View Full Version : Noxrom Academy of Arcane Magic.

2017-04-18, 06:17 PM
-Welcome to the Noxrom College, for Arcane Studies and Training.

What you see before your eyes is a floating island suspended around 30 feet above a nice, quiet lake. On the island, there is a small hold, consisted of 4 towers linked by walls, and a fifth, much larger, starting from the central building and extending virtually indefinitelly towards the sky. It is constructed entirelly out of large blocks of black stone, with a green light emerging from the connections between them. You just arived through your own means of transport, and around you, all kind of magical and mundane means of transport are landing and stopping. There are flying carpets of various sizes, horses, brooms, people flying by themselves or by using their own wings, or winged sandals, a handfull of pegasi and nightmares, and even some Dragons, taking humanoid form as they land. In front of you all, a Half-Elf with shinny bronze scales, and dragonic wings fading away from his back as he lands. He wears a black trenshcoat with red highlights, two earrings on his left ear, rings on all his fingers, and fashions a small black beard. He stands tall for a half-elf, at 6'8'', and has deep purple eyes. Seems more build than the average for his kind too, probably due to his obvious Dragonic Origin.

-I trust you all had a nice trip? My name is Draken Akaram, son of the Bronze Dragon Wyrm Felmarix, Archmage Sorcerer, Warlock of the Astral Mysteries, Banisher of the Dragon Queen, Master of the Duskwood Keep, Founder and Headmaster of the Noxrom College of Arcane Magic. It is my great honor, under that last title, to welcome all of you to this School, teachers and students alike.

The rules of this college are simple: we teach all schools of magic undiscriminatelly. However, experimentation with necromancy spells, enchantment spells and otherwise lethal or dangerous spells is not permited on students or personnel on school grounds, as well as any other activity that may end up in death, severe injury, permanent mutation, loss of limbs or otherwise affect someone negativelly permanently. Should someone break one of those rules intentionally, he or she will be expelled from this Academy, with no chance to ever be admited again. The only exception is the Arena, were the rules will be set and agreed uppon by both parties, with a third neutral party as witness of the agreed uppon terms.

Discrimination uppon Racial, Social, Alignment or Sexual Orientation standards will not be tolerated, and will be punished accordingly. We dream of an academy were a Tiefling and an Aasimar's worst debate will be of accademic context, reguardless of their origins. Were a Lich and a Gold Dragon will work together to find the solution to an Arcane Phenomenon, or produce an advanced magical theory. Should you not share this dream, at the very least respect your collegues, and do not participate in petty debates.

First of all, I would like the teachers to come over and rengister themselves.

Saying so, Draken conjures a book out of thin air, and proceeds with rengistring. First a couple of Dragons and a Human Female go to rengister, followed by an undead skeletal figure and and elf. Soon, more and more people gather around Draken.

2017-04-18, 06:42 PM
A kitsune wrapped in colorful kimonos with twelve tails, stepped in. His eyes glowed with purple magic, his fur was silver with white patterns. He hidden his palms in his wide sleeves, and bowed.
I believe my arts of transformation would richen the knowledge of our students. So I am registering- thousand face- Risotu " he presented himself, with very official tone combined with self importance.

2017-04-19, 09:26 PM
A male human appears out of thin air nearby, and walks towards Draken. He wears dark red robes, and has a variety of odd-looking tattoos covering his face and arms. "My name is Shenal Dostoi. I'm a specialist in Conjuration, and I believe my skills may be useful to teach to the students."

"I almost forgot. Well met."

Is... This Nexus?