View Full Version : Player Help Split Personality Flaw or Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Flaw

2017-04-15, 09:43 AM
Hey fellow players my DM is having me take a few more flaws so i can roleplay my dread necromancer/bard better since she likes torture and bondage to have a split personality one being the normal side alignment of LN and the other one being LE but besides this flaw i need another one to compliment this flaw.

2017-04-15, 12:02 PM
Mentally ill characters are usually a bad idea.

2017-04-15, 12:45 PM
Hey fellow players my DM is having me take a few more flaws so i can roleplay my dread necromancer/bard better since she likes torture and bondage to have a split personality one being the normal side alignment of LN and the other one being LE but besides this flaw i need another one to compliment this flaw.

Flaws aren't needed for roleplay
Flaws are for gaining feats.

Though the short temper flaw is prolly up your alley. It gives you faux rage.

I'd not do the split alignment. Stick to one. Just play different forms of that alignment

2017-04-15, 12:53 PM
Other flaw ideas:

Flat feet (fallen arches, low initiative/Ref save), Painful Tooth (harms concentration), Snuffly (harms stealth), Weak Eyes (bad spot/search, can't see through low light), Nearly Deaf (bad listen, harder to cast), Smoker's Lung (harms endurance), Gross Boil (charisma loss), Sex Maniac (well you said she's into bondage...?), Horrible Reputation Around Town, Marked for Death by a Grue, Flea-Infested, Can't Hold Her Liquor, Ultra Metabolism (must consume 2x minimum food/drink amounts per day), Vertigo (roll vs passing out on climb checks), Hilairiously Clumsy (you automatically fail all tumble/balance checks, roll to see how many squares you crash through and who you knock over), Embaraththing Lithp (roll 2x UMD for scrolls or wands, take worse result), Bad Relationship With Her Mother, Crippling Fear of Horses, Numerous Allergies, You Have to Do the Yakov Smirnov Voice When You Talk In-Character, Anorak (you get +3 in one knowledge skill but you may put ranks in no other knowledge skill), Snort When You Laugh And Occasionally Fire A Booger, Anti-Stonecunning (you never notice when you're going deeper), Night Owl (you need four extra hours to get "a day's rest"), Usually Hung Over (-2 to everything, you are compelled to make inane lists on messageboards after a wild night), Pursued by Relentless and Unkillable Chicken, Weird Barnacle Growth on Your Back That's Probably Gonna Turn You Into a Lovecraftian Monster or Something, Extreme Panic Attacks During Planar Travel, No One Wants To Say It But You're Just Kind of an ******* Really (-4 diplo)......

2017-04-16, 08:42 AM
Other flaw ideas:

Flat feet (fallen arches, low initiative/Ref save), Painful Tooth (harms concentration), Snuffly (harms stealth), Weak Eyes (bad spot/search, can't see through low light), Nearly Deaf (bad listen, harder to cast), Smoker's Lung (harms endurance), Gross Boil (charisma loss), Sex Maniac (well you said she's into bondage...?), Horrible Reputation Around Town, Marked for Death by a Grue, Flea-Infested, Can't Hold Her Liquor, Ultra Metabolism (must consume 2x minimum food/drink amounts per day), Vertigo (roll vs passing out on climb checks), Hilairiously Clumsy (you automatically fail all tumble/balance checks, roll to see how many squares you crash through and who you knock over), Embaraththing Lithp (roll 2x UMD for scrolls or wands, take worse result), Bad Relationship With Her Mother, Crippling Fear of Horses, Numerous Allergies, You Have to Do the Yakov Smirnov Voice When You Talk In-Character, Anorak (you get +3 in one knowledge skill but you may put ranks in no other knowledge skill), Snort When You Laugh And Occasionally Fire A Booger, Anti-Stonecunning (you never notice when you're going deeper), Night Owl (you need four extra hours to get "a day's rest"), Usually Hung Over (-2 to everything, you are compelled to make inane lists on messageboards after a wild night), Pursued by Relentless and Unkillable Chicken, Weird Barnacle Growth on Your Back That's Probably Gonna Turn You Into a Lovecraftian Monster or Something, Extreme Panic Attacks During Planar Travel, No One Wants To Say It But You're Just Kind of an ******* Really (-4 diplo)......

well not all of those would work i am undead lol but some will

2017-04-16, 08:48 AM
Flaws aren't needed for roleplay
Flaws are for gaining feats.

Though the short temper flaw is prolly up your alley. It gives you faux rage.

I'd not do the split alignment. Stick to one. Just play different forms of that alignment

i can take that and roleplay the split personality i guess its cause my character is anchored of a wholly evil object and its twisting her mind so my DM is like take 2 more flaws and take sub energy metamagic and sculpt spell metamagic

The Glyphstone
2017-04-16, 09:54 AM
It's not much of a split personality unless they're significantly distinct from each other - LN and LE are going to act pretty much interchangeably, they'll just enjoy it slightly different. 'Split Personality' is just a bad idea for a flaw in general, you really should pick something else, but if you're dead-set on it, have the personalities be drastically different on at least one axis, LG/LE (the character's latent good impulses being stressed into separation) or LE/CE (the character's hunger for impulsive, chaotic savagery breaking loose). Just grafting a second personality isn't "split', it's part-time possession, whereas the whole point of splitting is that both halves are broken and incomplete.

2017-04-20, 07:56 PM
It's not much of a split personality unless they're significantly distinct from each other - LN and LE are going to act pretty much interchangeably, they'll just enjoy it slightly different. 'Split Personality' is just a bad idea for a flaw in general, you really should pick something else, but if you're dead-set on it, have the personalities be drastically different on at least one axis, LG/LE (the character's latent good impulses being stressed into separation) or LE/CE (the character's hunger for impulsive, chaotic savagery breaking loose). Just grafting a second personality isn't "split', it's part-time possession, whereas the whole point of splitting is that both halves are broken and incomplete.

ok i can bring up this to my DM cause i have never done the split personality for a character before though i am trying to see what can be used since the dark skull she is anchored to is corrupting her mind making shifts between good and evil since it is a wholly evil object