View Full Version : Lucid Dreaming, Dream Rupture - was I dreaming?

2017-04-18, 08:38 AM
I was in a game a while back that heavily featured Dream. I've been wondering just how close that game came to following RAW. AFB, and not completely sure I own the right book(s) in the first place.

First off, is Lucid Dreaming considered a class skill or a cross-class skill?

Second, I'm wondering whether how we played was RAW, and, if so, why noone ever mentions the "most OP ever" power of the Dream. The way it was played in a game I was in,

A) characters could use Lucid Dreaming to create anything in dreams. Anything. (makes sense, right?)
B) if those dreams were brought into reality,
B1) living things disappeared immediately;
B2) non-living dreams lasted d100 rounds in reality, except that a "100" was permanent.

IIRC, what I read of RAW included mention that dreams sent through a "Dream Rupture" could become permanent. But I could not find rules on how to create a Dream Rupture, nor do I remember seeing rules on the odds of a particular dream surviving reality.

So, how much of my memories of how Dream was handled in that game match up with RAW? And, RAW, could one create a Dream Rupture - or, failing that, Teleport through Time to a known Dream Rupture - and create an artifact that grants power equivalent to Pun-Pun, or another Valdis Crystal?

Or was it all just a Dream?

2017-04-18, 08:52 AM
In answer to the first part of your question, as far as I know, only classes that have access to all skills (such as the Factotum, Savant, Expert, Human Paragon etc.) would treat Lucid Dreaming as a "class skill".

2017-04-18, 09:07 AM
In answer to the first part of your question, as far as I know, only classes that have access to all skills (such as the Factotum, Savant, Expert, Human Paragon etc.) would treat Lucid Dreaming as a "class skill".

Sadness. I was afraid of that.

2017-04-18, 10:32 AM
Able Learner helps, I think. But the limit is kept at its cross-class maximum.

2017-04-18, 11:04 AM
Able Learner helps, I think. But the limit is kept at its cross-class maximum.

Wait, what?

Doesn't Able Learner allow you to treat as class skills, for the purpose of skill point expenditure, all skills that ever were class skills for any class you have taken? Is it not also the case that, for any skill that has ever been a class skill, the max ranks is 3+HD?

2017-04-18, 12:57 PM
If this is 3.5, then no, none of those rules were RAW, and dream ruptures aren't a thing.

Most of the rules are in the Manual of the Planes, with the rest scattered around in a few other books, adventures, and Dragon Magazine...

Sounds like fun though!

2017-04-18, 01:34 PM
Wait, what?

Doesn't Able Learner allow you to treat as class skills, for the purpose of skill point expenditure, all skills that ever were class skills for any class you have taken? Is it not also the case that, for any skill that has ever been a class skill, the max ranks is 3+HD?

I think what Yael was getting at is that - with Able Learner - all skills (whether class or not) only cost one skill point to raise. So if you're a Cleric5, your usual maximum skill rank is 8. If you wanted to put ranks in Lucid Dreaming, since it's cross-class, the max is 4 ranks. Without Able Learner, that costs 8 skill points. With Able Learner, it costs only 4; you just can't increase it farther than 4 ranks unless it's on one of your class skill lists.