View Full Version : Interesting aasimar character

Dankus Memakus
2017-04-14, 01:09 PM
Okay so i want to make a character that is very complex and interesting. My basic plan so far is to make a fallen Aasimar ranger (i know that elves are better rangers im not trying to optimize) that is lawful evil because (insert monster or antagonist here) has destroyed everything he loved and his inner light died. I really want him to have kind of a darth vader complex. A character with some redeeming qualities that walks the line of horrific monster and pathetic creature who deserves redemtion. Im just searching for ideas and i would like to hear what you guys have to say.

Honest Tiefling
2017-04-14, 01:28 PM
Don't focus too much on the revenge. A character singularly focused on vengeance can work, but is very hard as it has been done quite a lot.

Perhaps you could consider how he deals with his fall/loneliness/failure in terms of interacting with the party? For instance, a cleric PC might remind him of a child he was raised alongside with, even if his fallen nature is at odds with the cleric's faith. Perhaps he has odd rituals or quirks as a result of trying to cope with the stress. And how would his goals align with the party, other then simply trying to murder every last [insert monster here]? How far is he willing to go for vengeance?

How does he try to obtain vengeance other then simply killing things? For instance, does he try to convince others that these monsters are inherently evil and deserving of death? Does he try to manipulate others around him to like him, even if it is a tiring facade so they'll listen when it comes to exterminate these vermin?

Dankus Memakus
2017-04-14, 01:42 PM
I like the concept of convincing others that what im doing is right, or even convincing myself that im a good guy. Also im playing the curse of strahd campaign and ive been given the option to join him so ive also tossed the idea around of making the creature i hate vampires, joining him, betraying him, then usurping him and taking rulership of ravenloft, which may put myself at odds with the party which would be an interesting concept.

Honest Tiefling
2017-04-14, 01:45 PM
I like the concept of convincing others that what im doing is right, or even convincing myself that im a good guy. Also im playing the curse of strahd campaign and ive been given the option to join him so ive also tossed the idea around of making the creature i hate vampires, joining him, betraying him, then usurping him and taking rulership of ravenloft, which may put myself at odds with the party which would be an interesting concept.

This seems like a good spin! And gives you a reason to interact instead of brood.

Before you go with the usurping plan, I would give your DM a heads up. Normally, PvP must be done carefully, but I would imagine that in the game where your characters are slowly driven mad and/or evil, this is a lot more acceptable...But no harm double checking, right?

Dankus Memakus
2017-04-14, 01:55 PM
The dm established pvp is okay when the party beat two player characters to death for being overly evil, nobody gets too serious but i will still check. Im gonna have to hide my evil or it will surely mean my death though

2017-04-14, 03:49 PM
No offense meant, but a fallen angelic being who is evil because "bad guy killed people he cared for" and "ruthless revenge" is pretty generic/common, not really complexe. Especially if you go the "he's convinced he's a good guy" road.

Also, why would anyone try to usurp Strahd? Aside from the fact that it's utterly impossible to do so like that, taking Strahd's place is one of the worst thing that can happen to anyone.

I know I'm criticizing without proposing solutions, here, but I need to ask you a question before I can do that: what do you consider complexe or interesting?

2017-04-14, 05:07 PM
My aasiamr character became fallen when he was pushed off a tower.

Dankus Memakus
2017-04-15, 07:23 PM
My thought was everyone goes insane in his realm slowly and my character is already unhinged so he may covet strahds rule of the land even if it sucks just because my character is power hungry and doesnt realize it sucks. (Nothing is impossible if the dm allows it)

Dankus Memakus
2017-04-15, 07:24 PM
I just want the gameplay to be interesting, twist it up and mess with my comrades.

2017-04-16, 12:52 PM
My warlock tried to ally with Strahd and rule Barovia.

Long story short it didn't work. Now I'm chased by a powerful revenant that was brought on by trying to be "chaotic stupid".

Don't try to beat Strahd at his own game, it doesn't work.

2017-04-16, 05:32 PM
My warlock tried to ally with Strahd and rule Barovia.

Long story short it didn't work. Now I'm chased by a powerful revenant that was brought on by trying to be "chaotic stupid".

Don't try to beat Strahd at his own game, it doesn't work.

Strahd is a loser, but he's really good at making others lose too.