we charge the enemy.

Sir Grave
2017-04-22, 05:01 PM
Sean looks over the team.

"No NormalMan, huh? I guess we'll have to start without him.

"This levels pretty basic. Bust the viruses, breach the security and defensive. So don't get too cocky.

"Commencing session in 5...






2017-04-23, 09:49 AM
ArchMan slides forward along the path, trailing texture-errors, and logs another notice for the group:

Deny: Visual Link stabilized. Distance constraints removed.

Shift action to move forward 7 to O12. Standard action (Bind 1 AP) to establish Shared Senses on Deny (doing this early so that it won't break due to range).

Gray continues monitoring but has no current actions.

Gray: 4 bound for ready Ports, 1 remaining.
ArchMan: 1 bound for Shared Senses on Deny, 6 remaining.

Channeled list:
Deny (w/ Shared Senses)

Chips selected:
Mirror Coat

2017-04-26, 02:59 AM
A red border blinked around the peripherals of Deny's vision as she began transmitting what she saw to the others.

Shell projected the display from her PET to the other NetOps in real time, dispensing tactics advice and statistics from memory for each of the virus programs. Each, except
"The Canodumbs?"
"Uh-yes, right. That.
Er, moving on, given their superior speed and attack, it would be optimal to engage the Swordys from beyond their limited range on the platform so ranged attacks should be prepared there.
If it's at all possible to access that platform, I can see an avenue for bypassing the barrier and the second gate entirely, though if our dear instructor is still listening he probably just patched that exploit...:smallannoyed:
It's unlikely that any of these enemies are capable of inflicting stat conditions, but to be on the safe side..."

Three spinning orbs floated to the side of each netnavi in anticipation to intercept oncoming debuffs.

"With your permission, I will attempt to draw fire and set up a flanking maneuver."

The netnavi motioned to leave the range of solid platform, careful to keep the distance between the closest Canodumb and the most forward advancing Navis equal. It was a risky plan, designed to keep stationary enemies guessing as to which opponent would come within range first, and easily disrupted by a reckless charge. Deny must have great confidence in this group to attempt it so quickly.

Mist 1/2scene
Powder Snow
Quiver Dance 2/2scene
Fly: Sky+4
Standard:Mist-3 activation to negate lowered CS
Shift: Descend 4, Forward 5

Blessings: Mist 3/3, Reflect 2/2
Training: Speed, Agile, Brutal

Each bridge and platform is guarded by a pair of canodumbs, ready to shoot anything that comes into their range. On each platform, in addition, are several mettaurs to support them. Each section of the stage is barred by a security gate that can be interacted with via access panel, with the exception of one, which is barred by barrier (that can't be hacked, only unlocked via key, which is guarded by two swordys on an isolated platform ) Oh, and one hallway appears to be a deathtrap. Stepping there means you activate the turret program. In your experiece, turrets can't simply be busted as they're protected by a seemingly impenatrable aura. Fortunately, those are hackable. On the far end is the port to the next stage.
Cannodumb: Scan fail.

Element/Type: Null/Null
Special Attack:1
Special Defense:12

Element/Type: Null/Sword
Special Attack:2
Special Defense:9

Element: Null/Cursor
Special Attack:2
Special Defense:12
Speed:1 (Triggered)

2017-04-26, 11:17 PM
Synth didn't waste any time after hearing the report, though the implication that he couldn't handle the swordys elicited a barely audible scoff that his NetOp didn't quite catch. With Deny's data he advanced forward, "Draw their fire and I'll be able to close in on them. Once I'm in range they're as good as deleted."

Moving 7 down, not much else I can do.

2017-04-27, 11:04 AM
Blade scurried forward as Charge plods forth, one keeping pace with Synth, the other taking the rear due to bulk.
"Just let me know if you need a boost."

2017-04-27, 07:46 PM
"Stay frosty Lancer, who knows what Sean has in stored for us." Tae Hyun instructed his Navi over the commutation channel.

Knowing his NetOp is watching, Lancer waves a single hand to show that he acknowledges Tae Hyun's instruction. Anticipating the fight to come, Lancer rotates his shoulders as his muscles tenses up. His body is briefly covered with a crimson aura before it quickly dissipates. With a toothy grin, Lancer couches into a low stance and concentrates building up power onto his soles. With a mighty leap, Lancer vaults several meters forward.

Tae Hun
Standard: Agility Training on Lancer
Shift: None
Swift: None
Conditions: None

Standard: Uses Bulk Up
Shift: Uses Splash to jump forward to N13; from N5.
Swift: None
Conditions: Agility Training [Training]; +1 Atk CS, +1 Def CS, Agility Training [Orders], +2 Evasion until the end of his next turn (Splash), +3 Bonus to Critical Hit Range until the beginning of his next turn (Lancer ability)

Sir Grave
2017-05-03, 11:27 AM
Each navi advances. The nearest canodumbs activate.

Whiiiirrrrrr... "Targeting... Targeting..."

The two canodumbs track the team's movements, but do not fire. They are well out of range. The one closest to Deny tracks her in particular.

Far ahead, the mettaurs peek out from under their giant hardhats. "Mett! Mett!" They spring up, hopping in different directions excitedly in anticipation.

Even further, twin red flickers come to life from behind the visors of the swordys. Each one activates a sword, standing guard.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________


Sean observes the training session via multiple sets of monitors capturing different angles. Even in the opening move he's taking notes.


The entrance slides open like the doors from Star Trek. Sean doesn't look away. It's all but obvious who it is...


If it were possible, Chaud's steely resolve improved in his adulthood. His steps are intentional as he walks up to Sean, looking at the screens.

"...Turrets, security gateways and a handful of viruses?
"I was expecting a bit more creativity."

Sean gave a sideways glance before continuing to monitor. "It's only the first stage. Rest assured you'll see a lot more in the next two."

Chaud folded his arms. "These trainees are all the best we have to work with. I need them ready for the next mission."

"Yeah, I know. But we're talking about serving half-baked potatoes here. They're supposed to have an extra three years of training."

"Granted. But we don't have three years.
"What progress have they made overall?"

"Well, they start off okay. First stage is always pretty straightforward. It's when I throw them for a loop they get caught off guard.

"Hopefully, they'll have learned that lesson by now...wait.
"Where is NormalMan?"

Sean shrugged. "Didn't show."

Chaud's expression remained unchanged. "Hmm.
"I'm going to have to have a talk with his operator."

2017-05-04, 09:20 PM
As the group charges forward, a so far quiet netop chimes in, as Taylor looks to his duo.
"Alright, you two. We are kicking off this engagement. Charge, sending in the first party favor."
As Charge gets in range, Taylor slots in a chip at the bottom, his titanic buddy leaping up near the end of the pathway and slamming down hard, sending a spine of earthen spikes forward until they get to the Canodumb from outside their range.

[roll0]-Stone Edge, 5+defense evasion or speed evasion, crit on a 17 or higher - Forgot to add in focused training, bringing it to 5

2017-05-04, 11:03 PM
"Lancer get closer but stay with the team." Tae Hyun said, instructing his Navi to stay in position.

"Looks like the welcoming committee has started." Lancer grins as he see Charge Tortoise begins his attack on the Canodumb. With his lance in hand, Lancer dashes forward, only to stop his movements once he catches up with the large Navi.

Tae Hun
Standard: Agility Training on Lancer
Shift: None
Swift: None

Standard: Performs the Sprint Maneuver.
Shift: Uses Splash to jump forward to S21; from N13.
Swift: None

Agility Training [Training]
+1 Attack Combat Stage
+1 Defense Combat Stage
Agility Training [Orders]
+2 Evasion until the end of his next turn (Splash)
+3 Bonus to Critical Hit Range until the beginning of his next turn (Lancer ability)

2017-05-05, 05:23 AM
"Synth, I'm uploading the booster chips now, we won't always have time to prepare so much in advance, but the layout here is straightforward enough that we can go all out."

For his part, the dark navi smirked as he felt his power and speed surge past their normal limits. As soon as we charge these things are finished. Still, he manages to hold until Charge launched his attack. The moment his blast strikes the canodumb, Synth vanishes, moving at an alarming rate having disappeared from his readied stance in the span of a blink, and only bringing himself to a halt when he's directly between the two viruses. "Sending the ElecSword chip now!"

Their teamwork was one area that they didn't need to work on, however, and Synth already knew what his operator would do. No later than the very instant his sword turned into a blade of lightning did he swing it, intent on cleaving straight the one opposite of Charge's target.

Since we had 2 rounds of waiting to get into position in addition to the first round where I just assumed we weren't buffing; Dragon Dance x2 (+2 Atk and Spd CS)

Actual round where the fight starts; Move 8, ElecSword on the canondumb that Charge DIDN'T attack
Attack [roll0] (Paralyze on 19+) vs AC 2+eva
Damage [roll1] (Electric, sword)

2017-05-05, 07:10 AM
With her quickened aerial movement, Deny approached the nearest two enemies from a direction perpendicular to the platform, slowly testing the distance until it became clear she was still out of range. As the remaining teammates trickled in to cluster past the edge of the canodumbs' reach, Shell slotting in chip after chip, cognizant of the consequences the last time she acted alone and slightly resentful that her navi's superior speed meant nothing if the others could not keep up.

"At this location there is a 0% chance of effective retaliation. Permission to begin aerial bombardment? " Anticipating Shell's next move, the navi began rerouting power from thrusters to the minimum to stay afloat.

"We attack as a team" came the curt reply, but it seemed the others had less such qualms about coordination.

As two of her fellow navis lept into the fray, both navi and netop concluded that approximately 42.8% of the group sufficed as a team and unleashed their attack. Tilt-rotor wings switched to green targeting displays, locked on, and fired arcing beams that skillfully evaded intermediate allies to pierce only the enemy.

Mist 1/2xScene
Powder Snow
Quiver Dance 0/2xScene
Fly: Sky+4
Shift: Shift down 2 if AB22 is destroyed.
Standard: Swift Cursor/EOT/STAB/Special/Range8/Blast2 Friendly/Cannot Miss DB8 = 2d8+10+25 = [roll0]
Accuracy: [roll1]

Past actions: Quiver Dance x2 Raise the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by +1 CS each.


Blessings: Mist 3/3, Reflect 2/2
Training: Speed CS1
Agile: +1Movement, +4Init
Brutal: Crit, Effect Range +1
Quiver Dance x2
Total CS=SpAtk x2, SpDef x2, Spd x3

Move: Sky10 Levitate7

2017-05-05, 12:51 PM
Memo proceeded steadily down the corridor after her more agile allies, preparing reactive measures against various potential threats. It looked like she wouldn't be needed on the front lines, as usual for this phase of the simulation. Following her familiar support routine brought a serene smile to her face, though tinged with melancholy at the thought that this run might end the same way as the others as well.
"Young programs these days, always in such a rush..."

"Uuuu... These empty hallways always give me the creeps! Remember that time ClownMan burst out of the wall?! Or the flaming spike traps!
Or-- oh, sorry Memo! Loading next chip set! Go get 'em, everyone!"

3 turns for Memo to reach the rally area, ending where she is on the map beside Lancer.

Standard 1: Light Screen (as Reflect, but for Special damage instead of Physical)
Standard 2: Safeguard (as Mist, but negates the effects of a status condition for 1 turn. Does not actually prevent you from suffering the status condition, as it does in the Pokemon games.)
NetOp Standard 2 & 3 - Spend 2 AP to swap out expended Light Screen, Safeguard and load Lucky Chant, Soft-Boiled
Standard 3: Lucky Chant (as Mist, but turns a critical hit into a normal hit. Anything tied to the attack being a critical hit is cancelled when this happens.)

Added Blessing uses to the map sheet, with quick-use notes.

Lucky Chant (spent)
Reflect (spent)
Ice Beam
Cosmic Power

Sir Grave
2017-05-05, 05:28 PM
As the group charges forward, a so far quiet netop chimes in, as Taylor looks to his duo.
"Alright, you two. We are kicking off this engagement. Charge, sending in the first party favor."
As Charge gets in range, Taylor slots in a chip at the bottom, his titanic buddy leaping up near the end of the pathway and slamming down hard, sending a spine of earthen spikes forward until they get to the Canodumb from outside their range.

[roll0]-Stone Edge, 5+defense evasion or speed evasion, crit on a 17 or higher - Forgot to add in focused training, bringing it to 5


The spikes jut out of the ground towards the direction of the canodumbs. The row of teeth like rocks just narrowly passes the one on the right and it tracks the attack. "INCOMING...INCOMING..."

It provides just enough of a distraction for...

"Synth, I'm uploading the booster chips now, we won't always have time to prepare so much in advance, but the layout here is straightforward enough that we can go all out."

For his part, the dark navi smirked as he felt his power and speed surge past their normal limits. As soon as we charge these things are finished. Still, he manages to hold until Charge launched his attack. The moment his blast strikes the canodumb, Synth vanishes, moving at an alarming rate having disappeared from his readied stance in the span of a blink, and only bringing himself to a halt when he's directly between the two viruses. "Sending the ElecSword chip now!"

Their teamwork was one area that they didn't need to work on, however, and Synth already knew what his operator would do. No later than the very instant his sword turned into a blade of lightning did he swing it, intent on cleaving straight the one opposite of Charge's target.

Since we had 2 rounds of waiting to get into position in addition to the first round where I just assumed we weren't buffing; Dragon Dance x2 (+2 Atk and Spd CS)

Actual round where the fight starts; Move 8, ElecSword on the canondumb that Charge DIDN'T attack
Attack [roll0] (Paralyze on 19+) vs AC 2+eva
Damage [roll1] (Electric, sword)

The canodumbs cursor blinks as it attempts to capture Synth in it's sight. "DELETE! DE--**"


Synth's electric arc slices the cannon off of it's base. The one behind him locks onto the dark navi. "TARGET LOCKED."

With her quickened aerial movement, Deny approached the nearest two enemies from a direction perpendicular to the platform, slowly testing the distance until it became clear she was still out of range. As the remaining teammates trickled in to cluster past the edge of the canodumbs' reach, Shell slotting in chip after chip, cognizant of the consequences the last time she acted alone and slightly resentful that her navi's superior speed meant nothing if the others could not keep up.

"At this location there is a 0% chance of effective retaliation. Permission to begin aerial bombardment? " Anticipating Shell's next move, the navi began rerouting power from thrusters to the minimum to stay afloat.

"We attack as a team" came the curt reply, but it seemed the others had less such qualms about coordination.

As two of her fellow navis lept into the fray, both navi and netop concluded that approximately 42.8% of the group sufficed as a team and unleashed their attack. Tilt-rotor wings switched to green targeting displays, locked on, and fired arcing beams that skillfully evaded intermediate allies to pierce only the enemy.

Mist 1/2xScene
Powder Snow
Quiver Dance 0/2xScene
Fly: Sky+4
Shift: Shift down 2 if AB22 is destroyed.
Standard: Swift Cursor/EOT/STAB/Special/Range8/Blast2 Friendly/Cannot Miss DB8 = 2d8+10+25 = [roll0]
Accuracy: [roll1]

Past actions: Quiver Dance x2 Raise the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by +1 CS each.


Blessings: Mist 3/3, Reflect 2/2
Training: Speed CS1
Agile: +1Movement, +4Init
Brutal: Crit, Effect Range +1
Quiver Dance x2
Total CS=SpAtk x2, SpDef x2, Spd x3

Move: Sky10 Levitate7



The arcing energy from Deny's attack zips around Synth (perhaps almost looking like it was about to hit him directly) and cuts the other canodumb in half. It's pieces are sent flying and then explode.

Sean's voice blares over the comms. "Not bad. For an opening."


As he watched the opening assault unfold, Chaud's expression remained unchanged. "Synth's advancing too quickly."

"Probably because they were just Canodumbs."




The Mettaurs advance in hopping fashion, the one front and center materializes a large pick axe and strikes the ground. It's shockwave hurtles towards Synth.


The Pick Axe is raised high...



The Pick axe sails behind the mettaur and strikes one of the others in it's hard hat. It stumbles backwards.

2017-05-05, 06:33 PM
ArchMan continues to advance, accelerating.

Synchronization Link: Synth.

My apologies for delayed post.

Sprinting forward, Channeling Synth.

Gray: 4 bound for ready Ports, 1 remaining.
ArchMan: 1 bound for Shared Senses on Deny, 6 remaining.

Channeled list:
Deny (w/ Shared Senses)

Chips selected:
Mirror Coat

2017-05-06, 12:39 AM
With the others decide to stop short out of the Canodumb's attack range, preparing themselves for combat to come, Tae Hyun decides it's also a good idea for Lancer to do the same. "Alright, take this moment to strengthen yourself first. We may not have an opportunity to do so later." Tae Hyun advises his Navi while he slots in a battle chip and activates a custom program he had prepared. He knows full well Lancer is itching for an "work out buddy."

Once more, Lancer's body briefly glows with a crimson aura. Lancer's body appears to be muscular, despite there is no physical difference since he had entered this simulation. When Synth and Deny begun their attacks on the Canodumb, Lancer vaults forward, ready to engage one of the Canodumbs. Unfortunately, both Navis instantly deleted the two Canodumb before they can retaliate. With some joy that his teammates seems strong, Lancer felt some disappointment that he wasn't able to draw first blood. Gripping his lance, Lancer glances forward to the bobbing heads of the Mettaurs in the distance.

"Relax. Wait for the Mettaur to come closer before engaging them. That way, they'll wont have support fire from the Canodumbs."

Relaxing his grip a bit, Lancer acknowledged his NetOp's judgement. He had faced Mettaurs and Canodumbs before. While they are simple viruses, they really worth letting him work himself into a frenzy. Waiting patiently, Lancer eyes the Mettaurs as they wobble closer.

"Now!" In unison, Lancer vaults forward as Tae Hyun gives the command to engage the Mettaurs. Receiving another battle chip, Lancer's body is wrapped in flames as he dashes forward.

"Eat this!" With his lance in hand, Lancer strikes a Mettaur as the flames travels from his body, to his spear, then towards the Mettaur.

Retconning planned actions due to Synth and Deny wanting to boost stats before engaging on round 4. Intead if Lancer attacking on round 3, he'll instead attack on round 4. Which is when Synth and Deny deleted the Canodumbs.

Tae Hun
Standard: Applies Dire Hit on Lancer
Shift: None
Swift: None

Standard: Uses Bulk Up
Shift: Uses Splash to jump forward to X22; from S21.
Swift: None

Agility Training [Training]
+2 Attack Combat Stage
+2 Defense Combat Stage
+2 Bonus to Critical Hit Range (Dire Hit)
+2 Evasion until the end of his next turn (Splash)
+3 Bonus to Critical Hit Range until the beginning of his next turn (Lancer ability)

During Round 4, Lancer will delay his turn until Initiative count of 4. So he'll be acting after the Mettuars have taken their turn.

Tae Hun
Standard: Agility Training on Lancer
Shift: None
Swift: None

Shift: Uses Splash to jump forward to AE25; from X22.
Standard: Attacks the Mettaur at AD26 with Flame Charge.
AC: 2 [roll0]; Physical, Fire/Null, Melee, Dash. On hit raise the user’s Speed 1 Combat Stage.
Damage: [roll1]; Physical, Fire/Null Damage
If Crit (on 15+): Additional [roll2]
Swift: None

Agility Training [Training]
+2 Attack Combat Stage
+2 Defense Combat Stage
+2 Bonus to Critical Hit Range (Dire Hit)
Agility Training [Orders]
+2 Evasion until the end of his next turn (Splash)
+3 Bonus to Critical Hit Range until the beginning of his next turn (Lancer ability)

2017-05-17, 05:56 PM
With a nod, Taylor slots a chip.
"Charge, we need to work on your aim, man. Blade, slotting in something for when you get in range."
The Navi just gives a thumbs up to the sky as the feather blades still on her limbs glow with a dull heat, moving forward but still too far out to engage.

2017-05-20, 02:51 AM
Round 5

"Lancer, no! Fall back! You have no support!"
Deny dived after the advancing netnavi as the diminutive yellow viruses clustered around him, fingers frantically pounding the Missile Lock-On. Error: Insufficient Power, her wings flashed. She tried the endothermic ray, but again flashed Error: No targets in range.
"I-I can't get close enough"

In the real world, Shell confronted the netop at fault.
"Tae Hyun, tell your navi to retreat! you can't handle that many at once. "

Mist 1/2xScene
Powder Snow
Quiver Dance 0/2xScene
Swift - Cooldown
Fly: Sky+4
Shift+ Standard: Sprint, move 15


Blessings: Mist 3/3, Reflect 2/2
Training: Speed CS1
Agile: +1Movement, +4Init
Brutal: Crit, Effect Range +1
Quiver Dance x2
Total CS=SpAtk x2, SpDef x2, Spd x3

Move: Sky10 Levitate7

2017-05-20, 10:41 PM
Trailing behind the chaos of the melee with the Mettaurs, Memo begins fortifying herself now that all the group precautions are enabled.
"Honestly, what do they expect when they leave their support behind..."

"Charge, you're familiar with this kind of situation, are you not? How do you like to support Blade when she leads the vanguard?"

Rise bites her lip to fight the impulse to add to the cacophony in the command room. Hard as it is to watch Lancer get swarmed, there's nothing she can ask Memo to do that would help, and the others seem to have some idea how to get the situation under control.

"Memo, just... just keep doing what you can! If any of those Mettaur get close, freeze 'em!"

Shift 5 East, keeping pace with CT
Cosmic Power: +1 Def/Sp.Def CS to self.

Inspired and Brutal Orders on Memo (via Commander's Voice)
(if I ever forget to post an action for Rise, assume it's this one.)

Sir Grave
2017-05-22, 02:20 PM
With the others decide to stop short out of the Canodumb's attack range, preparing themselves for combat to come, Tae Hyun decides it's also a good idea for Lancer to do the same. "Alright, take this moment to strengthen yourself first. We may not have an opportunity to do so later." Tae Hyun advises his Navi while he slots in a battle chip and activates a custom program he had prepared. He knows full well Lancer is itching for an "work out buddy."

Once more, Lancer's body briefly glows with a crimson aura. Lancer's body appears to be muscular, despite there is no physical difference since he had entered this simulation. When Synth and Deny begun their attacks on the Canodumb, Lancer vaults forward, ready to engage one of the Canodumbs. Unfortunately, both Navis instantly deleted the two Canodumb before they can retaliate. With some joy that his teammates seems strong, Lancer felt some disappointment that he wasn't able to draw first blood. Gripping his lance, Lancer glances forward to the bobbing heads of the Mettaurs in the distance.

"Relax. Wait for the Mettaur to come closer before engaging them. That way, they'll wont have support fire from the Canodumbs."

Relaxing his grip a bit, Lancer acknowledged his NetOp's judgement. He had faced Mettaurs and Canodumbs before. While they are simple viruses, they really worth letting him work himself into a frenzy. Waiting patiently, Lancer eyes the Mettaurs as they wobble closer.

"Now!" In unison, Lancer vaults forward as Tae Hyun gives the command to engage the Mettaurs. Receiving another battle chip, Lancer's body is wrapped in flames as he dashes forward.

"Eat this!" With his lance in hand, Lancer strikes a Mettaur as the flames travels from his body, to his spear, then towards the Mettaur.

Retconning planned actions due to Synth and Deny wanting to boost stats before engaging on round 4. Intead if Lancer attacking on round 3, he'll instead attack on round 4. Which is when Synth and Deny deleted the Canodumbs.

Tae Hun
Standard: Applies Dire Hit on Lancer
Shift: None
Swift: None

Standard: Uses Bulk Up
Shift: Uses Splash to jump forward to X22; from S21.
Swift: None

Agility Training [Training]
+2 Attack Combat Stage
+2 Defense Combat Stage
+2 Bonus to Critical Hit Range (Dire Hit)
+2 Evasion until the end of his next turn (Splash)
+3 Bonus to Critical Hit Range until the beginning of his next turn (Lancer ability)

During Round 4, Lancer will delay his turn until Initiative count of 4. So he'll be acting after the Mettuars have taken their turn.

Tae Hun
Standard: Agility Training on Lancer
Shift: None
Swift: None

Shift: Uses Splash to jump forward to AE25; from X22.
Standard: Attacks the Mettaur at AD26 with Flame Charge.
AC: 2 [roll0]; Physical, Fire/Null, Melee, Dash. On hit raise the user’s Speed 1 Combat Stage.
Damage: [roll1]; Physical, Fire/Null Damage
If Crit (on 15+): Additional [roll2]
Swift: None

Agility Training [Training]
+2 Attack Combat Stage
+2 Defense Combat Stage
+2 Bonus to Critical Hit Range (Dire Hit)
Agility Training [Orders]
+2 Evasion until the end of his next turn (Splash)
+3 Bonus to Critical Hit Range until the beginning of his next turn (Lancer ability)

Lancer's fiery assault is relentless as the wide-eyed mettaur quickly ducks under his hard hat, allowing the spear to glance off of it. Lancer is thrown slightly off balance.

The other mettaurs see an opportunity, three of them materialize their huge pick-axes and strike the ground, sending a shockwave each at Lancer...

Attack 1 [roll0]
Attack 2 [roll1]
Attack 3 [roll2]

Sir Grave
2017-05-22, 02:37 PM
One shockwave goes wide, two strike Lancer directly at near point-blank range for (1 [roll0] & 2 [roll1], please account for defense, I can't really remember how that applies to damage)

The Canodumbs simply wait for when they have targets in range.



"Yes, 'ouch' indeed."

Sean looked at Chaud. He knew what he was thinking. "Hey, it's nothing a little healing data can't fix, right?"

"Those attacks could have easily been a barrage of M-Cannons, which would have torn him to shreds. He and Tae Hyun throw caution to the wind like it's a game."

"Or like he's doing his part. Maybe he's trying to take a hit for the team."

"I don't see why that would be necessary. Preservation is key to living till the next battle. This is just the first stage. And if what you say about the next stages are true, they're going to have to be a lot more careful."

"They will be, if Shell and Deny have a say."

Chaud folded his arms. "Perhaps. Though I wonder if they might be trying to take too much into their control."

Sean scowled. "There really is no winning with you, is there?"

2017-05-22, 06:24 PM
Still plodding forward, Charge looks over to Memo, then gives a small chuckle.
"Normally by giving her something solid to dive behind if need be. Also, my setup carries more range chips than hers due to necessity. Which, I believe, is true for you as well?"
(Turn 4? Bottom of the list, moving Charge in at his turtle speed. Speaking of Charge, Grave, can I just swap his buster style from break to cursor permanently since I realize he is never going to get into melee with the rest of this team?)

2017-05-22, 06:32 PM
As Shell tries to warn Tae Hyun to have Lancer retreat, Yuki shakes her head, "No need, he's not alone! Synth!"

The navi doesn't waste any time with a verbal reply, only dashing forward to attack the mettaurs, giving Lancer more breathing room and the enemies another target to limit the risk to his comrade. He doesn't, however, sheathe his blade in digital electricity this time. Instead, pointing the blade at a pair, a dark energy radiates outward from it, "Get out of our way."

NetOp: Focused Training [Orders]

Dark Move; Snarl (hits in a cone, hitting the adjacent mettaur and the one in the middle of the path)
AC 3 [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Super Effective damage so 1.5x after defense is subtracted. If they somehow survive, -1 CS to their special attack

2017-05-22, 08:47 PM
Tae Hyun looks over at Shell as she criticize his navi's actions. "Don't worry. He'll backup in a bit. This is only a warm up for Lancer. Ain't that right buddy." He flashes her a smile, understanding her concern.

"Heh." Lancer grins in agreement with his NetOp. "Don't worry about it little missy." He answers to both Shell and Deny. When the Mettaurs moves forward and try to surround him after his first attack was blocked, Lancer quickly spun his spear in front of him as he saw an incoming attack from the Viruses.. Lancer kept twirling his spear in a 360 degree motion to ward off the shockwaves. While he was hit but the Mettaurs attacks, the showckwaves didn't seem to effect him at all. He was even able to deflect one of the three attacks aimed at him. "Ha! Is that all you got? If so when let me show you what I can do." Lancer swipes his spear around.

"Ah I'm sorry about that. Lancer can be a mouthful at times." Tae Hyun apologies to Shell. Returning his attention to the battle, Tae Hyun slots in a battle chip. "They aren't wrong, so don't head in too deep. Here use this." He advises Lancer, slotting in a battlechip.

Lancer vaults through the air, towards the Mettaur furthest from him, vacating is location just in time for Synth to come forth and attack the Mettaurs. Staying light on his soles, Lancer quickly dashes forward with his spear in hand. Modified by the battlechip, his body moves quicker then usually, dashing through the Mettaurs while striking at each one he passes.

Tae Hun
Standard: Agility Training on Lancer
Shift: None
Swift: None

Shift: From AE25, Uses Splash to jump forward to AD29. He then activates the Pass keyword on Slash, moving him from AD29 to AD25.
Standard: Attacks the Mettaurs at AD26 and AD28 with Slash.
AC: 2 [roll0]; Physical, Sword/Null, Melee, Pass. Slash is a Critical Hit on 18+.
Damage: [roll1]; Physical, Sword/Null Damage
If Crit (on 13+): Additional [roll2]
Swift: None

Agility Training [Training]
+2 Attack Combat Stage
+2 Defense Combat Stage
+2 Bonus to Critical Hit Range (Dire Hit)
Agility Training [Orders]
+2 Evasion until the end of his next turn (Splash)
+3 Bonus to Critical Hit Range until the beginning of his next turn (Lancer ability)

Notes: Lancer does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity by Shifting via Run Away ability. Also Shifting as a result of the Pass keyword does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity
Slash is now a Critical Hit on 13+ due to bonuses, see Conditions.

2017-05-22, 10:00 PM
ArchMan slides forwards, accelerating//rubberbanding.

Synchronization Link: Lancer.

It rasps - Disruption! - and the nearest Mettaur blurs, cracks, though only for a frame.

My apologies for delayed post.

Moving forward. Oneris gave me a one-time free-move to partially make up for accidentally missing an early turn (otherwise, would still be too far behind to actually do anything beyond more Channeling).

Channeling Lancer.

Confusion on the nearest Mettaur.
Accuracy: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Gray: 4 bound for ready Ports, 1 remaining.
ArchMan: 1 bound for Shared Senses on Deny, 6 remaining.

Focused Training: +1 on Acc, +2 on skills

Channeled list:
Deny (w/ Shared Senses)

Chips selected:
Mirror Coat

2017-05-26, 10:50 AM
Round 5
As Synth and Archman dive into conflict, Blade gives a laugh as she finally activates the chip she had been sitting on, becoming wreathed in flames.
"The opener always gets a bit of a bruising, Deny. But no worries, the cavalry' s right behind them!"
She practically tumbles through the air at a mett, leading in with a pair of knives lunging into the helmet.
moving forward,
Activating Flame Wheel.
[roll0]-2+defense or speed evasion, burns 19+

2017-06-03, 12:13 AM
Round 6 probably

"It doesn't matter!" Shell screeched as her navi dispatched last pair of mettaurs with a rain of lasers, "You can't advance too far ahead of the group! Don't you remember what happened last time?!"

Shell didn't like to think back to that incident casually. She had thought it was clever to fly Deny to the world border and skirt merrily past every enemy straight to the end objective. Instead, her navi found herself flung across five screens right back to the beginning again, taking quite a lot of damage in the process. That the swatting was done by a giant glowing hand emblazoned "BITCH SLAP" did not help matters.

"From this point forward we move as one. No barrier comes down until we are all assembled"

Mist 1/2xScene
Powder Snow
Quiver Dance 0/2xScene
Fly: Sky+4
Standard: Swift Cursor/EOT/STAB/Special/Range8/Blast2/Friendly/Cannot Miss DB8 = 2d8+10+25 = [roll0]
Accuracy: [roll1]
Shift: None


Move: Sky10 Levitate7


Blessings: Mist 3/3, Reflect 2/2
Training: Speed CS1
Agile: +1Movement, +4Init
Brutal: Crit, Effect Range +1
Quiver Dance x2
Total CS=SpAtk x2, SpDef x2, Spd x3

Sir Grave
2017-06-07, 02:15 PM
The team attacks as one, the mettaurs stand little chance. As Lancer stood his ground against the shockwaves, Synth dashed beside him like a shadowy blur, black energy spewing forth from his blade and eviscerating one of the mettaurs.

Lancer follows it up by deftly avoiding the Mettaur's threat area as he stepped forward, delivering two strikes with his spear. two more mettars are impaled, exploding as they are deleted.

One of the mettaurs towards the back attempts to attack with his shockwave, but is stopped dead by Archman's confusion. It stuns, but does not outright delete it.

In comes Blade, Charge still far behind. He leaps for the stunned Mettar and buries a pair of daggers deep into it's hard hat, pulling the blades free he does a back flip off of the mettaur as it explodes.

The last perhaps should have retreated, yet viruses tended to be irrational. It paid for this poor descision making by being cut into pieces by Deny's lasers. Clear of mettaurs, all that stood between the team and the first security gate was a pair of Canodumbs, locking and readying an attack for the first to come into range.

OOC: Not exactly in order, I just wanted to make it sound like a team effort. Elfbird still needs to go.

"Ha! See, look at that. Took out that entire group in a matter of seconds. In fact, I'd say it was overkill."

Sean laned back into his chair. Chaud simply continued to watch silently.

2017-06-07, 11:57 PM
Memo continues her serene advance in the wake of the carnage, gathering power as she observes the situation on the front line.

In the command room...
"Oh hey, guys! Memo can shield one other navi - who should she cover while we attack the Canodumbs?"

Last turn: Memo just shifts 5 spaces.

This turn:
Shift 5 more

If someone gives a target to shield: Sage feature = 8 DR to target ally until the end of her next turn.
Else: Cosmic Power (+1 Def/Sp.Def CS on self)

Keeping Focused and Brutal Orders up on Memo (net +2 Evasion, +2 Crit, +2 Effect Ranges, +4 Save Checks when stacked with Training)

Everyone, remember all the Blessings that are up if the Canodumbs are actually dangerous - details in column AP on the map!

2017-06-08, 08:32 PM
Provide guard – drawing first fire.
ArchMan twists into position – a tangle of cracks racing forwards, bulging up into a visible mound – and the instant it crosses into Canodumb range, it vanishes, every crack sealing or aligning with a tile-seam or path-wire, every shimmer of color smoothing into the local blue.

Shifting forward, and activating Camouflage (+4 Evasion against ranged attacks until end of turn)

Gray: 4 bound for ready Ports, 1 remaining.
ArchMan: 1 bound for Shared Senses on Deny, 6 remaining.

Focused Training: +1 on Acc, +2 on skills

Channeled list:
Deny (w/ Shared Senses)

Chips selected:
Mirror Coat

Sir Grave
2017-06-15, 09:27 PM
Archman draws the Virus' attention. The Canodumbs lock on. "DELETE!"


The canodumbs open fire. Archman's... well... vague and ever-shifting form makes it difficult to get an accurate lock. The first shot might have connected had a hole not formed just then, allowing the shell to pass through. The other looks like it's about to hit Archman's... (you think it's a shoulder? Or a hump? Who can tell?) Instead, it bounces off what was an invisible field chick crackles on impact. Memo's countermeasures paid off.



beep! beep!

Protoman's head materializes from Chaud's PET."You have one alert, Super Indendant Chaud."

Chaud takes out his pet and looks. His expression becomes even more serious. "..."



"Upload training program Inferno, Level 10. Insert immediately into the session."

Sean turned, raising an eyebrow. "Uh... Chaud? That's a Boss fight. They aren't-"

"Just do it."

Sean rolled his eyes. "Oooo-bekaybey." Sean began opening a chain of folders and screens, till he came across a file that read "Inferno." Clicking, he was given the option to begin the upload. He hit "OK."

"This'll take a few moments."

2017-06-16, 12:57 AM
As Taylor slots a chip in for Blade and activates the other for Charge, it turns out to be a few minutes these canondumbs may lack as Charge leaps into the air and slams back down, a line of stony spikes erupting through one of the cannons as a crackling purple arc spits from Blade' s knives at the other.

(Charge Tortoise crit on his, so one of those two is pretty much dead as all hell.)

2017-06-20, 09:09 PM
ArchMan drifts forward slightly as it shifts into visibility, and gives one floor-wire a twist.

The results on the surviving artillery are... garbled, for a moment.

So in the chat, I've been given permission to jump turn order to get things moving.
Confusion on the surviving Canodumb.
Accuracy: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Confuses on a 19+.


Gray: 4 bound for ready Ports, 1 remaining.
ArchMan: 1 bound for Shared Senses on Deny, 6 remaining.

Focused Training: +1 on Acc, +2 on skills

Channeled list:
Deny (w/ Shared Senses)

Chips selected:
Mirror Coat

Sir Grave
2017-06-22, 12:26 AM

Charge's attack cracks the panels as stony spikes jut from the ground. The canodumb he targeted explodes quite violently. Blade quickly avoids being targeted by the remaining and sends two daggers at it, the knives sink in. It still remains, preparing to target it's attacker.


Electricity surges around the canodumb and it explodes. Archman shifts at his successful busting.

The security gate flickers, the access panel blinks awaiting to be hacked.


"Twenty seconds..."

2017-06-26, 08:43 PM
With everyone else in full blitz mode and taken aback by the sudden shift in circumstances, Memo strides between them to the access panel and lays hands upon it.

It's been a while... I'll have to bypass those sectors, but for something of this level... Let's see if this is enough.

"Rise, please be ready to use the command line if I'm unable to continue here. Everyone, prepare for anything. This could be... unpredictable."

Rise gives her PET a light smack on the side.
"Hey! Memo, don't do anything stupid, y'hear! Don't risk getting hurt in a practice game!"

"Acknowledged," Memo replies, in a tone that definitely doesn't mean it.

Rise pouts at the screen. "Mmmrr! You take these things way to seriously..."

Memo closes her eyes to concentrate on the hacking attempt...

Rise's PET, and any monitors connected to it, are suddenly flooded with hundreds of windows of cat pictures.

Rise is using the Assisted Skill Check action (Core p.220, copied in the Discord)
Memo is spending 1 AP to get +1 to her skill check

Memo's Hacking Ed: [roll0]

2017-06-26, 08:56 PM
"Umm, what did happen?" Tae Hyun asked, trying to remember what Shell is talking about. Sure Lancer was on the receiving end of attacks several times in battle. While Lancer can get eager in a fight, the Navi always remain alert of his surroundings. And if things somehow ever gets dangerous, Lancer was always close enough to the group for any assistance. Aside from that, Tae Hyun was Lancer's eyes and ears for anything the Navi might have missed. As Lancer's NetOp, Tae Hyun was like Lancer's spotter and always reminded the Navi to stay within close proximity of the group. But what Navi in battle had never taken his or her share of battle experience?

"These guys aren't even a challenge." Lancer laughed, as his spins his spear around and places it on his shoulder as the remaining viruses explodes and is deleted. He slightly turns his torso and neck around, looking back at Deny and gives her a grin. While his smile might have seemed to be directed at the floating Navi, it was in fact directed towards her NetOp. Turning back around towards the battle, Lancer walks foward, taking a single step into the room with the Canodumbs, remembering their approximate attack range. "Moving this far should be fine right?" He said in a playful and teasing tone, with his comment directed towards Shell.

Tae Hun
Standard: Agility Training on Lancer
Shift: None
Swift: None

Shift: From AD25, walks up to AD28
Standard: Uses Bulk Up
Swift: None

Agility Training [Training]
+3 Attack Combat Stage
+3 Defense Combat Stage
+2 Bonus to Critical Hit Range (Dire Hit)
Agility Training [Orders]
+3 Bonus to Critical Hit Range until the beginning of his next turn (Lancer ability)

2017-06-26, 11:25 PM
"You know, The...Rubberbanding...Incident," Shell protested. It wouldn't be his fault if he didn't remember; even on her own PET Deny was only visible for maybe 2 frames. "When I was way ahead of you guys one second, and way behind the next."

It was a happy excuse that the panel needed hacking, and Shell hurried Deny over to the console to assist, deliberately flying past Lancer all the way into the room. The Navi hid a smile at the others' teasing. Shell could be so defensive sometimes, but it was obvious she was just trying to keep the rest of the team from making her mistake.

Novice Assist on Hacking check: +1

2017-06-27, 07:41 AM
While Synth moved up toward the barrier with a casual stride, he sounded almost bored while tapping his foot. Even as he speaks up though, his NetOp mirrors his sentiment with more excitement "This is easier than I thought, this test is as good as over."

Looking toward the pair working on the panel, Synth speaks up, "I assume you two can hack that?"

His NetOp, meanwhile, just sighs, "You know that they're more than capable, Synth."

"Everything else in this test has been easy enough we could do it alone, I was just wondering if the gate was an actual challenge."

2017-06-27, 03:12 PM
"To be fair, the opening bid is always the weakest. Although the rubberbanding was impressive, don't hear about people setting defenses like that up too often."
Tyler watches the faces of his companions as he leans against the terminal, Blade kipping up onto her brother's shoulder as she waited for the others to do their magic.
"Don't sorry, Memo, you know we have it. It's as good as in the bag this time!"
Charge gives a light snort, looking the group over idly.
"Same as all the other times we nearly had it, right?"
Admittedly, their team had been through this a few times, with a few different groups. Either because of redundant roles, or mismatched personalities, or in one case another member having several illegal programs installed on their own navi that nearly wiped the poor bastard, things had just not worked for Tyler and co, finally being stuck with this team in the past few weeks. Hoping to turn that around, especially after some warnings and forced down time Tyler got after the following incident after the netop with criminal disregard for the safety of their ally and navi, Tyler had been trying to make his own roles work better for the team.

Sir Grave
2017-06-27, 03:47 PM
Memo's hands quicky tap away at the holoscreen as Rise accesses the control panel, with Shell assisting. The sequence is complex, an upgrade from the last version of the security doors she's had to hack through. They had to admit to themselves it's going to be tough getting through.

When it seems they are close to cracking it, the panel flickers, the words "2 attempts" blink on and off, followed by "WARNING! Three failed attempts will result in locking the user out temporarily, and countermeasures will be deployed. :)"

OOC: On a completely separate and personal note... :smallsigh: I wish I had more fonts.


"14 seconds..."

2017-06-27, 10:11 PM



One panel. Two crackers. Three attempts.

Three statements in establishing that count.

Sure, simple success.

2017-07-07, 02:36 PM
Though surprised by the new security protocol Sean implemented, Memo recollects her thoughts and makes a second attempt at the panel, bolstered by her teammates' support.
This cannot be the most we are capable of...

Spending 1 AP again
Rise will aid for another +1
And +1 for each ally with at least Novice Hacking who's aiding.

Base roll: [roll0]

2017-07-07, 07:45 PM
"Well maybe if you got rid of your cats, we'd have an easier time," grumbled Shell as she pushed half a dozen meowing screens out of her classic light-on-dark interface. "Why'd you even take your PET pets out of the dock for this? We'd be back in our dorms in an hour. "

Novice Hacking Assist: +1

2017-07-07, 09:02 PM
"H-hey, it's not like she meant to do that! Memo sometimes has... issues, like that, y'know. At least they're cute, right?! And she's opening the gate now, so don't complain!"
Rise pouts a little cutely, more embarrassed than anything. She learned long ago not to ask Memo to do difficult things on the 'Net, lest she be bombarded by cat memes or worse, but at times like this it can't be helped...

2017-07-07, 10:49 PM
Distraction → redirection ⇒ assistant.

The security-gate's bars stretch at one end, bend, thin, pull, twist into a tangled ball.

ArchMan forms a new window around the ball, and joins it up to the cats' windows. They pounce.

Just having some fun with my Assist. Novice, so +1.

Sir Grave
2017-07-10, 03:16 PM










There is a flash, and a loud, deafening...


You all open your eyes, and see confetti flying everywhere. The terminal reads... ACCESS GRANTED! :D :D :D


"5 seconds till upload. 4... 3... 2...1..."

"Upload complete."


The Operator room's lights go dark, the back up lights blare red. Emergency doors are shut.

Chaud's voice blares over the emergency comm. "All operatives, be advised. A highly dangerous navi has activated our security countermeasures. Jacking in is restricted. All navi's currently jacked into the net be on your guard. This is not a drill."

2017-07-10, 06:04 PM
Rise's voice drops to a panicked whisper.
"Ohmigosh, whatdowedo?! We're trapped in here! Should we jack out?! What if the program tries to suffocate us, or worse?! Memo, don't let anything touch you! What's going on in there?!"

Memo remains calm as ever, slowly removing her hands from the terminal and turning to survey the corridor with her back covered.
"No abnormalities detected. Everyone! Please gather near the gate and prepare a defensive formation. Anything could happen right now. If there is an enemy, perhaps we can use the turrets to our advantage."
In a soft voice:
"Rise, remain calm. I'll be counting on you..."

"No! You know that's not how this works! Memo, you're always the cool responsible one! You'll come save us somehow, right?! It's too scary without you...! I-I'll--"

"There's no more time. We must surpass this together, all of us, or not at all. Stand by."
Memo cuts the voice channel to give Rise space to think, though it'll reopen the moment either side needs to make contact.

If there's a free turn, Memo will use Cosmic Power to give herself another Def/Sp.Def CS.
HP = 56/56
AP = 5/7
+2 Def CS
+2 Sp.Def CS

Reflect 2/2
Light Screen 2/2
Mist 3/3
Safeguard 3/3
Lucky Chant 3/3

Effect notes in the map. Any ally can spend a use of the effect, but once they're gone, we don't have the chips to renew them this scene.

Lucky Chant (used)
Reflect (used)
Ice Beam
Cosmic Power

2017-07-11, 09:05 PM
The floor rises up into a limbed mound near the onetime barrier, and rumbles: Opportunity.

2017-07-12, 08:57 PM
When Shell mentions the rubberbanding incident, Tae Hyun utters "Oh." Giving Shell a somewhat surprised look, though not a complete one. "I suppose that's something we should work on." He suggests while giving Shell a smile.

Observing Memo working on the security gate, Lancer glances back to the visual feed of his NetOp. Hearing Tae Hyun's conversation and smile, Lancer grins. "Why not seal that with dinner and a movie?." Lancer spoke loudly enough so the rest of the team can hear his comment, especially Shell. He then gives a playful toothy grin to his NetOp.

"Lancer!" Tae Hyun protested, somewhat being used to his own Navi's teasing himself. While Lancer also likes to tease others, Tae Hyun had discovered Lancer especially likes to tease him when an opportunity presents itself. Though he doesn't know when it'll happen. "Since there's no viruses, you should move up with the others."

Lancer was his had in affirmative as he walks off. He stops a couple several meters away and observe Momo's first failed attempt at hacking the security door. With nothing to do while others join in to assist Memo in hacking the security door, Lancer squats down and begins to whistles a song as he stands guard while he waited for the rest of the group to catch up on the platform. Though he hears the system warning about a self-destruction software have triggered, Lancer kept his calm demeanor as he continues to whistles.

"Well, shall we move on?" Lancer stands back up when the terminal read "ACCESS GRANTED! :D :D :D" when the others successfully hacked the door. Despite Chaud's voice resounded into the commutations channel, Lancer grins happily as his brow lowers. "Oh? Someone wants to play with us?"

"Stay alert Lancer, we don't know who or what it is." Tae Hyun cautions as the room goes dark; with only the back up lights providing illumination in red.

Tae Hun
Standard: None
Shift: None
Swift: None

Shift: Strolls to AC35
Standard: Uses Bulk Up (I believe at least a round has passed since Lancer lasted used Bulk Up, and we're at round 8 or 9 now.)
Swift: None

Agility Training [Training]
+4 Attack Combat Stage
+4 Defense Combat Stage
+2 Bonus to Critical Hit Range (Dire Hit)
+3 Bonus to Critical Hit Range until the beginning of his next turn (Lancer ability)

2017-07-13, 07:22 PM
The trio stop as the sirens blare, looking around. Charge is the first to rally, though, Tylor trying to not look worried despite being trapped in a room with no jack in ports from this end.
"Right then, defensive perimeter seems like a good idea moving forward."
Blade taps his side as he moves forward.
"You sure, big guy? I mean, sturdy or no, you are kinda slow as sin."
"You know...it makes sense given an unknown to let the heavies take the front so the heavy hitters can respond. And this is our best bet to get to the door systems, but we would have to break through some systems. Anyone have any idea how we can break into the main system from here?"

Sir Grave
2017-08-02, 08:02 AM
The alarm blares, now in the training simulation in the cybernet.


The bridge behind shatters in a magnificent show of fire and panel data. On the bridge before you,steam rises, the ground bubbles till it becomes molten, lava oozes forth from the panels cutting off your advance.

A pillar of fire shoots down from cyberspace right in the middle of this volcanic field. There's no mistaking who it is... it would be an understatement to say he was one of World Three's top operatives. But why he was here, none could say.

His voice echos like from within a metal chamber, "You're not officials."

Flames bursting from his head. "Still armed though. Might make it sporting. I'd have to make it a slow burn though... with such weak frames."

2017-08-12, 11:45 AM
"Synth, stay out of that lava field! He's too dangerous to take on in there!"

The navi barely registers her, however, "Weak? I'll show you who's weak you damn stove-top app!" Then there's a flash, two quick slashes, fast enough that they're hard to see, as a pair of electric shuriken fly out from Synth's blade and toward FlameMan, and Synth holds his ground at the doorway.

"Don't you know who that is?!" "I don't care!"

Op swift - Tag FlameMan for Duelist
Op standard - Focused Orders (+1 accuracy and +2 skill checks)
ElecShuriken (hits 2 times) on FlameMan [roll0] VS AC 2

Damage [roll1] (includes +5 from Vanguard)

Momentum 0->2/6 (assuming attack hits, otherwise 1/6)

2017-08-12, 09:33 PM
Memo steps to the fore of the party, muttering a "Pardon me" to ArchMan as she walks over him.

She looks coolly down at the lava at her feet, then draws her gaze along it to FireMan's helmed face.
"It seems someone has made a grievous mistake... Let us find out who."
Without fanfare, a bolt of ice flies from her naginata.

Shift: move 2 west (ArchMan is rough terrain), 1 south, 1 west.

Standard: Ice Beam on FireMan!
Accuracy: [roll0] vs AC 2

Inflicts Freeze on 16+, crits on 19+
Memo gains 5 DR from Type Strategist
Damage: [roll1] Water, Special
If crit: [roll2]

Rise is currently unaware of the battle, so has nothing to do this round.

2017-08-13, 10:58 AM
As Memo passes, ArchMan mutters reciprocate and blinks father forward, into the fire.


Teleporting South 4, and using Confusion.
Accuracy: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Confuses on a 19+.


AP: 1 bound for Shared Senses on Deny, 6 remaining.

Focused Training: +1 on Acc, +2 on skills

Channeled list:
Deny (w/ Shared Senses)

2017-08-13, 06:22 PM
Blade moves forward with glee in her eyes as she (likely) ignores the fiery tiles, her shared affinity with Fireman likely keeping her safe as Taylor slots a Psycho Cut chip in as she strikes.
[roll0]-psycho cut, 2+def, crit on 18+

2017-08-14, 12:59 AM
"Finally someone worthy of a challenge!" Lancer smirks, twirling the spear off of his shoulder and switches into his usual combat stance. He recognizes Fireman. After all, the World Three Navi had made the news before, and Lancer vaguely remembers a history lesson Tae Hyun had attended before.

Lancer wasn't the only one who recognizes Fireman. Tae Hyun also recognizes the World Three Navi. "He is dangerous, so be on your guard." Tae Hyun warns his Navi. Lancer's combativeness didn't went unnoticed. Knowing he wont be able to fully hold back Lancer's eagerness to fight the Fireman, Tae Hyun slots in a battle chip as he readies himself to support his Navi. "Be careful, don't stay on those lava panels for long."

Lancer strikes his spear onto the ground in front of him, giving him some leverage to vault over anyone in front of him. He then throws his weight forward as he jumps off of the ground. With his spear in hand, Lancer leaps into the air, towards Fireman. Landing in front of the World Three Navi, Lancer quickly sprints forward with a slight jump. He swings his spear around to slash at Fireman. Lancer spins the weapon in his hand as his previous attack reaches the maximum arch in the swing. He then stabs forward with the spear. "Here I come. Take this attack as your welcoming gift." Lancer shouts.

Tae Hun
Standard: Uses Close Quarters Mastery on Lancer, Binding 2 AP
Shift: None
Swift: None

Close Quarters Mastery: Lancer's Sword-Type Moves cause foes to become Marked by the target for 1 full round. Lancer may also Mark the Foe for one full round when hitting with a Grapple, Trip, or Push Maneuver.

Marked Foes provoke an attack of Opportunity from the Navi that marked them if they Shift out of an adjacent square into a square that is not adjacent, even if they use a Disengage Maneuver. Targets cannot be Marked by more than one Navi at a time.

Shift: Uses Splash to jump towards AC42. Flanking Fireman with ArchMan, if Fireman is Small or Medium sized.
Standard: Attacks Fireman.Exe with Slash. Not activating Slash's Pass keyword.
Swift: None

AC: 2 [roll0]; [Physical, Sword/Null, Melee, Pass]. Slash is a Critical Hit on 18+ (13+ due to conditions).
Damage: [roll1]; [Physical, Sword/Null typed Damage]
If a Critical Hit (on 13+): Additional [roll2] Damage

Rolled a 14, so the attack is a critical hit, dealing a total of 89 [Physical, Sword/Null typed Damage]
Also, if the attack lands on Fireman, it also triggers Demoralize.

Demoralize: Whenever you land a Critical Hit on a foe, that foe becomes Vulnerable.
Vulnerable: Target cannot apply Evasion of any sort against attacks.

Lancer will Mark Fireman. Marking via Close Quarters Mastery


Agility Training [Training]
Agility Training [Orders]
+4 Attack Combat Stage
+4 Defense Combat Stage
+2 Bonus to Critical Hit Range [Dire Hit]
+3 Bonus to Critical Hit Range until the beginning of his next turn [Lancer Ability]
Does not trigger Attacks of Opportunity due to [Run Away Ability.]
+5 Bonus to all Damage Rolls against targets with an initiative lower than itself that have not yet acted that round. [Vanguard Ability]
+5 bonus to Damage Rolls when using Sword typed attack. [Focus Ability]
+2 Evasion until the end of their next turn [Splash]

Sir Grave
2017-08-28, 06:34 PM
Everything is a blur from the moment the encounter begins. Everyone brings their A-game, as if their lives depended on it. And each of them, even in the back of their minds, thought that it did. Synth's ferocious assault slices pieces of FireMan away, most notable being his arm. He could not telegraph the Ice beam in time, which hit him dead in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards. Just as he begins to respond, his mind is assaulted by ArchMan's psychic attack. At this point he's unable to process what's going on as Deny's beams saw off his other arm. Both Lancer and Blade strike simultaneously, ripping open the Navi's chest as Lancer's spear impales him.

No one expected it to go so quickly. In fact, they all had their doubts. Was this a trick? Each of them looked to see if the real FireMan was about, ready to incinerate them all in one fell swoop.

But nothing came.

A monitor appeared in Cyberspace before them. Chaud looked upon the academy students, giving them his usual stern, unreadable look.

And he nods. "Congratulations. You have passed your final trial.

"Jack out immediate and meet me in the main control room."

2017-08-28, 08:16 PM
ArchMan locks up for one long moment, emits a single tone for a full second, and crunches its way back to the entrance.

2017-08-28, 09:21 PM
Memo sets her naginata upright with a sight. "...I'm not sure I can be satisfied with this. A true foe of that caliber would never go down so easily; this results in nothing but false confidence."

Which probably means... that we're out of time. We've failed to be come the heroes this world wished for - at most, we can represent the hope it requires.

"...Well, it can't be helped."
She restores the comm link to her navi and transfers back to it.


"Ha?! It's over?! Wh-what happened?! Wait, was that just part of the TEST?! CHAUD, YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTAAAACK!!"

When the emergency locks release, Rise is first out and running down the halls to the main control room - ostensibly to give Chaud a piece of her mind, but really it's just to burn off all that nervous energy that built up during the lockdown.

"Rise, nothing's wrong. We're all okay, see? Rise. Rise? ...Oh Rise..."

Sir Grave
2017-08-29, 11:18 PM
Sean was wide-eyed. "But... How did... They weren't..."

Chaud took a moment to pat Sean on the back, giving one of his occasional smirks. "You over-complicate things. It's okay."

2017-09-04, 11:49 PM
Lancer's eyes watched Fireman with anticipation, observing and wondering how the World Three Navi would retaliate. Tensing his digital muscles, Lancer grips his spear as he was ready to receive any attacks head on. Not that he wouldn't dodge an attack if he spots an opportunity to do so. But Fireman didn't do anything. Instead, the World Three Navi seems to have been defeated under the barrage of attacks the group unleashed onto the Navi, one after another as if they were synchronized in teamwork. "What?" Lancer blurted out. He was ready to continue fighting.

"Huh, looks like that Fireman was part of the test." Tae Hyun explained to his Navi once Chaud announced the group have passed the exam. Putting two and two together, Tae Hyun quickly realized the Fireman Lancer just fought wasn't the real one, but rather a copy and was part of the exam. Apparently he was preparing for the worse. "Lancer, the exam is over. Jack Out."

However Lancer seems disappointed when he found out it was all a test. With a deep breathe, Lancer relaxes his muscles and puts his spear away. Jacking out of the testing site, Lancer redigitized in his PET. Though he is disappointed with how easily the fight ended, Lancer wonders how strong the real Fireman could be.

"Don't worry. The real Fireman wouldn't be that weak." Tae Hyun said, as if he read Lancer's mind. "Everyone did great." Tae Hyun address the group, before he walks through doors towards the main control room.

2017-09-05, 12:02 PM
Together, the trio blinks in slow confusion as Fireman, one of the better known old threats, evaporates before the fury of their group, even as they are told this had been part of their test. As others rush and fret, he slowly jacks both of his Navi out, reporting before Chaud.

Sir Grave
2017-09-13, 04:12 PM
After jacking out, each netop made their way down the hall, up the stairs, and to the elevator. It doesn't appear to have ever been on lockdown. Every one packs in like a clown car, sandwiching some less unfortunate as the elevator door closes. One of them does the honor of hitting the top floor button, which leads to the command level. The elevator music is pleasant enough, but even more awesome is the view outside of the large, reinforced glass window, looking out onto Dentech City during the mid afternoon. The buildings have reached even greater heights in the last eight years, so the elevators were programmed to rise and fall at an even faster rate, not that it was much of a bother for the passengers. They watched as lines of flying cars zipped pass them, sort of ignoring the music after a minute of looping. Finally, after two minutes...


The doors swung open, welcoming them to one of the highest floor of the building, not counting the elevators leading to personal offices like the super intendant's. Many operatives and secretaries were busy here. It was hard not to bump into one of them as the group tried to move pass them. Finally, they made it to the door of the main control room, which slid open like a door from the deck of the Enterprise.

It was a large, circular room, with monitors and wires built into the walls and a circle of seats. The largest monitor was on the other end of the room, with a set of six smaller monitors around it almost decoratively. Only two occupants resided in this room aside from the group of students who had entered. Those were Sean Obihiro, the Primary Operator, and Super Intendant Eugine Chaud, who looked upon the group with stern eyes.

"Welcome to the top floor," he said, as the group approached. "You might be wondering why you were called up here earlier than others would normally be allowed, but lets get a couple things out of the way.

"First, as you might have guessed, the training program known as Inferno was not at all challenging. Not that you would have known. For all you knew, you were confronting the real FireMan, a navi of experience and power that shouldn't be taken lightly under any circumstance. Remember that feeling, every time you wind up in combat. It might save your lives. Or, it might not. The real FireMan would probably have mopped the floor with the lot of you if you weren't careful. So always. ALWAYS. Fight like your life depended on it. And you'll go far.

"Second, this is the first time you completed one of these simulations to conclusion. Previously, you've failed every single time. Each of you share in that failure, for your own individual reasons. It's up to you to determine why you failed, to know your limitations, and, more importantly, how your team can compensate for those limitations.

"Questions before we proceed?"

2017-09-14, 03:08 PM
Conclusion was testing...
Not retreating?
What was the point?

2017-09-14, 06:40 PM
Rise stands bent double, hands braced on her knees, panting as much from mixed emotion and residual panic as from the run down the corridors. She can't manage much more than to glare at Sean until she calms down.

Sir Grave
2017-09-21, 03:15 PM
Conclusion was testing...
Not retreating?
What was the point?

"The point was to get you to take it seriously," Sean piped up. "Now I get it: knowing what you were doing was training in a simulation its hard to treat it like anything more than a game. And in a game, you have nothing to lose, no actual cause for winning other than for winning's sake, or to earn some achievement. Good goals to have, except the real thing isn't about that, is it?
"In reality, you could actually lose a lot. Your navi could make a wrong turn, and that's it. The navi is deleted. Game over, no respawns, no extra lives, you don't get corrected by your instructors. You just bite the dust.
"The job isn't a game. The job is the job. You can't complete the job if you're dead."

2017-09-21, 11:59 PM
Tae Hyun stood there, listening to Chaud's lecture. He didn't have much to say, as any questions that was on his mind was dwarfed by knowing that he and Lancer have finally passed the training program. Tae Hyun had learned from his previous failures, though he believed it wasn't always his fault for the failure of each simulation. The situation just seems to go from bad to worse, due to a single accident, a series of of them. Either way, it's hard to have strangers to work together as a team when there isn't much communication between them. Or if someone just ignores any words of caution.

"Heh! We should celebrate the team's success." Lancer spoke audibly, breaking Tae Hyun from his train of thoughts.

2017-09-29, 09:46 AM
Taylor seems a bit stunned still as he blurts out what crosses his mind.
"...This is not fake too, right? Not some elaborate means of getting us ready for another test?"
"Or proof Chaud has a sense of humor?"

Sir Grave
2017-09-29, 02:04 PM
Taylor seems a bit stunned still as he blurts out what crosses his mind.
"...This is not fake too, right? Not some elaborate means of getting us ready for another test?"
"Or proof Chaud has a sense of humor?"

"No, it's not fake."

"And no, Chaud doesnt have a sense of humor."

Chaud gives Sean a look. In response, Sean shrugged. "Well, its true."

"This is real. You passed the test. Your final test.

"The rest of your training will be on the field. As officially licsensed netbattlers."

2017-10-07, 07:04 PM
"Hoo...alright then! Um, do we have any, uh, missions or such to deal with first, or...well, can I take some time to get something together for these guys?"
Taylor seems almost nervous as he realizes, after being bounced between three squads before, that he had found a squad to run with finally, one that didn't risk their Navi hastily or stupidly. One that didn't think of them as simple, expendable data. Could get used to that...

2017-10-17, 02:36 AM
Yuki sighed with relief when Synth moved back to her PET, listening to Sean and Chaud explain that even the FlameMan invasion was just a part of the test. She'd lost one friend already, and the idea that something could happen to Synth...Shaking her head, she chases off the thought and smiles. "I think Lancer is right, we should celebrate."

Synth, for his part, broods silently. He knew something was off with how weak that FlameMan copy was, but could hardly call what they went through a real test. He was more eager to get out on the field than he was to prove himself to the training instructors however, and so kept his complaints quiet. "It would be nice to finally see somewhere outside of this place again."