View Full Version : DM Help Looking for traditional adventure tropes

2017-04-23, 03:59 PM
I'm working on a setting that turns traditional campaigns upside down (think fractured fairy tales or stories written from the traditional antagonists viewpoint). So, I'm trying to think of more traditional early level situations that players see themselves in.

Examples that I'm using or have thought of previously
1) PCs defend the town against a goblin attack
2) PCs raid the Goblin Caves
3) PCs escort a caravan
4) Obligatory Sewer cleaning

Basically the types of things that when you start out a campaign you "have to" do.

2017-04-23, 07:23 PM
I'm working on a setting that turns traditional campaigns upside down (think fractured fairy tales or stories written from the traditional antagonists viewpoint). So, I'm trying to think of more traditional early level situations that players see themselves in.

Examples that I'm using or have thought of previously
1) PCs defend the town against a goblin attack
2) PCs raid the Goblin Caves
3) PCs escort a caravan
4) Obligatory Sewer cleaning

Basically the types of things that when you start out a campaign you "have to" do.

Rats in a basement.

Meeting in a tavern.

(Cynical) fetch quests

2017-04-23, 09:35 PM
PCs breaking out of jail

Kidnapped local

2017-04-29, 05:32 PM
Somethings killing/stealing livestock

2017-04-29, 05:40 PM
Save the kidnapped princess?

there are ways to make more than a sexist "damsel in distress" story, especially if you go for a metaphorical princess.

2017-04-29, 05:50 PM
Save the kidnapped princess?

there are ways to make more than a sexist "damsel in distress" story, especially if you go for a metaphorical princess.

Nice, I can easy turn that. The monster PC capture her and have to keep her from escaping. She earns their respect and she in turn helps them against her overbearing abusive father.

2017-04-29, 06:07 PM
Rescue the Half-Orc Damsel... except she's kind of taken over and now it's the goblins who need help.

2017-04-29, 06:11 PM
Rescue the Half-Orc Damsel... except she's kind of taken over and now it's the goblins who need help.

Well the PCs are a goblin, kenku, bugbear, and home brew vampire kin (from the Wizards MTG mods). Although the PCs losing the fight until the princess drop some of the guards with a single spell would be interesting

2017-04-29, 09:32 PM
-Raid the Orc Camp before they attack the village.

-Rescue the prisoner(s) from the Bandit Camp.

-The Necromancer in the Catacombs.

-Kill the Rich Prick who was bullying someone earlyer, who was secretly the BBEG all along.

-The Robin Hood-esque Rogue Guild quest to steal something for a good reason.

-The Friendly NPC who betrays you mid-quest, with a variation where he is secretly the BBEG all along.

-The polymorphed guy who gives you the quest to raid the Wizard tower to turn him back.

-The polymorphed guy with a twist (the twist is he was never polymorphed, he just thought he was).

-Get the McGuffin before the BBEG.

-Steal (back) the McGuffin from the BBEG.

-Sabotage Missions.

-Damsel in Distress, including:

--Damsel in Distress with a twist (the twist is, you don't get to score with her).

--Damsel in Distress were the Damsel was actually a guy (might be a positive or negative twist, depending on personal preferances).

--Damsel in Distress were the Damsel was actually the BBEG, or working for him/her.

--Damsel in Distress were she friend zones you, or you're just not her type.

--Damsel in Distress who is not your type, but falls for you after you resque her nevertheless, and stalks you everywere thereafter.

--A lot of Damsels in Distress.