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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other LA +2 Drider [PEACH]

Grand Arbiter
2017-04-18, 12:25 AM
Based on some of the discussion here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?521413-Building-a-Drider-Character), I thought that maybe I could offer a homerbrew LA+2 Drider that can be used by people who want to play a drider without it eating up a lot of their levels.

This is based upon the the drow racial statistics (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/elf.htm#drow) and this template (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20011118a) from the wizards archives. I've tried to combine the two to make something that fits at or under +2 LA.
Statistics are denoted with "——", commentary is bulleted "•"

——Ability score bonuses: Str +4, Dex +2, Con +2, Cha +2.
•Combining drow with the template would've yielded Str +4, Dex +4, Con +6, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4. I nerfed it back because there's no way that array belongs on LA+2

——Large: As a Large creature, a drider gains a -1 size penalty to Armor Class, a -1 size penalty on attack rolls, and a -4 size penalty on Hide checks. The drider uses larger weapons than humans use, and ther lifting and carrying limits are double of those of a Medium character.
—Note: a drider is considered Long and not Tall, thus possessing a natural reach of 5ft (as if they are a medium character that happens to take up four spaces).
•Large size has it's benefits and drawbacks, probably averaging out to be somewhat beneficial.

——Aberration type.

——Drider base land speed is 30 feet. They also possess a climb speed of 15 ft.
• Same base land speed as drow, but can climb as befits someone with the lower body of a spider.

——Darkvision out to 120ft.
• Same as drow.

——Spell Resistance equal to 11 + class levels.
• Same as drow.

——Natural Armor: Driders possess a natural armor bonus of +1. It increases by one every 3 character levels to a total of +6 natural armor at 15th level.
• Rather than dump the +6 listed natural armor all at once, I set it to increment slowly. Theoretically it shouldn't be too powerful at a given level, but still be able to contribute. The scaling can be toggled as needed/seen fit.

——Spell-Like Abilities: Driders can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire.
At 6th level a drider may also use levitate 1/day.
Caster level equals the minimum required to cast the spell.
• Standard drow spell-like abilities, plus one of the listed innate drider spell like abilities. I chose levitate because of this (http://www.goblinscomic.org/03112009/).

——Light Blindness (Ex)
Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds driders for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.

——+2racial bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities.

——Automatic Languages: Common, Elven, Undercommon. Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Gnome, Goblin.
• Same as drow.

——Favored Class: …Fighter?
• Honestly no clue what to put here. If the character goes single-classed it shouldn't matter though.

...thoughts? I think I aimed for low +2 LA, as it's easier to add extra and make it stronger than shave it down to be less powerful.

2017-04-18, 06:06 AM
Straight off, I think that lessening the light blindness seems only thrown in because you want it, not because there's any in-game reason for it.

Grand Arbiter
2017-04-18, 10:38 AM
Straight off, I think that lessening the light blindness seems only thrown in because you want it, not because there's any in-game reason for it.

Just to make sure I understand, you are suggesting that the light sensitivity be set back to light blindness? If so, it seems reasonable to set it back to the drow standard.
(Nearest I can figure is that when I made this last night, I was reducing the majority of bonuses/penalties to have low net value.)
Note to self: do not stay up late homebrewing...
Any other suggestions?

2017-04-18, 11:39 AM
The Large/Long and Large/Tall thing was something they got rid of in 3.5.

You don't specify whether they remain Humanoid (Elf) or become Aberrations.

Driders don't seem to have elven senses and immunities for some reason, so it seems a little bit odd that you're going half and half on it. Either these are elves and therefore should have them without a very good reason or they're not and thus shouldn't. You've also dropped the bonus to spells and spell-like abilities that MM drow have.

Grand Arbiter
2017-04-18, 03:02 PM
OP updated. Response short b/c on mobile, please forgive any spelling/grammar errors.

The Large/Long and Large/Tall thing was something they got rid of in 3.5. It still seems to be a thing from what I can tell.
A) creature size and scale table (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm#bigandLittleCreatu resInCombat)
B) drider (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/drider.htm) has 5ft reach.

You don't specify whether they remain Humanoid (Elf) or become Aberrations.
That is a significant oopsie on my part. :smallredface: Aberration type.

Driders don't seem to have elven senses and immunities for some reason, so it seems a little bit odd that you're going half and half on it. Either these are elves and therefore should have them without a very good reason or they're not and thus shouldn't. You've also dropped the bonus to spells and spell-like abilities that MM drow have. Knocked out senses and elven immunities. Latter dropped b/c will save bonus vs spells/SLAs(added) helps, and Aberration type has some baked-in immunities.