View Full Version : Pathfinder Fear Auras

Aotrs Commander
2017-04-15, 05:23 PM
(I seem to be doing nothing but askin questions of late...!)

I'm working through Rise of the Runelords, doing a partical conversion (general upgrade to the generally better PF-standard monsters, using the PFSRD, though the game is itself somewhere between).

I'm looking at the auras entry of some of the devils (e.g. bone devil/pit fiend) and they have fear auras listed, but without much in the way of details.

Two issues.

In the old 3.5 descriptons, where they laid it out in full it specified that other devils are immune to these effects.

Nothing I can see in the PF universal monster rules for auras suggests that this is an assumed default (aside for the general top-level creatures-are-immune-to-thier-own-species thing).

Is is just sort of assumed in PF, or can they actually effect each other with their fear auras? (I would assume no by RAI, but if I wasn't coming from 3.5, I wouldn't know otherwise.)

Neither pit fiend or cornugon specifiy a duration (or a caster level equivalent). I guess you are expected to extrapolate from their SPA caster level; but Fear auras are SU, so... What? (Granted, you don't need a caster level for any other purpose tha duration, as the fear auras are SU and thus can't be dispelled (yes?))

And looking at the universal monster rules entry for the basic format for fear auras and such and it doesn't give an indication where a duration might be...?

Am I just missing something entirely here?

Can anyone shed any llght on this?

More general question: As it doesn't say in PF UMR, but does in 3.5 special abiities for fear: are fear effects supposed to be still cumulative in PF (i.e. a creature that gets shaken twice is frightened)?

(As an aside, I can just complain about both 3.5 and PF insisting on saying "as the spell fear" 95% of the time something causes a fear effect? Could PF (which is otherwise generally better polished and clearer) not have just said "unless otherwise specified, fear effects causes a target to be panicked for 1 round/level or shaken for 1 round if they pass" or something in the UMR? (Or maybe it does outside, the PFSRD?) Because I'mma do that in my 3.Aotrs rules dammit.