View Full Version : Optimize this weapon 5: Dragonchain from Red Hand of Doom p.126

2017-04-16, 03:07 PM

The monks of the Doom Fist order wield an exotic weapon known as a dragonchain. This is a 6-foot length of weighted chain, with a heavy striking head at one end cast in the shape of a dragon's skull and a chain loop at the other. A proficient wielder can use the dragonchain to disarm or trip an opponent; if the wielder is tripped during his own trip attempt, he can drop the dragonchain to avoid being tripped.

Constrict: If the wielder successfully initiates a grapple while wielding the dragonchain (succeeds on the touch attack and beats his opponent’s grapple check), he can loop the weapon around the opponent. He constricts the opponent for 1d8 damage (plus 1-1/2 times his Strength modifier). On subsequent rounds he can use the dragonchain to deal constriction damage with a successful grapple check. In addition, the chain provides a +2 circumstance bonus to grapple checks made to deal this constriction damage.

Dragonchain: Exotic two-handed melee weapon; cost 50 gp; damage 1d4 (S), 1d6 (M); critical 19-20/x2; weight 10lb.; type bludgeoning.

How can we use this to crush our opponentses?

2017-04-16, 03:17 PM
Well templating it to hell and back is probably good
Greater Mighty Wallop
Spell storing with spells that target reflex, activate with the grapple.

Make it Oerthblood to have it be a constant save lowerer for whoever is grappled by it

2017-04-16, 06:25 PM
Hmm...Off the top of my head:

- the typical enchantments (sizing, morphing, whatever flavor of the week).
- put it in the hands of a Kyton (who can animate chains at will)
- poison
- lighting it on fire for class
- give it to a psion with TK thrust for potential tripping shenanigans (your DM may toss something at you though)