View Full Version : Medieval D&D (5e), Game Thread

2017-04-15, 08:30 PM
London, England:

Our story begins on an unseasonably spring warm morning in London. The sky is clear and a hot, muggy day approaches; good weather for the annual Wool Market, as English shepherds haul their own goods into the city alongside enormous wagonloads of shorn wool bought by wool merchants from smallholders further out from the city. Small craft float down the Thames and larger ocean-going ships struggle upstream against the current on this windless morning; perhaps they'll have an easier time later if the winds pick up in the afternoon. Local merchants argue with Dutch and Italian bankers and purchasers over prices; the wet but not cold winter has produced a very good "harvest" this year, and excitement runs high. Other Londoners frantically sell other goods, from finished wool cloth from the mainland all the way up to fine Egyptian linen and a few samples of silk from Cathay, food, drink, and lodging for the out-of-towners, and everything else that can possibly be sold in this week. Musicians, jugglers, and clowns appear up and down the streets, performing for their supper, and even an alchemist loudly hawks his wares from his tiny cart in a corner of the square. Children, from tiny to nearly grown, run up and down, dodging through people, horses, cattle, and carts, chasing their will of the moment.

At the center of the mix is King Offa, whose throne has remained in London since he conquered it ten years ago, overseeing the day's festivities. At his side is his eldest son, Sexred. The pair are holding an impromptu court in the sunlight, issuing judgments on the inevitable quarrels that come with market day. Their jovial manner belies some tension: rumor has that King Octa of Kent, newly risen to the throne and desiring to prove his legitimacy over a rival, seeks to retake London, lost from Kentish control in his father's time, and is raising an army to do so.

With the Market at its height, London has more than tripled its population for a few days. Foreigners from all over the globe are here, from Italians and Iberians here for the money to Germans and Scandinavians more often looking to sell their services as mercenaries, to Welshmen, Scots and Celts from the North and West, here for reasons of their own. London won't be so busy until this time next year; providing, of course, that the peace holds.

That's it! Let's get started. This will be your last chance for a bit to make purchases and re-prepare spells.

2017-04-16, 12:26 AM
Shielding her eyes from the sun, Adelaise walks out of the inn and into the market. Though she was miles and miles away from Paris, the voices shouting and haggling around her brought some small comfort. Closing her eyes she could almost pretend she was with her sister in the Parisian markets, even if she was hearing far too much english. Nodding to fellow shoppers and conversing with merchants, she weaved her way through the city. As she walked she let the sun and shouts wash away the dark taint she could feel building on her soul, an invisible layer of filth and corruption that was the price of her research. Reassuring herself that the end result would be worth the sacrifice, she heads towards her ultimate destination; the church.

2017-04-16, 03:21 AM
Burujin came into the city on one of the wool carts having spent the last few months working for the shipments owner, it was odd here, the sheep needed tending to so often and made so much of this wool that was apparently so valuable, for now he stayed in the open square hesitant to approach the towering buildings.

He had spent the last of his coin some time ago, so instead waited patiently amongst the cattle and horses just on the edge of the market for something of interest to happen,

2017-04-16, 03:28 AM
Elis allowed himself a smile as he surveyed the scene in front of him. He could not have chosen a better place and occasion for his return to Britain. The wool market seemed to have brought half of Christendom to London. That meant plenty of unknown faces for his to be lost in - and plenty of opportunities also, from what he knew of merchants. And for the royal court of Mercia to be in open session too, that was surely too good a chance to miss...

Making his way slowly through the market, Elis chats amicably with the merchants in his best Saxon accent as he peruses their goods, keeping an eye out for any bargains. He also watches out for any signs of Bishop Griffith's informant network. Elis wasn't expecting a response from his lord -- after all, his own message informing the Bishop of his arrival in London was unlikely to have reached St Asaph yet -- but it never hurt to establish contacts.

Elis hunts around for where he might buy a small, simple cross on a chain or thread to be worn around his neck (thinking more in terms of a trinket than a holy symbol proper)- if he can buy one for 1 gp or less than he buys it.

If he spots any items that might be useful for establishing a respectable identity (perfume, signet ring etc.) going for a noticeably cheap price then he may also purchase those.

After weaving through the markets, Elis drifts towards the court at the centre of the market - although taking care not to draw so close as to attract attention from the guards. If he is close enough to the hear the proceedings, he does so - if not, he simply listens to the conversations and gossip around him.

Listening to see if anything interesting can be made out above the tumult - Wisdom (Perception)[roll0]

2017-04-16, 05:35 AM
There is more than one cassocked monk moving through the crowded streets and at first the slender, wiry shape of Brother Macarius is little different. Only a second glance reveals to the more worldly observer the subtle differences in the cut of his vestments and the shape of the wooden cross (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthodox_cross) he wears that denotes him one of the Eastern rite.

At the heart of the markets London could almost seem familiar for one who had walked the streets of Constantinople and Rome. Truly in some ways the great cities of the world were as one, home to the Lord's children but dangerous and thrilling in spite (or because) of all that. Macarius's heart beat a little faster as he wove through the crowded stalls, a hundred hundred voices and smells pressing against him and his overtrained senses. Anything could happen.

The monk drifts closer to the ring around the king and his prince, instinctively feeling that if anything untoward happens it will have to happen here. And if Offa is in no danger? Well, even a monk has interests and Macarius feels a streak of curiousity at hearing the king speak. My father was from this cold and wet country, perhaps I should get to know it a little better...

2017-04-16, 06:01 AM
Axlan steps out of the imposing doors of St. Paul's, and gives a respectful bow of the head to the man saying his farewells. He had been recently tasked with helping some monks from Ireland make their way to the imposing cathedral as part of a pilgrimage. Now that they had arrived, they had assured the Danish lad that they would surely find another caring protector to guide them home. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, he mentally recites, taking a moment to reverently clutch the rosary hanging around his neck.

The tall, blonde-haired Dane was a bit of an odd duck compared to most of the other holy-men watching the market's activity. Most of the people he encountered expected a war-hardened veteran, and not the optimistic youth in his chain mail. His shield (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/35/26/15/3526152e00958f59cab08bf21f41aa71.jpg), though shaped in the fashion of the nordic kite shields, was more or less an extension of his connection to the church, decorated plainly with the Catholic cross. He wanders aimlessly through the stalls, uttering a silent prayer of guidance that the Lord show him his next task.

2017-04-16, 01:54 PM
Elis hunts around for where he might buy a small, simple cross on a chain or thread to be worn around his neck (thinking more in terms of a trinket than a holy symbol proper)- if he can buy one for 1 gp or less than he buys it.

If he spots any items that might be useful for establishing a respectable identity (perfume, signet ring etc.) going for a noticeably cheap price then he may also purchase those.

After weaving through the markets, Elis drifts towards the court at the centre of the market - although taking care not to draw so close as to attract attention from the guards. If he is close enough to the hear the proceedings, he does so - if not, he simply listens to the conversations and gossip around him.

Listening to see if anything interesting can be made out above the tumult - Wisdom (Perception)[roll0]

Elis finds a nice small silver cross easily enough (Holy trinkets and amulets are common fare at such a market) but grey-market items are more difficult to acquire. Sellers are present, for sure, but they aren't advertising and they're cagey about who they talk to.

Elis finds one merchant with suspiciously little to sell, and surprisingly high prices. After a moment of discrete inquiry, the merchant shows Elis a signet ring of the Ealdwine family, minor barons with some political influence outside of Lincoln, and a pair of fine leather gloves bearing the family crest. He can have the lot for ten gp.

Though the crowd is buzzing with gossip, stories, and cheer, Elis doesn't learn anything else.

2017-04-16, 03:41 PM
Elis buys the silver cross - how much is it?
Elis remains for some time in the crowds surrounding the King's impromptu court, mulling over the merchant's somewhat suspect offer from earlier. There were risks with acquiring goods in such circumstances, certainly, but there were also opportunities. Trying to pass himself off as an Ealdwine would be foolhardy, but there were other ways to make use of a noble seal...

Coming to a decision, he returns to the trader's stall. "Hello again my friend. If we might resume our discussion?" Checking first to see if the coast is clear, he continues: "The gloves are of little use to me, but I will take the ring off your hands for 4gp. A fair price, I'm sure you'll agree?

If the merchant haggles, he'll go up to 5gp. If the merchant agrees to sell, Elis immediately buys the ring and conceals it by pressing it deep within the bar of soap in his backpack. He then searches the market to see if anyone is selling sealing wax, and buys it at standard price if he does.

If the merchant refuses, Elis simply smiles at him then walks away without saying another word.

2017-04-16, 03:59 PM
You successfully buy the ring, wax, and cross for 6 gp total. Please note accordingly on your character sheet.

2017-04-16, 04:04 PM
Mstislav wakes to a low rumble of noise in the distance: the chatter of voices - a hundred loud conversations, and shrill shouts piercing them; the strains of bawdy music eliciting cheers and jeers in the crowds; the rattle of carts travelling along the uneven roads and the patter of hooves from the poor draft animals leading them; and cutting through everything, the cathedral bells tolling at the hour. "BONG, BONG, BONG..." Mstislav doesn't bother to keep count as he gathers his gear and heads out of the inn - even if he's not looking for work right now, it's better to be prepared in case something bad happens. Seeing a throng of people heading towards the cathedral, Mstislav follows them towards the market, though having spent nearly the last of his gold the night previous, there probably isn't too much for him to do there.

2017-04-16, 09:54 PM
A weight lifts from her soul as Adelaise enters the cathedral. In this holy place she could put away her worries and cleanse her mind. She finds a pew and joins in the quiet worship.

2017-04-17, 06:32 AM
Maria was elegantly dressed, and stood beside amongst several people in the crowd watching the king holding his court. She had her long midnight-blue cape draped over her fine clothing, while even though people seemed to enjoy the warm weather, it was a far cry from what she was used to back home in Barcelona.
She had the hood of her cloak over her head, obscuring most of her features and she had long black silken hand-warmers going up to her elbows.

London had been a pleasant discovery for her and she found she enjoyed the nature of the people here. Only the bloody weather kept her from truly falling in love with the place.

Her eyes gazed over the assembled crowd and she took in every detail she could. She looked at the king and his son, and their advisors, and wondered what their motives were for this public display.

2017-04-18, 06:48 PM
Suddenly, a cloud passes in front of the sun and piercing screams rend the warm spring air! Those of you outside in the cathedral square can see a stampede away from the graveyard that immediately beside the cathedral. What's going on isn't immediately clear, but several of the peasants running away have bloody scrapes on their arms, and you can see clouds of dust rising from several graves. Those graves are highlighted in clear, bright sunlight; the rest of London seems comparatively dim.

Adelaise is indoors, and will need to spend a round getting outside again. The rest of you are free to act directly.

2017-04-18, 06:57 PM
Brother Macarius glances in the direction of the king, his own instincts to rush to the protection of the monarch, but a moment reflection tells him the common people need his aid more as they had no other bodyguards. Strictly he is not on a mission but what sort of monk would he be if he ran from evil? Nor could there be any doubt that something of the devil was going on in what should be consecrated ground.

Lord please guide your humble servant, Macarius whispers in prayer as he moves at speed towards the graveyard.

2017-04-18, 08:16 PM
The commotion startles Adelaise out of her prayers. Blinking as she looks around the cathedral she almost forgets where she is, but quickly her mind reorients itself in reality. As the screams and shouts continue she moves out of the cathedral and into the square.

2017-04-19, 02:10 AM
Snatches of old verse come unbidden to Elis as he rushes towards the eerily-lit graveyard.

"For though I am but ash and bone,
My heart shall not know peace..."

Stopping for a moment at the realisation of what he might soon be facing, Elis reaches inside his backpack and pulls out his lyre, adjusting the strapping on the bag in the process so that it can be quickly stowed again if need be. He then resumes his dash towards the graveyard, keeping a close eye out for whatever it is the peasants are running from.

2017-04-19, 02:51 AM
Mstislav is certainly thankful that he was prepared for something bad to happen. As he's learned, something bad always happens whenever he decides to take a break from work. The Danish spy scandal, the Polish sorcery ring, that incident with the Burgundian duelist...yet nothing quite as ominous as this. The dead rising from their graves! Mstislav hurries over towards the graveyard to see if there's anything he can do, though he doesn't draw any weapons yet.

Yes, I made those incidents up on the spot. No, I do not know (and do not want to know) what happened, and I will not elaborate on them...unless you really want me to. I can probably whip something short up if that's the case. :smalltongue:

2017-04-19, 04:06 AM
Unsettled by the sudden rush of people Burujin sizies his bow and looks to see what has caused this human stampede.
If it could catch at least two enemies and no civilians he will cast entangle to catch as many as possible.

2017-04-19, 08:37 AM
Axlan notices the injuries of the feeling peasants, and shouts to the panicking faces rushing past him, "Into the church! They will offer sanctuary, and the Lord's power will keep you from harm!" Making sure he doesn't knock over anyone else fleeing the scene, he takes long, measured steps towards the graveyard, one hand on his weapon, the other on his rosary, mentally praying that no one is too seriously hurt before he gets there.

2017-04-19, 11:26 AM
Maria stood still for a moment as the people fled away around her. She was watching the king's reaction as well as those of the people around him.

After she feels she's taken in enough information from observing, she walks over to the graveyard.

She's walks with purpose, but is careful and alert.

2017-04-19, 04:00 PM
Maria and Axlan move purposely toward the graveyard. They're well prepared, but can't see very well what's happening through the crush of the crowd.

Burujin can't see what's going on in the graveyard from here, but he likewise can't see what's happening besides a panic. He does note that the market square has cooled off very suddenly, and the paving-stones may shortly become slippery with dew.

Adelaise dashes outward and reaches the steps of the cathedral, where she's got a good vantage point from her raised position of the graveyard itself. Mstislav, Macarius, and Elis dash upstream through the crowd. They're hampered by the crowd flowing outwards, but they each manage to reach the low stone wall surround the cemetery and see what's going on for themselves:

From the seven pit graves of plague victims, nearly a decade old, skeletal bodies are rising from the dirt. From each grave, one skeleton is rising, and the three nearest have their finger-bones already stained with blood. The dirt continues to writhe around the skeletons' feet, and occasionally other bones poke upward from the dirt as well. You can see thin trails of blood leading away from the graves toward the entrance of the cemetery, too. The blood and the ivory-white bones gleam in the brilliant sunlight, and the grass in the sunbeams is already wilting from the heat.

2017-04-19, 06:24 PM
With an expression of only mild surprise on his face, Elis surveyed the scene beyond the graveyard wall with apparent calm. Behind his relaxed façade however his thoughts churned furiously. This was a dangerous situation, true - and he certainly had no intention of charging head-first into the brilliant heat of the sunlit cemetery. But if his plan to establish himself here was to have any success, he would need some way to earn status within the royal court - and what better way could there be than heroics? Besides, if things went wrong there was always still the option of fleeing - so long, that is, as there were others to delay the undead while he made good his escape...

Throwing a quick glance along the wall to where the two others had also rushed to see the cause of the commotion for themselves, Elis frowns with concentration, before plucking a quick string of notes on his lyre. Apparently satisfied with the result, he turns with a broad grin towards his new companions:

"I don't suppose you two feel like becoming heroes?"

2017-04-19, 06:42 PM
Brother Macarius looks at the musician quizzically, then smiles and dips his head in aknowledgement. "I am a simple monk, not a hero but praise the Lord I have certain skills... and tools."

Reaching into his cassock the Roman monk drew forth a sharp-bladed short sword, moving it with practiced ease. As he stared at the graveyard he frowned. "Are you a magician as well as a minstrel, my friend? I fear that light is less of God than the other place. Breaking bones, even of these blasphemous things is a matter I can handle but I am no priest nor sorcerer and know little of magic."

2017-04-19, 07:23 PM
Mstislav shoots a perplexed look towards the strange man as he speaks, then replies in a low growl: "Hrmph, no. 'Heroes'...what foolish language." Then, as the monk next to him speaks and the three turn their gaze back to the skeletons rising from the graveyard, he draws his bow - perhaps not the best weapon to take down the rattling dead, but it's better than nothing - muttering to himself, "But...somebody has to take care of this...problem."

2017-04-19, 08:57 PM
Seeing the undead causes Adelaise to stop out of a mixture of fear and excitement. Fascinating, walking corpses," she mumbles to herself, Are they siphoning energy from a seal to move, or could this be demonic power at work? Regardless, there's only one thing to do." With that she leaps from the steps and crouches behind the wall of the cemetery, readying a spell if she is safely out of view.

If Adelaise is in a position in which she thinks she could get off a spell without drawing attention to herself, she'll cast Acid Splash on any two skeletons adjacent to each other.
Dex saving throw, DC 13. [roll0]

2017-04-20, 02:43 AM
Burujin gets closer and to a better vantage point, then does the same thing as last round

If there aren't any vantage points within 35ft he moves towards the graveyard brandishing his quarter staff and prepares to strike the next skeleton to attack a person.

2017-04-20, 09:55 PM
You cannot hit two skeletons; they're spread out at least 15' from each other.

Burujin has reached the low stone wall. He can clearly see the skeletons rising now.

The stone wall is mostly decorative; you can climb over it without a check.

Four skeletons break free from the ground and begin stalking toward the stone wall and the small wooden gate that separates the graveyard from the cathedral square. The beam of light remains on the plague graves, and more bones begin to break the surface , including skulls and arms that pull upwards.

A shout from King Offa and his son seems to be going unheeded by the peasants; the King seems to be trying to rally soldiers to his side, but none seem to be present.

2017-04-21, 03:09 AM
Post written on the assumption that this is all before snapping to initiative. If we move to full combat I'll copy-paste the relevant sections into a new actions post for the round.

Elis feigns surprise at the monk's response: "A magician? Why, I'm sure that I have no idea what you might be referring to... but yes, I too have certain skills."

"I'm going to try and attract our undead friends' attention", he continues, speaking a little louder for the benefit of the Elf who had just joined them beside the wall. "Get ready to attack should they come this way!"

Standing clear of the wall so that he is fully visible to the skeletons behind it, Elis begins playing a slow, haunting tune. Loud and clear, his deep voice rings out across the graveyard:

"The sun shone down on the graves of St Paul's,
Dark forces stirred in the earth.
The bones of the dead were infused with new life,
Vengeful spirits ventured forth..."

Casting a sideways glance at the chain mail-clad man closest to him (Mstislav), he suddenly speeds up the tune to a much faster pace.

"The soldier ran up to the graves of St Paul's,
As the peasants around him all fled.
'No hero am I', he said with a growl,
'But someone must fight these undead.'"

Mstislav gains a D6 Bardic Inspiration die, to be used on any attack roll, ability check, or saving throw within the next 10 minutes.

If a skeleton is within 60ft of Elis he sings a few extra lines:

"Oh, with bones so brittle and brains so little,
The skeletons of St Paul's"

Casting Vicious Mockery cantrip on the nearest skeleton in range. The skeleton must make a Wisdom save or take [roll0] psychic damage, potentially also causing disadvantage on their next attack if we move into initiative. If no skeleton is in range Elis continues playing the tune but doesn't sing.

2017-04-21, 04:01 AM
Looking over the wall if there are at least three in any twenty foot square, Burujin casts Entangle on them, otherwise he readies his quarterstaff and shield for a fight.

2017-04-21, 06:17 AM
Axlan continues to move closer to the graveyard, drawing his weapon and shield, preparing for a fight.

2017-04-21, 08:01 PM
Adelaise shifts closer to the others behind the wall, readying a ball of fire in her hand.

preparing firebolt, unfortunately on my phone and can't roll.

2017-04-22, 01:11 PM
As the tension increases, Mstislav readies his bow to fire an arrow towards the nearest skeleton should anyone - living or not - make any offensive action.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] (divided by 2 for resistance, I believe)

2017-04-22, 11:22 PM
Burujin's chants seem to invigorate the grass wilting within the light's touch, and it grows rapidly, entwining and entangling the skeletons' legs. One of them breaks free, however, and begins staggering toward the gate with its fellows, and though two are entangled, the bones at their feet continue to struggle upward and seem to try to form another skeleton.

Elis's song seems to infuriate the nearest skeleton, who begins stomping toward him menacingly.

Adelaise focuses, summons a ball of blue flames around her fist, and throws it forcefully at a skeleton. The flames strike the skeleton squarely in the ribs, which burn satisfyingly. It collapses to the ground in a heap, still burning.

Mstislav takes this as his cue, and looses an arrow at the nearest skeleton. He's right on target; the arrow buries itself in the skeleton's sternum, visibly fracturing the bone but not putting the monstrous creation down for good.

Come on, you apes! You wanna live forever?

Get 'em!

2017-04-23, 08:15 PM
As one skeleton falls, Adelaise brings her fire to bear on another of the monstrosities, specifically the one advancing on the musical man. Her gaze is then captured by the intense light, and she wonders what it might be.

Firebolt again, Hit:[roll0] Damage:[roll1]
If she has time, she wants to try and determine anything supernatural about the light: Arcana:[roll2] (also works as a religion check)

2017-04-25, 02:54 PM
Seeing a few skeletons go down, Mstislav looses another arrow at the nearest skeleton.

When it's his turn again, Mstislav once again fires an arrow from his bow at the nearest skeleton (I'm pretty sure there are too many for us to take down in one turn).
attack roll: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]/2

arrows used: 2

2017-04-26, 02:55 AM
Burujin takes out his bow and shoots at a restrained skeleton


2017-04-26, 09:31 PM
Order of Initiative:

Macarius: 22
Burujin: 21
Stomping Skeleton: 19
Axlan: 17
Skeleton with cracked sternum: 17
Elis: 16
Maria: 14
Mstislav: 13
Entangled Skeleton 1: 12
Adelaise: 11
Strong Skeleton that beat the Entangle: 10
Entangled Skeleton 2: 7
Limping Skeleton: 6

Brother Macarius vaults easily over the low stone wall and approaches the skeleton stomping towards Elis. He feints briefly and strikes out first with his short sword and immediately thereafter with his opposite knee. The sword slash bites deeply into the skeleton's arm and holds the monster still as Macarius's knee drives up and through the hip and ribs of the monster. Its magics dissipated, it collapses at his feet.

Burujin hops up onto the wall to get a better shot and looses a shaft at a skeleton pinned down in the grass. It slips through the ribcage and tangles within the ribs. This seems to upset the creature, but it can't move.

The skeleton Elis targeted earlier steps up to Macarius and swipes at his face with its bloody fingers. He ducks under the blow, but the speed of it surprises him and the blow whistles through his hair.

Axlan hurries up next to Macarius and swings his mace upwards at the skeleton threatening the Easterner. It catches the evil creature upside the chin and literally decapitates it, sending the skull flying backwards and the bones collapsing at their feet.

The damaged skeleton Mstislav targeted earlier steps up to him and lashes out across the stone wall. It catches him across the left arm and rips into the flesh. 7 damage.

Elis draws his rapier and dashes out to Mstislav's aid. He lines up a textbook thrust at the creature's ghastly face, but his rapier point slides off the jaw and does no visible damage.

Choosing not to close with the skeletons at this time, the Countess squares up behind the wall, notches an arrow and draws it, and looses at Burujin's target. Her arrow strikes directly between the ribs and this time the monster topples over into the dust.

Mstislav drops his bow and whips his curved Eastern-style sword at his attacker. His blow is short, however, and it doesn't connect.

The first skeleton in the grasping grass wrenches itself free and begins to lurch closer to the intruders.

Adelaise strikes out again with her flames, but her aim is off and the blast flies out behind the monster and buries itself in the dust of the graveyard.

The strong skeleton that escaped the grass moves over to Axlan and surprises him with a kick. He blocks it easily with his shield for no effect.

The large skeleton that initially broke free of the twisting grass also rushes Macarius. He sees the attack coming and easily twists aside, neatly avoiding the simple charging attack.

(The second Entangled skeleton is already deceased, dropped by the party's archers)

The final skeleton wrenches its way free from the ground and approaches Elis. Its simple punch is easy for him to catch on his sword hilt, and he twists to knock the monster to the ground. It falls at his feet, prone but undamaged.

(Three skeletons are finished. Four remain. In addition, by the end of next round two more will have extracted themselves from the dirt- you may attack them this round and they'll be defenseless.)

King Offa and his son rush over to the graveyard. They'll arrive at the end of next round. Despite their shouts, no allies or retainers have arrived.

The dirt in the area that Adelaise identified as unusual ripples with power, and beams of light flash upwards from below the ground.

2017-04-27, 01:23 AM
Adelaise's eyes widen as she see's the lights bursting forth from the ground. "Not from above, but from below..." With that she throws her fire at one of the emerging skeletons, hoping that the brave warriors can handle the others.

Firebolt! Attack:[roll0] Damage:[roll1]

2017-04-27, 02:50 AM
Taking his quarter staff out Burujin smashes it into the head of an emerging skeleton


Not sure but I think I have advantage:

Bludgeoning damage

2017-04-27, 03:10 AM
OOC: will edit in with the song lyrics when I'm done with work for the day, but wanted to make sure that I got my action in.

Elis is taken by surprise at the speed of the skeletons' assault, but quickly rallies. Glancing at Macarius, he resumes his song from earlier.

"The monk fought the undead by the graves of St Paul's,
Was ever a brother so brave?
With a slash of his sword, and a strike of his knee,
He sent a skeleton back to its grave."

Macarius gains a D6 Bardic Inspiration die, to be used on any attack roll, ability check, or saving throw within the next 10 minutes.

Noting the damaged skeleton assaulting Mstislav, he then launches another assault of vicious mockery. Who knows, perhaps his words alone might be enough to finish the creature?

"Oh, just a quick sword thrust turns them back into dust,
The skeletons of St Paul's"

Casting vicious mockery on the damaged skeleton, or the nearest other skeleton if that one gets dispatched before Elis acts. The skeleton must make a Wisdom save or take [roll0] psychic damage and have disadvantage on their next attack until the end of their next turn.

After casting vicious mockery, Elis then moves as far as practical in the direction of the King while still remaining in the main combat area.

2017-04-27, 09:18 AM
Axlan swings his morningstar again, having been approached by a new skeleton. He offers an encouraging shout to the oriental man next to him, "For the Lord our God is He who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory!"

Attacking the skeleton who tried to kick me. [roll0] for [roll1]

2017-04-27, 08:33 PM
Macarius: 22
Burujin: 21
Axlan: 17
Skeleton with cracked sternum: 17
Elis: 16
Maria: 14
Mstislav: 13
Adelaise: 11
Skeleton attacking Macarius: 10
Skeleton attacking Axlan: 7
Skeleton attacking Elis: 6

As his opponent's blow whistles by his cheek, Macarius siezes the monster's outstretched arm, neatly severs the limb with his blade, and follows up with a leg-sweep that knocks the skeleton heavily to the ground, where it bursts into its separate pieces and lies still.

Burujin hops lightly off the wall and drives his quarterstaff home into a rising skeleton's skull, dis-animating it in a pinch.

Mstislav's opponent strikes out at him again, but this time he contemptuously smacks the blow away with the flat of his sword.

Axlan squares up to his foe as he easily rides the blow on his shield and lands a heavy blow on its shoulder. It staggers the creature, sending bone chips flying, but doesn't quite put it down.

Elis's words seem to anger his target, but if they damage it, it's quite minor. Elis disengages easily from his skeleton on the ground and rushes to meet the King and Prince hurrying over to the graveyard.

Maria unhurriedly draws another arrow, takes careful aim, but her arrow buries itself in the ground an inch short of the head of the final rising skeleton.

Mstislav turns his parry into a wicked backhanded cut and neatly severs the spine of his enemy, slipping his sword through the ribs and directly to the weak point. The skeleton fairly collapses at his feet.

Trying more carefully now, Adelaise grits her teeth and places her next handful of flames directly onto an emerging skeleton's head. The flames eat quickly into the skull and it stops rising from the dirt.

Axlan's opponent strikes out with both hands, but he takes the blow easily on his shield again for no damage.

Elis's former opponent stands, moves toward Mstislav, and lashes out, but the big Easterner once again parries with his sword and remains unharmed.

As Elis nears the King, a volley of arrows lance out from the top of the cathedral tower at Offa, Sexred, and the approaching Welsh bard. Three shafts strike the King, who falls heavily. One takes Sexred in the leg, knocking him to the ground. Another narrowly misses Elis, who skids to a stop next to the King. Elis can only tell that the arrows are coming from the tower; the angle is too steep and the day suddenly too dark to tell what or who is shooting. Adelaise cannot see the shooters; she's sheltered by the bulk of the cathedral. The rest are around the side of the building and cannot see into the front of the tower.

From the disturbed ground with light coming from below instead of above, two large and heavily armored skeletons rise. Seemingly stronger than the rest, they climb out of the dirt and brandish their spears at the warriors.

Two more "regular" skeletons remain, the damaged one facing Axlan and the unhurt one facing Mstislav. Both struggling up from the graves have been dispatched this round.

2017-04-28, 12:01 PM
Axlan continues the fight against his bony opponent, hoping to finish it off with another swing of his morning star.

Attacking the skeleton, for [1d8+2

Axlan will move just enough to put himself between the two heavily-armed skeletons and the rest of the group. Not close enough for anyone to get an attack in, just enough to form a 'front line' as it were.

2017-04-28, 12:57 PM
In truth, Adelaise was rather enjoying herself against the skeletons, despite the danger and mystery of the situation. As the king falls under the hail of arrows, all that curiosity and mirth disappears in the face of true danger. Shouting at Elis, "If you can, heal him!" She then concentrates, brings her hands up and casts a spell that fills the area around the king, Elis, and Sexred, blocking them from sight.

Casting fog cloud, centered on the king, 20 ft radius. I'm not sure if that will cover us as well, but if it does she'd like to at least leave the graveyard obscured.

2017-04-28, 02:08 PM
Burujin slams his quarterstaff at the side of a skeleton attacking the main group. If he brings down a Skelton he runs through out of the graveyard


2017-04-28, 03:00 PM
Casting fog cloud, centered on the king, 20 ft radius. I'm not sure if that will cover us as well, but if it does she'd like to at least leave the graveyard obscured.

Oh, nice one. That'll easily cover Elis, the King, and the Prince, but it won't get quite to the edge of the graveyard, and the party is actually inside the graveyard itself.

2017-04-28, 03:40 PM
A part of Elis can't help but note that in many ways this is an ideal situation for him. Most of his consciousness however is more concerned with the dying king and the hall of arrows flying at him.

With a nod to Adelaise, he kneels beside the king, places his hand upon his head and mutters an old healing prayer:

"He that bleeds and ebbs away/ can surely still be saved"

Casting Cure Wounds on Offa - posting via phone so will roll separately in case it messes up.

Turning to the Prince, Elis calls out: "If you can walk my Lord then you should run to the safety of the Cathedral steps - your father would not wish you to die, and I will do my utmost to save him."

2017-04-30, 05:53 PM
Brother Macarius narrows his eyes at the armoured and undead warriors that rise up now. With a Greek prayer to Saint Constantine on his lips the Roman monk slips a hand into his belt and removes a martzobarboulon, a lead weighted throwing dart favoured by the agents of the emperor. With a practiced flick of his wrist he sends it through the air towards the nearest of these foes.

Thrown dart: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-05-02, 06:38 PM
Macarius: 22
Burujin: 21
Axlan: 17
Skeleton with huge spear: 17
Elis: 16
Maria: 14
Mstislav: 13
Skeleton with rusty helmet: 12
Adelaise: 11
Skeleton attacking Axlan: 7
Skeleton attacking Elis: 6

Macarius disengages easily from the clumsy monster and whips his dart at the helmeted giant. It flies straight into the creature's eye socket, provoking a bellow of rage.

Burujin hops forward, assumes Macarius's place in the line, and takes a big two-handed swing at the remaining skeleton. His swing falls short, but Axlan's crushes down and eliminates his foe with a satisfying crunch. Axlan moves forward, setting up a good defensive position with a large gravestone covering his right side.

The new skeleton shakes his armor into place and charges forward. It meets Axlan square on and drives its spear hard into Axlan's​ shield. The force of the blow tips the shield inward, and the point skids past into Axlan's​ leg. 7 damage

Elis's spell seems to stop the bleeding, and the King starts breathing more readily, but he doesn't wake up. He's still unconscious. The Prince seizes his father's arm and gasps, "No. Help me move him. The Cathedral steps. He'll be safer." He picks himself up and begins to drag his father.

Maria takes up Burujin's place on the wall, draws another shot, and lands her arrow neatly inside the helmeted skeleton's ribcage. It staggers, but doesn't quite fall.

Mstislav scoops up his bow and draws with practiced grace. His arrow finally eliminates the armored skeleton.

Thick white fog shoots forth from Adelaise's fingers and envelopes the wounded in front of the cathedral. It won't last long in this heat, but it might give the King a chance.

The remaining skeleton from the first round steps up to Burujin and swipes at him, but the elf catches the blow easily on his staff for no effect.

2017-05-03, 02:02 AM
Elis wasn't surprised by the prince's decision - although he must know the dangers of remaining with his father during an assassination attempt.

"Very well my Lord, but we must move quickly then before the fog fades."

Elis helps the Prince carry Offa towards the cathedral steps, moving as far as he can in his turn.

2017-05-03, 02:53 AM
Burujin bats the blade away then strikes at the skeleton with the other end of his staff

[roll1] Bludgeoning

2017-05-03, 05:28 PM
Brother Macarius was aware of events around them but with the battle still raging he had to trust his strange new companions who had yet to be introduced to. They were doing an impressive job so far.

The monk focuses on the giant helmeted skeleton he had injured (if such a word had meaning for the undead). Moving towards it he struck with sword and fist.

Shortsword Attack: [roll0]
Martial Arts Attack: [roll1]

Damage (Shortsword): [roll2]
Damage (Martial Arts): [roll3]

2017-05-03, 05:47 PM
Hoping that the king and his son could get to safety, Adelaise turns back to the skeletons, shooting her fire again at the nearest one. She then moves as far away from the skeletons as she can while still trying to stay away from where she thinks the archers are.

Attack: [roll0], Damage: [roll1]

2017-05-03, 05:49 PM
Mstislav continues shooting away at the nearest skeleton with his bow, ignoring the blood trailing down his arm.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]/2

used 3 arrows so far, if we're keeping track

2017-05-05, 07:36 PM
Macarius: 22
Burujin: 21
Axlan: 17
Skeleton with huge spear: 17
Elis: 16
Maria: 14
Mstislav: 13
Adelaise: 11
Skeleton attacking Axlan: 7
Skeleton attacking Elis: 6

Brother Macarius steps forward and jabs at the giant with both sword and fist. His sword blow glances off, but his punch strikes cleanly and cracks appear in the skeleton's bones. Axlan follows up with a crushing blow that nearly misses but does strike the skeleton in the hand, crunching bone and causing him to drop his weapon.

Burujin neatly and efficiently disassembles his opponent with his staff, sending pieces of bone flying across the graveyard.

The skeleton lashes out at the Roman monk, missing the brother's face but tearing his hood nearly off the robes entirely.

Maria and Mstislav's arrows neatly finish off the giant, leaving the graveyard empty of opponents. The intense beams of light begin to fade, and the clouds overhead begin to thin, and natural sunlight filters through them in patches again.

Elis successfully carries the King across to the cathedral steps with the Prince's help. Arrows thud into the dirt around them, but with no effect in the thick fog. The King begins to stir, though he isn't lucid yet. His son speaks: "Thank you, my friend. Our Housecarls have been summoned and will be here shortly." The Prince pauses and adds, "Unless something holds them back, something unforeseen."

"You and your companions have shown yourselves well today in the graveyard. I offer you this task: pursue the assassins in the cathedral tower and chase them off so that my father and I can escape. I'll reward you well, and doubly so if you bring in any of those responsible alive."

2017-05-06, 01:19 AM
With a nod Burujin will Dash off towards the cathedral, beckoning the others to follow with him.

OOC: Extra 5ft racial bonus to movespeed.

2017-05-06, 04:43 AM
Taking a moment to recover from the exhertions of the battle Brother Macarius whispers a short prayer, comending these mortal remains back into the care of the Lord.

Then, turning on one booted heel he runs for the cathedral, following Burujin. 'I think we should handle this in numbers my friend'.

2017-05-06, 01:09 PM
With the skeletons dispatched Adelaise gives a satisfied nod and disappears into her fog cloud, emerging with the others inside the cathedral, ready to give chase with the others.

2017-05-06, 04:33 PM
Elis moves to enter the cathedral with the others, but pauses for a moment. Something about the prince's words sat uneasy with him.

With an entirely neutral expression on his face, he turns back to Sexred and speaks: "I am eager to bring these villains to justice, my Lord, but are you sure that you and your father will be safe left alone? Your Housecarls have yet to arrive, after all..."

Almost certainly being paranoid here, but rolling Insight [roll0] to try and get a sense of whether the prince is being entirely sincere.

Edit: Lol, unless the prince is actually doing an evil villain laugh I guess Elis isn't noticing anything :smalltongue:

Assuming that the prince doesn't change his mind (and that nothing seems untoward about the situation) Elis will nod in obedience and join the others as they enter the cathedral.

2017-05-06, 06:29 PM
Axlan finally allows the stress of the combat to momentarily take over him, kneeling for one moment to channel the Lord's divine grace into his wounded leg. He then pulls himself back up to follow the rest of the group into the church, reflecting on the odd start of the day. It would seem the Lord had found him a purpose this far from home, and he was eager to find out what was in store for him.

Spending all 5 of Lay on Hands to bring me back to 10 HP, moving to follow the rest to the cathedral.

2017-05-06, 07:03 PM
As the last skeleton falls and the rest of those fighting them run into the cathedral, Mstislav looses a shot at the bell tower, not expecting to hit anyone, then rips a small portion of cloth to use as a bandage for his arm.

attack [roll0]
damage (just in case) [roll1]

(4 arrows used)

Is there anything to roll for bandaging? It would be a heal check in 3.x

2017-05-15, 12:23 PM
The Prince insists that Elis proceed, wrenching himself to his feet and positioning himself to defend his father as necessary.

After regrouping on the steps, this disparate group of warriors steps carefully inside the cathedral. They stand just inside the nave, looking out across the suddenly emptied pews, with sunlight streaming in the stained glass windows on the south wall, leaving those pews a riot of color. No one seems to be inside the cathedral, at least on the first floor, though it's possible that someone is lurking behind a pillar, around the altar or in the ambulatory behind the altar entirely. The staircases up to the towers are on either side of the nave, and the door to the south tower is standing wide open, while the north tower is still shut.

2017-05-16, 08:08 PM
Brother Macarius whispered a short prayer as he stepped into the cathedral. Perhaps it could not compare to the great Hagia Sophia but it was still the House of the Lord and a place of beauty and sanctity... at least prior to today.

He gestured to the south tower door. "The assassins have been careless my new friends, or is it too obvious a trap?" He paused, then glanced at the altar.

2017-05-17, 12:09 PM
Burujin took position in the central aisle, and got ready to hit any fleeing assassins with a Thornwhip.

2017-05-17, 03:46 PM
"One way or another, the arrows I saw came from the south tower. And the longer we deliberate the more time they have to set up any traps. I say we go to the south."

2017-05-17, 03:50 PM
Axlan doesn't speak as he enters the cathedral, taking a moment to make the sign of the cross over his chest as he listens to the others deliberating over their next move. He looks over towards the southern tower and jerks his head in that direction. "Trap or not, its the only way forward. The woman is right, we mustn't waste time." He holds his shield at the ready as he moves towards the open door, not really waiting for anyone to follow.

2017-05-17, 04:04 PM
Mstislav arrives in the cathedral just in time to see the others (presumably) entering an open door on the side of the interior, and he quickly follows.

2017-05-18, 07:08 AM
"One way or another, the arrows I saw came from the south tower. And the longer we deliberate the more time they have to set up any traps. I say we go to the south."

But they have no way out, and I'm sure more experienced paladins and clerics are on their way here to help catch them as we speak.

2017-05-18, 05:03 PM
"The prince was very clear in his instructions - we should pursue the assassins right away. I say we enter the south tower."

As he speaks, Elis plays a few slow notes on the lyre. They echo hauntingly around the cathedral as he follows Axlan. When he reaches the south tower door, he pauses.

"Although if anyone can think of a way of quickly blocking the north tower door, that might be a smart idea."

2017-05-19, 12:44 AM
Then let us be on with the hunt.
With this Burujin advances to the bottom of the stairwell and looks upwards to see what lies in wait


2017-05-21, 12:32 PM
Burujin peers upwards into the spiral stairwell. The stairwell is stone, narrow, and steep, and though he can't see a source, the stairwell is filled with bright sunlight.

2017-05-22, 07:12 AM
Burujin peers upwards into the spiral stairwell. The stairwell is stone, narrow, and steep, and though he can't see a source, the stairwell is filled with bright sunlight.

Burujin strides forward, readying a Thornwhip to strike anything hostil that he sees.

2017-05-23, 11:36 PM
Burujun steps carefully into the stairwell. He doesn't see anything threatening. The sunlight appears to grow stronger as he looks upwards, and as he carefully takes a few steps upwards, he can hear voices echoing down. They're too faint and distorted to understand.

2017-05-24, 10:56 PM
Adelaise carefully follows Burujin into the tower, fire again beginning to form in her hand.

2017-05-25, 11:52 AM
Brother Macarius follows Adelaise and Burujin, trying to keep his wits and senses sharp. The monk has his hand on the hilt of his short sword.

2017-05-25, 01:29 PM
Elis remains at the foot of the stairs, planning to bring up the rear. He looks carefully around the cathedral as he waits, keeping a close eye on the other tower door in particular.

Once the others have all begun the ascent he'll follow up.

2017-05-25, 02:27 PM
Burujin continues his advance, at each doorway he stops a few feet from it to feel for ambushers with a thornwhip.

2017-05-26, 02:39 PM
Axlan stays close to Burujin, shield at the ready for the ambush that could lurk around any and every corner and doorway.

2017-05-26, 09:07 PM
Led by the elf from the steppe, the party proceeds carefully up the stairs. About halfway up, the voices become much clearer. Two men, one with a raspy voice, one with a distinct Norse accent, are arguing about how immediately they should leave-- one wants to flee now, believing that there will be no further opportunity to attack the King and Prince. Another favors waiting a short time before leaving. Neither wants to descend the tower and attack the Prince; one believes that there may be bodyguards who've reached him by now, scurrying around the sides of the cathedral or in a rear door.

Both men are clearly being overruled by a silent third party.

Burujin can see sunlight pouring directly into the stairwell at a very low angle from a doorway above him. The doorway faces north; those who were paying attention as they entered the town will know that there's a narrow platform running across the eastern ("front") wall of the cathedral, above the rose window, for maintenance and movement between the two towers. You're now almost as high as the roof of the cathedral itself. The stairwell also continues upward.

You're not now at risk of being detected; any further progress will require stealth checks or rolling for initiative to burst in on the men.

2017-06-01, 07:26 PM
Burujin slinks cautiously forward until he's even with the doorway. The light pouring through the doorway is bright and clear, and Burujin, experienced Druid that he is, knows that light can't come directly in a North-facing window- not in England at midday, for sure. He crouches, lies on the floor, and inches his face past the doorway.

He sees three men in front of him- one burned red with the sun, with dark hair and an ugly scar across his throat; one with a long white-blonde braid down his back and a full beard. Both men are of medium height and physically strong, wearing cheap peasants' clothes, with a longbow in hand and a short sword at their sides. The final man is young, no older than twenty, and slender, with a wild shock of red hair and wearing flowing red robes over a bright yellow tunic, holding a shortbow and standing next to a quarterstaff that leans on the wall.

The two larger men continue to argue. (The raspy voice belongs to the man with the scarred neck.) The red-head is clearly in charge, and does not verbally respond to the others, but gives a short shake of his head and a glare at their insistences​.

After a moment of observation, the leader glances around him and his eyes land on Burujin's face peaking around the door. His eyes go wide and he points and shouts, "There!"

2017-06-02, 07:57 AM
Axlan puts his weapon away, not having the time to unstrap his shield. He moves in quickly, determined to remove at least one threat from the fight, and get whatever answers he can once business is taken care of. He lunges for the smaller figure, the leader, determined to wrestle him into submission.

Initiative [roll0]
Moving to close in with the leader, will gladly take AoO to reach him if needed.
Pushing said target; [roll1] to knock him prone.

2017-06-03, 05:32 PM
Elis appears unconcerned by the group's detection. Certainly, he makes no haste to rush into combat.

Instead, he steps on to the platform but remains close to the cathedral wall. With a voice of calculated disdain, he mocks the Norseman, seeking to draw him away from the leader.

Speaking in Norse: "Ha! I had expected to be fighting a man of the north, but surely no true Norseman would cower up here like a dog!"

While he says this, he draws his rapier in readiness for the fighting.

Moving just onto the platform, close to the wall and door.
Casting Vicious Mockery on the Norse-accented henchman, who must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take [roll0] psychic damage and suffer disadvantage on their next attack roll.

2017-06-04, 05:09 PM
Burujin first throws forth a length of cutting vines from his staff and hurls in at the blond man


He then stands to the side letting the close combat focused men of the party past.

2017-06-08, 08:15 PM
Mstislav charges in behind the rest, taking up the best position he can to block the men from escaping out the door and swinging at the nearest one.

Move in, taking position between the door and the nearest enemy, and then attack with the scimitar.
Attack: [roll0] + 2 from bardic inspiration = 13
Damage: 8

ooc rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22077059&postcount=82)

2017-06-11, 08:15 PM
Orange Robes: 23
Mstislav: 19
Axlan: 18
Blonde Beard:
Burujin: 16
Cutthroat: 14
Adelaise: 12
Elis: 9
Macarius: 5
The party bursts out among the assassins. Orange Robe's eyes widen and he backpedals furiously, running for the opposite end of the platform.

Mstislav jumps out at engages Cutthroat; his saber clashes with the bandit's short sword but doesn't deal damage.

Axlan charges out and dashes around his opponents; Blonde Beard doesn't try to strike and Axlan's gamble of passing Cutthroat on the outside pays off as the Dane easily rides the bandit's blow on his shield. He's about thirty feet behind Orange Robes.

Blonde Beard strikes at Mstislav, who narrowly parries the blow (by just one on that attack roll!). The Easterner is hard pressed, with a wall at his back and enemies on two sides.

Burujin's summoned thorns wrap around the blond man's ankle and yanks him neatly off his feet, where he lands hard nearer the party, easing Mstislav's situation a little.

Cutthroat strikes hard at Mstislav with a big overhanded swing; the Easterner catches the blow and the two struggle for a moment, both hands on the sword hilts, before Mstislav throws the man backwards towards the edge of the platform.

Adelaise steps up and flings a handful of flame directly into Cutthroat's face; he swats at his face for a moment and steadies himself against the rickety railing, his face reddened with burns and blackened with char.

Elis steps out and thrusts his rapier home into Blonde Beard's shoulder; it's an unsporting move, but less so than shooting from ambush, he supposes.

Macarius steps out, nimbly jumps around Blonde Beard, engages his sword with Cutthroat's, then follows up with a swift kick to the man's chest. The bandit crashes through the railing and tumbles more than a hundred feet to the ground.

2017-06-12, 04:19 PM
Moving on to the blonde-bearded man, Mstislav strikes at him while he's down.

move next to blonde-beard
attack (advantage) [roll0]+4 = 20
damage [roll1] - if it brings him to 0 knock him out instead of killing him

2017-06-14, 06:53 AM
Brother Macarius

Brother Macarius makes the sign of the cross over his (far!) fallen foe before turning and running after Orange Robes. The assassin has a head start but the Roman monk is determined!

2017-06-14, 06:59 AM
Burujin joins the chase against Orange Robes, if he gets within range he tries to slow him with a thornwhip


2017-06-16, 01:00 PM
Axlan pushes his body harder as he realizes he can potentially close the distance with the robed escapee. He pumps his legs harder, forcing them to carry him and his heavy armor, loudly clanking as he sprints the best he can to catch up. He shouts to anyone and everyone who might be close enough to hear, "STOP THAT ROBED MAN!"

Assuming the robed person is still running AND that Axlan can keep on his trail, taking the Dash action to possibly catch up with him.

2017-06-18, 01:06 AM
Orange Robes: 23
Mstislav: 19
Axlan: 18
Blonde Beard: 17
Burujin: 16
Adelaise: 12
Elis: 9
Macarius: 5

Orange Robes continues to sprint towards the door on the north tower. He gains the doorway, turns left, and bolts upward, running up the spiral stairway into the tower.

Mstislav pins the blonde Northerner to the stones. His opponent slumps to the floor, limp.

Axlan crashes along in full armor. Panting with the heat, he turns upward into the stairwell and sees a glimpse of orange silk ahead of him, caught on a jutting stone.

Elis and Macarius follow. They're clustered at the doorway; it's a bit of a bottleneck.

2017-06-18, 02:44 PM
Elis steps back a few paces to allow Macarius (and anyone else pushing past) to get through. Before following up the spiral staircase himself, he briefly goes down a few steps in the opposite direction to make sure that the party isn't walking into an ambush.

Wisdom (perception) to scout for any hidden enemies or other dangers: [roll0]

Assuming that nothing is encountered, Elis will then follow the others up the staircase.

2017-06-20, 10:06 PM
As he sees his foe slump down in defeat, Mstislav turns to locate the orange-robed man. Seeing him with such a head start, he decides to pull out his bow and try to take a shot at him instead before he enters the tower.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

hopefully I don't kill him, just slow him down a bit...

edit: wait, is he out of sight? if so then don't shoot, obviously

(5th arrow use pending)

2017-06-21, 04:38 AM
Seeing him dart away Burujin continues to chase him, hoping that the slight speed increase possessed by all wood elves would help him catch the guy, if at the end of the turn he can see the guy he thornwhips him to slow him down.

2017-06-21, 05:21 AM
Axlan keeps running, shouting, wondering how long the assassin would be able to keep this up.

Same as last post; unless I can catch him within 30 feet, then Athletics to knock him prone; [roll0]

2017-06-21, 04:20 PM
Brother Macarius

The Roman monk nods in thanks to Elis as his passes him. Though Brother Macarius doubts he'll reach Orange Robes before Axlan he is determined not to lose the chase.

2017-07-07, 09:29 PM
Axlan crashes through the doorway and turns upward. He can't hear his opponent over the racket his armor makes, but does spot a fragment of orange cloth snagged and torn on a window ledge. That window seems too small for a human to exit from. Above the window, the spiral stairway continues.

Burujin and Macarius climb swiftly behind Axlan, both gaining on the Dane. They're only ten or twelve steps behind him now.

Elis steps carefully downwards one full circuit around the staircase. He doesn't spot any sign that Orange Robes passed this way.

Mstislav pulls his bow and nocks an arrow, but Orange Robes has long since turned the corner by the time he even raises his bow to draw it. He scans upward along the tower, noting the occasional uncovered window to let light into the tower. One window very near the top lets out a shaft of bright sunlight, which fades even as he watches.

2017-07-10, 04:06 PM
Woo, we're back! :smallbiggrin:
Satisfied that there is no risk of being caught in a pincer-movement, Elis rushes back up the staircase to rejoin the pursuit of Orange Robes.

2017-07-10, 11:09 PM
Mstislav knows he can't catch up now, so he watches the windows carefully, bow at the ready, to see if he can get a glimpse of the orange-robed man and his escape plans.

2017-07-11, 05:22 AM
Burujin continues the chase still shooting thornwhips at the foe's legs every chance he gets


2017-07-11, 11:09 AM
Brother Macarius resolutely pursues the Dane, his feet pounding the steps beneath his cassock. The roman monk is already flexing his hands at the coming fight.

2017-07-15, 07:33 PM
Following closely on the heels of the fleeing mage, Axlan crashes through a still-swinging wooden door at the top of the tower, knocking it off one hinge, leaving it askew. He looks left, then right- a crucial error, as red-brown wolf lunges at his lightly-protected ankles. His momentum carries him forward and out of reach, however, and the wolf's teeth only graze the Dane's skin for no real damage.

His ambush ruined, however, the wolf backs away along the crenellated edge of the rooftop, snarling, as Axlan, shortly backed up by the Roman and the Elf, advance. The Wood-Elf lashes out with a rope of thorns that neatly snag the wolf's foreleg and yank it forward. In an uncannily graceful move, the wolf jumps into the pull, lunging at Macarius. The monk slashes at the oncoming threat, scoring deeply but not fatally. The wolf crumples in a rolling heap, but as it does, another burst of sunlight momentarily blinds the pursuers and when they look again, the man in orange robes is again present. He drags himself upward, leaning heavily on the crenellations, and holding his wounded side with his left hand and clutching in his right a twisted wooden cup, its blonde wood scarred with burns and dripping with black water. He leans backward, glaring but not speaking.

Elis is only a few steps below the doorway, but not yet able to see the rooftop yet.

Mstislav, from below, sees the flash of light, shortly followed by a telltale scrap of orange leaning over the edge. If he wants to shoot, it'd be an extremely difficult but technically achievable shot. Long range, three-quarter cover

2017-07-16, 01:43 AM
Seeing a flash of orange, Mstislav instinctively lets loose an arrow.

attack [roll0][roll1] (disadvantage, +5 to orange dude's AC)
damage [roll2]

(5 arrows used)

2017-07-16, 06:13 AM
Burujin brandishes his staff at the Orange robed man, Surrender now or you will be struck down.

2017-07-21, 05:04 PM
Nimbly plucking a dart from inside his robe Brother Macarius throws it at the orange robed man, aiming for the hand holding the cup.

2017-07-21, 05:50 PM
Moving quickly - yet somehow avoiding the impression of being in a hurry - Elis arrives on the scene as Burujin confronts Orange Robes.

"My companion here puts the point bluntly, but he is right", Elis says in a matter-of-fact tone, "Your mission has clearly failed, and there is no hope of escape. Surely you can see that your only option is to give yourself up?"

Persuasion roll to try to convince orange robes to surrender: [roll0]
[Edit: lol, maybe not... :smalltongue: ]

If the roll fails, of if Elis is unable to make his plea: Help either Burujin or Macarius if possible, otherwise Dodge

2017-07-25, 12:44 PM
Burujin examines Orange robe's features trying to discern if he would be willoing to surrender or if he needs more done to make him surrender.

He also reasdies a thornwhip if Orange robes tries to escape or attack.

I didn't do anything that I would consider an action last time I posted so I hope this will be allowed.
Insight: [roll0]\
Thorn Whip: [roll1]

2017-07-29, 07:38 PM
Orange Robes: 23
Mstislav: 19
Axlan: 18
Burujin: 16
Elis: 9
Macarius: 5

As soon as Elis opens his mouth, the mage rolls heavily onto and off the edge of the parapet. He hangs for a moment by the fingertips, the black water spilling downward toward Mstislav. Burujin's summoned vines whip out again, lashing onto the mage's wrist. The mage lets go, snarling as he's held up by the vine. With that heavy load, the fickle magic won't hold more than a few seconds. Mstislav's arrow strikes, and the mage drops his cup altogether, going almost entirely limp. The cup skitters against the tower as it falls, coming to a rest in the muddy grass below.

Axlan and Macarius dash forward and grip the mage, the former by the wrist, the latter by the hair. They've got only a tenuous grasp; it's a terrible angle and the mage is covered in slippery blood.

2017-07-29, 08:00 PM
With a grunt of effort Brother Macarius tries to pull up the orange robed assassin. The beads of sweat stand out on the monk's forehead; though in excellent shape the Roman is not in fact particularly muscular.


2017-07-30, 12:03 PM
Macarius strains, but the blood is too slick, and the mage slips from his grasp, and Axlan's grip fails with the additional weight. With another blinding flash of sunlight, the mage is transformed again into a massive orange bird, which banks steeply around the tower, losing altitude but gaining speed and escaping from Mstislav's view. The bird is quickly going to be out of bowshot from the top of the tower; those who haven't dropped their bows in the fighting may try a shot at extreme range.

2017-07-30, 12:24 PM

Burujin spits out an angry eastern curse word.

2017-07-30, 01:38 PM
those who haven't dropped their bows in the fighting may try a shot at extreme range.Oh, go on then :smallwink:

Elis sighed - clearly their foe had been far from cornered. Swiftly grabbing his shortbow, he shoots an arrow after the gigantic orange bird, but with little expectation of success.

Ranged attack with shortbow at disadvantage: [roll0] [roll1]
In the unlikely event of damage: [roll2] piercing

19 arrows remaining

"There is little use in us remaining up here," he says to his companions as his arrow flies wide. "We should try to retrieve that strange wooden cup if we can - it was clearly of great importance to our orange-robed friend." And it would be better if we did not return empty-handed to the prince, he adds mentally.

2017-07-31, 02:41 PM
As the man...flies...away somehow, Mstislav loops back and grabs the rope out of his pack, then ties up the unconscious blonde-bearded man.

assuming he's still there and unconscious and hasn't also turned into a bird or something, of course :smallbiggrin:

2017-07-31, 03:02 PM
Brother Macarius watches the bird depart in annoyance, then looks over at Elis his frown fading into a nod of approval.

"I well agree my wise friend. It is true that we have not won a total victory here but I think God has directed us along the right path."

2017-07-31, 04:21 PM
The rest of the party troops down the stairs. Mstislav trusses up the blonde assassin, and with Macarius's help, drags his captive none-too-gently down the stairs. Outside of the cathedral, the cup sits in the mud. Small orange flames flicker in patches around it, apparently where the black water splashed to the ground. Elis gingerly picks up the cup, but whatever its powers, they don't seem to be immediately dangerous.

2017-08-08, 09:44 PM
Moving back toward the King's keep* on the Thames, the group sees a few panicked Londoners on the streets, but they're all either furtively avoiding contact or frantically running. Most citizens have taken cover, and the foreigners present seem to have either holed up in their lodgings or fled to the outskirts of the city. The weather, previously sunny, seems to be turning; clouds are visible on the western horizon. Hurrying along (and dragging their prisoner none too gently) the party reaches the tower in just over a quarter of an hour. After being briefly challenged at the door, the prisoner is sent off to the dungeon and the group is ushered inwards to the keep and to the King's room.

The King is awake and lying propped up by folded and heaped blankets in a rough but serviceable bed. At his right is his son, Sexred, poring over a map and heaps of papers, along with an Elf that Elis recognizes as Paul, the King's spymaster, and by the window is an enormous man wearing mail hastily put on over his fine court clothes and armed with a sword that Elis doesn't know by name but recognizes by his dress as a noble in the court. At the Prince's nod, the guards shut the door and leave you inside.

The Prince starts to speak but is interrupted by his father. "I've been told that you brought a prisoner, but I'd like to hear your account of what happened inside the Cathedral. Once you've done that, I'll arrange for medical treatment and your reward. Please begin." He nods at his spymaster, who dips a quill in ink and readies himself to take notes.

While we're technically pre-Tower of London, which was built by William the Conqueror, I'm going to appropriate it in all but name here as not the King's residence, but the place he'd flee to in the event of this sort of attack.

2017-08-09, 03:50 PM
Having had a somewhat adventurous career, Elis has found himself in royal chambers before on numerous occasions - but never quite in circumstances such as this. The spymaster's presence made him uneasy - as did the unknown noble. Still, at the king's command, Elis steps forward to recount the party's tale:

Rolling for performance to make the party seem suitably brave and impressive:

Charisma (performance): [roll0]

“Your majesty, it is truly a blessing to see you so recovered. I was afraid that the arrows’ foul work might not be so easily remedied”, Elis replies in his best Saxon English, bowing deeply as he addresses the King. There was no harm in reminding the monarch exactly whom he owed his life to, after all.

“As you have no doubt been told, once we had ensured your safety my companions and I entered the cathedral in pursuit of your attackers. The strange sunlight continued to radiate around us, but we soon found the villains in question skulking on a maintenance platform across the eastern side of the building. There were three of them in all. The first was an ugly red brute of a man with dark hair and a scarred throat. He charged us the moment we confronted him, but was skilfully fended off by the good brother here”, Elis says, gesturing at Macarius, “and unfortunately for him, managed to lose his footing. Cathedral roofs can be such treacherous places at times.”

“I will not trouble to describe the second man to you in any detail, for you will be able to see him yourself soon enough, thanks to Mstislav. Despite the threat to his own safety, our Slavic friend here was able to pin the fiend down against the cathedral stones and capture the man. I should also mention that he had a distinct Norse accent. Your majesty of course has enemies among the men of the north – it may be that this man was no simple hireling. Regardless, you will be able to interrogate him yourself soon enough.”

“It is the third man who will interest you the most though I am sure. He was a young man, certainly no older than I, with a slender frame and a shock of red hair, and dressed in fine garments of orange, red and yellow.”

“His description is a familiar one perhaps?” he asks suddenly but casually, turning to Paul. Elis pays careful attention to the spymaster’s reaction, trying to judge how the elf receives the news.
Rolling insight (or perception - same either way) to try to glean something from Paul's reaction:
Wisdom (Insight): *jack of all trades* [roll1]

“When we confronted the assassins, the young man immediately took flight, fleeing up the opposite tower”, Elis continues, resuming his narrative as if he had not paused. “Macarius and Burujin entered into pursuit, but were confronted by their quarry in the form of a monstrous wolf. This man, whoever he is, is capable of changing his shape at will. Despite the ferocious attack, my companions were able to beat him back into his human form. The man attempted to escape over the parapet, but Burujin’s magic was able to restrain him long enough for Mstislav to shoot at him from below. His arrow struck true, forcing our enemy to release his grasp on a certain object, which fell to the ground. Before we could capture him however, he transformed again into an enormous orange bird, and fled the scene – no doubt, your men also saw him leave the area,” he adds, looking to the prince.

“There is one further point that may interest you my lord. When we confronted the young shapechanger atop the tower, he was grasping at a twisted wooden cup made of fire-scarred wood, and dripping with a strange black liquid. I was able to retrieve it from the scene, and have it here now.”

Elis presents the cup with a flourish as he ends his tale.

2017-08-10, 02:40 PM
At the mention of the mage in orange, Elis sees Paul's features freeze like a rock. It's subtle, and there's no way to tell what the spymaster thinks of the orange mage, but the fact that he knows of who Elis speaks is unmistakable.

The Prince does nod at Elis's implied question about seeing the giant bird leave the area, seeming to confirm.

When Elis does present the cup, Paul's interest is no longer well hidden. He steps forward to take it from Elis, then seems to think better of it and picks up a handkerchief from the table, using it to accept the cup and examine it without touching. He peers into it, turns it all around, and finally uses the downy end of a well-worn feather to absorb the last remnants of the liquid inside. After a moment's study, Paul carefully places the cup, handkerchief, and quill in a chest by the bedside, and locks it.

After a significant look between Paul and the Prince, the Prince speaks. "We'll need a moment to discuss this. Aaldwyn here-" he gestures to the enormous man in mail by the window, "will see to it that you're suitably rewarded. I'm afraid I can't allow you to leave the fortress for the moment, but if you'll return in one hour I may have further work for you. If you need to purchase new supplies, I have arranged for a small number of local merchants to supply their wares to us directly within the fortress for the time being." He gestures, and Aaldwyn leads you out of the King's room.

Aaldwyn leads you outside into the sunlight and pulls a pouch out of his robes. He distributes a few coins and a small gem to each party member (150gp per). "A weapons merchant, an alchemist, and a general goods vendor are available at the guards' tower at the south wall. You can receive medical treatment here; I'll have Father Heard send someone down. If you're interested in further work, please return here promptly in one hour. If you're not interested, I'm afraid we'll have to insist on your remaining here through the night, as the guard has imposed a general curfew for the time being. You'll be allowed to leave tomorrow, most likely."

Once Aadwyn leaves, Axlan hefts his weapons, then his pouch of money, and speaks. "I'm afraid that's it for me, companions; I'm more interested in straight-up mercenary work. This sort of personal service mission isn't to my taste." He leans up against the wall, awaiting the healer.

2017-08-14, 05:18 AM
Irritated at his inability to leave the fortress Burujin spends the time atop the fortress, under the open sky.

2017-08-14, 04:09 PM
Locating the merchant, Elis sells the gem for gold and then purchases a set of studded armour, selling back his old leather armour also if possible. He also purchases a single arrow to replace the one he fired after orange robes.

Studded Leather Armour: purchase for 45gp
Arrow: purchase for 5cp

Leather Armour: sell for ???

Having conducted his business, he then retreats to a quiet corner of the keep and writes out a report of the events at the cathedral earlier. The report is written as if it were a private journal of events, but in practice is actually a means of communicating the details of the circumstances to Bishop Griffith, should Elis find the opportunity to get a message sent out to him at some later time.

2017-08-16, 08:22 PM
Brother Macarius stood respectfully as Elis explains the situation. Once it is done he accepts the reward gratefully and joins Elis in shopping, though his purchases are simple in the extreme - ten darts to replace those he has spent in the escapade.

After buying his replacement weaponry the Roman monk strolls about in the open air, his face creased as he is lost in thought. As much as this place could not compare with Constantinople it has a certain regal quality. Even a Roman monk does not meet a king every day! Then there are his new companions... fine comrades but at the same time not like anyone he has met before. Macarius has much to ponder.

2017-08-17, 04:12 PM
As a group, Elis, Macarius, and Mstislav approach the blacksmith. Elis is able to rather easily exchange his leather armor for more protective studded leather and replace his arrow for a total of 37 gold pieces. Macarius isn't able to replace his specialty darts; the blacksmith believes he could make something like that, but would need a few days. Macarius can purchase five small throwing axes, if he prefers, for 5 gp each.

Mstislav has the expensive request; a new horse. The merchant smiles when he hears this request; he's got a few choices. The first is a grey mare which is unremarkable but serviceable, for 75 gp. The second, a young and solid-looking black stallion, will cost 115 gp, but has some limited war training and is certainly solid enough for close-quarters combat. The last, a white gelding, is the merchant's own horse, which he's willing to part with for 100 gp. It's small and lightly built, but he swears it's the fastest horse he's ever had the pleasure to own.

The grey mare has no special abilities. The black stallion isn't a warhorse proper, but does make a hoof attack as one, rather than as a simple riding horse. The white gelding has a speed of 70, rather than the normal 60.

2017-08-17, 05:28 PM
Mstislav thinks it over a bit, but ultimately settles on the black stallion - he prefers heavier built horses, and having one which is trained in combat, however little, could make a difference if they encounter danger. He also purchases some riding gear and replenishes his stock of arrows; it sounds like there's plenty of fighting ahead.

also because I think him riding a black horse would look way cooler :smallbiggrin: so that's 115 gp

purchase...enough arrows to get me to 40, depending on how many I was able to recover. about 25, which should be just over 1 gp? not sure. plus gear for the horse:
-bit and bridle, 2 gp
-military saddle, 20 gp
-saddlebags, 4 gp
-10 days of animal feed, 5 cp each for a total of 5 sp
total: 142.5-ish gp, I have 8.5-ish gp left. guess I'll have to get barding later :smallannoyed:

2017-08-27, 09:32 PM
Having spent most of the hour buying, selling, and otherwise making themselves ready for further assignments, the party makes its way back to the King's keep. Waiting at the door is a thin young man, no older than twenty, with grey-blonde hair and no beard at all, wearing the chestnut brown robe and knotted cord sash of a Capuchin monk. He smiles nervously as introduces himself as Lucian, and begins healing the party's various wounds through a combination of healing herbs, holy water, and laying his hands over the wounds while chanting prayers. After completing his healing, he thanks the party for their help in preserving the King's life and leads them upstairs. Upon reaching the King's chamber, guarded by the giant Aaldwyn, Lucian bows and slips away down the stairs again.

Aaldwyn ushers the party into the King's room. The King is looking much better-- sitting more upright with fewer props behind him, and has much better color in his face. King Offa nods at their entrance, and Prince Sexred speaks.

"Based on the cup you retrieved and in conjunction with other evidence, we've drawn a connection between the assassins who struck today and a Thane of Wessex, a man named Alfred, and his wife, a Breton half-elf named Adela. Both fled the town immediately after the corpses in the graveyard rose. They were last seen headed directly west, along the north bank of the Thames. Fortunately, they seem to have been unable to procure a boat; my sources indicate they left on horseback. I want you four to go retrieve them. Bring them back here alive and you'll be suitably rewarded."

Having finished, Paul steps forward with a pair of parchment sheets. He speaks in a surprisingly gruff voice for such a delicate-looking elf. "I've prepared a drawing of the two fugitives. Alfred was a duelist of some renown in his youth; you'll want to avoid single combat with him. Adela is certainly not physically imposing, but she's an illusionist of some skill, though I know of little violent magic in her abilities. They should be regarded as dangerous; take precautions."

"Additionally, they left London with a third person of undetermined sex. This person was quite small and hidden under an unseasonably heavy cloak. I'll see to it that you receive a bonus if you can discover his or her identity and a larger bonus if you bring him or her back alive."

The Prince speaks up again from his father's bedside. "Finally, I'm sending along with you Lucian, the young monk you met downstairs. He's an apprentice medicus, and should support you well in the field. I have arranged a loan of horses for those who need them; I understand that Mstislav--" (you don't remember telling him your name)-- "has already purchased a suitable mount. Have you any further questions?"

2017-08-28, 02:54 PM
"And if they give us no other choice...should we take them out?" Mstislav asks.

2017-08-28, 05:10 PM
The Prince looks at you severely. "I of course do not expect you to get yourselves killed rather than them. However, I'm hiring you and paying you because I believe you capable of doing this. Do not use my leniency as cover for a shortcut on your part."

2017-08-28, 05:26 PM
I will do this, a chance to hunt at track once more and to get out of this city.

2017-08-28, 06:01 PM
The Prince looks at you severely. "I of course do not expect you to get yourselves killed rather than them. However, I'm hiring you and paying you because I believe you capable of doing this. Do not use my leniency as cover for a shortcut on your part."

"Understood, sir. We won't let you down."

2017-08-28, 09:22 PM
"Your Highness," Brother Macarius speaks up, bowing to the Prince. "This half-elven woman is known to by name at least. She and her family caused trouble in Constantinople. I believe the Emperor would pay for her to be delivered in chains, after she has been questioned by you of course."

2017-08-28, 11:10 PM
"Your Highness," Brother Macarius speaks up, bowing to the Prince. "This half-elven woman is known to by name at least. She and her family caused trouble in Constantinople. I believe the Emperor would pay for her to be delivered in chains, after she has been questioned by you of course."

The Prince seems amused. "Delivered all the way to the City of the World's Desire? Perhaps you'll take that on after I'm done with her. Though I have nothing against the Emperor, I certainly won't bother to arrange it."

2017-08-29, 04:36 PM
Elis remains politely silent as the prince and the spymaster address the party, nodding at the appropriate points but saying nothing. Although you would not guess it from his face, upon hearing the name Thane Alfred of Wessex he quickly tries to recall any information he might know about the man:
Intelligence (History) to recall any relevant information about the runaway thane: [roll0]

Having received their instructions, he bows and addresses himself directly to the king.

"It will be an honour to serve your majesty in this matter. We shall not fail you."

The bard makes as if to begin preparations, but then pauses and listens with great interest as Macarius speaks of the Lady Adela's activities in the East. "The conspirators' net is cast wide indeed if reaches as far as Constantinople... is there anything else you might tell us about our quarry?", he asks, turning to Paul. "After all, one never knows when the smallest overlooked detail might prove critical to a mission's success." Or a useful secret to bargain with, he adds mentally.

2017-08-29, 06:18 PM
Paul points to the drawings he's already handed you. "As you can see, Alfred has a nasty scar across his forehead. I won't bother discussing Adela's appearance; you're unlikely to see it while she's conscious, anyway. Though I don't know of any example of her using magic against a person directly, she certainly has grievously wounded people by disguising dangers or leading them into traps. Don't underestimate her abilities."

"While we don't know their destination, I suspect they'll try to cross the Thames and meet up with the Wessexian court, which is currently in Reading. Crossing would be simplest at Ellington, but there's no bridge. They'll almost certainly have to pay a ferryman; I've ordered that the ferrymen should prevent river crossings for the time being, but there are too many to prevent bribery and not all are loyal to me in any case."

"Speed is of the essence, but you must understand that you're being hired specifically because you aren't one of my retainers. Don't reveal your purpose to anyone in this. Your value to me lies partly in your deniability. Keep your cover carefully."

2017-08-29, 06:32 PM
If we must track these men could you provide me with a trained hawk or beast of the air, they are of much help when scouting, being of keen eye and swift wing. I have my own ways to decipher their meaning.

2017-08-29, 11:05 PM
Paul shrugs. "I'll lend you my own falcon, Breca. He's small, but I suspect that won't change much. Aaldwyn will bring him to you with the horses. Treat him well."

2017-09-09, 10:50 PM
The King thumps his fist on the table, then winces with pain. Sexred places his hand gently on his father's shoulder, then rises and speaks. "Very well then. Let's proceed down, collect your mounts, and you'll be on your way."

Sexred gestures to Paul, who leads you down the stairs. Once outside, you can see three horses cropping grass next to Mstislav's new charger. Lucian is already seated on the grey from the merchant and the small white is among the three. The other two are dappled and attractive, but otherwise unremarkable. Paul whistles sharply, and his falcon swoops down to perch on his fist. Paul feeds the bird a morsel from his pocket, then carefully hands the bird to Burujin. "Bring him back safely, now."

Anything else you'd like to do before leaving?

2017-09-10, 10:03 AM
Burujin is all to ready to depart, impatient to be amongst the wilds once more.

2017-09-10, 06:37 PM
As they return to the courtyard and the horses, Mstislav's face contorts into a nervous grin. It's been a while since he's had his own steed, though only time will tell if this one will be the right fit for him. At the same time, setting off with his new companions on horseback brings back bad memories...the clash of steel, panicked shouts of pain...Mstislav steels himself and seals off his memories for another day. He can't wait to get back out and prove, to himself at least, that he's still capable of great things.

ready to go!

2017-09-11, 02:26 PM
With a brief nod to Lucian, Elis checks over his equipment and mount his horse. He plays a few notes on his Lyre, and then stows it securely. Without saying anything so direct, it is clear to all around him that he is ready to depart.

2017-09-15, 07:43 PM
Having taken their mounts, the party progresses quickly toward Ellington. The road is too heavily travelled to pick out a particular small group of travellers, and you don't actually know that the figurines are fleeing to Ellington in particular. How do you want to track them?

2017-09-16, 05:08 AM
Brother Macarius

Brother Macarius is clearly ill at ease on horseback, but trying to conceal his discomfort. "Burujin, can you truly use a hawk to scout for foes?"

The monk's tones are impressed and curious rather than accusatory.

2017-09-16, 05:34 AM
Indeed, beast speech or mantra katar, is an art practiced by my mentor which I have some talent for..
With this he turns to the hawk, Hello Breca, I understand you are a hawk of some keen eye, we I ask for your help in the finding of a certain foe.

2017-09-16, 09:01 PM
Breca replies, in the halting string of movements, trills, and squeals that make up the falcons' speech.

"Can help. Seek you sparrows or hares or ducks?"

2017-09-17, 08:00 AM
Not that, a friend of ours is hiding in the brush, attempting to track ahead of us away from the city, could you be so kind as to search the road ahead for a man resembling this? Burujin says slipping out the targets image.

2017-09-17, 01:06 PM
The bird tilts its head quizzically. "You seek papers?"

(Birds can't interpret drawings. He has an INT of 2.)

2017-09-19, 07:38 AM
Hmm, seems there is indeed a problem with these papers, Burujin thinks. Truly they were unusual, something he had never seen in his old life but he never new they were beyond animals.

Nay Breca, we seek a man who flees ahead of us, and the woman accompaniying him to. He bares a blade so do beware of getting to close.

Burujin then follows into a description of the man in the strange mix of high chirps and low gurgles that make up the beasts tounge.

2017-09-19, 04:28 PM
As Burujin wrestles with the task of instructing the hawk, Elis falls in alongside Lucien and strikes up a conversation.

"It is good of you to join us, Brother Lucien. If the King's enemies are as dangerous as we are led to believe, then we will likely have great need of your healing skills."

"I considered the cloistered life myself once," Elis continues after a while, speaking casually. "Ultimately it was clear that it was not my calling, but I have always tried to keep up with the affairs of the Church. Tell me, is there any news of St Brynarch's relics?"

The relics of St Brynarch form the focus of a long-running and particularly tedious dispute between various English and Welsh bishoprics. Three rival sets of relics exist, with another four sees also claiming right of ownership over the true relics, whichever ones they are. As almost nothing of interest has happened in the case for decades, as a spy Elis had taken to raising the topic in conversation as a means of allowing a listener to pass on information - any 'news' about the relics is certain to refer to something else entirely.

2017-09-21, 10:05 AM
Breca listens with impatience to Burujin's instruction. Finally she squawks in agreement, and he casts her gently into the air, where she flaps hard to gain height and speeds off to the East.

Lucian looks quizzically at Elis. "St. Brynarch? Things proceed much as they ever have. Why do you ask?"

2017-09-22, 02:38 PM
"Oh, no reason. I have always found it to be a most interesting dispute, that's all."

Elis smiles as he talks, but his expression is unreadable. Well, whatever our friend's purpose here, he doesn't seem to have been looking for me, the bard thinks to himself.

2017-09-27, 02:46 PM
The party proceeds with some haste eastwards. Shortly before sunset, Breca returns to Burujin, and relays her findings: the man in question, a woman, and the third person under a cloak have all taken refuge at an inn in the center of Ellington, a village on the far side of the Thames. If you hurry, you might overtake them by midnight.

2017-09-30, 04:25 AM
"If we hurry to Ellington, we might catch them sleeping. Or perhaps ambush them as they leave the village the next day. Either way, we should waste no time."

2017-09-30, 07:40 AM
After a moment of silence considering what he has just relayed to the group Burujin says I" agree, an ambush is the hunters way, let us ride hard and far". As he presses on his horses sides to spur greater speed.

2017-09-30, 02:42 PM
Brother Macarius

Brother Macarius nodded thoughtfully. The monk had observed Burujin's continuing uncanny ability with the bird with something approaching wonder and only now blinked.

"I am not an experienced horsemen but I'll do my best - and I agree it is sound strategy."

2017-10-03, 12:46 AM
Mstislav agrees with the others: "Yes, let's hurry. Hopefully they won't be prepared for someone to catch up with them this soon."

2017-10-07, 10:21 PM
The party presses hard and arrives at Ellington just after midnight. There's a full moon but shadows are deep and dark when a cloud passes over the moon, which happens more and more frequently as the night goes on. It's still warm and a little damp, and the party's horses are blowing as they arrive at the bank of the Thames.

Most of the ferrymen are asleep for the night, though one lone boy sits by a tiny fire on the near bank. Across the river, the lights off Ellington have mostly been extinguished fit the evening; only two windows still glimmer with the light of a candle.

2017-10-08, 12:32 PM
Fending off sleep, Elis tries to concentrate on the scene in front of him. Two windows, two lights... now who might be up at this hour? Their quarry, or somebody else. Perhaps the boy might know which buildings they were burning in?

Turning to his companions, Elis only just manages to catch himself before speaking in his native welsh. By the saints, I'm tired from that ride, the young man thinks, I had best get some proper rest soon if I'm to be of any use in this mission...

"If we're going to ambush them, we've got to get across the river before dawn", he whispers to the party, speaking in tired but nonetheless convincingly Saxon English, "The ferry boy might get suspicious at us travelling at this time though... can anyone think of a convincing excuse for our late-night travels?"

Is it possible to tell if the two candlelit-windows are in different buildings?

Perception rolls if necessary (at disadvantage): [roll0] [roll1]

2017-10-08, 02:46 PM
Burujin is still aware and awake used to long journeys from his years of hard living.

You worry to much, pay and keep calm and he's unlikely to remember us come morning.

2017-10-13, 02:55 AM
The party approaches the ferry it, who startles a little when he sees four horsemen loom up out of the night, but recovers and agrees to ferry you all across the river for fifteen pieces of gold total. He estimates three trips- two horses or six people is about his maximum. In what order would you like to cross?

2017-10-22, 08:33 AM
So what order is needed my friends? I may be able to cross with whoever comes across early if getting people across is a concern, or if you feel like some should travel with the horses I have the greatest understanding of these noble beasts.

2017-10-22, 04:54 PM
"I can go on the first trip, with my horse, and keep an eye out to make sure everything is safe."

2017-10-22, 06:26 PM
Brother Marcarius

"I'm not a born horseman and would be a poor guide for such beasts," Brother Macarius admits. "I better go with the 'infantry', so to speak."

2017-10-30, 06:16 PM
"Then it sounds as if we have a plan." Elis remarks simply, still staring out over the blackness of the river. "Burgujin and Macarius, if you travel first with one of the horses, we'll then send two more over, and myself and Mstislav can bring up the rear."

2017-10-31, 05:46 PM
Very well Ellis, Come brother Maricus and then with a sudeen whinnying chirping sound If you to noblw beasts could accompany us that would be much appreciated, come on Breca you to.