View Full Version : DM Help Retinue for a dragon

2017-04-15, 03:42 PM
Hey guys,

From a certain point (adult dragons) I run dragons as drug cartel bosses. Enormous amounts of cash, private armies and deadly retinue that enables the dragon to really engage his enemies from as favourable point as possible. Now, I have a concept, but I wonder about two things:
- what sort of magic items could an adult dragon have in order to boost his survivability (i was thinking that he should just remove part of his hoard as payment for items)
- what sort of retinue should he have (just a group of adventurers? optimized kobold casters? What CR/level? I was thinking a group up to 10 beings ... something that buffs him, protects him.

Along this, to take care of his lair, accounting, etc, adult dragons have several hundred kobolds and perhaps a tribe or two of other beings.


2017-04-15, 03:58 PM
A retinue needs to protect, but also to announce a charge. Especially as most D&D games take place in a fantasy setting.

So, first item, a bard or similar herald/group of heralds. No real function, but an important person wouldnt be caught dead without someone to announce them. Even the Mafia bosses go to parties.

Your retinue needs to compliment and enhance the dragon. If your dragons are spellless, then you need Wizards (who are attracted by the lure of knowledge) and/or Sorcerers (who are sired by the dragon perhaps?). Warlocks maybe, but I dont see a way they could take a dragon as a patron, and if they cant, why are they hanging around with a "sub-par" creature?

Even if your dragons are spell casting, what they cant do is Cleric magic. A small band of cultists may even worship the dragon, or the gods the dragon follows. So having a couple of clerics wouldnt be a bad shout.

A dragon has ranged and martial covered, but why do things yourself when you have someone else that can do it for you. Paladins sworn to protect the dragon, loyal to the last. Rangers of a similar nature. A rogue or 2 to deal with threats quickly and discretely. Maybe even a mastermind in there.

No barbarians. Too unpredictable. Fighters work better. And hell, dragon-knight is frankly made for a dragons follower.

You need a second. Someone nearly as powerful as the dragon, but utterly devoted. A life long bond. Not another dragon. Too territorial.

Kobolds strike me as the obvious choice of race, with lizard men too. Dragonborn... well, perhaps. But they would need to be of the same colour, if not the same lineage.

I would advise taking a gander at some 3.5e books like Dragon Magic and Races of the Dragon to get a feel for how different coloured dragons interact with typical D&D races.

Stay away from druids. Sure, they are powerful, but what motivation does a druid have for a firebreathing, usually evil creature? (I assume the metallic dragons dont become drug dealers)

If you are using UA, not artificers, but perhaps some mystics. A silent mystic of the Awakened order might prove a valuable second and fills a MAJOR hole in the dragons abilities.

2017-04-16, 12:55 AM
- Magic items? Whatever improves AC, saves, stealth bonuses, initiative and saves. Defense can be the best offense.
- Cohorts? Take a look at the Half-Dragons in the Monster Manual. People who bathe in dragon's blood can become half-dragons, and it sounds like something evil dragons would force their minions to do.

2017-04-16, 07:32 AM
Splendid answers. I love an idea of announcer (and perhaps some jewelry on the dragon, worth enough to buy a city? Plus some magic items OFC) and dedicated retinue members. Dragons have hundreds of years to set up. So they can have fostered children, kobolds, half-dragons. It's this that made me think after answers - dragon has time. I think his entire retinue are his own children or children of a clan that venerates him for centuries and is their god and protector.

Armored Walrus
2017-04-16, 10:29 AM
Maybe a pet or two? Something tanky that is immune to the dragon's breath weapon, and is sticky in some way or can limit PCs movement in some way in order to keep them nice and bunched up for the dragon. Probably not something that is going to do a lot of damage in its own right.

2017-04-16, 11:01 AM
He needs something that can cast freedom of movement. Nothing screws a dragon over more than an enlarged barbarian grappling him out of the sky.

2017-04-16, 11:08 AM
Here is my idea.

1). A bard as a herald/spellcaster/healer
2). A conquest paladin as the dragon's dragon (tv tropes: the dragon)
3). Some shock troops
4). A few rogues or monks disguised as acrobats
5). Perhaps a necromancer with a battalion of zombiefied creatures
6). 2-4 powerful/elite troops.
7). Some storm troopers/red shirts (its traditional)
8). Perhaps a goristo with a Howdah on it

2017-04-16, 12:08 PM
Something to think about, cartels are basically corporations without HR departments and less concern about their public image. So there are going to be similar roles in their organization.

1. Boss/Board - in this case your dragon, gets the biggest personal retinue
- 2 draconic sorcerers
- 4 fighters
- 1 rogue
- 1 cleric

2. Executive Assistant - This is the person your dragon sends to represent him, the 2nd in command, probably the most trusted employee of the Boss (I'd have this person be a Bard, they're often seen as the face of the cartel)
- 1 sorcerer
- 2 fighter
- 1 cleric

3. Financial Officer - this is the accountant, keeps track of the numbers from various divisions of the business (I'd have this one be a wizard, based on the intelligence angle) *sidenote: since this guy knows the details of the cartel, he's just as likely to be killed to protect the cartel from being exposed
- 3 fighter
- 1 rogue

4. Chief Enforcer/Security - this is the person in charge of protecting the various properties and people of the business, with the most emphasis on the Boss; is also probably the guy that handles the dirty work or at least is in charge of getting it done (This would probably be a good Fighter or maybe an Oath of Crown paladin, with tenets adjust to serving the dragon) *sidenote: this guy has the smallest personal retinue because he can allocate more grunts to himself as needed for particular tasks
- 1 sorcerer
- 1 cleric

5. Spymaster - this is the person in charge of finding out things, may work under the Chief Enforcer but might also be a separate; usually has a spy network of informants to tell him what the authorities and other cartels are up to (I'd have this person be a rogue) *sidenote: this is the guy who knows the bigger picture, and stereotypically is more pragmatic of a character, willing to sell out and switch sides
- 2 rogues
- 2 shadow monks

As for races, there probably won't be anything exceptional, just the standard mix based on the population of the city/country. The sorcerers will probably be draconic bloodline sorcerers, clerics will probably be followers of whatever deity your dragons worship. If dragonborn are a thing in your world, I'd probably have one of those as the Chief Enforcer, as well as the personal retinue of the dragon being all dragonborn.