View Full Version : Player Help Horrid curse. Halp.

2017-04-14, 03:21 AM
So our group was scouting out a abandon town that is near a black dragons lair for a nearby army. Our paladin finds an old magic shop, I following close by immediately light up my lantern on revealing and walk in to find and invisible door inside the ransacked shop we go down and find an assortment of magical scarfs one at the very end locked in a cage I think to myself its really great or like has a curse like flaying or is a magical creature in its own right. So before getting the rouge to open it I reach my little gnomish hand in and cast identify...

I looks really great it makes the wearer immune to stench, spores, and pheromones. I am planning to get the stinking cloud spell next level meaning I can walk though it unaffected... so I equip and attune to it the dm hands me another card explaining the curse. Part of it says the scarf to all tests the scarf seems to be a beneficial type "face slap" but it gives me a lusty perversion to something just horrible.

siiigghh I am not sure what to do with this role playing specifically, I thought of one thing that will be funny but the end result is still something I as a player do not want to play out.
I realize eventually I will have to begrudgingly go to a priest "my character hates all religions besides his own and he is an outcast of reclusive cult on another continent so finding a priest of the same religion isn't happening" and part of the curse is that the curse cant be removed without removing the benefit so that is also a thing.

I guess the question is what to do with it after getting the curse removed from me, the perversion is something that could easily get the wearer thrown in prison, or killed. Any Ideas?

2017-04-14, 03:27 AM
So our group was scouting out a abandon town that is near a black dragons lair for a nearby army. Our paladin finds an old magic shop, I following close by immediately light up my lantern on revealing and walk in to find and invisible door inside the ransacked shop we go down and find an assortment of magical scarfs one at the very end locked in a cage I think to myself its really great or like has a curse like flaying or is a magical creature in its own right. So before getting the rouge to open it I reach my little gnomish hand in and cast identify...

I looks really great it makes the wearer immune to stench, spores, and pheromones. I am planning to get the stinking cloud spell next level meaning I can walk though it unaffected... so I equip and attune to it the dm hands me another card explaining the curse. Part of it says the scarf to all tests the scarf seems to be a beneficial type "face slap" but it gives me a lusty perversion to something just horrible.

siiigghh I am not sure what to do with this role playing specifically, I thought of one thing that will be funny but the end result is still something I as a player do not want to play out.
I realize eventually I will have to begrudgingly go to a priest "my character hates all religions besides his own and he is an outcast of reclusive cult on another continent so finding a priest of the same religion isn't happening" and part of the curse is that the curse cant be removed without removing the benefit so that is also a thing.

I guess the question is what to do with it after getting the curse removed from me, the perversion is something that could easily get the wearer thrown in prison, or killed. Any Ideas?

Get your paladin a scroll of remove curse. There. Keep bonuses. Avoid the church. Problem solved.

Sicarius Victis
2017-04-14, 03:28 AM
Once the curse is removed, the perversion should be as well, so you don't have to worry there. Also, you don't have to get a Cleric to uncurse you. Bards, Druids, Paladins, and Warlocks can do it as well.

And if the perversion is bad enough that you don't even want to talk about it, bad enough that it can get you thrown in jail or killed for it, your DM sounds kind of like an *ss for giving it to you.

2017-04-14, 03:44 AM
To HolyDraconus you missed the part about the curse can't be removed without the benefit being removed.

To Sicarius Victis yeah he is apon asking why this is even an item he said because the other players where joking about me being one of this perversion when I decided to sleep in a room full of creepy dolls in another abandon village "secretly hoping all the dolls would come to life and I dunno try and kill me". Essentially the item was meant for them but his plan backfired.

2017-04-14, 05:47 AM
To HolyDraconus you missed the part about the curse can't be removed without the benefit being removed.

The benefits aren't worth it. At worse, sell it to the Paladin's order so that they can dispose of this evil-inducing magic item.

To Sicarius Victis yeah he is apon asking why this is even an item he said because the other players where joking about me being one of this perversion when I decided to sleep in a room full of creepy dolls in another abandon village "secretly hoping all the dolls would come to life and I dunno try and kill me". Essentially the item was meant for them but his plan backfired.

...Does this scarf make one sexually attracted to underage people?

Because seriously, wtf the DM was thinking?

2017-04-14, 10:31 AM
If you gotta handle it in game, then make your character go to huge effort to get the curse removed. Other people mentioned that it isn't just Clerics and Paladins that can remove curses, so find a druid or warlock. Honestly, I would even say temporarily derail the campaign if you have to.

The reason why I say it's worth derailing the campaign to fix is because it is obviously making you super uncomfortable. So much so that you don't even want to type it out anonymously on the internet. That's bad news, and definitely a bad move on the DM's part.

However, the actual best solution is to speak with the DM about this OOC. Tell him how uncomfortable and bad you feel about having to RP this curse. Ask for a trade for an equally debilitating but NOT PERVERSE curse. Or ask him to provide an in-game way to remove the curse ASAP. If he's a good DM, then he will grant either of these requests.

It always boggles my mind when DMs fail this hard. If I had planned a "hilarious karmic punishment" for other players, but they you got the item, you can bet your last dollar I would have changed the curse, or item, entirely. DM!! Y U NO BE FLEXIBLE