View Full Version : Help creating teams of NPC's for my campaign (3.5)

2017-04-22, 01:37 PM
So I need help designing 5 teams of NPC's consisting of no more than 5 creatures each for my current campaign as I will be creating some kind of battle tournament of sorts. I need them to be able to challenge the current 4 man party, they are 10th level (except for one which is 12th but the rest of the party does not have to know that). This game is highly optimized (except for one player who is relatively new) and basically all is allowed.

Keep in mind that the character sheets might not be fully up to date as they leveled up last session at the end
Rules of the campaign (http://bit.ly/2nr25oR)
Urmortal (12th level but CS not up to date) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1073172)
Zadicus (Unlimited supply of Black Lotus Poison and up to date) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1183812)
Brumix (Least optimized and not up to date (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1165361)
Suiaerl (Most optimized and Gestalt but up to date) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1119704)

2017-04-22, 02:30 PM
You have a 10th level gestalt character who casts spells as a Wizard 20. By both RAW and RAI, this does not work.

"Class features that two classes share (such as uncanny dodge) accrue at the rate of the faster class."
You cannot double-up the advancement of any class feature, including spellcasting, with a gestalt character. Each level that he takes both Wizard and Master Specialist, he only gets a single level of his Wizard spellcasting ability. It accrues at the rate of the faster class, not both combined, both accrue at one level of spellcasting per class level so they're tied, he just picks which one to advance at each of those levels, he can't pick both.

At first I thought he did some shenanigans with going Wizard 10 and advancing his Sorcerer spellcasting from Loredrake to 10th level, then grabbed Spellhoarding to convert the Sorcerer spellcasting to Wizard casting, but this is not possible with his current build because Master Specialist cannot advance Sorcerer spellcasting. If he did that with a different class and retrained it into Master Specialist, it would still fall under the gestalt rules for double-advancement and not work.

At best, with Loredrake and the Greater Draconic Rite of Passage plus Spellhoarding, he can cast as a Wizard 13 at his current level.

2017-04-22, 02:39 PM
You have a 10th level gestalt character who casts spells as a Wizard 20. By both RAW and RAI, this does not work.

"Class features that two classes share (such as uncanny dodge) accrue at the rate of the faster class."
You cannot double-up the advancement of any class feature, including spellcasting, with a gestalt character. Each level that he takes both Wizard and Master Specialist, he only gets a single level of his Wizard spellcasting ability. It accrues at the rate of the faster class, not both combined, both accrue at one level of spellcasting per class level so they're tied, he just picks which one to advance at each of those levels, he can't pick both.

At first I thought he did some shenanigans with going Wizard 10 and advancing his Sorcerer spellcasting from Loredrake to 10th level, then grabbed Spellhoarding to convert the Sorcerer spellcasting to Wizard casting, but this is not possible with his current build because Master Specialist cannot advance Sorcerer spellcasting. If he did that with a different class and retrained it into Master Specialist, it would still fall under the gestalt rules for double-advancement and not work.

At best, with Loredrake and the Greater Draconic Rite of Passage plus Spellhoarding, he can cast as a Wizard 13 at his current level.

Oh ok, I will inform him then to rebuild his character

2017-04-22, 03:54 PM
The Five Ricks

The Five Ricks have traveled the planes extensively, and even discovered how to travel between parallel realities. In his travels he encountered many alternate versions of himself, some of which had a similar outlook and motivation and they decided to band together. Thus The Five Ricks is five duplicates of the same person, each from a different reality, who have come together to put a stop to what they perceive to be a great evil in the universe.

Kobold, he died once and Unguent of Timelessness was applied to his corpse (which is considered an object) before he was raised, which never wears off. Thus for every year that passes, he ages only a single day; for every year that passes, he need only rest for eight hours (1.31 minutes per day) and consume only one day's worth of food and water. Spells cast on him last 365 times longer than normal.

Neutral Good Venerable Dragonwrought Kobold
Cloistered Cleric 6/ Radiant Servant (of Pelor) 5/ Sacred Exorcist 1/ Contemplative 1, currently worships a concept of the sun, magic, and life.
Domains: Sun, Spell, Glory, Good
ACF: Rebuke Dragons
ACF: Spontaneous Domain Casting (PH2): Spell domain.
ACF: Divine Restoration (Dungeonscape): traded the Spell domain's granted power.

Flaws: Aligned Devotion, Divine Gestures (Dragon 326)
Feats: Dragonwrought, Extra Turning, Earth Sense, Heighten Spell, Earth Spell, Divine Metamagic: Heighten Spell, Improved Heighten Spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#improvedHeightenSpell)

Items: Phylactery of Undead Turning (DMG), Rod of Defiance (MIC), Scepter of the Netherworld (MIC), Talisman of Undead Mastery (MIC), Ephod of Authority (MIC), Reliquary Holy Symbol (MIC), Nightstick (LM), Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend.

They share a Shirt of Wraith Stalking (MIC) which they each use to give themselves Hide from Undead (undead get no save regardless of intelligence) for a little over one week at a time. This is constantly in effect on each of them.

Cha 16+4=20 buffed, nothing else really matters. That's +5 for turning checks, 18 Rebuke Dragons uses, and 18 Turn Undead uses.

NPC Spellcasting Purchased:
CL 42, Dispel DC 58 (Circle Magic user CL 40, Ring of Arcane Might and Orange Prism Ioun Stone, Ring of Enduring Arcana):
Mind Blank (one year duration)
Extended Superior Invisibility (SC) (three week duration)
CL 20, Dispel DC 35 (20th level spellcaster with a Ring of Enduring Arcana):
Extended Snowsight (Frostburn, 1.6667 years duration)

They each buff themselves with the following spells, all of which last more than a single day, so they have all of these spells active but haven't spent any spell slots on them:
Superior Resistance (one year)
Energy Immunity five times: Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Sonic (one year)
Magic Circle Against Evil (DMM: Heightened to 9th for CL 19, 48 days)
Greater Luminous Armor (DMM: Heightened to 9th for CL 18, 273 days)
Lesser Rod of Extended Shield (via Anyspell, 6.6 days)
Delay Poison (DMM: Heightened to 9th for CL 20, 304 days)
Ray Deflection (via Greater Anyspell, DMM: Heightened to 9th for CL 18, 4.5 days)
Greater Anticipate Teleportation (one year)
Lesser Rod of Extended Obscuring Snow (Frostburn, more than one year)
Lesser Rod of Extended Eagle's Splendor (Heightened to 3rd for CL 14, 7 days)
(I won't go on, but pretty much every 7th level and lower cleric spell with a 10 minutes/level or longer duration, and every 5th level or lower wizard spell with a 10 minutes/level or longer duration, plus some choice spells with a minute/level duration.)
They've also used Permanency (via Greater Anyspell) for See Invisibility, Arcane Sight, and anything else that may be useful. They can DMM: Heighten with Earth Spell to meet the CL requirement for Permanency if needed.

They each currently have Teleport prepared via Greater Anyspell.

1st round: If undead are present, move in to get as many undead opponents as possible within range, Greater Turning (as a Cleric 25 using all Talisman of Undead Mastery charges, each undead gets -4 turn resistance for each Rod of Defiance within 30 feet of it. +9 turning check, turning damage 3d6+30, any affected undead are destroyed outright). If they can't get to within range, one of them will Teleport the entire group within range. They don't all do it at the same time, so if one's turn comes and no undead remain, he goes to the 2nd round maneuver.

2nd round (1st if no undead are present): Move so every opponent is within 40 ft., cast Holy Word (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/holyWord.htm) using DMM: Heighten for +36+1 spell levels with Earth Spell, and +36 caster level (CL 50 total, Good domain). Any nongood creature within 40 ft. that has 40 or fewer HD is automatically killed/destroyed, paralyzed 1d10 minutes, blinded 2d4 rounds, and deafened 1d4 rounds. If they can't get to within range, one of them will Teleport the entire group within range. They don't all do it at the same time, so if no opponents remain after the first one uses this, the rest won't bother wasting theirs.

3rd and subsequent rounds: Use Diplomacy on anything that wasn't killed outright by Holy Word, and/or Teleport away if that opponent is likely not good aligned or if negotiations go poorly.

Between Superior Invisibility + Mind Blank, and Snowsight + Obscuring Snow, there's almost no chance that opponents will ever have sight of any of them. If they get a surprise round, one will teleport the rest in so the others can use Turn Undead and/or Holy Word.

Edit: On second thought, they only need a single Rod of Defiance between all five of them, since multiple bonuses/penalties from the same source don't stack.