View Full Version : Porting over BESM d20's "Damage Save" system?

2017-04-14, 06:14 PM
So, I liked this optional rule from BESM d20, but, as you could probably guess, there aren't many groups interested in BESM. So, I wanted to see if it were possible to port it over to D&D. I found it to keep the tension of possibly dying from a fight better than HP, which is useful for some horror style games.

A target hit with a damaging attack must make a Damage Saving Throw (or Damage Save). A character’s Damage Save bonus is calculated as follows:

Damage Save Bonus = Constitution Bonus + Armour Value + Damn Healthy! Ranks

The DC of a Damage Save is equal to (15 + attack’s Damage Bonus).

The target rolls his or her Damage Save against the Damage Save DC. The result of the Damage Save determines what sort of damage the target takes. If the Damage Save succeeds, the target suffers no damage. If it fails, the target suffers a hit. If it fails by more than 5, the target is also stunned. If it fails by more than 10, the target is unconscious (for a stun attack) or disabled (for a lethal attack).

So, for porting over the damage save bonus:
I would probably allow for fractional saves for this (ie. if your Armor bonus grants +4.5, and your Hit Dice grants +1.5, then the total bonus from those is 6.) Round down any remaining fractions, once at the final bonus.

Constitution is an easy, direct translation.
Armour Value (or armor rank): this is equivalent to +1 for every 4 points of DR you have. Also, Armor (natural or otherwise) grants DR equal to its armor bonus, rather than a bonus to AC.

Now, Damn Healthy! ranks is a bit more tricky, because those grant +1d8 HP per rank, by default rules. I'm not certain how to best do this. I'm thinking of working with the average. So, +1 bonus per 4.5 average HP from dice. So a 2nd level wizard would have 2d4, or 5 average HP. Thus, they'd have +1 bonus from hit dice.

For Damage Bonus:
Again, it is tricky, because of iit scaling off of d8s. Specifically, it grants +4 bonus per d8. Which is fine, as we can use the above system we did for Damn Healthy, but it completely ignores flat damage modifiers, such as Strength. And, I'm not sure having it be an almost 1:1 conversion from flat damage to damage bonus (4:4.5) is very appropriate in this system, since that difficulty becomes rather hefty rather quickly.

I guess you could modulate the Damage Bonus to Damage ratio for increased/decreased lethality. But I'm just not sure if the flat damage should follow the same ratio.