View Full Version : Player Help Help with epic thematic builds

2017-04-15, 08:27 PM
Our D&D group has played tons of campaigns and one-shots, and over the summer we're thinking of taking all our characters, setting them to level 35, giving them a crap-ton of gold, and having them all duke it out in a tournament-style battle royale. I was hoping for some advice on general directions to take a few builds for characters that I never got past level 8. We're mostly an average to low optimization group, and prefer flavor over raw combat strength. I'm looking for classes that would fit the themes of these characters if possible. Hope some advice isn't too much to ask!


Gale Green - A human ranger farmboy and his (riding) dog Murphy. He's a big animal lover and is bow-fighting focused. I'm thinking maybe something that gives him more animal companions or buffs the one he has?

Eowyn Hart - Spellwarped Cleric/Church Inquisitor human who is trying to redeem his family name. In an era where arcane magic is seen as evil witchcraft, the Hart family bears the curse of the spellwarped template, one of their ancestors having been subjugated to magical experimentation long ago. Eowyn's family has been repeatedly hunted as witches and witch lovers, and so Eowyn set out to stop this, becoming a well-known cleric and inquisitor, seeking out heresy in the church and stopping false witch hunts. (Obviously this build could go to 30 with these classes, but other suggestions are definitely welcome!)

Shirka Balazarr - A young adult human disowned by his wealthy family after being in the wrong place and the wrong time. He is very charismatic and flirtatious, and fights with only his own body. He possesses illusion magic, making himself invisible and distracting opponents while he delivers savage blows to their most vital areas. One of his specialties is projecting images of himself in light, then swapping places with those images, effectively blinking around the battlefield. Shirka originally was a martial artist from dndwiki, meant to go into bard, but I'm sure there's a better path to get this idea.

Morph Astrum - A poor human boy born with sorcerous talent. After having is magic sealed away in teenage years, he forced himself to learn how to protect himself with melee weapons, and found a way to use some magic through the seal, shaping metal at his command, shaping different weapons out of the material whenever needed. Later in life the seal was removed, unleashing his latent magic talent once more. Now armed with powers he has difficulty controlling and his martial prowess, he fights alongside his friend Shirka. Probably some sort of gish build with morphing weapons.

Zsharin - Pretty flavorless half-elf druid who was focused on healing for some reason. My first character. Any ideas are welcome.

Gnorgen - Incredibly angry werewolf gnome barbarian who relishes in the fury of battle. A ticking time bomb of rage. Lover of slaughter. Probably frenzied barbarian? Idk.

Matrota Silverblade - A human boy raised by his godfather, a retired holy knight of the kingdom and renowned paladin. Matrota grew up to discover his own prowess with the sword and shield, following his godfather's footsteps and becoming a paladin of the light. His perspective on life is far from a stingy LG pally however, he believes life is to be lived well with friends, and to experience many fun things together. He is guided by a sense of good morality, but isn't averse to a little more chaotic activities.

Demetrius - A griffon who was captured by humans and forced to fight in gladiatorial combat as a simple spectacle. After making his escape, his hatred of humanity drove him to the deepest woods, learning druidic magics. He later returned to the world of man, leading a small army of natural beasts, on a mission to reclaim the world for the wild again and to eradicate mankind.

2017-04-15, 11:11 PM
Gale would definitely be of the Beastmaster PrC from what I read. As for the others nothing comes to mind this moment that could really fit too well with crunch and fluff but Ill probably do some digging and see if I find something in which case I will just edit the additions onto this post.

Edit: Morph astrum could be a refluffed Soulknife

Edit 2: Gnorgen would definitely be a Frenzied Berserker

2017-04-16, 12:58 AM
Zsharin: Wizard into War Weaver into Spellguard of Silverymoon into Rainbow Servant. This puts you at around lvl 18-20 (depending on if you used early entry shenanigans or not)
You lose 1 or 2 CLs (I forget if spellguard loses or not)
You are a very very rad buffer, wrapping all your allies in a healing net, where all the buffs you cast are shared.
You can then go into Dweomerkeeper to expand the use of your spellnet. You're hitting around 30 at this point
And while a lot of the "use" of these classes is... Well less handy when using epic magic, it gives a feel of a healer that has mastered the discipline and can bring back the dead to life with extreme ease, and alleviate any malady.
Perhaps worth investing in the War Spell feat. You can then make a mass Heal that makes Mass Heal look pitiful

Oh wait. Just saw the Druid bit...
Retrain into wizard :P

Shirka: Beguiler into shadowcraft mage into shadowcrafter, most probably, using benign transposition to change position in the battlefield with their shadow conjuration doppelgangers. Rogue or swordsage levels to round out the martial aspect of the build.

2017-04-16, 01:33 PM
Gale would definitely be of the Beastmaster PrC from what I read. As for the others nothing comes to mind this moment that could really fit too well with crunch and fluff but Ill probably do some digging and see if I find something in which case I will just edit the additions onto this post.

Edit: Morph astrum could be a refluffed Soulknife

Edit 2: Gnorgen would definitely be a Frenzied Berserker

Ooooh, beastmaster seems like a lot of fun! Not completely sure about soulknife but it's a possibility for morph. Frenzy fits Gnorgen well yeah.