View Full Version : [3.5] Need help finding a teleport solution.

2017-04-18, 08:10 AM
I'm a L5 Wizard and I need to find a way to teleport vast distances just once or twice. I'm hoping for a spell that snaps me back to my location after X minutes.

Basically there is a door that teleports people to the treasure room of the dungeon, miles away. But that door is only one way. The idea is that greedy adventurers get trapped, adding to the treasure pile. But I need to get in, find an item, and get out.

Any ideas?

2017-04-18, 08:13 AM
Scroll of Teleport.

2017-04-18, 08:38 AM
That's what I thought but I was hoping there was a lower spell level way to do it :(

2017-04-18, 09:50 AM
Well, if you can get to a place where you're within 680 feet of the treasure room, a scroll of Dimension Door will also work.

2017-04-18, 09:55 AM
Hmm. If you can get another creature in there to cast shadow cache (Spell Compendium), you could grab the item out of the shadow plane by casting the spell again.

Or... maybe use Earthbound Spell (PHBII) with benign transposition (Spell Compendium). Summon a creature, cast an Earthbound benign transposition with you and the summoned creature as a target. Tell your summoned creature to wait X rounds, then step into the triggering square. Go through the door, grab the item, then wait for the transposition to swap you back.

The only other thing I can think of... dimension door is a 2nd level spell for Trapsmiths. So find one and buy a wand/scroll?

Klara Meison
2017-04-18, 09:57 AM
Consider avoiding dimensional travel (as it tends to be high level) entirely? E.g. unless that treasure room is vacuum sealed, Gaseous Form should work.

2017-04-18, 12:39 PM
The big issue is that we don't know where the room is. We haven't had any luck finding it and all our research shows that the room is likely in an entirely different dungeon, like its a treasure room linked to multiple dungeons as a trap. So it could be miles away. So if we try to use any short range teleportation it MAY work, if we're lucky, but chances are that we can't TP and have to starve or suffocate in the room.

Thats why I was hoping for something that snaps me back after X rounds or so. But I guess we will have to just sit on it for now and come back when we advance a little bit.

2017-04-18, 12:48 PM
Are you feeling lucky, punk?

Because if you are, open up your copy of Dragon Magazine #330 to the article(s) on the Far Realm. Then, spend a few thousand GP and a point of CON to receive the Cerebrosis feat as a bonus feat.

One of the third-level spells that it (the Cerebrosis feat) grants is a terrible Dimenison Door wanna-be that can be "pushed" to make it (the spell) function like a Teleport wanna-be. You have a 31% chance of dying (and having your corpse appear at the target location) every time that you push it, though. Such is the price of using a 3rd level spell to emulate a 5th level spell, I suppose.

Alternatively, if you don't want to spend a point of CON, you can make a difficult Knowledge (The Planes) check (pro-tip: have your party's Cleric cast Guidance of the Avatar on you before making the check) if you've seen a creature from the Far-Realms (you might be able to summon one with a Summon Monster X spell; I'm not sure, though (check the Summoner's Desk Reference)). Success means that you can spend a few thousand GP on incenses, go to sleep, and wake up with the Key of the Traveler, a "glove" that lets you cast the above-mentioned spell twice per day at the cost of receiving a few minor debuffs for the rest of the day the first time that you use it (that day).

2017-04-18, 01:38 PM
That's what I thought but I was hoping there was a lower spell level way to do it :(
No. Teleport is the lowest level you can get proper safe long-range transport. In theory, there are options, but those are expensive and very risky.

You should've explained situation properly, btw.

What you need is the second level spell: Dragoneye rune (DrM). Cast it on some object and throw it through the door (or, if only creatures can pass, tell summoned monkey to carry it through). Then simply detect distance and direction to the object.

2017-04-18, 02:46 PM
No. Teleport is the lowest level you can get proper safe long-range transport. In theory, there are options, but those are expensive and very risky.

You should've explained situation properly, btw.

What you need is the second level spell: Dragoneye rune (DrM). Cast it on some object and throw it through the door (or, if only creatures can pass, tell summoned monkey to carry it through). Then simply detect distance and direction to the object.
Ooh, nice one.

You can negate some of the risk of the Key of the Traveller (and the spell that it casts) by having a Cleric on standby at the location that you're going to teleport to. Have him ready an action to cast Revivify on you if you come back dead, and you should be good unless your DM rules that because your corpse comes out aged considerably (presumably due to the Far Realm's wonky relationship with time), you're ineligible to be resurrected by a Revivify spell (or, for that matter, most other forms of resurrection that have a limit on how long the corpse can be dead for). Your phat lewt might also be disintegrated by the passage of an infinite/considerable amount of time (only if you fail the 31% chance die roll, of course). Ask your DM about this before attempting the Far Realm method of solving this problem.

2017-04-18, 03:48 PM
Try sticking a stick or half or an animated rope through the gate. Can you pull it back out? If so: tie someone with rope and then pull them back out

2017-04-18, 03:53 PM
Put your portable hole in your bag of holding; after you get sucked onto the Astral Plane, find a color pool to take you back home, or to one of the upper planes so you can hitch a ride safely.

Bonus edit: All the treasure in a 10' radius will get sucked there with you, so feel free to position yourself accordingly.

2017-04-18, 04:07 PM
Silly question

What do you know about this room? What level wizard /cleric made it?

could there be a command word that you could activate?

after all if my character made it to store treasure I would build a way out as well.

2017-04-18, 04:14 PM
Silly question

What do you know about this room? What level wizard /cleric made it?

could there be a command word that you could activate?

after all if my character made it to store treasure I would build a way out as well.

We know it exists and that it might be anywhere on the planet or not. We don't know what or who made it. There could be a command word but it hasn't been found if there is.

We know that the room was designed as a trap for greedy individuals. Whoever created it did not need wealth and was not hiding anything particular in it. We need to acquire an item which was stolen from a high-profile plot NPC and then died in the pit himself, locking the item away.

As far as we know, there is no way out from inside. Thats the info we have from the individual who sent us on the quest. So we know there is a way around it, I'm just exploring teleportation as one of the options.

2017-04-18, 05:08 PM
Well the first thing that comes to mind is it's a hook to get you stuck in a dungeon.

Teleport in, fight your way out. Everyone that went before just failed.

I'd expect some way to block teleportation from getting you out.
Custom inverted Forbiddance (can port in, but can't port out or within the area)

2017-04-18, 08:09 PM
Custom inverted Forbiddance (can port in, but can't port out or within the area)

No need for a custom anything, the bad guy can just attach it to Unhallow (keyed to followers of his cult etc.)

2017-04-18, 08:21 PM
Is this a module or did your DM come up with this?

In my opinion you need to cross planes not teleport.

teleport only gets you on the same plane if you know where you are going then random dice roll decides if you make it.

You need to go to another plane then plane shift back to yours randomly...then the adventure begins

2017-04-18, 08:23 PM
Actually, if your gm knows what he's doing these guys are steering you wrong.

If it were me, it'd be a one way inter-dimensional portal to a custom plane built by a permanent demiplane spell. Teleport won't get you out of that.

Instead, you need 2 planeshift spells and a teleport spell. Go through the door, collect the loot, planeshift to the ethereal plane, planeshift back to a new location, teleport back to the dungeon.