View Full Version : DM Help Help make my,boss!! 3.5

2017-04-23, 02:58 AM
Hi yall!! Its been a while due to a,baby and,work...anyways..

I need someone or someones to build my,bbeg fight for,me!!
I was thinking a lvl 28 mindflayer (10 wizard,10 arti,8 racial) with 3 golems ( 1 iron, 1 ..bone?. And a prismatic golem)

Longstory short mf is crazy and caused the party to have split personalties ( 2 different characters that will end up gestalting soon) as an experiment..that he forgot he has done before and no one survived untill now

Party comp,is currently..bard,wizard,cleric,fighter2x, and druid with the alts being ...ranger,fighter,rogue,paladin,sorc,cleric

This fight wont be for a few weeks..but i just havnt had any free time to work on this idea and,was wondering if anyone could help me