View Full Version : just because I really would like to know

2017-04-14, 11:46 AM
Which movie would you pick please must have seen both.



The Princess Bride?

if you want please say why

2017-04-14, 01:53 PM
If I am picking one to watch, Ladyhawke, simply because it has been longer since I last saw it. If I was recommending one to someone who had seen neither, I would choose the The Princess Bride. The Princess Bride had a bigger impact on geek culture and gets quoted more. Consequently, if you haven't seen The Princess Bride you are missing out on both a really good movie and a lot of geek in-jokes, whereas if you haven't seen Ladyhawke you are just missing out on a really good movie.

2017-04-14, 03:05 PM
I've seen both and if I had to pick it would be Ladyhawke as its how I see a true D&D movie working not just dragons but an involving story with heroics and a good versus evil plot!

Princess Bride is also good but I actually bought the book and that's where I stop, you're better reading that for yourself!

2017-04-16, 11:46 AM
It would depend on whether I'm in the mood for something comedic or something more dramatic.

2017-04-17, 01:46 AM
Eh... I'd probably roll with The Princess Bride, likely because I tend to favour more comedically flavoured movies anyhow. That and, as good as Ladyhawke was- and I have quite enjoyed it the times I've watched it- in my opinion, Princess Bride is a better-made film from both a technical and storytelling standpoint.

Ladyhawke has (arguably) the more compelling story, at least in some ways, but stumbles out of the gate with the thief character who's name I've forgotten. He's almost entirely irrelevant to the plot except as a reason for exposition dumps, which is just lazy writing. Yeah, he got the protagonist (okay, it's been long enough since I've seen it that I've forgotten all the names...) into the impenetrable prison thingie or whatever, but... eh. When you could just about replace a character with a cardboard cutout that says 'plot device', it doesn't feel like they really need to be there. Or, to put it another way, too much tell, not enough show.

2017-04-17, 01:51 AM
The Princess Bride is just more fun. It is also a good family movie, being suitable for quite young children as well as parents and grandparents.

2017-04-17, 03:19 AM
The Princess Bride. Ladyhawke was yet another forgettable fantasy movie, Princess Bride was saved from that fate by having a genuinely colorful cast of characters and a setting that undoubtedly had style (if not a great deal of sense).

2017-04-17, 03:21 AM
The Princess Bride is fun.
I didn't bother to finish watching Ladyhawke. I think I was about half to 2/3 of the way through. Boring, didn't care about the characters at all.

2017-04-17, 03:57 AM
The Princess Bride is fun.
I didn't bother to finish watching Ladyhawke. I think I was about half to 2/3 of the way through. Boring, didn't care about the characters at all.


I will break my general rule about adaptations and say TPB the movie is much better than the book.

2017-04-17, 04:30 AM
I will break my general rule about adaptations and say TPB the movie is much better than the book.

Mostly because the book was awful, with section after section dedicated to talking about a nonexistent older version, together constituting the most hamfisted attempt at literature criticism* that I've ever seen. That the sections purported to be cut were routinely summarized and sounded better than the remaining parts is the icing on the cake.

*As distinct from literary criticism

2017-04-17, 03:11 PM
I want say The Princess Bride.

I can't though. A long time ago when I was a kid, I would have said Princess Bride. It does have the better secondary characters. Yet, the main characters are unbelievable. By that I mean, that when I think about the movie, I always think about Inigo and Fezzik. It is very quotable movie. It has a couple good sword fight scenes. Yeah, it is hallow. I don't buy the two main characters are in love at all. I like Weasly. I just don't like Buttercup. Even as a little kid, I didn't like her. There is nothing likable about her. I don't know if that is how she was written, or just the actor wasn't the greatest. Even as a little kid, I never understood why Weasly fought so hard to get back to her. Buttercup is the poster child for Damseling a woman as a thing. She is totally placid and nonactive about her future.

Ladyhawk, isn't as quotable. I like it better though. I buy the love between those two way more. I like that it has a smaller cast. It feels more intimate. As much as I like Inigo and Fezzik. Their presence kind of ruins the movie. Not in a bad way, it's more of a...I want to see their stories and what happen in their past. kind of way. The problem with The Princess Bride, was that it had WAY to much characters in it that stole the show. Almost ever scene that happen, had someone in it more then the relationship of Weasly and Buttercup. I had not interest when Weasly and Buttercup kissed at the end. What I was still flying high on when Weasly asked if Inigo wanted to become Roberts. I wanted SOOO bad to see THAT movie. Ladyhawke is more focused. I was actually happier when they got back together. I like Mouse. He wasn't flashy or skilled. He was funny at times, and served well as his function. As a non intrusive avatar for us, the audience. Plus, I always liked Matthew Broderick.