View Full Version : DM Help [Closed]Need Ideas for Encounters!

2017-04-22, 05:47 AM
Hey all,

Just started GMing a game story I wrote while in basic and while I have a rough outline for the early levels, I'm at a loss for fleshing out the latter levels as well as some side quests to do.

So the abridged, short-hand version of the main story is that the party was hired to investigate a mine that has stopped sending monthly shipments of ore back to Sandpoint,
they go to investigate and it's overrun with already-dead demons, including one extremely powerful one that is, like the others, always dead. In this mine they find a ritual site that looks like it was both trying to summon something and keep something out at the same time. Fast forward a bit, a wizard who studies ancient everything gets in contact and informs them about a cult that worshipped demons, but they wanted to bring them to the world and keep them alive, so the dead demons are uncharacteristic, which will spark the intrigue that sends the party all around Varisia to eventually find out that an alchemist is attempting to make demon-human hybrids for.. reasons I haven't really decided yet. By the time they make this discovery they should be ~level 6, and I'm thinking of sending them to Cheliax for their next chunk of adventure. Any input for all of that would be greatly appreciated.

My current list of little distracting side quests for their current area:
Lost Dog: A shop owners missing dog, leads to a tribe of goblins who has been kidnapping and eating pets
Big Game Hunter: A simple enough kill quest, rabid animal scaring/killing livestock
Crazed Shapeshifter: Drug addicted Druid has been going crazy while high and has been wildshaping and causing havoc
Counterfeit Coins: The first couple of times a shopkeep buys from the party, he pays normally, but one time (if the players catch it) he'll use fake, and worthless, coins. Could lead to either a shifty shopkeep, or him being robbed and needing to keep business, so on
Wounded Fox: More of a long-term one, party may encounter a fox (or other creature that they would like in the party) in a trap and severely wounded. Could lead to a mercy killing or a new pet.

Beyond all this, I don't have a huge amount of meat to the side quests I do have planned, and I am at a loss for ideas for more things that could happen on the side.

Any ideas or inspiration you guys could give would be greatly appreciated.


EDIT: After poking around the forums I realized this is the wrong board, fixing now.