View Full Version : Updated Tippyverse or 3.P skew?

2017-04-22, 04:26 AM
I was wondering if there had been any work on a Pathfinder version of Tippyverse, or a D&D 3.X / Pathfinder Tippyverse that uses the same rules/structure?

2017-04-22, 07:32 AM
Ask yourself whether Teleportation Circles (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/teleportation-circle/) and automatically resetting spell traps (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/traps-hazards-and-special-terrains/traps/#Reset) still exist in PF. There you have the answer. Tippyverse should be more or less the same.

2017-04-22, 07:42 AM
The main hiccup is that you actually have to craft the traps, as you can't wish for items anymore.

2017-04-22, 12:27 PM
I was wondering if there had been any work on a Pathfinder version of Tippyverse, or a D&D 3.X / Pathfinder Tippyverse that uses the same rules/structure?Yeah, Keith Baker detailed an entire world and cosmology. Tippy just boiled it down - His explanation post even directly references Eberron's currency names, city design, deity motivations, warforged history, House Cannith, magic prevalence, and so on. - and renamed it to what 4th Edition called it's campaign world.

I highly suggest looking into Eberron, it truly is an amazing setting.

2017-04-22, 12:51 PM
Yeah, Keith Baker detailed an entire world and cosmology. Tippy just boiled it down - His explanation post even directly references Eberron's currency names, city design, deity motivations, warforged history, House Cannith, magic prevalence, and so on. - and renamed it to what 4th Edition called it's campaign world.

I highly suggest looking into Eberron, it truly is an amazing setting.

Um... the tippyverse isn't anything like eberron...
like not even the coinage (Eberron: copper Crowns, silver Sovereigns, gold Galifars; TV: copper Drakes, silver Scepters, gold Sovereigns)
He makes use of a phrase "points of light" to name his setting, though he claims he used it pre 4E

2017-04-22, 09:01 PM
The main hiccup is that you actually have to craft the traps, as you can't wish for items anymore.

Technically you can, it's just not risk-free anymore. You might get it from a lich's vault, great wyrm's hoard, or an evil god's temple.

2017-04-22, 09:05 PM
Tue, but wasn't one of the hallmarks of Tippyverse that it all fell within the strict RAW that didn't need GM adjucation?

2017-04-22, 09:17 PM
Tue, but wasn't one of the hallmarks of Tippyverse that it all fell within the strict RAW that didn't need GM adjucation?

That's correct - I was talking more about the Wish spell itself than Tippyverse.

2017-04-22, 09:30 PM
PF wish moved all magic item creation into "the DM gets to screw with you" territory. Doing that was really weird, because reverting the 3.0 -> 3.5 change that removed the GP cap is a much better solution, but that's Paizo for you.

I highly suggest looking into Eberron, it truly is an amazing setting.

Eberron is fine (though there are things there I don't like much), but if you're looking for "magic singularity", it's not going to do what you want. It's largely the First Industrial Revolution, but with magic trains that run on magic coal. You could certainly retool that if you wanted, but the base setting doesn't really do that.

Incidentally OP, why do you wonder? If this is for a game, I see no real reason to run "magic does crazy stuff" in a version of the game that intentionally toned down the amount of crazy stuff magic can do.

2017-04-22, 09:31 PM
The only meaningful deviation I can see is at the low end. Infinite castings of mending or create water would create some weirdness even in the absence of resetting traps, especially since the water doesn't go away if you drink it.

A whole lot of people or livestock getting their drinking water from the local low-level casters would gradually add a whole lot of moisture to the local environment.

2017-04-23, 12:18 AM
The only meaningful deviation I can see is at the low end. Infinite castings of mending or create water would create some weirdness even in the absence of resetting traps, especially since the water doesn't go away if you drink it.

A whole lot of people or livestock getting their drinking water from the local low-level casters would gradually add a whole lot of moisture to the local environment.

Create water last for a day after creation if it hasn't been consumed. Its in the spell descreption for some reason, instead of the duration section.

2017-04-23, 12:30 AM
The main difference is that you'd have to pick another kind of construct instead of Shadesteel Golems. A variety that's both useful and doesn't have a built-in GM screw or anything that anyone could possibly think was one.

Create water last for a day after creation if it hasn't been consumed. Its in the spell descreption for some reason, instead of the duration section.

Yes, but if you drink it then the water is permanent. And gets put into the environment by breathing, urinating, defecating, and sweating.

2017-04-23, 12:41 AM
The main difference is that you'd have to pick another kind of construct instead of Shadesteel Golems. A variety that's both useful and doesn't have a built-in GM screw or anything that anyone could possibly think was one.

Yes, but if you drink it then the water is permanent. And gets put into the environment by breathing, urinating, defecating, and sweating.

Proficient with all simple weapons, or by character class.
Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, or by character class. If a humanoid does not have a class and wears armor, it is proficient with that type of armor and all lighter types. Humanoids not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Humanoids are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor.
Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.Where in RAW does it say that?:smalltongue:

Fair enough, however would also mean almost every casting of it is helping global warming. Sure, other world destroying threats may be faster but everyone knows what the true threat is :smallbiggrin:.

2017-04-23, 01:28 AM
I think extrapolating PF material would lead to an entirely different ´Verse. Mundanes can craft nearly any wondrous item without assistance and occult rituals open up the gamut of high-power possibilities to, well, nearly anyone. Haunts, Manifestations, Idols and such crop up earlier and can be pretty safe to handle, too.

The "Zoom levels" (Downtime, Kingdom) and the rules here (Troop Subtype, Army, Teams) also provide very different results than the rules that purely focus on the character level.

2017-04-23, 03:16 AM
Pathfinder makes the initial event; permanent teleportation circles linking cities and breaking mundane trade easier because of a change to the pathfinder craft rules.

Specifically you can craft an item that is neither spell completion, spell trigger or potion (say a use activated single use item of teleportation circle) without meeting the prerequisites by making a skill check.

So you don't need super high level characters to start things off.

2017-04-23, 07:33 AM
The main difference is that you'd have to pick another kind of construct instead of Shadesteel Golems. A variety that's both useful and doesn't have a built-in GM screw or anything that anyone could possibly think was one.

Would you? PF is nominally backwards compatible with 3.5 content that is not explicitly changed -- did they create their own Shadesteel Golem somewhere?

2017-04-23, 07:53 AM
Just be level 15, so you can natively cast Create Demiplane. You are going to need the space.

At levels 6 and 7 take the first two levels of SoulEater.

Be Human or a Wizard, grab Spell Focus Conjuration, Augment Summoning, Superior Summons, Cooperative Crafting, and Craft Wondrous Item.

Start making Simulacra of yourself by abusing Blood Money. Lesser Restoration to not pass out.

Summon 1d4+2 horses with Summon Monster 3, level drain touch attack them to fill your Soul Pool . Use soul points to refresh the same level 3 slot as needed.

Use Soul Pool to craft for free, and dogpile simulacra onto single projects to complete them in fractions of the time. It goes even faster if you have Valet Familiars to generate 2K progress/day per Simulacrum.

You can also generate free simulacra via punching horses in the face ad nauseum to fill Soul Gems via Create Soul Gem. Three Simulacrum doing this for 7 hours straight generate just under 40K gp worth Soul Gems or 11 7HD versions of you

You could also just make an army of Trompe L'oeil versions of yourself to speed the whole thing up, and have full power duplicate versions of yourself. I prefer Simulacra, as they are expressly under my control and won't kill me in my sleep.

2017-04-23, 09:39 AM
Yes, but if you drink it then the water is permanent. And gets put into the environment by breathing, urinating, defecating, and sweating.

Create Water is clearly part of an insidious plot by water elementals to slowly convert the material plane into another plane of water in a bid to take over the multiverse.

2017-04-23, 11:42 AM
Pathfinder makes the initial event; permanent teleportation circles linking cities and breaking mundane trade easier because of a change to the pathfinder craft rules.

Specifically you can craft an item that is neither spell completion, spell trigger or potion (say a use activated single use item of teleportation circle) without meeting the prerequisites by making a skill check.

So you don't need super high level characters to start things off.

Yeah, making a one-use item of Teleportation Circle is 3825 gp a pop, and requires a DC 32 Spellcraft (or other if using Master Craftsman) check for the base CL+5, the +5 for not having a high enough CL, and the +5 for not having Teleportation Circle available. Or maybe it's only a DC 27, I forget how the CL part works. :smallconfused:

Use Soul Pool to craft for free, and dogpile simulacra onto single projects to complete them in fractions of the time. It goes even faster if you have Valet Familiars to generate 2K progress/day per Simulacrum.

4K per day if it's a project easy enough for them to add 5 to the DC of in order to get a pair of 4-hour blocks of crafting instead of a single 8-hour block.

Would you? PF is nominally backwards compatible with 3.5 content that is not explicitly changed -- did they create their own Shadesteel Golem somewhere?

Oh, right, I derped on the 3.P in the title.

Being 3.P does maximize the ability to make floating habitats, space ships, etc. and (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?121107-Terraforming-Mars-with-Magic) terraforming (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?350016-Terraforming-Athas) options (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?504415-Terraforming-planetoids-in-a-self-sufficient-fashion), notably PF adds a first level Wizard and Druid spell that creates dirt or stone, so long as one has something stone to anchor it to, such as a wall of stone or a bit of seed rock taken from elsewhere.

2017-04-23, 02:44 PM
Additionally there's the Technology Guide and Iron Gods AP providing the PF 'verse with technology that is priced and crafted exactly like magic except it requires its own feat chain.

This means you can make Dispel and Antimagic immune effects that parallel magic effects for utility.

Animated Objects also got a buff in the form of more superpowers. I remember them being a favorite of Tippy's as well.

No Ice Assassin would be problematic except the Alter Ego and Trompe L'oeil templates work as stand-ins.

Polymorph got jacked but Simulacrum became even more accessible.

All in all 3.P Tippyverse is easier, straight PF Tippyverse is still easy to trigger.

2017-04-23, 09:03 PM
I suppose you can now make people with a combination of an influx of animals, the Anthropomorphic Animal spell, Permanency, Int drain, and Awaken.

2017-04-24, 12:51 AM
My intent was to use the most favorable rules between the systems. So you would still have Polymorph, but it's been developed from different places and therefore has different effects. So you could polymorph into a creature and then use Beast Form to further alter yourself.

Technology is one of the big interests I had as being a Sci-Fi fan, I can come up with TONS of ideas for technology, especially involving something like "replicators" that work on similar principles as food traps, but to the n'th degree. But with magic being available, the possibilities become almost overwhelming!

I think this is being dealt with in large part in Starfinder, but I've yet to read any of the materials thus far, so I don't know for sure. I'm going to love reading about it!