View Full Version : Hello everyone

2017-04-15, 11:03 PM
Hi everyone,

I've only recently started playing D&D and one of my friends suggested this forum, and said that it's full of cool and helpful people. I'm just here to learn more about the game, so I would love any kind of help or advice. We've been playing 5e, and I've only had 3 game sessions. I was playing with some of our DM's pre-made characters, but this is my first time that I'm going to make my own character.

Anyways, if this is not in the right place, I apologize. I hope to make lots of friends here. Thanks!

2017-04-21, 06:06 PM
Late response, but good luck with your first character!

This isn't exactly the 5e section, but if you have any questions specifically I think we'd all be happy to help. In a friendly banter sort of way. Anything in mind?

2017-04-23, 11:16 AM
Yep. Be more specific about what you need. What's your class? What's the party?

Honest Tiefling
2017-04-23, 02:37 PM
Well, if you want advice, mine is to work with the DM about character creation. For instance if the DM is hinting that maaaaaaaybe a cleric or undead hunting ranger might be cool instead of a class that relies on a different type of enemy, that's a good thing to pay attention to! A good DM will steer you clear of options that won't work or are inappropriate for the game.

Also, ask if they mind rebuilding a character. AL does it to 4th level I believe, and it can really help newbies learn things without crippling a character. Mind you, it seems harder to do that in this edition, but sometimes an option just doesn't gel.

2017-04-23, 03:37 PM
Different character classes have different levels of depth, the champion subclass of fighter is probably the easiest to play because you don't have to make very many decisions and the class is good at what it does. Thief rogue, battlemaster fighter, all the monks, and barbarians would be the next step on the complexity scale, these classes have some choices to make when leveling or more nuances in combat. Any of the partial or full casters will be more difficult to play starting out but if you are eating the books up and interested, they are all doable. Most importantly pick something you think you'd like!

2017-04-24, 01:51 AM
ohai~ :3

Well, since people have already given advice on what class to play, here I'll add on about what sort of human being to play.

Especially for beginners, try to keep these in mind:
It's important for your character to be positive about going on wild, dangerous adventures. But not everyone is willing to risk their lives for a dozen gold and a bit of loot.
Give your character a clear and yet widely applicable motivation. For instance, a character who wants to someday own his own ship and travel around the world will first begin with collecting money for buying said ship. Among those methods of earning gold will be "going on adventures into ancient relics" or "being hired to go hunt some goblins".
Or, maybe your character could be a mad scientist type of Wizard who will not run from a demon, but sketch its appearance and note down its behavior patterns. That sort of guy will gladly jump into adventures (even if everyone tells him not to).
Keep in mind that acting as a character without motivation is very difficult, especially if you're not used to it.
Also keep in mind that acting as a character with a motivation that is entirely irrelevant to the campaign can be brutal for both you and the DM. Playing a revenge-driven Vampire Hunter in a game where you mainly fight elementals is not a very good idea. Keep your motivation broad, yet simple, and easy to understand.
Make your character active and positive, and friendly (or, at least not unfriendly). Don't make him/her a shy fellow who likes to stay indoors all day, or a Mary Sue lone wolf who thinks friends are for losers. D&D is a game about teamwork. Your character needs to be cooperative.

^ I think this is more important than what class you play, or what spells you pick. Anyhow, good luck with your game, and hope you enjoy~