View Full Version : How would you stat out Eleven from Stranger Things?

2017-04-21, 01:40 PM
This post is basically a thought experiment, but how would you stat her out if you wanted to get as close to her power set as you could?

2017-04-21, 01:49 PM
Fifth level human psion (seer)

2017-04-21, 02:10 PM
Fifth level human psion (seer)

Are you sure a Wilder wouldn't be a better mesh both thematically and mechanically? She doesn't exactly have a varied list of powers. Also, it doesn't explain her Gate-like ablity and/or plane shift.

2017-04-21, 02:30 PM
Are you sure a Wilder wouldn't be a better mesh both thematically and mechanically? She doesn't exactly have a varied list of powers. Also, it doesn't explain her Gate-like ablity and/or plane shift.

Wilder 6 with expanded knowledge for astral caravan and clarivoyant sense would also work... and explain the nosebleeds

2017-04-21, 08:38 PM
Overchannel was my first thought for the nosebleeds.

2017-04-22, 02:06 AM
Definitely seconding Wilder, she's not particularly trained or anything and the 'risk hurting yourself for more dakka' that Wilder does is closest to getting nose bleeds from psychic exertion. Not sure what levels or powers, but she might also be templated in some way (probably a custom template, given the setting) that could allow for limited usage of beyond level ability powers like plane shift or what have you.