View Full Version : Player Help Working on a build idea and needs some help! Justicar Build.

2017-04-15, 09:19 AM
Hello was thinking about making Justicar build..was thinking starting rouge and then going into either Paladin or FS on the way to Justicar...

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.

Level 8 with 25K to spend.

Allowed books, PH and PH 2, DMG, MM, Complete series,

Disallowed: UA, TOB, Race books, homebrew and DM.

Race is restricted to base races only.

Thank You.

2017-04-15, 12:13 PM
Was thinking about human or dwarf but am open to any of the base races.

Karl Aegis
2017-04-15, 01:34 PM
So.... what was your build idea? Rogue 4 / Favored Soul 4 is level 8 before it can qualify for Justicar. I can think of one way to qualify for Justicar at level 6, but you don't have Races of Destiny or Cityscape as allowed sources.

2017-04-15, 01:50 PM
was playing around with it, was thinking maybe Rouge 3 then either FS 5 and taking Justicar at 9th or going with paladin and be able to take Justicar at level 8 itself. not sure which is a better way. I know you can use a sap and make sneak attack non-lethal so it would stack with non-lethal strike at times. and the starting skill points are better:) other then that am open to ideas, levels, feats, etc.

Karl Aegis
2017-04-15, 02:23 PM
Ranger 5 / Bloodhound 1 / Justicar 2 is pretty much the only way you're going to get mileage out of justicar. Your build doesn't have 6 BAB to qualify for Justicar.

2017-04-15, 02:59 PM
maybe im not being clear I will try to clarify:)

I am going to make a build starting at level 8 but that will continue on to other levels. Currently I was thinking about Rouge 3 and paladin 4 with Justicar at level 8, base attack 2 from Rouge and 4 from paladin to reach the 6 requirement. the other option is to go with FS which means I wont be able to go into Justicar till later levels but that is ok. I am also open to ANY other options with this build but want the religious flair or paladin or FS. I know that is not optimal. the allowed books and races are in the first message. I would like ideas on every aspect. levels, feats, etc. I am sorry if I was not clear enough on my initial posting leaving it to vague. I would really appreciate any help on this and thank you to Karl for his help so far.

thank you

Karl Aegis
2017-04-16, 02:20 PM
Let's see if I got this right. You want:

Knowledge (religion) as a class skill.
Survival as a cross-class skill.
Track and Skill Focus (Gather Information) as feats.
All your Gather Information and Search skill points paid upfront.
Lawful Alignment. Preferably Lawful Good.

Rogue 3/Paladin 4/Justicar 1 is probably fine. 7 BAB, +4 Fortitude, +4 Reflex and +3 Will Saves.

You only have three feats. Two of them go to Track and Skill Focus(Gather Information). Maybe something like Hamstring(CW 100) would work so that if you do get a sneak attack off they won't be able to just walk away from you.

You probably shouldn't have a merciful weapon because the entire point of the class is you can choose whether you want to do lethal or nonlethal damage. Taking away that choice negates the entire purpose of the class.

Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1, +1 Full Plate and Cloak of Resistance +1 are pretty standard fare for this level. Replace the cloak with a Cloak of Charisma +2 because you have Divine Grace.

Personally, I would have a +1 buckler so that if I need to grab someone I have that option. Like a high dexterity familiar with mage armor cast on it or a halfling in full plate with a tower shield. Grab those suckers and stomp on em.

For weapons I would have a martial one-handed weapon you can wield in two hands and a light weapon you can use in a grapple. One of them should be magical.