View Full Version : Player Help Sorcerer Revival Spell

2017-04-16, 11:19 AM
So I'm making an interesting sorcerer build that functions as a secondary healer, book of exalted's nimbus of light and stigmata stuff along with healing touch from spell compendium and some other minor things, but I'm having an issue with a spell i KNOW ive seen somewhere but can't effin find. It was a revival spell that had to be done within like a round or two and was basically raise dead without the coolness of revivify and such, think it had some other drawbacks seeing how it was a wiz/sorc spell

don't tell me im crazy xD I REMEMBER IT

looked in spell compendium, complete arcane/divine/mage/champion, heroes of horror, heroes of battle, libris mortis, dragon magic, phbii

i can't find the damn thing and it's driving me crazy xU somebody help, and please let's not get into the whole, 'why in the hell are you making a sorc a healer to any degree? WHY!?' cuz i know, it's a little weird but it's for an npc i'm making who is venerable age and spent her whole life being a crappy person raising her power and now in her old age has shifted gears and is a healer for a nearby village, she's known as the Bleeding Woman since she uses her blood with stigmata to heal folks, but trying to get her everything i can, break enchantment, etc.

2017-04-16, 12:30 PM
There's an arcane raise dead in the BoEF

2017-04-16, 12:45 PM
In AD&D 2.0, Wizards had their own Reincarnation spell that had a different chart than Druids did. Lots of monster races on the list instead of the animals & fey that the Druid Reincarnation had.

2017-04-16, 12:52 PM
Are you thinking of Reanimation? That's a Wu Jen 7 spell (CArc, pg. 119), and it basically turns someone into a zombified version of themselves (only one action per round, extremely limited memory of past life, prone to wander off if not attended, cannot gain more than 1 HP) for 1 day/level. I'm not sure what the point is, given that Gentle Repose is way lower level, but I guess it's just a glorified way of carting around a dead body until you can get to someone who can do a proper rez?

Also, this isn't quite what you asked, but you might look at getting a rez off a domain somehow (either with Arcane Disciple or with that one ACF that gives domain spells to a Sorcerer, the source of which I don't recall at the moment). I know that the Renewal domain (SpC, pg. 279) has Reincarnate, but there might also be another one with a more traditional rez.

And there's always Limited Wish to copy Reincarnate.

2017-04-16, 12:56 PM
Are you thinking of Reanimation? That's a Wu Jen 7 spell (CArc, pg. 119), and it basically turns someone into a zombified version of themselves (only one action per round, extremely limited memory of past life, prone to wander off if not attended, cannot gain more than 1 HP) for 1 day/level. I'm not sure what the point is, given that Gentle Repose is way lower level, but I guess it's just a glorified way of carting around a dead body until you can get to someone who can do a proper rez?

Also, this isn't quite what you asked, but you might look at getting a rez off a domain somehow (either with Arcane Disciple or with that one ACF that gives domain spells to a Sorcerer, the source of which I don't recall at the moment). I know that the Renewal domain (SpC, pg. 279) has Reincarnate, but there might also be another one with a more traditional rez.

And there's always Limited Wish to copy Reincarnate.

If you're doing limited wish, you might as well do last breath to avoid the level loss (assuming you were able to get a gentle repose or reanimation on there in time) or resurrection if keeping your body is more important.

no first party domain has raise dead or either resurrection. only the renewal domain has reincarnate.

2017-04-16, 01:50 PM
If you're doing limited wish, you might as well do last breath to avoid the level loss (assuming you were able to get a gentle repose or reanimation on there in time) or resurrection if keeping your body is more important.

no first party domain has raise dead or either resurrection. only the renewal domain has reincarnate.

Good call on Last Breath, but Resurrection is way too high level to copy with Limited Wish. Even Raise Dead is too high level, unless there's a non-Cleric spell list that has it at 4th.

2017-04-16, 05:47 PM
I've gone through BoEF before and totally forgot about kiss of life!!! It's perfect even thematically xD but I had been thinking of last breath xU which was a bummer. Thanks for the kiss of life!!!

2017-04-16, 06:28 PM
Good call on Last Breath, but Resurrection is way too high level to copy with Limited Wish. Even Raise Dead is too high level, unless there's a non-Cleric spell list that has it at 4th.

derp. I mixed up who got what with miracle. I don't know of anyone getting early access to raise dead/reincarnate

2017-04-16, 10:47 PM
You can also drop 5000 xp on a wish

2017-04-16, 11:35 PM
well with kiss of life from book of erotic fantasy i still get raise dead effectively, though it has the chance of giving her negative levels(but that really just fits her theme of sacrificing her own remaining life for the villagers that come to her).

on top of that having kiss of life on my spell list actually gives the sorcerer a level 6 conjuration(healing) spell which actually lets her qualify for the Touch of Healing reserve feat letting her heal people below half health for 18 points of damage for free which is a very nice touch to her abilities. admittedly that puts the total number of feats spent on this stuff up to 3 on a class that doesn't get any bonus feats, but the results aint so bad and let her trade of her life force(Con/HP/Levels) to aid those who come to her. love it <3 if nothing else even a real PC using this stuff would be a decent support healer, taking some of the pressure off of the cleric for the cost of 2 spells and 3 feats, pretty good if i do say so myself

heck throw in the Faster Healing feat from Complete warrior and his Con would even be coming back at a decent rate every night, allowing stigmata to be more consistently applicable, healing up to 8 con in a day