View Full Version : Roleplaying Mundane tools to make bonsai stalagmites

2017-04-23, 03:16 PM
So a couple of years ago, my group had an off-hand joke about a group of dwarf Druids making "bonsai stalagmites," because of course that's the kind of thing that dwarf Druids would do in their spare time. We all found it amusing and just filed it away as a minor flavor note.

Flash forward to today, and I'm going to be playing a very stone-focused dwarf Druid in a separate game (that nonetheless has a lot of player overlap). So, as I'm sure you've figured out by now, of course my new Druid is going to have making bonsai stalagmites as a hobby. This is still a minor flavor note, and I'm not looking to expend any significant resources on it. Basically, what mundane (I repeat: mundane) tool or tools do you envision being appropriate for this kind of thing? This doesn't need to be entirely serious (I mean, hell, it's not serious—it's a joke, and we all know that it's a joke), but I'm also not looking to go full Looney Tunes, if that makes sense.

I am not looking for spells or magic items that will help with this (I'm just going to assert that there's some vague minor Druid magic working in the background here, but I'm not going to be preparing actual spells for this or anything). I basically just want something slightly more specific to write on my character sheet than "lol bonsai stalagmite tools," you know? But again, this is a minor flavor note that started as a joke, so we don't need to be overly concerned with realism or with only using tools that have printed stats or anything like that. Still, I'm sure that there's a fun angle to approach this with that I haven't really considered, so that's why I'm posting here. What kinds of mundane tools are amusing and yet semi-logical for a dwarf Druid to use when making bonsai stalagmites? Files? Chisels? Pruning scissors? Something more exotic? Help me strike the balance of being specific enough to be funny but not so specific that it ends up sounding foolish.

2017-04-23, 03:32 PM
Masterwork stonemasonry tools

2017-04-23, 04:42 PM
mineral powders, water, yarn, fan
The minerals are dissolved into the water, water drips down the yarn onto the stalagmite surface.
Use a fan to speed up evaporation

2017-04-23, 05:00 PM
mineral powders, water, yarn, fan
The minerals are dissolved into the water, water drips down the yarn onto the stalagmite surface.
Use a fan to speed up evaporation

This is a pretty good basic set up. Add small pot or bowl for your water and minerals to be heated (in the sun or over a campfire if you're trying to keep things mundane as possible) to supersaturate the solution and speed up deposition.