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View Full Version : Gamer Tales The chronicles of a New DM, Part 1

Lacum Dominum
2017-04-15, 09:48 PM
So I had my first session as a DM last night, after about 4 sessions as an actual player. Our group consists of a Druid with a Dinosaur, a Halfling Sorcerer/Rogue with a ghost cohort (a small medium at large), a Tallfolk-Halfling Warmage who really likes fireballs no matter what character he's playing, and a fighter/crusader/bloodstorm blade who fights with a shield for truth justice and the american way (ie he's literally Captain America).

I decided that to start us off I would adapt a pre-existing campaign and so it came to be that I turned the Temple of the Lava Bears, a level-5 5e campaign on youtube, into an 8th-level 3.5 affair. It started off ok, with me essentially improving an entire town right off the bat. A gruff barkeep who lost his daughter when she was kidnapped coming home from the competitor's bar across town and who went through 3 different accents in a 5 minute conversation, a book seller/librarian named Gwydion who had a stutter and has been harassed by a group calling themselves the mob (quickly revealed to just be a group of 12 year olds, and he thought the halflings were kids), and a giant hole in the middle of third street.

A handful of not-so-subtle hints later, and they walked up the nearby volcano to find the dungeon. It's a temple to Payley, the actual Hawaiian volcano player (not a soccer player, as multiple players incorrectly guessed) and they started walking down this huge lava tube into the volcano. The first encounter of the night was a trio of dust elementals that roughed them up a bit and almost choked them, and people started rolling down the incline they were fighting on, almost falling into lava. They survived, and came across a huge hole 50 feet across, with 5 figures standing on a platform in front of a door below them. The warmage decided to just cast a fireball, and 1-shotted the entire second encounter. All 5 of them failed their reflex saves, and 1 of them was left unconscious due to some quick DM fiat. He started spilling quite a few beans, but I set him up as an unreliable narrator from the start by, when being asked how many other people were in here, he held up seven fingers and said twelve (since nobody in my group knows my forum name the correct answer is more around 16). I had an entire third encounter set up, but after the interrogation we called it a day.

I figured somebody, somewhere would want a log of our group's activities so I'm going to be logging them here for the world to see. Hope you come back for part 2, whenever that may be (the group meets rather irregularly).

Stealth Marmot
2017-04-16, 06:16 PM
a Halfling Sorcerer/Rogue with a ghost cohort (a small medium at large),
