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View Full Version : Journal Our Campaign

2017-04-20, 10:31 AM
I wanted to post about my upcoming campaign, just to post about it, maybe get some critique or just ideas or even conversation. I guess I am just overly excited so I wanted to just talk about it hahaha.

So our campaign is going to be a D&D 5e Urban Intrigue campaign. We have a group that does everything to avoid minmaxing and power gaming (in fact many of the players are weakening their characters or otherwise one way or another just for the sake of fun/other things). The campaign is going to take place in a guild based city/state where each of the four guilds (all of which are yet named, but they will have their names on day 0) are led by one of four draconic bloodlines.

The first of which is the "Warriors" guild which will be led by a Ferrous Dragonblooded (probably Iron) and resides over the classes Fighter, Monk, and Barbarian.
The second guild is the "Divine" guild which will be led by a Gold Dragonblooded and will highlight Clerics, Druids, Paladin.
The third is the "Mages" guild which is led by a Chromatic Dragonblooded (still deciding what type) and will focus on Sorcerers, Wizards, Artificers, and Warlocks.
And the final guild is led by a Gem Dragonblood (will know on day 0 what type) which is the guild for Rogues, Rangers, Bards, and Mystics.

We are using the alternative rules of both a sanity stat and a honor save as well as we are going to have "plot" points in reserve for the campaign. I figured that these three rules would be a blast with this group as it is a more experienced collection of players. As we are using a varied DM and trying to make each story within the game only 1 to 2 sessions each (to fit with a busy and fluctuating schedule), we figured the "plot" point alternative rule could be fun and keep those dming on their toes; though this is going to be limited to 1 per the group each story arc.

As said above we are changing up the DM whenever someone feels like they want to or if someone feels like they are tired of being the DM. This is leading to all four of us having characters, though the DM's character will take a back seat as far as focus goes on those rounds. Also, party balance is something I never put focus on as I think it is fun to have the challenge of a party to work through the weaknesses of their group. We aren't allowing any multi-classing for multiple reasons (one of which is that UA is allowed) and the group is pushed more towards Role Play instead of Roll Play. All stories done will effect the political standings of one of the four dragon families and effect the city in some form or way.

As far as characters go, our roster is as followed:

Badger - Tinker Gnome Artificer (Alchemist) who has high hopes to become a merchant for the "Mages" Guild. She sells her wares "honestly" from the back of her cart in hopes of one day cornering the market. Creative and Wiley, she uses what is at her disposal to get herself out of situations that her goals prior get her into.

Quinsette - Serpentine (re-themed Green Dragonborn) Warlock (Hexblade). A mute warlock serving the mysterious blade "Zodiac", they have clung to Badger as much as any love interest could. Through sign they communicate with Badger, though their communication elsewhere can be sometimes...difficult. A sage by trade, and one especially obsessed with researching the undercities, their ties with the Gnome help to benefit both of them. Quin's research leads much of the discovery needed for Badger's experiments, and the Gnome's experiments give Quin the aid needed to explore areas that they would not of had access to before. But there is always that one question that Quin has yet to answer, and they would stop at nothing to solve it.

The other party members haven't been fully decided, but from the sound of it one of the people is going to play a Ranger of some form and her girlfriend is going to play an Orc of some class.

I think the party will be interesting and fun, and I think the group will come up with some cool ideas for lasting and memorable experience.

I haven't talked to the group yet, but my wife and I (Badger and Quinsette) have started a gaming youtube channel recently (nothing uploaded yet though) and are probably going to start a switch channel, and we are going to talk to the group about possibly running the campaign while recording. So far the two of us love the idea, but I want consent from the whole group before we do it.

Well, any thoughts or discussion to be had, have away.

Delicious Taffy
2017-04-20, 10:56 AM
I'd be all for a video series of this. It's been a while since THAC broke up and their campaign videos stopped, so this would fill that void they left behind.

2017-04-20, 10:59 AM
I'd be all for a video series of this. It's been a while since THAC broke up and their campaign videos stopped, so this would fill that void they left behind.

Thank you, and I am hoping that the group is cool with this because it is something I'd love to do!

2017-04-20, 11:40 AM
Quick update! So I just got word from our possible ranger that she would be cool with streaming, and I am sure she could convince her girlfriend!!! Sorry, got a bit excited with this update!