View Full Version : DM Help Help balance a magic item?

2017-04-18, 01:52 PM
TLDR: One of my players plays a character with narcolepsy, and it bugs my other players. I want to make a "Helmet of Invigoration" or something of the like, that would consist of some abilities that I would like some help to balance out.

Longer version, since my game was created, one of my players with ADD wanted to play something that wouldn't require constant attention. He didn't talk to us about it, and just kinda decided to play his character like this. Constantly tired, never fully there, and if he's awake he's drunk.

I talked to him OOC and he agreed to pay more attention, and in our most recent session I witnessed some improvement, but neither of us feel right making him have a complete 180 out of nowhere, so I wanted to (during my first few levels and magic items rewards) give him a helmet that would cure him of this, along with give him some extra effects. The player likes to use his character's spare time to brew health potions, and plans to start with better items. I wanted to also do something that would improve his ability to do this, so an idea popped into my head.

My initial Idea was this. (the party is level 4 currently and has no magic items)

Helmet of Invigoration: Rare
Requires Attunment

When attuned to this helmet, the wearer experiences a rush of energy, and obtains the following benefits.
The wearer gains a +1 to dexterity checks while attuned.
While wearing this helmet, the wearer can forgo one day of resting without gaining a point of exhaustion. This can only be used once per long rest.

This idea is supposed to allow the wearer to effectively "stay up for a night" without gaining exhaustion, but after one night they have to rest again.
This would allow him to brew his healing potions with the extra time while the others are asleep.