View Full Version : Optimization Help with character

2017-04-20, 09:38 AM
Some background first:
Just joined a Pathfinder game that includes 3.5 material at level 10. According to the DM, nothing 3.5 is disallowed but he needs to approve everything anyways. I built a completely non-optimized Paladin with the Fighter alt multiclass rules that let me move around normally in heavy armor. I focused a little on buffing my party with auras and ignoring Spell Casting.

In the first game, the DM had us get attacked by two CR 13 Giants that broke through solid rock cave walls to show up just a few feet from us. My character got dropped in a single full attack by the first giant. He was kept alive by the party healer (some kind of psionic healing class), and continued on to the next game. The next game, he got attacked by a Banshee (the Pathfinder version) who was somehow only 20 ft away, and somehow also got past my Detect Evil with only a minor blip. She walked up to me and got a critical hit on her touch attack for 28d6 of negative energy damage. Regardless, I died.

So, I'm going to go back with a new level 10 character, and was thinking of a Metamagic focused Arcane bloodline Sorcerer. I've built a Samsaran, with the alt favored class bonus of 1/4 drop in metamagic cost per level, reducing all metamagic enhanced spells by 2 levels at Sorc level 10. So, I've taken Still Spell, Toppling Spell, and Maximize spell, plus Combat Casting. I took Scribe Scroll as the bloodline feat because nothing else seemed particularly great. And, from the 3.5 book of Complete Mage I took Rapid metamagic. I figure, the DM has confirmed we'll never make it to level 20, so I may as well get the capstone ability early.

I invested in some pages of spell knowledge for some useful spells that I don't want to waste my spell slots on, and bought some basic equipment otherwise. My Charisma is sitting quite nicely at a 24 (18base +2 ASI +4 headband), but I have basic scores otherwise. I know that the Arcane bloodline's abilities are mostly redundant when you don't have to worry about increasing spell casting time for metamagic spells at all, so am okay with the idea of a different bloodline. I'm not particularly inclined to take a dip into anything else, because it'll take away from my favored class abilities. But, I've got up to 3 levels that the favored bonus won't do any good for, since I've been told the game will end at level 15, so it's not out of the question entirely. So, with what I've already said, what do you guys think would be a good way to optimize this character?

2017-04-20, 10:13 AM
Could you add some paragraphs to that story, please? You'll get more replies if it's easier to read.

2017-04-20, 10:20 AM
Three open levels on a spellcaster screams Incantatrix to me. If the DM allows, of course.

Persistent buffs would be good, as well, particularly in the 'senses and defenses' department. Remind the DM that you have blindsight, arcane sight, touchsight, mindsight, what-have-you.

2017-04-20, 10:56 AM
Three open levels on a spellcaster screams Incantatrix to me. If the DM allows, of course.

Persistent buffs would be good, as well, particularly in the 'senses and defenses' department. Remind the DM that you have blindsight, arcane sight, touchsight, mindsight, what-have-you.

Which spells give blindsight? Also, by arcane sight do you mean "detect magic" or is this just a type of sight I'm unfamiliar with? And, I have no idea what touchsight and mindsight are...

I was considering taking the 3.5 version of persistent spell. A 24 hour "True Strike" seems like it would be a fun investment for a single level 4 spell slot.