View Full Version : Magic item creation

2017-04-17, 11:27 AM
Am I missing something?

I've never actually had a character make any magic items before and looking over the magic
item creation charts I noticed that to have a continuous spell on a wondrous item it's:

Item cost + Caster Level x Spell level x 2000gp(4) if the spell is measured in rounds.

Does this mean that a 1st level spell cast that's measured in rounds to have a continuous effect
would cost 8,000 gp?

Pretty sure I'm missing something.

2017-04-17, 11:40 AM
If using the correct slot, if the spell effect is of the right power.
What Spell do you want to custom out? Is it True Stike?

2017-04-17, 11:42 AM
It is. I know it's obvious, but this is a powerful situation that's pretty OP as low-moderate level.

2017-04-17, 11:46 AM
Personally I wouldn't allow it, since the duration isn't really measured in rounds per se...

Jay R
2017-04-17, 11:46 AM
That's why no set of rules can replace a DM's judgment. The DM should disallow True Strike in a weapon.

2017-04-17, 11:52 AM
I agree completely. I'm trying to come up with some interesting magic items and noticed that and had serious questions about it. I have a rage happy barbarian in the party and was looking to give him a boost....but that's just too much.

2017-04-17, 12:00 PM
If you're looking for a nice low levels spell to fashion into a custom item, you could try a continous item of shield. That would allow you to have a nice AC boost while wielding two weapons or a two handed one. Provided, of course, that your DM allows it.

2017-04-17, 12:13 PM
So I'm... lax with magic items. But if you try and do this I'd go: it works... once. After all truestrike's duration is until your next attack.

Now if I had been consulted I'd go:
+8000gp to a weapon's cost for a use per day, swift activation.
I based this on the cost of buying the team wizard a minor schema of true strike (400gp) or one of [/i]quickened truestrike[/i] (18000gp) and then sorta finagling between those two spots. It only ever targets the weapon it is cast on, and gut feeling.
I could make it up to 2 times per day... or 3 charges per day: 1 charge +10 to hit, 2 charges +15 to hit, 3 charges +20 to hit...

2017-04-17, 12:30 PM
The real question is, regardless of it being True Strike or a different first level spell, is that the legit cost if it's based on rounds?

2017-04-17, 01:04 PM
The real question is, regardless of it being True Strike or a different first level spell, is that the legit cost if it's based on rounds?

Ish. It's a start to figure things out.

2017-04-17, 01:25 PM
The first question for pricing a custom magic item is "is there an exisiting item that has the same effect? If yes, base the price on that item's price, modifying for slot changes etc.
The spell level formula is supposed to be the last resort of item pricing.

Also note that for a continuous item of trustrike you get one (1) boost of +20 to hit and then it does nothing.
Read the spell description - you gain the bonus on your next attack so long as it occurs within one round. Making the item continuous simply means that you have longer than one round in which to make the next attack. After that attack you then have to deactivite the item and re-activite it (two actions).

2017-04-18, 12:31 AM
Continuous works better on say Protection from Evil.
Besides mental tap transducer capacitor psionic tattoo lets you swift cast Truestrike for 3305gp. Tie it to a PP recharger (psi class, or Bestow Power + Midnight Augmentation +EarthPower) and you'll have it every fight...or several times a fight.

2017-04-18, 12:37 AM
Am I missing something?

You are :smallwink: See what Khedrac posted

The first question for pricing a custom magic item is "is there an exisiting item that has the same effect? If yes, base the price on that item's price, modifying for slot changes etc.

Also, True Strike only works for your next attack, so it's hardly worth of a continuous effect