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Confusing Zark
2017-04-14, 04:58 PM
I am trying to create a guts type class. Basically, the class is a good combat class with can fight outsiders really well. I was modifying it last night so some of it might not make too much sense. What I am mainly looking for is if I made it too strong or too weak, like it would just be better to multiclass instead of using this class. However I will listen to what anyone has to say.

Branded (v4)
(Inspired by the legendary manga by Kentaro Miura, may he live eternal … so he can finish berserk!)

“In this world is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of god hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control even over his own will. Forever are the Branded ones cursed to fight against the inevitability that is called fate. They struggle on always facing against the never ending Spiral of destiny.”

Class Features
Rage* (EX):A Branded can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. Starting at 1st level, a Branded can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, she can rage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from rage and spells like bear’s endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a Branded can rage per day. A Branded can enter rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.

While in rage, a Branded gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the Branded 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, a Branded cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.

A Branded can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A Branded cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a Branded falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death.

The Brand EX: The Branded was cursed by powerful forces. At 1st level she gains the brand curse. This curse makes her aware of any supernatural forces that are Outsiders with either Evil or Good subtype within 60FT of her, this power works both ways. The Branded is able to know the general location of the outsider. This effect is passive and can be suppressed if near a paladin or cleric (up to 20ft).

Rage Powers (Ex): the Branded has access to the Barbarian rage powers. Starting at 2nd level, the branded gains a rage power and gains another rage power for every two class levels she attains beyond 2nd level. She only gains the benefits of rage powers while using berserk raging.some of these powers may require the branded to take an action first. Unless otherwise noted, a branded cannot select an individual power more than once.

Life of hardship (Ex): The branded has lead a terrible life and has grown become stronger from it. At 3rd level a branded gains the endurance and diehard as bonus feats.

Hatred (EX) at 3rd the branded gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made against outsiders of the good or evil subtype, this bonus increases by +1 every three levels after 3rd.

Field Tested (EX): at 3rd level, the branded wearing medium armor no longer encumbers her and can move at her full base speed in medium armor. Lesson the armor check penalty for medium armor by 1 when using the acrobatics or climb skill.

Strength of the Forsaken (EX): every 4 levels the branded must instead chose strength for the ability score increase it by 2.

Weapon Training (Ex): Starting at 5th level, the branded selects one weapon. She gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with her chosen weapon. This bonus improves by +1 Every five levels beyond the 5th.

Frenzie (Ex): At 5th level, When the branded enters a rage she gains a bonus +2 to attack rolls and +1 to Damage rolls made against her Hated foes. In addition her movement is unhindered by difficult terrain and can move normally.

Reckless Advantage (EX): at 7th Constantly being on the edge of death the branded willing takes any advantage she can can afford even a limb or two… The branded as an immediate action she may let the enemy attack her (ignoring her armor class) if she survives this, her next attack that hits is a an automatic critical with a +2 to critical confirmation for each attack she suffered from her enemy.

Battle hardened (EX): at the 9th the branded has mastered wearing the most heaviest of armors and can move at her full base speed in heavy armor. In addition Lesson the armor check penalties for heavy armor by 3 and medium armor by 2 when using the acrobatics or climb skil l.

Path of the Struggler (Ex): At 11th level, the branded gains Damage Reduction /— equals half her Branded level also while raging her chosen weapon bypasses the Damage Reduction of creatures subject to her hatred class feature.

Burning Vengeance (EX): At 15th level, the Branded gains a +2 bonus on saves made against spells or spell like abilities that curses, charms and, illusions, this bonus increases to a +4 if they were cast by an outsider.

Unstoppable Fury (Ex): Starting at 17th level The Branded no longer becomes fatigued at the end of her rage. Her bonus to attack and damage rolls increase by +2 while raging.

Strugglers Willpower (EX): At 18th level, if the branded takes massive attack she does not die when she fails her fortitude save, if she makes the fortitude save she may make a counter attack as a immediate action adding half her Branded levels to the damage (this damage is not multiplied on critical hits), This increases to her full level at 20th level. If the massive damage would bring the branded below 0hp she is instead brought down to 1hp instead.

Berserker (Ex): at 19th level, when the branded uses Reckless Advantage if her attack hits the critical is automatically confirmed. When raging the branded gains a +5 morale bonus on climb and acrobatic checks. When making a full attack action the Branded may instead make three wide swings hitting everything in the adjacent squares in front of her at a -5 penalty to each swing, doing this leaves her open for an attack of opportunity from her enemies.

God killer (EX): The Branded has through countless battles and mindless training she has become the living embodiment of deicide. at 20th level, branded all the branded attacks are treated as touch attacks and her weapon is treated as two sizes larger when calculating damage. When fighting Outsiders of the good or evil Subtype add +5 on attack rolls and +2 on damage rolls for every 3 levels they are higher than her.

Class Proficiency
Class Skills
The Branded class skills: acrobatics (DEX), climb (STR), Craft (INT), (WIS), intimidate (CHA), Knowledge (Planes) (INT), Profession, ride (DEX), survival (WIS),
Skill ranks per level 2+ int modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: the branded is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armors

Class requirements
16 Strength, 15 constitution
Alignment: Any but evil or lawful
Hit Die: d12.
Starting wealth 5D6 x 10gp

2017-04-14, 08:22 PM
It's just about strictly better than a barbarian, balance-wise. It can wear armor, has fighter-like weapon skills, and has even better skills. Up until level 10, at least, where it doesn't get the rage improvements, but even then, it has more attack/damage thanks to the fighter transplants.

It's just...better. More DR, more attack/damage, can wear armor, etc. The one "powerful" ability I see is Reckless Advantage, which in addition to not precisely explaining how it works, gives the class a massive advantage when combined with crit-builds (say, a scythe with some critical feats).

Some abilities are nonsensical- note that Strength of the Forsaken literally doesn't work with multiclassing.

You say this is v4? What changes have you made?

Confusing Zark
2017-04-14, 08:50 PM
It's just about strictly better than a barbarian, balance-wise. It can wear armor, has fighter-like weapon skills, and has even better skills. Up until level 10, at least, where it doesn't get the rage improvements, but even then, it has more attack/damage thanks to the fighter transplants.

It's just...better. More DR, more attack/damage, can wear armor, etc. The one "powerful" ability I see is Reckless Advantage, which in addition to not precisely explaining how it works, gives the class a massive advantage when combined with crit-builds (say, a scythe with some critical feats).

Some abilities are nonsensical- note that Strength of the Forsaken literally doesn't work with multiclassing.

You say this is v4? What changes have you made?

Well for one I had changes to the rage ability. It was a bit weaker then normal rage but the thing it did was you wouldn't fall unconisuos when below 0hp. what would happen is you lose ahve your movmenent and lsoe some ac however your stregth would increas and you wouldn't die until you reached your con number you would also have to roll to see if you tacck the nearest ally. most of the build was to make this ability mroe powerful. there were other things as well, but I felt that it was redundent because of the diehard raging vitality combo.
I really didn't think about multi classing (me as a player never did) the cap stone also had a max damage thing to it but I changed it. over all I thought it had too many draw backs to use

what reckless advantage does is you can decied to let your oponent hit you, basicly your armor class doesnt exsist then you us your imidiate action to counter attack. Maybe I should ahve wrote it triggers a Attack of oprotunity but I don't know if usesing a imidate action would be good as well?

2017-04-17, 12:29 AM
Oh! Didn't know how it worked, then- it's confusingly worded. That said, auto-crits are something people can combo with really, really well. At minimum, you take one attack which you might not have instead (0.3-6 attacks worth, depending) in exchange for turning an attack which hits into a crit (x2 damage = +1 effective attacks, x3 = +2 attacks, x4 = +3 effective attacks).

Alright, overall thoughts:
It's a much better Barbarian, with some stuff which makes it somewhat better (not great) against outsiders. If this is your first homebrew, it might be easier to take the parts you really care about (outsider sensing, hatred, possibly the diehard thing), and turning them into a Barbarian archetype. It would make it much easier to balance as a result- you assume the Barbarian is balanced, pick some things to take away from it, and give it things which look approximately equal. I think you could make the following swaps with the basic Barbarian safely:

Fast Movement is traded for the endurance feat and the ability to sense evil/good outsiders within 60 ft (i.e. the Brand)
Uncanny Dodge is traded for the diehard feat
Trap Sense is traded for an equal bonus to attack and damage rolls against outsiders.
Improved Uncanny Dodge downgraded to Uncanny Dodge

If you want to add armor use, I would trade Fast Movement for armor proficiency (medium),
Uncanny Dodge is traded for Armor Proficiency(heavy) plus the ability to sense outsiders within 60 ft
Trap Sense is traded for an equal bonus to attack and damage vs. outsiders
Improved uncanny Dodge is traded for Endurance and the Diehard feat.

Confusing Zark
2017-04-17, 03:18 PM
Oh! Didn't know how it worked, then- it's confusingly worded. That said, auto-crits are something people can combo with really, really well. At minimum, you take one attack which you might not have instead (0.3-6 attacks worth, depending) in exchange for turning an attack which hits into a crit (x2 damage = +1 effective attacks, x3 = +2 attacks, x4 = +3 effective attacks).

Alright, overall thoughts:
It's a much better Barbarian, with some stuff which makes it somewhat better (not great) against outsiders. If this is your first homebrew, it might be easier to take the parts you really care about (outsider sensing, hatred, possibly the diehard thing), and turning them into a Barbarian archetype. It would make it much easier to balance as a result- you assume the Barbarian is balanced, pick some things to take away from it, and give it things which look approximately equal. I think you could make the following swaps with the basic Barbarian safely:

Fast Movement is traded for the endurance feat and the ability to sense evil/good outsiders within 60 ft (i.e. the Brand)
Uncanny Dodge is traded for the diehard feat
Trap Sense is traded for an equal bonus to attack and damage rolls against outsiders.
Improved Uncanny Dodge downgraded to Uncanny Dodge

If you want to add armor use, I would trade Fast Movement for armor proficiency (medium),
Uncanny Dodge is traded for Armor Proficiency(heavy) plus the ability to sense outsiders within 60 ft
Trap Sense is traded for an equal bonus to attack and damage vs. outsiders
Improved uncanny Dodge is traded for Endurance and the Diehard feat.
Yeah it is my frist homebrew I think I will take your advise and turn it into an archtype

Confusing Zark
2017-10-17, 03:35 AM
Oh! Didn't know how it worked, then- it's confusingly worded. That said, auto-crits are something people can combo with really, really well. At a minimum, you take one attack which you might not have instead (0.3-6 attacks worth, depending) in exchange for turning an attack which hits into a crit (x2 damage = +1 effective attacks, x3 = +2 attacks, x4 = +3 effective attacks).

Alright, overall thoughts:
It's a much better Barbarian, with some stuff which makes it somewhat better (not great) against outsiders. If this is your first homebrew, it might be easier to take the parts you really care about (outsider sensing, hatred, possibly the diehard thing), and turning them into a Barbarian archetype. It would make it much easier to balance as a result- you assume the Barbarian is balanced, pick some things to take away from it, and give it things which look approximately equal. I think you could make the following swaps with the basic Barbarian safely:

Fast Movement is traded for the endurance feat and the ability to sense evil/good outsiders within 60 ft (i.e. the Brand)
Uncanny Dodge is traded for the diehard feat
Trap Sense is traded for an equal bonus to attack and damage rolls against outsiders.
Improved Uncanny Dodge downgraded to Uncanny Dodge

If you want to add armor use, I would trade Fast Movement for armor proficiency (medium),
Uncanny Dodge is traded for Armor Proficiency(heavy) plus the ability to sense outsiders within 60 ft
Trap Sense is traded for an equal bonus to attack and damage vs. outsiders
Improved Uncanny Dodge is traded for Endurance and the Diehard feat.

So I am working on this again and I am attempting to turn it into an archetype (I decided to go for a fighter archetype instead), however, I am having trouble judging what is an equal trade-off. When I look at what I changed I imidaitly think it is to weak and I tweak and then I look at it and think it is too strong.
Anyways I was thinking about what I thought what parts made this class unique and tried focusing in on it, what I came up with was the brand, specialized against outsiders, rage likeability, and using a favored weapon.

I found rage being too much to work with but I wanted something that felt like it and kept a battle theme. I tried following these guidelines when tweaking this class, The battle themed abilities replaced weapon training and the supernatural stuff replaced armor training.

Class Features
The Brand (SU): At 2nd level, The Branded are cursed by powerful forces that draw the forces of darkness and light to her and had to learn how to identify such forces early on to survive. As a Standard Action the branded gains the ability to sense Outsiders with the Evil or Good subtype within 60 feet, this functions like the Detect Alignment spell. This replaces the Fighter Bonus Feat at 2nd level.

So this is the only ability that replaces a Fighter Bonus Feat, I think it is too weak considering it is so narrow.

Mind of Steel (EX): At 2nd level, Warriors Trance now gains a +1 morale bonus to will saves made against spells or spell-like abilities with the Mind-Affecting descriptor. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd, Feats that affect Bravery also affect this. This replaces Bravery.

This is just a better bravery, to be honest, and I think it might be too strong, maybe it should also replace the bonus feat for 2nd level.

Warriors Trance (EX) At 3rd level, The Branded may enter a trance as a Swift Action, granting the Branded the following bonuses, her movement speed increases by 5 feet. Once per Warriors Trance she may reroll a single will saving throw, she must take the new result even if it is worse. Warriors Trance lasts for five rounds and can be entered two times a day, the branded may choose to end her trance as a free action otherwise it ends when she becomes unconscious or when the time limit is reached. This replaces armor training at 3rd level.

This is what I came up with after deciding dropping rage, I am not going to lie it I think it is too similar to the barbarian rage power.

Weapon Against Fate (SU): At 5th level, The branded chooses a weapon to be her tool of retribution. While in Warriors Trance, as a free action The Branded may use the power of her brand to empower this weapon to be treated as either a holy or unholy weapon when calculating Damage Reduction. This lasts until her Warriors Trance ends, she cannot have both types active at the same time. This replaces weapon training at 5th level.

So What I decided to do is have the stuff that replaces weapon training enhance Warriors Trance in an attempt to be more thematic. I am not sure having a flexible way to make your weapon holy or unholy is too powerful or too weak, probably the former. I thought this would be better then gradually increasing ignoring high levels of DR.

Zest for Battle (EX): At 7th level, If the Branded would make a will save, as an immediate action she may enter her Warriors Trance before making the save. Warriors Trance now can be used 3 times a day. This replaces armor training at 7th level.

So this ability goes against my guidelines and is unoriginal but I don't think it is too powerful.

Bound by Fate (SU): At 9th level, Your chosen weapon becomes bond to you, while in Warriors Trance, as a swift action you can channel your Brands power into your weapon giving it a number of abilities, these abilities can only be used one at a time and last until your trance ends. These abilities are; Ghost touch, Bane Evil Outsider, Bane Good Outsider. Only one ability can be active at a time. This Replaces Weapon Training at 9th level.

At this point It was late and I was having trouble what to do with the weapon aspect of this archetype and came up with building off of Weapon Against Fate ability, I was going to use spells but instead, I went for weapon abilities. Maybe I can change this somehow, I was thinkig that this might be to powerful.

Battle Manic (EX): At 11th level, Warriors Trance can now be used 4 times a day. Warriors Trances Reduces movement penalties from wearing heaving armor by 5 and reduce the Armor Check Penalty by 2 (minimum 0).This Replaces Armor Training at 11th level.

The second half of Battle Manic was just tacked on because I thought the first part was not enough and too weak.

Master of Fate (SU): At 13th level, Bound by Fate has access to Called, [ability 2], [ability 3] and can now have up to two abilities active a once. This Replaces Weapon Training at 13th level.

This is an upgrade to bound by fate, the abilities in brackets are undetermined.

Master of War: At 15th level, Warriors Trance can now be used 5 times a day. Warriors Trances removes the movement penalties from wearing heaving armor and reduces the Armor Check Penalty by 4 (minimum 0). This Replaces Armor Training at 15th level.

This is an upgrade to Battle Manic

Marked by the cursed (SU): At 17th level, As a Swift Action, The Branded may use her Brand to curse a single Evil or Good outsider that is within 60 feet of her, so long as the outsider is on the same plane as her she can track it. The Branded gains a +2 Morale bonus to attack and damage rolls made against it. If the outsider is killed by the branded or her party members she may place it onto another suitable target as an immediate action, this does not count toward the brandeds daily uses. The Branded can only use this ability once a day. This Replaces Weapon Training at 17th level.

So I gave the archetype hunters mark... is it to powerful? I don't know if it is.

(SU): At 19th level, Attacks made by your bonded weapon made against outsiders under your Marked by the cursed ability now anchors them for 1 round, this functions like the Dimensional Anchor spell. The bonuses granted by Marked by the cursed increases to a +3. This Replaces Armor Mastery

This ability doesn't have a name yet but it was a part of the capstone the last iteration of this class but then I remembered my guidelines so I changed it to this, I think this isn't overpowered for begins so late.

Berserker (EX): At 20th level, Your Bonded weapon attacks are now treated as touch attacks. After attacking and damaging a creature with your bonded weapon up to 2 creatures within 5 feet of it must make a Reflex Saving Throw DC 10+ half your character level + your STR mod, failing the save they take Slashing and Bludgeoning damage equal to half of the damage the attacked creature took. This replaces Weapon Mastery.

I can not tell you how long it took me to word the second part of this capstone to make it sound the way it is supposed to function ( I am still not happy with it). I think having all your attacks be touch attacks and essentially be cleave is very powerful

Some thoughts... So writing this down I became aware of a few things. I think I can combine some of these abilities as a lot of them either have tacked on abilities or do not have much to them. I also noticed that this archetype might be to specialized with not a having enough power for the amount of specialization it has. I am not really confrotable with using bound weapon abilities and I think I should find something else instead. Marked of the cursed comes to late in the game, maybe Instead of having the weapon gain those powers I should focus more on Brand powers. I could still grant the class the ablity to ignore DR going that route but also give it more of a unifiy theme as well.

2017-10-17, 10:43 AM
I like the concept, but I think it should focus less on bigger attack/damage bonuses and a little more on versatility in general.

I think it's better as a base class with a mix of Barbarian/Paladin themes... Or maybe a Prestige Class. I'd discard the idea of making it an archetype, especially a Fighter archetype, since there's so little to trade.

- For starters, give it 4 skill points per level. Seriously, no class other than Int-based full casters should get less than that!
- Drop the "Must take Strength every 4 levels" because that difficult to adjudicate in cases of multiclassing.
- Rage is cool... But other than that, the character shouldn't be forced to focus on Strength builds.
- Give it Detect Alignment at will as a (Su) at will (cool and balanced) and a bonus to Kn(Planes) so that it can identify outsiders.
- Maybe make his weapon count as good/evil or silver/cold iron to bypass DR of outsiders. Eventually give him constant Protection From <Alignment>.
- Remove a few rage Powers (one every 3 levels, maybe?) so it doesn't steal the Barbarian's thunder too much.

Confusing Zark
2017-10-17, 04:23 PM
I like the concept, but I think it should focus less on bigger attack/damage bonuses and a little more on versatility in general.

I think it's better as a base class with a mix of Barbarian/Paladin themes... Or maybe a Prestige Class. I'd discard the idea of making it an archetype, especially a Fighter archetype, since there's so little to trade.

- For starters, give it 4 skill points per level. Seriously, no class other than Int-based full casters should get less than that!
- Drop the "Must take Strength every 4 levels" because that difficult to adjudicate in cases of multiclassing.
- Rage is cool... But other than that, the character shouldn't be forced to focus on Strength builds.
- Give it Detect Alignment at will as a (Su) at will (cool and balanced) and a bonus to Kn(Planes) so that it can identify outsiders.
- Maybe make his weapon count as good/evil or silver/cold iron to bypass DR of outsiders. Eventually give him constant Protection From <Alignment>.
- Remove a few rage Powers (one every 3 levels, maybe?) so it doesn't steal the Barbarian's thunder too much.

I will see what I can come up with, I will still atempt making an archetype version as well.

2017-10-17, 05:21 PM
Lemmy, are you referring to the original class or the archetype with your comments? Some of your comments reference rage powers, which aren't in the archetype.
This is a somewhat specialized class inspired by a particular manga, so a lack of versatility makes some sense.

Agree that overcoming DR/silver and cold iron is a must- perhaps as an upgrade to the L5 power? Also relevant: regeneration.
Agree that more skill points and various Knowledge skills are a must for this class.

The Brand is weaker than Detect (alignment) in most circumstances. I'd at minimum expand it to creatures with an aligned aura.
Mind of Steel

Warrior's Trance doesn't do very much right now- 5 ft of speed is good, but one Will save reroll isn't very much. I'd add an additional benefit, with value approximating a +1 attack/damage bonus.

Does the L5 power make your weapon actually holy/unholy, or just count as good/evil for the purpose of overcoming DR?
If the former, than change it to the latter, because that would be just busted! Overcoming DR is basically a flat minimum of what you would want out of this class...
Also, I'd drop the requirement to pick a different weapon.

Zest for Battle is probably OK. It makes Warrior's trance somewhat more relevant, but you'd want to have it on in combat all the time anyway?

Brand(ed) by Fate has a grammar error in the title. I actually like it a lot- it's like a more unusual version of Favored Enemy.

Battle Maniac + Master of War I don't like as much- it seems like you're trading out Armor Training only to give it back in a worse form.

The 17th and 19th level abilities are definitely not overpowered. I mean... really? Being able to stop demons from 'porting out is a huge necessity for the class, even at 9th level (recall that the 15-20 range is when classes start getting REALLY CRAZY). Being able to mark creatures to track them is also not immensely game-warping, especially given the type restriction- you could change it to 3/day pretty easily, or cut the duration to 24 hours to make it affect all types of creatures (making it a useful tracking ability)

The level 20 ability is... a bit convoluted. Touch attacks are a huge advantage, and cleaving is to a lesser extent. I might drop the cleaving aspect and let them take Cleave normally. How is this supposed to be visualized with bludgeoning weapons?

If you feel that aspects of this class are tacked on, you can choose to not replace levels or abilities- giving back armor or weapon specialization, for example.

Confusing Zark
2017-10-17, 05:52 PM
Lemmy, are you referring to the original class or the archetype with your comments? Some of your comments reference rage powers, which aren't in the archetype.
This is a somewhat specialized class inspired by a particular manga, so a lack of versatility makes some sense.

Agree that overcoming DR/silver and cold iron is a must- perhaps as an upgrade to the L5 power? Also relevant: regeneration.
Agree that more skill points and various Knowledge skills are a must for this class.

The Brand is weaker than Detect (alignment) in most circumstances. I'd at minimum expand it to creatures with an aligned aura.
Mind of Steel

Warrior's Trance doesn't do very much right now- 5 ft of speed is good, but one Will save reroll isn't very much. I'd add an additional benefit, with value approximating a +1 attack/damage bonus.

Does the L5 power make your weapon actually holy/unholy, or just count as good/evil for the purpose of overcoming DR?
If the former, then change it to the latter, because that would be just busted! Overcoming DR is basically a flat minimum of what you would want out of this class...
Also, I'd drop the requirement to pick a different weapon.

Zest for Battle is probably OK. It makes Warrior's trance somewhat more relevant, but you'd want to have it on in combat all the time anyway?

Brand(ed) by Fate has a grammar error in the title. I actually like it a lot- it's like a more unusual version of Favored Enemy.

Battle Maniac + Master of War I don't like as much- it seems like you're trading out Armor Training only to give it back in a worse form.

The 17th and 19th level abilities are definitely not overpowered. I mean... really? Being able to stop demons from 'porting out is a huge necessity for the class, even at 9th level (recall that the 15-20 range is when classes start getting REALLY CRAZY). Being able to mark creatures to track them is also not immensely game-warping, especially given the type restriction- you could change it to 3/day pretty easily, or cut the duration to 24 hours to make it affect all types of creatures (making it a useful tracking ability)

The level 20 ability is... a bit convoluted. Touch attacks are a huge advantage, and cleaving is to a lesser extent. I might drop the cleaving aspect and let them take Cleave normally. How is this supposed to be visualized with bludgeoning weapons?

If you feel that aspects of this class are tacked on, you can choose to not replace levels or abilities- giving back armor or weapon specialization, for example.

I am absolutely terrible with wording for these types of things. I am currently in the middle of working on the class version right with Lemmy's input in mind.

The Brand
I am changing The Brand (SU) power to this "The Brand (SU): At 1st level, The Branded are cursed by powerful forces that draw the forces of darkness and light to her and had to learn how to identify such forces early on to survive. The branded can cast the Detect Alignment spell as spell-like ability at will. The branded has a +2 competence bonus to knowledge planes skill checks" for the class version it can easily work with the archetype as well.

Warriors Trance
I think I do that and maybe have the attack bonus grow over time?

The 5th level power was definitely supposed to be the latter. The idea was your brand ends up being infused to your weapon as it becomes a part of you granting supernatural properties, but I can drop it.

Battle manic and Master of war I can drop and just have armor training. I can also remove the times per day for warriors trance.

the idea for the capstone was to get the feeling of gutts ripping throw hoards of foes with his massive weapon. I thought making his attacks touch and turning them into cleave would be a good way to express that. The Bludgeoning and slash damage type was also to to further represent that as his attacks were suppose to just tear through his enemies. It was late and the wording is terrible, maybe I can say something like "his attacks are treated as if he is using the cleave ability"? I am going to be honest I really like this ability which is why I have kept it through all these different version trying to make it work, however I am trying a different aprouch with the next class cersion where I have put more focus on his brand abilties.

2017-10-17, 06:34 PM
L5 is totally fine, then- it's just poorly worded. "Overcomes DR as though it were aligned with Good and Evil" is what you want.

"Whenever one of your attacks hits, your sheer force is unleashed in a massive blast. Draw a 15 foot cone emitting from the struck target; those within this area must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 level + Strength) or take 1d6 slashing and bludgeoning damage per four levels."
The number of words doesn't really change, I think, but it evokes the same idea while - or you could give Cleave/Great Cleave as bonus feats, which is even simpler.
Also, works at lower levels too.

Confusing Zark
2017-10-17, 06:58 PM
L5 is totally fine, then- it's just poorly worded. "Overcomes DR as though it were aligned with Good and Evil" is what you want.

"Whenever one of your attacks hits, your sheer force is unleashed in a massive blast. Draw a 15-foot cone emitting from the struck target; those within this area must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 level + Strength) or take 1d6 slashing and bludgeoning damage per four levels."
The number of words doesn't really change, I think, but it evokes the same idea while - or you could give Cleave/Great Cleave as bonus feats, which is even simpler.
Also, works at lower levels too.

That is perfect. I have two new version I need some input on. The first one will be the archetype and the second will be the class.

Branded (v7) - Archetype

The Brand (SU): At 2nd level, The Branded are cursed by powerful forces that draw the forces of darkness and light to her and had to learn how to identify such forces early on to survive. The branded can cast the Detect Alignment spell as spell-like ability at will. The branded has a +2 competence bonus to knowledge planes skill checks. This replaces the Fighter Bonus Feat at 2nd level.

Mind of Steel (EX): At 2nd level, Warriors Trance now gains a +1 morale bonus to will saves made against spells or spell-like abilities with the Mind-Affecting descriptor. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd, Feats that affect Bravery also affect this. This replaces Bravery.

Warriors Trance (EX) At 3rd level, The Branded may enter a trance as a Swift Action, granting the Branded the following bonuses, her movement speed increases by 5 feet. Once per Warriors Trance she may reroll a single will saving throw, she must take the new result even if it is worse. She gains a +1 Morale Bonus to Attack and Damage rolls. Warriors Trance lasts for five rounds. the branded may choose to end her trance as a free action otherwise it ends when she becomes unconscious or when the time limit is reached. This replaces armor training at 3rd level.

Weapon Against Fate (SU): At 5th level, While in Warriors Trance, as a free action The Branded may use the power of her brand to empower this weapon to be treated as being either Good or Evil aligned for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.This lasts until her Warriors Trance ends, she cannot have both types active at the same time. This replaces weapon training at 5th level.

Zest for Battle (EX): At 7th level, If the Branded would make a will save, as an immediate action she may enter her Warriors Trance before making the save. This replaces armor training at 7th level.

Bound by Fate (SU): At 9th level, While in Warriors Trance, as a swift action you can channel your Brands power into your weapon giving it a number of abilities, these abilities can only be used one at a time and last until your trance ends. These abilities are; Ghost touch, Bane Evil Outsider, Bane Good Outsider. When using Bound by Fate your weapon is treated as a Silver weapon for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction. This Replaces Weapon Training at 9th level.

Master of Fate (SU): At 13th level, Bound by Fate has access to Called, [ability 2], [ability 3] and can now have up to two abilities active a once.When using Bound by Fate your weapon is treated as both a Cold Iron and Silver weapon for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction. This Replaces Weapon Training at 13th level.

Marked by the cursed (SU): At 17th level, As a Swift Action, The Branded may use her Brand to curse a single Evil or Good outsider that is within 60 feet of her, so long as the outsider is on the same plane as her she can track it. The Branded gains a +2 Morale bonus to attack and damage rolls made against it. If the outsider is killed by the branded or her party members she may place it onto another suitable target as an immediate action, this does not count toward the brandeds daily uses. The Branded can only use this ability once a day. This Replaces Weapon Training at 17th level.

(SU): At 19th level, Your attacks made against outsiders under your Marked by the cursed ability now anchors them for 1 round, this functions like the Dimensional Anchor spell. The bonuses granted by Marked by the cursed increases to a +3. This Replaces Armor Mastery

Berserker (EX): At 20th level, Your attacks are now treated as touch attacks and Whenever one of your attacks hits, the sheer force of your might is unleashed in a massive blast. Draw a 15 foot cone emitting from the struck target; those within this area must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half your branded level + STR mod) or take 1d6 slashing and bludgeoning damage per four levels. This replaces Weapon Mastery.

Here is the class
Rage* (EX): The Branded gains the Barbarian Rage class ability, this functions like the Barbarian’s Rage class ability unless stated otherwise.

The Brand (SU): At 1st level, The Branded are cursed by powerful forces that draw the forces of darkness and light to her and had to learn how to identify such forces early on to survive. The branded can cast the Detect Alignment spell as spell-like ability at will. The branded has a +2 competence bonus to knowledge planes skill checks.

Survivor of Fate (Ex): The branded has to lead a terrible life and has grown become stronger from it. At 2nd level, a branded gains the endurance feat as a bonus feats.

Weapon of Anger (SU): At 3rd level, as a free action, the branded can infuse her weapon with the power of her brand, the weapon is treated as if it was a Silver weapon for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.

Rage Powers (Ex): Starting at 4th level, the branded gains the Barbarian Rage Powers.She gains another rage power for every four levels of The Branded attained after 4th level. The branded gains the benefits of rage powers only while raging, and some of these powers require the branded to take an action first. Unless otherwise noted, the branded cannot select an individual power more than once.

Survivor of Fate (EX): At 4th level, the branded gains the Diehard feat as a bonus feat.

Mark of Reckoning (SU): At 5th level, As a Swift Action, The Branded may use her Brand to mark a single creature of that is an outsider that is within 60 feet of her. If the outsider isn’t of the Evil or Good subtype the mark only tracks them for 24 hours, the tracking stops if marked creature leaves the plane you are on. so long as the outsider is on the same plane as her she can track it. If the outsider is one of those subtypes mark also gives them a -2 attack Profane bonus, if the marked target is killed by you or your party, you can shift your mark to the nearest suitable target as a immediate action, if you kill the target you gain temporary hp equal to half your character level.

Survivor of Fate (EX): At 6th level, the branded gains the Raging Vitality feat as a bonus feat.

Weapon of Hatred (SU) At 7th level, Weapon of anger now also is treated as both Cold Iron and Silver weapon for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.

Smoldering Anger (Ex): At 8th level, while raging the branded gains Damage Reduction /— equals half her Branded level, this damage reduction is doubled when fighting outsiders.

Instrument of Vengeance (SU): At 9th level, As a Standard action while fighting a creature under the effects of Mark of Reckoning she may use the power of her brand to empower her weapon to be treated as either a holy or unholy weapon for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction, lasts for a number of rounds equal to half the branded level.

Survivor of Fate (EX): At 10th level, the branded gains the Toughness feat as bonus feat. The branded competence bonus to knowledge planes skill checks increases to a +4.

Frenzied (EX): At 11th level, While raging when the branded reduces a creature to 0 or lower hit point that is half her branded level or higher she gains a pool of temporary hit points equal to 10 + half the branded level, these temporary hit points stack with each other and the temporary hit points granted by your rage. In addition the branded gains a +1 Circumstance bonus to her attack rolls for every to creatures reduced to 0 hp or lower to a maximum of +5 circumstance bonus. The attack bonus is removed when your rage ends or the branded is disabled or falls unconscious.

Mark of Doom (SU): At 13th level, As a move action the branded may use her brand to mark a creature, giving that creature a -2 profane penalty to their AC for 1d4 rounds, this penalty is doubled when used on an outsider.

Efficient Rage (EX): At 14th level, the brandeds rage ability not longer reduces her AC

Fearsome Glare (EX): At 15th level, while raging, as a standard action the branded can give off a fearsome glare, enemies within a 15ft cone of the branded must make a will save of DC10 + half the branded level + your str mod or become shaken for 1d4 rounds, if the enemies were outsiders they become Frightened instead. If the branded has the Terrifying Howl (Ex) rage power the fearsome glare sends the non outsiders into a Frightened condition and outsiders into a Panicked condition instead and the DC is raised by 3.

Tireless Rage (Ex): Starting at 17th level The Branded no longer becomes fatigued at the end of her rage.

Mark of Death (SU): at 19th level, Mark of doom now also reduces their movement half, the profane penalty is increased to a -3. If the creature is an outsider your attacks now anchors them for 1 round, this functions like the Dimensional Anchor spell.

Berserker (SU): At 20th level, the branded is in a constant state of Protection From Alignment spell. Whenever one of your attacks hits, the sheer force of your might is unleashed in a massive blast. Draw a 15 foot cone emitting from the struck target; those within this area must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half your branded level + STR mod) or take 1d6 slashing and bludgeoning damage per four levels.

Class Proficiency
Class Skills
The Branded class skills: Acrobatics (DEX), Climb (STR), Craft (INT), (WIS), Intimidate (CHA), Knowledge (Planes) (INT), Profession, ride (DEX), survival (WIS), swim (STR)
Skill ranks per level 4 + int modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: the branded is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armors

Class requirements
Alignment: Any but evil or lawful
Hit Die: d10.
Starting wealth 5D6 x 10gp