View Full Version : Kit's Inn (SO not the HQ for a secret organization)

2007-07-29, 05:48 PM
The inn is very well decorated and the staff are friendly. The whole place simply oozes comfort and is a wonderful place to relax, shoot some targets, drink a beer, maybe practice a few spells upstairs. There is a sign by the basement saying, "STOP! Authorised personnel only! Do not enter!" and now and then some secretive-looking people go down there for a few hours. There are rooms in the East Wing, all personalized to a specific race so if they come, a room is ready. On the wall to the left of the bar, the is a sign that says,
"3 copper a drink
6 copper per night in a room, an extra 3 copper for a servant or maid
4 copper to practice magic, use the targets, or stable your mount or pet"

2007-07-29, 06:48 PM
((How come there are no HQ for secret organizations these days))

2007-07-30, 07:37 AM
((I know. Seriously, there ought to be SOME HQs, what with all the organizations these days.))

2007-07-30, 07:42 AM
*Simon McTeda walks in. Eventually he notices the people coming in and out of the door. He decides to see what is opening and opens the door*

((What does he see))

2007-07-30, 09:44 AM

2007-07-30, 06:22 PM
((What????? I made the thread, and it doesn't go to the Thieves' Guild. It goes to a new organization that plots to restore "peace" to the world. Enemies of the police are generally here for meetings. Other people simply come by for the complimentary newsletter.))

2007-07-30, 06:24 PM
((What does he see!?))

2007-07-30, 07:09 PM
((What????? I made the thread, and it doesn't go to the Thieves' Guild. It goes to a new organization that plots to restore "peace" to the world. Enemies of the police are generally here for meetings. Other people simply come by for the complimentary newsletter.))

((I was referring to secret organizations, of which the Guild certainly is one. And it does have an HQ, the Swamp Castle.))

Rex Idiotarum
2007-07-30, 08:40 PM
Anomie enters, (s)he's completely cloacked, except for the face, which has a painted porcelain mask hiding it. (S)he picks up a news letter. "Now that's something I can agree to, the police are too aggressive and prone to violence. I think we would have peace if the civilians can work problems out themselves." He leaves.

2007-07-31, 07:24 PM
((It was sarcasm, I know the Thieves' Guild is a secret organization.))
In the basement a single light bulb hangs from the ceiling. Several people in black cloaks are leaning over a map. They look up at the newcomer's arrival. Someone stands up and strides over with an air of authority. A female voice says from beneath the hooded cloak,

"State your name and business or DIE!" She says in a fiecre voice as she draws a dagger from beneath her cloak. The dagger catches a beam of light and glints threateningly.

2007-08-01, 06:50 AM
Simon McTeda. Most Call me Baron Law. Im the most feared criminal in the town.

2007-08-01, 07:58 AM
A random NPC says,
"Not anymore, after you got your ass kicked and lost your fancy armor. You're just a lousy second-rater now."
He then teleports away.

2007-08-01, 08:01 AM
Name one criminal better than me!

2007-08-01, 08:04 AM
"Both those mind flayers, any Thieves' Guild member, NecroMoris, those Order of Anarchy people, Draken, the Fourth Empire, the list just keeps going and going."

Emperor Ing
2007-08-01, 08:06 AM
((I just realized something, whatever happened to KNAVES?))

2007-08-01, 08:07 AM
((They lost interest and wandered off.))

2007-08-01, 08:09 AM
Well, I cant contend with the whole forth empire, but any one person, or small group I can beat. Last I checked, the thieves guild does not rob any more. It helps defend the town. I did not no Darken was a criminal. I though he worked in that tower of his. I will hunt down Barracuda to prove I am better. But this Newcomers man....who is he?

2007-08-01, 08:10 AM
"Only reason Thieves' Guild hasn't robbed anything is that there hasn't been anything worth robbing. And Draken's more of the mastermind then the actual criminal."

2007-08-01, 08:12 AM
Tell me about NecroMoris before I rip Your throat out!

2007-08-01, 08:15 AM
"Some necromancer zombie guy who has to eat human flesh to stay alive. He's killed more people then you have recently. "

2007-08-01, 08:16 AM
How many counts of merder?

2007-08-01, 08:17 AM
"I don't know. Peace out."
He teleports away.

2007-08-01, 08:18 AM
I have 134 counts of murder! 134!

2007-08-01, 08:22 AM
An undercover police detective stands up.
"Is that a confession? You're coming with me!"
((He needs to learn to watch what he says.:smalltongue:))

2007-08-01, 09:29 AM
"Both those mind flayers, any Thieves' Guild member, NecroMoris, those Order of Anarchy people, Draken, the Fourth Empire, the list just keeps going and going."

((you forgot that any of the corolox outmatch him ^^))

2007-08-01, 09:39 AM
((Oh yeah, I would like to see Corolax beat him))

No, I just made that up.

2007-08-01, 09:40 AM
"Bull****. We know who you are, McTeda. You're under arrest. By your own admission, 134 counts of murder. You're going to be put away for a long time."
((They would, actually.))

2007-08-01, 09:40 AM
Whenever this random NPC is right now, a swarm of aberrations will attempt to devour him and leave not even bones, everything in a dark, forgotten alley where no one would care to look... Ever.

All this happens because he knows to much for his own safety.

2007-08-01, 09:42 AM
The NPC had an unfortunate teleport mistake, and merged himself with solid rock. So the aberrations won't be needed.:smalltongue:

2007-08-01, 09:44 AM
You will note that I served my time. I just made that up to boast.

((Its true. He never murdered that many people. The ones he did he already served his time for. He has not murdered any one since the armor came off. ))

2007-08-01, 09:46 AM
((Relax, I was just messing with him anyways.:smallbiggrin:))
"You just got Punk'd! Hahaha, you actually thought I was a policeman? Hahahahaha, oh, you got punk'd, alright."
He continues laughing hysterically. He bears a remarkable resemblance to Aston Kutcher.

2007-08-01, 09:49 AM
*He looks at the man. Then he projects pictures of all the worst murders that ever happened in KNAVES into his head*

((This is very very very very very very very very bloody gory and Violante))

2007-08-01, 09:51 AM
((Oh yeah, I would like to see Corolax beat him))

((CorolOx please, not lAx, besides, there should be an A in there, theres more than one corolox, or do i hafta bring coronus down to this place to prove a point? :smalltongue: ))

2007-08-01, 09:51 AM
But since he's Aston Kutcher, he ignores it and just keeps laughing at the idiot who just got Punk'd.
"Oh, haha, you should've seen your face, hahaha! 'I didn't do it, I was just boasting!' Oh, hahaha,heehee, ha! What an idiot!"

Rex Idiotarum
2007-08-01, 09:58 AM
Anomie walks in, "Chaos is the journey to perfection. We most remove alll law in order to bring peace to this town."

2007-08-01, 10:00 AM
Considering wearing the Baron Law helmet I don't know how you could have seen my face.

((He can ignore some one getting turned inside out? He can ignore some one getting cut to pieces inch by inch?))

2007-08-01, 10:10 AM
((He's Aston Kutcher, and this is all a joke. It's not nearly as ridiculous as what you were doing with Truck yesterday. And Rex, the OoA already tried that, and failed, miserably.:smalltongue:))

2007-08-01, 10:18 AM
((We did not fail miserably. I don't she him locked up in your jail.))

*Simon Preses a button on his wrist and the Baron Law armor appears. He is now ten foot tall and in full armer. He draws his sword and walks into the basement*

2007-08-01, 10:45 AM
The monkey appears as well, prepared to rip Baron Law apart for godmodding, since the armor was destroyed.
((:smallannoyed: Yeah, but I don't see him in control of the Police Station either, and I don't see the Order of Anarchy still functioning.:smalltongue: ))

2007-08-01, 10:50 AM
((This is the other Armor I PM you about))

Rex Idiotarum
2007-08-01, 11:10 AM
((Anomie worked with the Order for a bit of time, but refused to join because, well, organization isn't his thing.))

2007-08-01, 11:41 AM
The monkey goes away since the new armor is weaker.
((Make sure Bookboy knows that.))

2007-08-01, 03:17 PM
While they were talking, a stream of people, hooded and cloaked, flow out of the basement and they all sit down at the same table and whisper frantically, with many a flailing of arms.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-08-01, 03:59 PM
"Hm... Contact me." Anomie leaves.

2007-08-02, 07:16 AM
*Baron Law presses a button on his arm and activates an anti magic field*

((This does not have the power of other Anti magic Fields. It only protects against spells like hold person and wish. it will not protect him from spells like Fire ball, Magic Missile, Etc.))

2007-08-04, 03:32 PM
An un-named man walks ín from the door. Wearing a simple robe, an ornate staff floats in the air behind him. He then addresses the staff. "Oh, you took your time..." A voice originating from the crystal answers his statement with an un-heard murmur. He then goes to sit at a table. In a tiny flicker, he seems to freeze for a second, then takes out a book and starts reading. Moving away from the illusion (currently invisible), he walks towards the bar and cellar door.

2007-08-04, 03:38 PM
Several nukes train onto Baron Law, ready to fire at a moments notice.

2007-08-04, 03:44 PM
The man, still invisible, starts searching for the cellar staircase.

2007-08-04, 04:12 PM
((See the top of the first page to see the basement stairs.))

2007-08-04, 04:15 PM
Finally finding the stairs. He notices the sign. He then attempts to open the door.

((Deadtime in 40 minutes or so.))

2007-08-04, 04:21 PM
The door opens

2007-08-04, 04:24 PM
Looking inside, he then quickly looks around, hoping no-one has noticed he walks down-stairs.

2007-08-04, 04:47 PM
((I've already described the basement, see page 1.))

2007-08-04, 04:53 PM
Noticing what is in the basement he moves closer to look at the map. He then makes his move towards the exit.

((deadtime. Back))

2007-08-05, 09:01 PM
*Barron Law leaves, changing back into Simon as he does*

2007-08-06, 06:58 PM
Kit, the bar owner, shrugs and gives everyone a free piece of gum.

((Warning: Anyone who said something here may be PMed by me for the joining of the organization.))

Rex Idiotarum
2007-08-06, 08:38 PM
Anomie enters the Inn, followed by a white cat.
"Quit following me." He says to the cat, his voice echoing under the mask.

They are mysteriously gone.

2007-08-07, 12:08 PM
The man, who has not been opposed. Grabs the map and runs up the stairs. The visage of him at the table bursts into smoke as he barges out of the basement. Running towards the door as fast as possible.

2007-08-07, 05:24 PM
Chaos erupts in the basement. Yelling, people run up the stairs and after the man who took their map.

2007-08-08, 01:46 AM
He bursts through the front door. Running towards Trog's tavern.

2007-08-13, 05:47 PM
After a while people return to the basement, arguing all the way.

2007-08-25, 05:16 PM
((Sorry 'bout the double-post,:smallfrown: but I'm trying to boost the thread back to the first page.))

The crowd that came out of the basement sits down and reads their newsletter.