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View Full Version : 101 quick descriptive bits for NPCs made on the fly

Ken Murikumo
2017-04-17, 07:21 PM
I primarily DM in my group and more often than not, i have to generate an unplanned NPC ad hoc. I don't like having a nondescript male or female NPC interacting with the party and try to add some small detail to the character, because they usually end up becoming more important than planned. Some of these can even become sub-plots, or plot-hooks for the party. & with the flood of 101 this and that threads, i figured i'd jump on board.

So here's a few of mine:

1) has a distinguishing scar
2) is missing a limb or smaller appendage
3) has a thick accent that is not common to the race (an elf, that when speaking common, uses dwarven vocal mannerisms)
4) is fake (an effigy or illusion of some kind)
5) is mute and uses drow hand signs to speak and plays a small wind instrument (piccolo or ocarina) to cast spells with verbal components
6) is wearing a piece of jewelry that has a royal crest on it.
7) isn't the race or sex the party was lead to believe.
8) is stupidly attractive but has a repulsive or vapid personality, or the exact opposite

2017-04-17, 07:40 PM
9) has a food allergy
10) has been temporarily polymorphed into a talking llama
11) is a different class than expected (example, Karaven the Merciless is a paladin)
12) suffers from insomnia
13) has amnesia and doesn't know he/she is the NPC the party is looking for
14) is unusually tall for their race
15) is unusually short for their race
16) sky-high INT or WIS on a member of a race not known for it
17) agoraphobic
18) claustrophobic
19) actually, any phobia, really
20) is bravely and quietly battling an incurable deadly disease and doesn't want anyone to make a big deal out of it

Jay R
2017-04-17, 08:27 PM
21) is insulting, supercilious, and egotistical.
22) wants a job, and thinks the PCs might hire him.

2017-04-17, 09:28 PM
21) is insulting, supercilious, and egotistical.
22) wants a job, and thinks the PCs might hire him.

23) Both of these together

2017-04-18, 09:19 AM
24) Is famous.
25) Thinks they're famous.
26) Profession: Chef
27) Profession: Bartender
28) Profession: Apothecary
29) Profession: Smith
30) Profession: Messenger
31) Profession: Merchant
32) Profession: Sailor
33) Profession: Town Crier
34) Profession: Guardsman
35) Profession: Musician

2017-04-18, 10:36 AM
36) Visible tattoo(s), body jewellery, tribal marking(s), birth mark and/or burns on <part(s) of body>
37) Dyed hair
38) Clothes are old and heavily patched
39) Clothes have patterns weaved into them that are only visible by infravision/ultravision.
40) Choice of drink is contrary to stereotypes/expectations (an Elf who prefers flagons of ale to a glass of wine, or a tee-total Dwarf, for example)
41) Glances into a locket whenever they're anxious
42) Fingernails shaped into points
43) Carries a musical instrument, but never seems to play it
44) Has a map cylinder containing a roll of parchment sheets and several sticks of charcoal, spends their nights sketching
45) Has no earlobes

2017-04-18, 12:59 PM
46) Is polite and respectful.
47) Only talks loudly.
48) Doesn't like listening to jokes.
49) Shows very little empathy towards others.
50) Is materialistic.
51) Likes to know how things work.
52) Likes to swim

Jay R
2017-04-21, 08:26 AM
53. Has just picked somebody's pocket, and wants to get away quickly looking non-conspicuous. Walking away in conversation with a well-armed party would be perfect. Hmmm... and what's in their pockets?

54. Is recognized as an old childhood friend by a PC, currently on a spy mission and cannot afford to be have her cover revealed.

55. The twin brother of somebody they met yesterday. Hilarity ensues when they try to continue a conversation.

56. The local tough guy, who may or may not decide that the party's fighter is trying to get a reputation by picking a fight.

Mr Blobby
2017-04-21, 10:22 AM
57/ You can't actually pinpoint for sure their gender.
58/ Is an age very rarely seen. Example; a man in his 80s still working.
59/ Two of the details simply don't fit. A heavy, scarred thug with manicured nails or a smarmy, perfectly groomed salesman with grotty old shoes.
60/ While talking with the group, it becomes apparent they're sexually attracted to one of the PCs. One who is not pretty in any form.
61/ The NPC has a very non-stereotypical hobby. Such as that punk musician with a pound of piercings and 75% tattoo coverage grows rare roses, or the dead goon has a well-thumbed copy of Pound's Cantos in his coat pocket.

Jay R
2017-04-22, 08:23 AM
62) The only person in the tavern who is there to drink, rather than start a fight or find people to go on a quest.
63) A nobleman waiting to meet a noble lady to pass on a message. He is naturally suspicious of anybody he doesn't know who appears to be paying attention to him.
64) A suspicious looking street kid who is clearly casing out each person's pouch. [No, he's not a pickpocket. The pickpocket is behind you while you're watching the suspicious looking kid.]
65) A man who recognizes the sword you're wearing, that you recently picked up as treasure after slaying an ogre. It was his brother's, last seen when his brother went off to try to slay the ogre.

2017-06-20, 01:03 AM
66.) Wears a whole bunch of holy symbol pendants
67.) Flatulent
68.) Constantly swears

Lvl 2 Expert
2017-06-20, 01:31 AM
69. Has a big nose. No, more like a huge nose. Man, look at that nose.
70. Is overly sexy, a perfect figure, and on top of that boobs out to here. The bard recognizes her from having seen her in the settings equivalent of porn. If you talk to her you'll notice she's a really nice person working hard on a serious acting career. (Also you're probably a really sweet guy, but she's just not looking for anything right now.)
71. I mean, it is a nose right? That thing is enormous...
72. Is a cosplayer. bonus points if the party actually attack him on a failed spot check to see through a "disguise".
73. Runs an owned horse lot.
74. Seriously, that nose.