View Full Version : The Warzone/No Man's Land [Scrin Invasion]

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2007-07-29, 03:31 PM
The entire western half of town is now a warzone. The Scrin have landed a massive number of transports and pods, and have constructed no less than seventeen full base-camps, with even more smaller outposts all around the area. All camps and outposts are surrounded by an array of gun towers meant to handle virtually any type of attack.

This region encompasses several notable areas, including the entrance to the Docks, Trog's Tavern, the old TDI Headquarters, the borders of the western edge of the town(which include the edges of the desert and the woods, as well as the swamps and the Valenian Base Camp), and Waddle Dee's shop.

Be warned, entering the Warzone is risky, and may result in Scrin attack. Scrin and BR/IG patrols are bound to be common in The Warzone, and either side may deem you a threat.

The Scrin are too heavily entrenched to be driven out by a single attack. Scrin raiding parties headed into the 'safe' half of town are bound to be common. Skirmishes between the two sides are going to be common as well.

The area is littered with rubble, wrecked buildings, broken and battered vehicle parts, dead bodies, random equipment such as lost weapons, and shrapnel from grenades and bombs.

The largest Scrin camp houses the Foreman, the leader of the Scrin invasion, and his computer AI, the Advisor. That particular camp is too heavily guarded to attack without a coordinated effort.

2007-07-29, 05:54 PM
((So the fight now switches from the Streets to here? Also, the Swamp Castle could be at risk?))
There should also be a prodigious amount of smoke over the area.
The Scrin air attack will get nowhere near the Basilisks due to the massive amount of AA firepower coming up from the Camp. The Guard pull back further, and establish a defensive line.

Also, it should be noted that there is a large number of Galactic Empire forces in the Warzone as well, combatting the Scrin.

2007-07-29, 06:01 PM
((Yes, and yes.))

The Scrin pull back to various camps in the area. The camps are spread evenly, with plenty of defenses in place to handle most attacks.

2007-07-29, 06:09 PM
Although the Galactic Empire forces are under Randomizer's control, they will pull back to the Guard line, and then re-deadtime.
((Sorry about the godmod, but they need to get out of the middle of the Scrin. And if you come for the Castle, expect death gazes.And lots of pretty Scrin statues.:smalltongue: ))

2007-07-29, 06:12 PM
((:smalltongue: ))

The Scrin begin running patrols through the area, usually in groups of two or three infantry squads backed by a disintegrator or gun walker.

2007-07-29, 06:15 PM
The Guard air force pulls back to over the Guard lines. Several massive fighter carriers descend from space to hover over the plains outside of Town, this is where most of the fighters go to refuel. Any patrols that come within Basilisk and Medusa range will be greeted with massive showers of heavy artillery shells. The IG also run patrols, which consist of two stormtrooper squads and a pair of Sentinels, weapons loadout varies.

2007-07-29, 06:42 PM
Scrin air patrols fly through the area, usually consisting of six Stormriders, and a pair of Devestators. Occasionally, their accompanied by a larger ship, a Planetary Assault Carrier.

2007-07-29, 06:43 PM
If the air patrols get anywhere near the allied lines, they will be attacked by several wings of Guard fighters.

2007-07-29, 06:48 PM
((This is fun. :smalltongue: ))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-29, 07:17 PM
((I totally agree, and didya miss me? And dont worry about it vader. I 4got to say that 1 was placing them under ur ctrl anyways :smallcool: ))
The GE forces undeadtime, and all the IFT-Ts, AT-STs, and TIE Interceptors in the area are primed for battle

Emperor Ing
2007-07-29, 07:22 PM
A man in an Imperial Officer's battle uniform walks up to an IG stormtrooper
Where is your leader?

2007-07-29, 07:24 PM
A radio voice should crackle out on speaker.
I was about to ask you the same thing. Colonel Raneus here, in overall command of all Imperial Guard forces in the Town system. And you?

Emperor Ing
2007-07-29, 07:27 PM
Colonel Oreyt Starkiller, General Serperetteit wishes to speak with you
static.....want my information NOW!!! We have all day, but you dont!
General? Their leader is on the comm
*sigh* ALWAYS during an interrogation! Hello?

2007-07-29, 07:33 PM
((Deadtime, sorry.))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-29, 07:40 PM
He deadtimed..
always interrupted in the middle of an interrogation, ALWAYS!!
I'll keep this line open to him.
yadda yadda yadda, you go ahead and do that, I got a tauntaun to gut!
Uhh, sir, mind if I ask for a few extra walkers, tanks, and a couple of AT-ATs? Its gonna get hot, and we need all the firepower we can conjure up here.
*sigh* fine, and im ordering a few TIE bombers aswell, now shut up! :smallannoyed:
((more Imperial Equipment en route))

2007-07-29, 07:51 PM
A couple of BR soldiers exit Trog's making sure to close the door behind them to prevent any Scrin from getting inside.

Soldier: Alright, let's move.

2007-07-29, 07:52 PM
Pwenet steps out of Trog's, his Assualt Rifle at his shoulder, scanning the area as the Stormtroopers under his command fall out and form up in a diamond formation with him at the point. Turning his helmeted head slightly, he looks at the two other soldiers and transmits to then:

"What are your names soldiers, and where are the civilians?"

2007-07-29, 07:54 PM
Soldier: PFC Billy Jenkins, sir.

Soldier 2: Private Will Mulligan. We don't know where the civilians are, but that's why we're making this little sweep of no man's land. :smallannoyed:

2007-07-29, 07:57 PM
"Very well. Men - Move out double time, weapons at to the ready. Look for intact structures that may hold civvies, and keep a eye on the trackers."

Zabus moves forward quickly, with the Stormtroopers keeping up, all their weapons at the ready.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-29, 07:57 PM
Ok, we arent gonna get anywhere, Squad E2, move up!
An IFT-T surrounded by a lot of stormtroopers start moving up the streets in the warzone, slowly
Watch them, give em cover fire!

2007-07-29, 08:00 PM
The tank is suddenly hit with a spray of acid, and a disintegrator comes out from behind a ruined building, along with a few squads of infantry.

Mulligan: Let's move!

Emperor Ing
2007-07-29, 08:03 PM
The stormtroopers quickly jump out of the way, but 2 were splashed by acid and killed. The rest open fire on the disintegrator. The whole line opens fire, rockets, blasters, the like.

Saw that comin!

2007-07-29, 08:04 PM
Zabus leads the small group towards the outskirts of the devastated buildings, checking for any signs of life or invaders.

((Who is in charge of aliens attacking or finding refugees?))

2007-07-29, 08:04 PM
The disintegrator and infantry immediately fall back. The Scrin are clearly resorting to guerilla tactics.

((Me. :smalltongue: ))

The soldiers move into formation, and look around, keeping an eye on the motion trackers.

Mulligan: No movement, alien or otherwise. Just us

Emperor Ing
2007-07-29, 08:06 PM
:smallamused: Flush em out!
Rockets and Heavy Blasters, and the occasional Thermal Detonator are launched at the nearly destroyed buildings that they fall back into

2007-07-29, 08:08 PM
((Oh joy!))

"Very well, keep a eye open people."

Zabus then switches to a IR overlay on his HUD to try to pick up heat signals from any refugees.

2007-07-29, 08:09 PM
The buildings collapse...but the Scrin aren't there. The Scrin clearly used the cover to escape from sight.

((What's that supposed to mean? :smalltongue: ))

Suddenly, weaponsfire hits the area around the little group, coming from a nearby building that's mostly intact. Weaponsfire from BR-designed rifles.

Mulligan: *dives behind a rock*GET TO COVER! We got friendlies in that building! Someone try to signal 'em!

Emperor Ing
2007-07-29, 08:12 PM
Said outloud and over an open channel: If you think there's those things in, or behind something, they are. Flush em out.

Ser lands in the line Aw not these losers again! :smallannoyed:

2007-07-29, 08:13 PM
Zabus shoves himself to the side, and activates his external speakers and boosts them to max. Since the gunfire is already echoing through the debris, he sighs at the lost of stealth and decides to completely remove it from the equation.


2007-07-29, 08:16 PM
The weaponsfire ceases, and a man gets on the radio.

Soldier: Sorry! My fireteam's been locked up in this building since the Scrin dropped in force yesterday.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-29, 08:16 PM
((Deadtime :smalleek: ))

2007-07-29, 08:18 PM
Hearing the man on the radio, Zabus stands up and replies over the same radio channel, turning off his external speakers.

"That's okay. Are you able to get down from your location? We are trying to recover any refugees left behind."

2007-07-29, 08:20 PM
Soldier: Negative, we got aliens all around us! We shot at you because raiding parties pass by our building every hour or so, and you happened to come around right when they were due.

2007-07-29, 08:26 PM
"****. Stormtroopers, spread out by two's cover all entry points. We will probably have company. Jenkins, Mulligan, extra eye on those trackers. You two up there, I'm going to fire up grappling hook and secure it down here. Cover us until you are down, we are getting you out of there!"

Reaching to the small of his back, he pulls off a foot long cylinder. Aiming at the figure, he aims for some sturdy looking debris above him, and hits the first button. A grapple claw shoots out, attaching to a thick cable and stabs into the debris, and the unit beeps indicating a connection. He then hits the second button, and another grapple claw with cable attached shoots out the other end into the ground. A motor then comes to life, and the cable is drawn taught.

"Okay men, get on down!"

2007-07-29, 08:29 PM
Suddenly, the building is hit by a blast of energy from the air, and there is a scream of pain on the radio followed by static. The building collapses. If Zabus were to look where the blast came from, he'll see a Devestator Warship hovering nearby, which then hovers off.

Mulligan: Dammit. :smallmad:

2007-07-29, 08:31 PM
Zabus was watching when the explosion killed the survivors, and heard their screams. Watching the ship hover away, he rechecks his weapon.

"Son of a motherless-*****. Lets get the hell out of here men! Double-time before they get ground forces here!"

He then starts leading the way towards some buildings that look partially intact.

2007-07-29, 08:36 PM
Mulligan and Jenkins follow, but Jenkins stops and points something out.

Jenkins: There, sir! Over there! It's a tank! Looks like one of the treads is damaged, but it could provide shelter!

Turns out, it's actually Shabal's busted up Titan tank from earlier, partially melted treads and all.

2007-07-29, 08:36 PM
Turning and seeing the tank, Zabus points to it and adjusts his course towards it.

2007-07-29, 08:39 PM
Jenkins and Mulligan head for it, and Jenkins climbs into it.

Jenkins: Yeah, it can't move. The treads are definitely busted.

2007-07-29, 08:40 PM
"Can anything be salvaged from it? If not, leave it."

2007-07-29, 08:41 PM
Jenkins: Hmm...nothing, sorry.

He climbs out, and heads over to a nearby building.

Jenkins: I'm getting some life signs from this building over here, come on.

2007-07-29, 08:42 PM
Zabus follows and waves to the Stormtroopers to stand by and cover the building.

He then tries to scan the building with his IR sensors and see where the refugees are, if there are any actually there.

2007-07-29, 08:44 PM
There are seven human lifesigns inside the building, and their all huddled in corners.

2007-07-29, 08:45 PM
"We got survivors in here. I want 4 Stormtroopers to hold up the entrance, that will be where we direct survivors with one escort a piece. The rest of us will branch off and recover the survivors. Move out!"

Zabus runs forward at a sprint and enters the building and makes his way towards the survivors.

2007-07-29, 08:49 PM
The survivors quickly begin throwing various household items at him.

Mulligan: WAIT! Wait, wait, we're here to help you!

The survivors stop throwing things.

2007-07-29, 08:51 PM
"We are here to save you. Make your way to the entrance, we have that secured, and we will get you to Trog's very soon. Please hurry."

2007-07-29, 08:54 PM
The survivors move quickly, and hide behind the nice men with guns.

2007-07-29, 08:56 PM
Once all the survivors have been gathered, Zabus looks them over, and debates about hunting for more, but then decides that it would be best to get all of these out of the area quickly. He waves for the soldiers to move out in the same diamond formation, keeping the civilians in the middle, and he starts making his way to Trog's.

2007-07-29, 08:58 PM
The survivors and soldiers move back to Trog's.

Jenkins: Not seeing anything...

2007-07-29, 08:59 PM
((Well this is boring.))

I have a bad feeling about this......

2007-07-29, 09:03 PM
Jenkins: Wait a minute...we got contact-

A pair of disintegrators, and a few squads of infantry arrive from a nearby street, and spot the soldiers, shouting in the Scrin language.

2007-07-29, 09:07 PM
Zabus turns and opens first, full automatic with his Assault Rifle, firing rapid pulsed-plasma charges towards the closest enemies before diving for cover.

"STORMTROOPERS - Make you way to the Trog's. Jenkins, Mulligan, stay here and help me cover their retreat."

Zabus then opens fire, trying to herd the enemies away from the retreating civilians.

2007-07-29, 09:09 PM
Jenkins and Mulligan open fire, and the civilians run for Trog's. A few Scrin infantry go down.

2007-07-29, 09:12 PM
As per their orders, the Stormtroopers retreat towards Trog's, the on rear-guard firing a few shots to discourage pursuit.

Zabus meanwhile continues to fire, smoothly reloading his Assault Rifle with a fresh ammunition cartridge.

2007-07-29, 09:15 PM
The civilians make it to Trog's and hide.

Mulligan and Jenkins concentrate on trying to crack the Disintegrators' acid tanks. One of the Disintegrators' tanks crack, and it spills all over the infantry, who burn, scream, and die. The Disintegrator retreats, while the other one sprays Mulligan, who ends up dead.

Jenkins: DAMN! :smallfurious:

2007-07-29, 09:18 PM

Zabus then stands up, making himself a bigger target and moves forward, focusing his fire on those targeting Jenkins.

2007-07-29, 09:24 PM
Jenkins runs for it, firing snapshots back at the other Disintegrator.

2007-07-29, 09:26 PM
Seeing Jenkins run, Zabus fires again, and his weapon seizes.


Holstering it, he activates his left hand energy shield to try to block incoming shots, and with his right pulls out his Focused Plasma Pistol and fires at the Disintegrator with a 2 second focused plasma beam.

2007-07-29, 09:27 PM
The Disintegrator falls back, and can no longer be seen.

2007-07-29, 09:29 PM
Seeing that Jenkins is still not clear of the combat zone, Zabus fires his pistol again, sweeping it along the front line of soldiers, and then charges, holstering his Focused Plasma Pistol and activating his energy blade as he rushes rapidly forward.

2007-07-29, 09:32 PM
Jenkins makes it to Trog's, and the remaining Scrin pull back.

2007-07-29, 09:33 PM
Debating for a second, Zabus decides to follow the aliens to see where they go.

2007-07-29, 09:36 PM
The Scrin head for what appears to be a small base. Multiple odd towers surround the base, and inside, certain glowing structures can be seen clearly.

2007-07-29, 09:37 PM
Zabus takes cover in some debris and zooms in, trying to see what the aliens are up to, and if they have any prisoners.

2007-07-29, 09:40 PM
No prisoners in sight, but the aliens appear to be chatting to eachother. They almost act as if their off-duty.

2007-07-29, 09:46 PM
Zabus monitors the apparently off-duty aliens, and smiles sickly. He unslings his Assault Rifle and makes a slight adjustment, and pulls out a special round and loads it and configures the Rifle into Sniping mode.

Bringing it up, he zooms in on the middle of the group, then towards the alien with the most creatures around it. He then aims for its chest, and fires.

Instead of a plasma bolt, a solid projectile flies through the air, towards the alien. If it connects, it will explode with the force of a small nuclear explosion.

Sadly that was on the only nuclear bullet that Zabus had on him.

2007-07-29, 09:50 PM
The bullet hits, and explodes. Scrin bits go all over the place.

2007-07-29, 09:52 PM
Zabus breaks cover and runs for the base, his intention to search the buildings and find out plans of what the aliens plan on doing. His Rifle at the ready, reloaded with standard ammunition, he fires at any surviving alien.

2007-07-29, 09:54 PM
Suddenly, the odd towers around the base move and open fire with energy weapons.

2007-07-29, 09:55 PM
Zabus sees the energy towards open fire, and he starts twisting and turning, diving and rolling to avoid the weapons fire, and uses his energy shield to block the charges that hit.

2007-07-29, 09:57 PM
Scrin spill forth from the base, and open fire. Clearly, the bullet was not enough to wipe out all the Scrin.

2007-07-29, 10:02 PM

Running around, firing one-handed.

Red-rimmed view, things moving to slowly. The feeling of fighting hard against waves of enemies, of getting something, important, possibly.

Zabus shakes his head, and his brain starts to catch up, and determines the cause.


Wardrug was the wonder drug for infantry soldiers. It would remove sensations of pain, need for sleep, boost energy and response times to the point where things would seem to be in slow motion. However the side effects were nasty, and hence it was used only for the elite of the elite, those that needed to keep going no matter what.

Dimly he notices his armor is breeched, sections missing, his weapon empty. He tries to reload and fails, so he holsters his rifle and pulls out his focused Plasma Pistol, ignore the waves of pain, and fires at the Aliens as he fights in the combat zone, his brain running on autopilot.

2007-07-29, 10:05 PM
Scrin start dying like crazy, and return fire.

"Warning, Foreman. Enemy soldier outside Threshold 15 is apparently of Mastermind status. Advise designate enemy Mastermind priority target."

Affirmative, enemy Mastermind designated priority target.

2007-07-29, 10:12 PM
Slowly his mind clears a bit from the first onrush of the Wardrug.

He notices his left arm was shot through, but the servos have taken over movement, using nerve impulses meant for the arm to move it despite the broken bones and torn muscles.

Blocking various shots with his energy shield, he cuts open others with his energy blade and fires with the Focused Plasma Pistol until it too is out of ammunition.

2007-07-29, 10:15 PM
Suddenly, two whole Scrin air patrols are overhead: Four Devestator warships, and a dozen Stormrider fighters. They all begin firing at Zabus.

"Expect enemy Mastermind to be eliminated shortly, Foreman."


2007-07-29, 10:16 PM
Ten Guard Lightning fighters will launch a suicide attack in an attempt to buy Zarbus time to escape.

2007-07-29, 10:18 PM
Another half-dozen Stormriders nearby break formation and engage the Lightnings.

"Alert, Foreman. Enemy air patrol running interference action."

Damnable apes.

2007-07-29, 10:19 PM
The Lightnings will aim to cause as much chaos as possible, rather then actual damage. Two of them are Strike Lightnings and will cause chaos on the ground, kicking up a dirt-and-smoke screen in front of Zarbus.

2007-07-29, 10:20 PM
Looking up in the middle of the fight, Zabus sees the floating ships, and as they fire he leaps back, raising his shield....

Blinking rapidly, he finds himself running, fast, faster than normal.

His HUD is flashing, but the only thing he makes out is the following:


His hand is empty, and he flees, literally ramming through small buildings in an attempt to get cover and make his way towards Trog's, the need for escape.

2007-07-29, 10:23 PM
The Stormriders going after Zabus break off their pursuit and attack the lightnings.

"Foreman, enemy Mastermind has retreated. The Mastermind is acting irrationally. Possibly primitive combat drug overdose, or delusion from blood loss."

I want it DEAD.

The Devestators continue going after Zabus.

2007-07-29, 10:24 PM
The Lightnings will intentionally ram the Devastators, as many are necessary to bring them down. All of the Lightning's munitions will detonate on impact.

2007-07-29, 10:26 PM
The Devestators all go down. Sadly, this results in most of the lightnings going down as well.

2007-07-29, 10:28 PM
Taking advantage of the sacrifice of those providing cover, Zabus manages to make his way towards Trog's.

2007-07-29, 10:28 PM
The remaining Lightnings will continue to raise hell until Zarbus gets away, or they all die.
((Deadtime, use my last post as a guidance for their actions.))

2007-07-29, 10:29 PM
Both of the conditions occur. :smalltongue:

"Foreman, enemy Mastermind has escaped."

NO! :smallfurious:

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 04:39 AM
The GE forces undeadtime
Sir, we have confirmed about 18 bases in the area, with multiple smaller outposts, and one very large base. It must be important
About time we got some intelligence! Ok, TIE interceptors, gets give our boys a good air of superiority!
Sir, hold that order. The AT-ATs are in firing range of one of their bases!
Well what are they waiting for? Tell them to rain hell!! And we cant have the AT-ATs picked off by enemy air units, give them air superiority!!

One of the scrin bases (probably not the main one :smallwink:) is under fire from AT-AT fire, and the TIE Interceptors have taken off, few to help defend the AT-ATs and the rest to kill the enemy fighters

2007-07-30, 05:29 AM
Tral wanders into the area, looking around

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 05:40 AM
Stormtrooper: Civilian, this is a danger zone. It is advised that you leave the area immediately.

2007-07-30, 07:08 AM
Advise me if you wish but know that i am the best of the kriken elite, i have proved my sniping prowess before, and i can do it again...

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 07:36 AM
:smallamused: really? I'm certain we would need all the help we can get!

Off in a different part of the warzone, the cloaked man has a visual on one of the smaller scrin bases, and has plans to covertly infiltrate, incapacitate, and destroy the base. He is currently inside a ruined building near it.

2007-07-30, 07:39 AM
Tral wanders into a building as a nearby patrol passes, he finds a good vantage point and fires his imperialist at them

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 07:43 AM
Pik wanders the battlefield, trying to be stealthy, but not very subtle. A patrol comes towards him, and he force blasts them towards a wall. ((should injure them badly))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 08:10 AM
((:smallfurious: Deadtime))

2007-07-30, 10:43 AM
martini sneaks past knocking away stray projectiles with his lightsabre ((THATS ORANGE NOT RED!!))

2007-07-30, 12:08 PM
The Scrin step up patrols, occasionally find civilians, whom they shoot.

The patrols now include twice as many infantry and walkers, and a Devourer tank.

2007-07-30, 12:18 PM
Tral begins firing his imperialist at any patrols that come into view, no matter how far away they are... he's that good a sniper

2007-07-30, 12:19 PM
The Guard increase patrol activity as well, now including up to forty Stormtroopers, with three Sentinels and a Leman Russ. Patter varies. Any civilians found are rushed back to Guard lines. Presumably, the GE and BR put out patrols as well.

2007-07-30, 12:24 PM
All BR forces are currently scattered throughout the warzone, pinned down, or in hiding. Reinforcements have yet to arrive.

Scrin air patrols now all include a Planetary Assault Carrier, and two additional Stormriders.

2007-07-30, 12:26 PM
Sveveral NPC's walks out of Trog's and head for a non-descipt buildng in the Slums. If Scrin are vulnerable to magical diseases, it is very likely that several of them join the crowd.

2007-07-30, 12:27 PM
:smalltongue: Sadly, the Scrin are not.

2007-07-30, 12:37 PM
Tral decides to find a view of a more scrin populated area, such as a small base, once there he begins firing on the scrin from a good distance

2007-07-30, 12:38 PM
More NPC's follow the first batch. This time, however, they pass through the ranks of BR and IG. Same deal.

2007-07-30, 12:39 PM
Two children, dressed in clothes which can only be described as shreds of white cloth, wander out past the alleyway of the Tavern into the war zone. One of them seems to be about ten years old, and the other only five. They look around at the Scrin questioningly as they walk towards their infantry.
Meanwhile, a woman clutching two loaves of bread runs from the Tavern into the alleyway the children were in.
Their interest is captivated suddenly by the NPCs, and they watch them from a distance.

2007-07-30, 12:40 PM
((:smallannoyed: Bookboy,what are you doing?))

A few Scrin infantry notice the kids, and the woman, and shoot at them. Missing, of course, but they shoot.

A few nearby BR soldiers open fire on the Scrin, and they die.

2007-07-30, 12:42 PM
The woman isn't near the kids. She's in an alleyway about thirty yards away.
The kids scream and flinch away at the sound of gunfire, laser blasts zipping past them.

2007-07-30, 12:42 PM
(It's part of my new character. He's a living spell, only he's a Montrous Thrall-like diease. Highly contagious, and he eats souls. That's why three people have dropped dead in Trog's.)

2007-07-30, 12:43 PM
One of the soldiers runs up to the kids, and tries to talk to them calmly.

Soldier: It's ok, kids. It's ok. What are you two doing out here? It's too dangerous for kids. :smallannoyed:

((Ah. Ok, well, just try not to bring the entire war to a stop.))

The soldiers infected drop their weapons and follow, and more show up to replace them.

2007-07-30, 12:44 PM
Tral walks back towards the tavern, attempting to pick off any scrin in his way

2007-07-30, 12:46 PM
The soldier scares the kids thoroughly. Not because of his tone of voice, but because he's talking to them and carrying weapons.
Halfway through the soldier's sentence, they run off in the opposite direction.

2007-07-30, 12:48 PM
A pair of Scrin disintegrators happen to be in that way, and they spit acid at the kids, but miss.

Soldier: Tanker! Kill them, kill them fast!

A nearby tank shoots both of the disintegrators, and they drop dead. The soldier catches up to the kids.

Soldier: It's ok, kids, I'm a friend. Look.

The soldier puts his rifle down, and puts his hands in the air.

2007-07-30, 12:51 PM
The kids, scared silly, faint out of a combination of fear and deadtime.
The woman in the alley collapses with her head in her hands.

2007-07-30, 12:52 PM
((Aw. :smallamused: ))

2007-07-30, 12:53 PM
Tral decides to travel in his Tri-skellion form ((kinda wierd, see the sprites from the bottom rows of this : http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/Litoj/Tracespritesheet.png)) to speed things up, occasionaly stopping, then lunging at passing Scrin

((Kriken have an intresting item, they go almost invisible when not moving, you hafta look REALLY carefully, to see them when they are not moving))

2007-07-30, 12:56 PM
Scrin appear to have vacated the area, and pulled back for now.

The soldier calls for a medic and tries to get the unconcious/deadtimed kids to Trog's.

((If that's ok with Shabal, of course. ))

2007-07-30, 01:03 PM
((It's fine, go ahead and do whatever you want with them.))

2007-07-30, 01:03 PM
The soldiers get the kids to Trog's, safe and sound. No sign of their parents, though...:smalltongue:

2007-07-30, 01:06 PM
Just as the kids are escorted into Trog's, the woman hears them and runs down the alley into the warzone. She looks around desperately for them, scanning the area.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 01:08 PM
((undeadtime, and blackout? What about AT-AT fire on one of your bases, and my deployed TIE interceptors?))

2007-07-30, 01:08 PM
A couple of soldiers spot the woman and run over, hands in the air. They put their rifles on the ground.

Soldier: Ma'am, it's ok. Listen, we can take you someplace where you'll be safe. Alright?

The TIE interceptors meet alot of Scrin AA batteries.

The AT-ATs get mauled by Devestator warships.

((Hey YOU try waging war on multiple fronts. :smalltongue: ))

2007-07-30, 01:09 PM
To match the stronger Scrin patrols, the Guard does not increase the strength of theirs, but rather, doubles them. So there are now twice as many CAPs over Guard lines.
"Hey you, white-armor boys! We need more troops here, you got any more?"
Raneus roady-runs from the Station towards the nearest Guard troops.
Whoever you guys are, keep your forces back!

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 01:13 PM
((the AT-ATs are a mile outside of the battlefield, and are guarded by TIE Interceptors))

The TIEs are attempting to dodge enemy AA fire, and return with heavy fire on the batteries, but are suffering casualties

The GE line deploys several IFT-Ts, escorted by many stormtroopers, and 2 AT-STs.

2007-07-30, 01:14 PM
White-armor boys, KEEP YOUR TROOPS BACK! Their defenses are too strong at this point in the battle!

2007-07-30, 01:14 PM
They are met with multiple Gun Walkers, and Seeker tanks, which are outfitted with AA batteries. They open fire on the AT-ATs and TIE interceptors.

2007-07-30, 01:15 PM
The woman looks terrified and angry at the very sight of the soldiers, considering she really didn't have a helpful experience with them the first time around, and she backs up away from them, preparing to run.

2007-07-30, 01:16 PM
One of the soldiers digs out some food.

Soldier: Ma'am, you clearly look hungry. We have plenty of food.

2007-07-30, 01:22 PM
The woman looks between the food and the soldiers, unsure of whether to trust them or not. She looks enticed by the food, but takes another stepback, almost like a warning that she'll make a break for it.
((Deadtime in five minutes.))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 01:23 PM
((STUPID HOTKEYS!!! :smallfurious: ))
I believe so.
The tanks and troops stop, they didnt move up too far
I mean we could just get the Steel Fang to blow this place to oblivion, but its too costly

The TIEs try to keep out of range of the AAs, while the AT-ATs focus some fire on them, but several TIEs did go down.

2007-07-30, 01:23 PM
The soldiers hold the food out to her. With their weapons on the ground, they clearly don't look hostile.

Soldier: Come on. It's ok.

He motions for her to follow him.

2007-07-30, 01:27 PM
You guys, whoever you are, FALL BACK TO THE MAIN LINE!

2007-07-30, 01:27 PM
The woman takes the food suspicously, pausing to look at it, and then she slowly follows the man. Into the Tavern, I assume.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 01:28 PM
Oh, and by the way, shall I connect you to General Serperetteit?

2007-07-30, 01:29 PM
Soldier: Sir, we're on a sweep of the warzone to rescue civilians, we'll be alright.

The soldiers head into Trog's.

2007-07-30, 01:31 PM
I was talking to the white-armored idiots. And yes, connect me.

2007-07-30, 01:31 PM
The woman deadtimes as she goes inside.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 01:35 PM
rring rring, rring riing, rri..Hello?

AT-ATs continue their advancement, showing no mercy towards the AA guns, but 1 AT-AT was destroyed and 2 TIES got a little too close to an AA battery.

2007-07-30, 01:36 PM
First of all, land more troops, vehicles especially. Second of all, pull your men back! We need to wear them down, their defenses are too strong for an all-out assualt.
((Randomizer, feel free to land more tanks, the Scrin and I have like 500 each.))

2007-07-30, 01:37 PM
A dozen Tripod Walkers march up and start shooting the AT-ATs.

The AA batteries resume fire at the TIE interceptors.

((Pull your troops back, please. :smalltongue: ))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 01:42 PM
Well that *is* our strategy! Is it not obvious? Theyre attacking from the flank, so they will draw their tanks and stuff to defend the flank, then we can go for an asault. I got 50 AT-ATs over there, and only 10 of them are actually attacking. hell we have a cloaked star destroyer up there bringing stuff down! But if you want more, ill mobilize a division of AT-STs and troops to you.

The tripod walkers manage to destroy 2, but come under heavy fire from a large line of other AT-ATs even further back

2007-07-30, 01:47 PM
Devestator warships and Planetary Assault Carriers begin pounding the AT-ATs, and the TIE interceptors are engaged by Stormriders.

2007-07-30, 01:48 PM
Dozens of Guard Lightnings and Thunderbolts fly to their assistance. Hydra AA batteries roll up as well.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 01:52 PM
TIEs, lend your buddies at the party some assistance
Many TIE Interceptors and a couple of TIE bombers take off and fly away

The TIE Ints start dogfighting the stormriders, and the front line of the AT-ATs continue to focus fire on the enemy AA batteries, while the 2nd line continues to provide cover fire for the front line

2007-07-30, 01:53 PM
The Lightnings and Thunderbolts suddenly come under attack by more PACs(planetary assault carriers), and the AA batteries find themselves mobbed by Scrin Shock Troopers.

2007-07-30, 01:55 PM
Unfortunately for the Shock Troops, Hydras excel at clearing out masses of infantry. The four barrels on each one lower. The drivers grin.
They all simultaneously open fire, carving a swath of destruction through the Scrin.
((Wait, where exactly is this battle taking place?))
The Guard fighters mob one PAC at a time, using focused fire to bring it down quickly.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 01:56 PM
The planetary assault carriers find themselves being under heavy fire from the heavy blasters and the proton bombs of the TIE bombers

((This is a mile outside of Town))

2007-07-30, 01:57 PM
((Somewhere not too far from Trog's, but far from the line and any Scrin camps.))

Unfortunately for the drivers, Shock Troopers are expendable, and deployed in mass-numbers. Oh, and did I mention the Disintegrators coming in?

The Carriers begin deploying massive numbers of smaller interceptors. Not Stormriders or Devestators, but definitely a new type of craft. The smaller craft focus on the bombers and interceptors. Meanwhile, Scrin AA batteries and Seeker tanks aim for IG Lightnings and Thunderbolts.

2007-07-30, 01:59 PM
Regardless, the Scrin infantry should be absolutely ripped to shreds by the numerous, rapidfiring Hydras. A Baneblade rolls up after them, and engages the disintegrators.

2007-07-30, 02:00 PM
Several wings' worth of Devestator warships open fire on the Baneblade and Hydras, intent on taking out all of the IG's armored support.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 02:01 PM
AT-AT driver:
Colonel, theyve got infantry, lots of em. shall I deploy the big suprise?
Deploy the big suprise!
All the AT-ATs have many stormtroopers coming from them, equipped with magnetic shielding and heavy repeating blasters (think miniguns), jumping down from zip lines from the bottom ((AT-AT stands for All-terrain Armored Transport :smallwink: :smallbiggrin:

The TIE reinforcements roll in, LOTS of TIE interceptors open fire on the scrin craft, and the bombers drop their payloads on the scrin vehicles

2007-07-30, 02:01 PM
A thunderhawk transport ship sweeps low over the warzone. It's heading for the main imperial guard camp. It also has two vehicles under it. One looks like a standard pattern razorback. The other is a whirlwind.

2007-07-30, 02:03 PM
((:smallannoyed: I know, I've played Empire at War.))

"Foreman, enemy forces are growing dangerously large. Recommend use of the Rift Generator."

Recommendation considered and dismissed. Pull the troops back.

"Understood, Foreman. Relaying questionable objectives to forces on the ground."

A large wormhole opens, and the ground troops fall back through it. Stormriders and Devestators fly away. Smaller interceptors dock with their carriers, which follow shortly.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 02:06 PM
Uhh, what am I looking at?
Who cares? Just shoot at it!
the imperial craft fire at the retreating craft and shoot into the wormhole

2007-07-30, 02:07 PM
Imp commander, pull those ships back!
The Guard forces retreat back to the line.

2007-07-30, 02:07 PM
The shots appear to do nothing. A few Stormriders get hit, but do not go down. The wormhole closes when the remaining Scrin troops have retreated.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 02:09 PM
You know something about that thing that we dont! Colonel assw*pe, pull the ships back
All ships pull back!
TIE fighters and bombers start to retreat from the wormhole

2007-07-30, 02:15 PM
((Don't you mean "Major *******?:smalltongue:))

2007-07-30, 02:17 PM
((Roflroflroflrofl u us hax lololololololol. Oh, and people, expect an appearance VERY soon by the 1337th Leet Assault Regiment. It's gonna be FUN-FREAKING-NY.))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 02:17 PM
((*smacks head* yes i do! :smalltongue: oh, and uh examine the name of my stormtrooper town char. ))

2007-07-30, 02:19 PM
((Dude, your gonna be dealing with an entire regiment of leet-speakers who somehow find it funny that they die. You phail.))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 02:21 PM
((so? all my town chars are fluent L33Tspeakers :smalltongue: ))

2007-07-30, 02:22 PM
((God, I can't wait for that.))
Oddly enough, Raneus appears to be grinning, exhilirated.
"Emperor, I miss this."
For no apparent reason, "Glory Days" starts playing on various loudspeakers in the area.

2007-07-30, 02:28 PM
The thunderhawk transport reaches the guard camp. It slows, landing smoothly in an open area. The razorback and whirlwind release from the docking clamps, dropping a few feet to the ground. The engines start up, black smoke belching from the four exhaust pipes on the vehicles sides.

2007-07-30, 02:29 PM
((Soldier: *walks up to a random Imperial Guardsman* R U teh new skin?

Guardsman: :smallconfused: What?

Soldier: LOL STFU NOOB! *walks over to Destro's fancy new Space Marine* Lol how u get so big? U us hax?))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 02:29 PM
What the hell is that?
Uhh, General? I think you should tell our friend about the party.
Oh, right. General whatsyourface, (Raneus) we have a slight problem we might need your help with.

2007-07-30, 02:30 PM
Raneus crouches, and sprints over to the Marine captain.
"Colonel Raneus, acting commander of all Imperial Guard and Navy forces in the Town. The Emperor graces us by sending you. As you can see, we've got a war going on here."
((Randomizer, all the Scrin forces fell back away from the AT-ATs via wormhole. Pull them back.))
Raneus gestures out over the smoky, crater-filled landscape. Wrecked tanks and dead infantry are everywhere.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 02:35 PM
Hmm, I suppose this could wait, say ah, after this battle?
((the AT-ATs were to attack the warzone from the side, so they should continue on their way into the warzone))

2007-07-30, 02:37 PM
Raneus, I'm coming down. :smallannoyed: It's obvious these Empire guys don't know what the **** their doing.

2007-07-30, 02:38 PM
((Marine: i r mod! give me all ur stuff or i ban u OMG!))

The Librarian turns around as the rest of his squad disembarks from the razorback. Thank you Colonel. I would be most appreciative if you could appraise me of our situation. What sort of xenos they are, for starters.

The whirlwind rolls over to one side, it's multiple missile launcher aimed quite firmly in the direction of the area outside the main gate.

2007-07-30, 02:39 PM
((Don't you mean "Major *******?:smalltongue:))

(Spaceballs was the funniest movie I've ever seen. Well, top 10. "I knew it. I'm surrounded by ********.")

Boltlox and Shimmerlox appear. Shimmerlox starts firing blasts of pure light, while Boltlox fires blasts of pure lightning.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 02:40 PM
I heard that! We know what were doing. Do I have to come down here personally just to sort it all out?

2007-07-30, 02:40 PM
"They're unlike anything we have encountered before. They use large numbers of relatively high-tech weapons such as lasers. Their strongest vehicle is a large tripod walker with multiple laser mounts. They also utilize aircraft and large numbers of infantry. We eliminated their fleet presence, so everything was forced to land here. Emperor, I love this."

Alright, Nukular.

They will immediately be swarmed by over 2500 Air Superiority Fighters. Scores of Hydra AA batteries turn and fire at them. (the corolox, or whatever they are.)

2007-07-30, 02:41 PM
nine of the corolox appear

ah the open air, so easy to chill

Thaw, remember that space is colder...

let's stop fighting each other and fight this lot...

Coronox begins firing fireballs at the scrin, Volox fires voidballs, Terralox fires boulders, the others focus thier attention on the other side

2007-07-30, 02:42 PM
Literally thousands of guns, missile launchers, and heavy weapons turn to them and open fire.

2007-07-30, 02:42 PM
((:smallannoyed: Joy of joys.))

The Scrin retreat.

2007-07-30, 02:44 PM
((They are screwed. They're fighting thousands and thousands of tanks and troops. They're way out of their element here.))
Hundreds of fighters vector in to engage them. (the corolox.)
((I was firing at the corolox, blackout, in case you were confused.)

2007-07-30, 02:44 PM
Litterally thousands of ---lons forms, and take the weapons, while others make a charge at the empire frces ((assuming thats what they're called))

Just like back home on coros...

Coronox makes a charge towards the Scrin forces, and begins erupting fire pillars around them

((true, they are going to be beaten here probably, but remember, they are also attacking the scrin, they're of SOME use, besides, thier last resort involves having to be fought in a place designed for them))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 02:45 PM
Hmm, sounds like us, except our strongest vehicle is more of a quadruped. But still, thats not a good strategic idea. Theres something called *flanking*. Ever heard of it?

2007-07-30, 02:46 PM
----lons fail in their attempt to take the weapons. Since the weapons are being held by soldiers, who fire them at them. Baneblade superheavy tanks move forward, shooting up ----lons while crushing them under their treads. Hundreds of other vehicles engage the ----lons.
Raneus draws his power sword, and runs towards the nearest one, motioning for the Marines to follow.
((They're going to be slaughtered here unless they escape.))
By now, over 750 fighters should be engaging the Corolox above the Guard lines. More are en route. Raneus grins in satisfaction.
"That bastard's gonna get it this time."

2007-07-30, 02:46 PM
Shimmerlox and Boltlox disappear, and reappear behind the IG forces, then return to firing on the rear.

2007-07-30, 02:47 PM
They will be engaged by 75 Lightning Air Superiority Fighters.
A dozen Hydra AA batteries open fire at them as well, as do several SAM vehicles.

2007-07-30, 02:47 PM
((If you guys want to wreak havoc, do it somewhere other than the warzone, please. :smallannoyed: ))

The Scrin return fire, from cover.

2007-07-30, 02:49 PM
By now, the total of Guard fighters over the IG lines has risen to 1500. And still growing.

2007-07-30, 02:49 PM
((by take the weapons i meant break them, damage them etc))

Thawlox begins attempting to freeze some soldiers, while Aqualox and Terralox begins making the ground near impossible for tanks to move in, by turning most of the ground into thick, deep mud

2007-07-30, 02:49 PM
Shimmerlox summons a blast of light equivalent to a supernova in each cockpit. Boltlox keeps firing.

2007-07-30, 02:49 PM
I see. The whirlwind will be useful then. The librarian looks over at the small tank, smiling. What is your plan of action? Ours is simple. We charge things. What we charge dies.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 02:50 PM
flush em out!
AT-ATs fire on their cover

2007-07-30, 02:50 PM
The IG's player objects on the grounds that that would be something Coronox could do at the height of his power, and they're supposed to be much weaker now that they're all here. He also points out that they have suffered no ill effects from the ~150 missiles that are flying at them.
"Kill as many of these ground xenos as possible."
The ----lons on the ground should be slaughtered by the full might of the Imperial Guard ground forces.
Disregard the aliens, engage these new arrivals, Imperial forces!

2007-07-30, 02:52 PM
(You're attacking something made of light. It doesn't have a physical body to cause the missles to blow. And Bolt is made of electricity.)

2007-07-30, 02:52 PM
((Ok, Randomizer, the Scrin pulled back, and are shooting at the Corolox things. Guys, if you want to cause trouble, do it away from the warzone. Go to the streets, cause trouble there.))

Nukular's Phantom lands, next to the Whirlwind tank. He steps out, full-armored and ready to roll.

2007-07-30, 02:53 PM
(This covers Trog's. We can't even get a drink without coming here.)

2007-07-30, 02:54 PM
The ---Lons are acting as shields to block most of the weapon fire, rockets Etc, and the pillars of fire are only temporary, designed to catch some scrin, then recede ((and he's doing them individually, at his height power he could summon several at once))

Coronox looks around

somehow i think they don't want us here

of couse they don't, we're attacking

perhaps we could destroy other things, they seem to have dug in pretty well already

and theres the fact we are surrounded...


Volox sends a telepathic message to shimmer and bolt

think we should leave these guys for now? the general opinion is that we're out positioned here, surrounded on both sides mainly

2007-07-30, 02:54 PM
(You're attacking something made of light. It doesn't have a physical body to cause the missles to blow. And Bolt is made of electricity.)
((Metakirb, they have to be physical. Otherwise, it's unfair. Also, just teleport to Trog's, you can easily do it.))
No matter how good the ----lons are at being shields, they won't be able to block the massive amounts of AA fire rising up.

2007-07-30, 02:55 PM
((:smallannoyed: Trog's was supposed to be a safehouse for refugees caught in the warzone. Doesn't mean you have to come in with nigh-invincible uber-characters and wreck both sides up to the point where they can't fight anymore.))

"Foreman, unidentified entities appear to be hostile to enemy forces."

What? :smallconfused: Interesting...the Overlord will be intrigued.

2007-07-30, 02:55 PM
((And metakirb promised they'd all go down in strength if they were all here.:smallannoyed: I repeat, they have to be physical, or it's unfair.))

2007-07-30, 02:56 PM
A sound plan. Emperor protects. The librarian begins walking towards the fighting, five other marines falling into formation behind him. They all carry close quarter weapons. Plasma pistols, power fists, power swords... Tower shields, rounded at the top, are strapped to their arms. One of them is carrying a large standard, and the librarian's own personal standard unfurls as he walks.

2007-07-30, 02:58 PM
((okay, physicalify them, but remember, when some of them are gone, they regain the none solidness))

2007-07-30, 03:00 PM
(Boltlox, OK, Shimmerlox, no. I'm not going to explain when someone asks how light got solidified.)

Boltlox gets bored, and blasts out. Shimmerlox goes in front of the sun, making him completely invisible. Then he deadtimes.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 03:00 PM
The AT-ATs escorted by circling TIEs continue moving towards the warzone

2007-07-30, 03:02 PM
Dammit! Imperials, FALL BACK! That's an order! :smallmad:

This almost feels good. :smallamused: Back on the battlefield, back in my actual field armor, bringing the old army back...Gods, I missed this.

2007-07-30, 03:02 PM
((well, he's still damageable by magic...))

Most of the corolox dissapear to wreak havock somewhere else, coronox stays however, but he just sits and a roof and watches, most of the ---lons dissapear, apart from a few flasmlons, who samper about up to coronox

2007-07-30, 03:04 PM
If Raneus sees Coronox, the entire fury of the Imperial Guard will be turned against him.
((Then whenever they attack, there will psykers here.))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 03:07 PM
The AT-ATs stop, and the circles of TIEs dont move
:smallannoyed: Ok, someone better tell me *your* strategy, or ill laser this place from orbit.

2007-07-30, 03:07 PM
Still in the planning stages, but if you go any further, you will regret it! I can assure you of this much!

2007-07-30, 03:08 PM
The librarian spins around, seeing as his chosen target has disappeared. He sees Coronox. And he sees Nukular. I do believe I'll enjoy seeing this explained.

((v: You saw nothing. NOTHING.))
((vv: You too))

2007-07-30, 03:10 PM

:smallannoyed: Joy. One of the tin-plated zealots is already down here.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 03:11 PM
"still in the planning stages"?! You mean you havent come up with a strategy yet?!
((Aier is nowere near the warzone))

2007-07-30, 03:11 PM
((...Wow, this is an awkward moment.:smalltongue:))
Nukular, you need to calm down, acting like that is going to get your head blown off.
to Aier,
You're the only commander who isn't putting your ass on the line down here, so shut up.

2007-07-30, 03:13 PM
:smallsmile: And my troops have standing orders to glass the planet if I'm killed. SO, we're all happy now, right? And yes, Imperial, still in the planning stages. The aliens caught us with our metaphorical pants down, so we're still trying to regroup and put together an effective counterattack.

2007-07-30, 03:14 PM
Nukular, you don't have any troops left. And my fleet would stop them before you could do that.

2007-07-30, 03:15 PM
Yeah, I do. Their on the way as I speak. :smallamused:

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 03:16 PM
Hmm, so maybe I shold come down then? So we can meet face to face? Captain cracker, prepare my ship.

2007-07-30, 03:18 PM
Speak of the devil, my ships just jumped into the system, their being brought up to speed on what's been going on. :smallsmile:

2007-07-30, 03:19 PM
Colonel Raneus... The librarian and his five friends walk over to where Raneus is standing. I would like you to tell me why there is a Tau battlesuit in this camp.

2007-07-30, 03:20 PM
Ah, yes, I'm the one who found the term Xenos offensive. :smallannoyed: General Nukular of the Blackout Raiders. And you are...?

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 03:23 PM
You hear in the background, the sound of an imperial shuttle taking off and flying

2007-07-30, 03:25 PM
Akil. Golden Hawks Chief Librarian. He doesn't extend his hand or anything. Marines don't do handshakes.

2007-07-30, 03:28 PM
Nukular doesn't either. The atmosphere is apparently very tense.

....So, what brings your little zealot-I mean marine chapter to this neck of the woods?

It's pretty obvious that Nukular is trying to keep himself under control.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 03:31 PM
An imperial shuttle lands, and several stormtroopers, and General Aier steps out, and looks around

2007-07-30, 03:34 PM
Raneus steps between them, in an attempt to defuse the tension.
"Well, I believe we all have a common goal in getting them"-points at Scrin lines-"out of here. Let's get to it."

2007-07-30, 03:34 PM
Akil steps back to allow Raneus in between them. Miscalculated warp jump. It's a rather lucky thing it wasn't off by much. And you're rather lucky I'm not Runihura. The Librarian has managed to keep himself under control thus far, but the veteran sergeant in particular looks somewhat angry. Course, that could be the helmet...

2007-07-30, 03:35 PM
Coronox looks over, petting a Flamlon like a cat

tension over there wouldn't you say?


three of them, it appears our good general, and the newer ones don't have much in common...


no, you can eat them later, for now, we watch


normally yes, we would send the manders for this, but this isn't a normal occasion, our bretheren are back...

2007-07-30, 03:35 PM
"Actually, there's some kind of warp anamoly in the system. It's probably what landed you here."
Twenty Basilisks elevate their barrels and utterly demolish the building Coronox is sitting on.

2007-07-30, 03:36 PM
Well, keep your troops to the rear of the lines, marine. :smallannoyed: We don't need any suicidal attacks on the alien's front lines. Thank the gods for Raneus' prescence, instead of some idiotic holier-than-thou fanatic general.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 03:36 PM
Happy now?

2007-07-30, 03:38 PM
"Nukular, contrary to what you may seem to think, Marines are good tacticians. Does the Greater Good cloud Tau minds enough that they launch suicide attacks?"
((TR, you can talk normally now.))
"Yeah. Your men are risking their lives for you, you should be down here with them."

2007-07-30, 03:39 PM
No. And, Raneus, I am going to say this once. Don't EVER say anything about the Greater Good to me. :smallfurious: Ever. The Greater Good means nothing. It's a load of crap. Am I clear?

2007-07-30, 03:40 PM
Coronox lands with a bump, the flamlons land on him

Hey! that was uncalled for, i was just talking to my pets here!

A fireball is fired towards a bassilisk

2007-07-30, 03:40 PM
"To you, of course. But to regular Tau, it's everything. And yet, they seem to be pretty sound tacticians. We're not helping anyone by fighting with eachother, Nukular. Let's just calm down."
He does seem to be a bit uneasy around the Marines, though, as is typical.
Sadly for Coronox, the effective range of an Earthshaker cannon is greater then that of a fireball, and it has no effect. It's doused with water before it lands anywhere anyways.

2007-07-30, 03:43 PM
We're Golden Hawks. Akil scowls. We don't stay in the back. We fight up front.

2007-07-30, 03:44 PM
well, i look forward to when you recieve the full invitation to Coros Temple, That will not be an easy fight...

The Flamlons nudge against him

a kill? very well.

Coronox and the three flamlons vanish

2007-07-30, 03:44 PM
"No offense, sir, but what we have going on is more Guard warfare then Marine. You don't have enough Marines to storm the enemy. May I humbly suggest you tour the lines with the Marines? It should boost morale enormously."

2007-07-30, 03:44 PM
:smallannoyed: You will stay in the back until it is deemed neccessary for your troops to be called up. Raneus, gather up all of the commanding officers for the allied forces, we need an emergency Class-9 briefing, now.

2007-07-30, 03:45 PM
"That includes the Librarian here. Follow me. Aier, you too. And Nukular, you gotta admit, them touring the front lines will really boost morale, at least Guard morale."
((G-14 classified, right?:smalltongue: I love Rush Hour.))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 03:46 PM
Thats General Aier. :smallannoyed:
Aier follows Raneus

2007-07-30, 03:46 PM

2007-07-30, 03:47 PM
((Never even saw it. :smallfrown: ))

:smallannoyed: It would also lower morale of my own men, because they would most likely end up thinking that their going to be taking orders from a bunch of psycho-zealots. They can tour the lines if they want, but I'm telling you, this is a bad idea.

2007-07-30, 03:49 PM
I don't like it Raneus. Not since Artemis have we fought in back. But if there as many of them as you say, then you're correct. Not even I can win outnumbered three hundred to one. Akil gestures to the sergeant, who nods. Right away, Brother. He and the rest of the command squad head for the main guard force.

Akil falls into step behind Raneus. I'll ignore the Psycho Zealot comment if you refrain from thinking you can order me around.

2007-07-30, 03:49 PM
"Nukular, you don't have any men on the ground. Regardless, I would appreciate it if you could tour the Guard lines, at the very least. And yes, you are a commander."

2007-07-30, 03:51 PM
Yes, I do! Out there, in the warzone. Scattered, yes, but still, their fighting. When you said 'alien invasion', I figured it'd be easy, so I sent in one battalion. Well, now we all see how well that turned out. The fleet just arrived in orbit, by the way.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 03:53 PM
All right, lets see what we got here.

2007-07-30, 03:58 PM
Men? One company. We have very few vehicles though. Some transports, a handful of speeders, and a land raider or two.

2007-07-30, 04:00 PM
Alright, how many men in the company? 300? :smallconfused: I got about...120,000 coming in, maybe more. Not counting fighter pilots and vehicle crews.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-07-30, 04:02 PM
"...And me" Rex enters, he's holding two Berettas.

2007-07-30, 04:03 PM
:smallannoyed: Hey, look, it's a civilian. Let's kick him back towards the safe half of town.

2007-07-30, 04:03 PM
"Nukular's have to leave after this is over, though, 'cause he let himself get strong-armed by an ******* of a wizard. I have several regiments on-surface, with more in transit, along with a single Warhound Titan."

"Rex, you're way out of your league. Get out of here, you can't possibly help."

2007-07-30, 04:04 PM
:smallmad: Actually, after this, I'm just bringing in the whole damn army and landing, setting up shop again. **** Draken and his damn nullblasts.

2007-07-30, 04:06 PM
100. Vehicle crew and technical staff not included. But I can guarantee you that each one of my Marines is worth thousands of Enemies.

2007-07-30, 04:06 PM
"About time somebody else stood up to him. And Rex, this kind of warfare is determined by how many bodies you throw at the enemy, not how skilled you are. Go police the Tavern, there's been some deaths there recently."

2007-07-30, 04:08 PM
Well, in that case, they need to hang back even more. We could use their...fanaticism for more effective attacks later.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-30, 04:08 PM
Thats imperial guard warfare. We do warfare by doing whatever it takes to complete our objective.

2007-07-30, 04:09 PM
"Nukular, a single Marine is like having fifty Guardsmen. Rex by himself, on the other hand, isn't nearly as well-protected, or well-versed in this type of warfare, but the Marines are."