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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class Knight/Aristocrat

2017-04-18, 07:22 AM
The Highborn
Any lawful alignment
Feats: Mounted combat, weapon focus (lance),
Skills: Ride 8 ranks, knowledge (royalty and nobility) 4 ranks, handle animal 4 ranks
BAB +5
Special: Must have been knighted by a ruler of a nation.

Skills per level: 4+Intelligence modifier
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather information (Cha), Handle animal (Cha), knowledge (history, local, geography, nobiliy and royalty) (Int), Ride (Dex), sense motive (Wis),
The Highborn

Base Attack Bonus
Will Save
Ref Save
Fort Save

Knighted, Auras, leadership

Poison resistance

Ride by Attack

Master Director

Unbroken charge

Spirited Charge

General’s Tactics

Horse Masrer’s Charge

Call to arms, trample

Champion of the Realm, Once more onto the breach

Knighted: A Highborn gains a circumstance bonus equal to his level on diplomacy, sense motive, and bluff checks with non-nobility and ½ his level with nobles. Commoners respect him and look up to the Highborn while nobles tend to see them as upstarts. They also gain a small land grant, although it may be up to the [class name] to make it safe.
Auras: The Highborn can project his determination and force of will to help himself and allies. He learns new auras at higher levels. A 1st level the Highborn can project one aura, and at 10th he can project 2. The range for the auras of the Highborn is 60’. Activating an aura is a swift Action and it remains active until he uses either a free action to stop it or a swift action to change it.

Fearless: At first level the Highborn and any allies in range gain a bonus against fear effects equal to the [class name]’s level plus charisma modifier
Master tactician: At fifth level the Highborn and allies in range gain a competence bonus to attack rolls and damage when flanking equal to ½ the [class name]’s level plus his charisma bonus
Watchful Guard: At tenth level the Highborn and allies in range gain a competence bonus to AC equal to ½ his level plus charisma bonus
Stop at nothing: At fifteenth level the Highborn and allies in range gain DR/- equal to ½ his level+his charisma modifier
Deathstrike commander: At 20th level the Highborn can use the deathstrike commander aura. Any creature within his aura that scores a critical hit on the enemy may make an additional attack, using the same attack bonus. A creature can not benefit more then once per round from this ability

Leadership: The Highborn gains leadership as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Poison Resistance: A Highborn has rapidly adjusted to some of the ‘toys’ used by the nobility. He gains a bonus on saves against poison equal to twice his level.

Ride By Attack: A Highborn gets ride by attack as a bonus feat.

Master Director: A Highborn using the aid another action gives a bonus equal to his class level instead of the normal +2

Unbroken charge: a mounted Highborn can charge through difficult terrain or squares occupied by friendly creatures by making a DC 15 Ride check.

Spirited Charge: A Highborn gains spirited charge as a bonus feat.

General’s Tactics: The Highborn gains the ability to use a few spell like abilities 1/day, vaster level equal to ECL. Spells: Reverse gravity, benign transposition1, incite1, inhibit1, baleful transposition1

Horse Master’s Charge: A Highborn can make a full attack at the end of a mounted charge. He can only use this ability while mounted.

Call to arms: A Highborn's legends have spread across the world, bringing him many new allies. From now on his cohort's level can be at level -1 instead of -2, and he multiplies his number of followers by 1.5, and adds 1/2 his class level to his leadership score

Trample: A Highborn gains trample as a bonus feat.

Champion of the realm: At 10th level a Highborn is one of the best her kingdom has to offer. He gains a circumstance bonus to skill checks equal to his level dealing with members of his kingdom and allies. Also, these NPC’s are automatically friendly to the Highborn. Dealing with enemies of his kingdom he suffers a penalty equal to his [class name] level (excluding intimidate). Also their starting attitudes are one worse.

Once more onto the breach: A Highborn's will and sense of self is so strong that they gain a +2 to charisma, and once per encounter they may rally their troops. This requires a swift action, and grants temporary HP equal to (2+charisma modifier)*class level.

Special: A paladin that takes levels in this class may continue advancing as a Paladin.

1Miniatures Handbook

2017-04-18, 09:37 AM
yeah the capstone is a bit much, being basically mass true resurrection.

Id change it to be something like {CLASS] gains a +2 bonus to Charisma, Additionally once per encounter [CLASS} may as a swift action grant allies a number of temporary hit points equal to (2+Charisma modifier)*[CLASS] level.

A good name for the class could be Patrician or Highborn Knight

2017-04-18, 09:55 AM
yeah the capstone is a bit much, being basically mass true resurrection.

Id change it to be something like {CLASS] gains a +2 bonus to Charisma, Additionally once per encounter [CLASS} may as a swift action grant allies a number of temporary hit points equal to (2+Charisma modifier)*[CLASS] level.

A good name for the class could be Patrician or Highborn Knight

Thanks :smallbiggrin:
Think I will go with highborn knight... although that gives them the impression that they were born to the nobility...

2017-04-18, 11:41 AM
Just a suggestion, but drop "knight". "Highborn" by itself seems like a worthwhile adjective to convert into a noun.

2017-04-18, 11:44 AM
That does sound better :smallsmile: