View Full Version : Help me find the source for this...

2017-04-23, 05:29 PM
So, trying to track down the book source of some abilities. Very fuzzy memory on this but. . . They were rites you could have performed for XP

One helped you 'shadow hop', another you could shoot some negative energy ball of stuff, a third I recall helped you lie undetectably, and so on. They all had some downside, but that is beside the point.

My Q is what official book were they in? It was probably something 3.5, but maybe 3.0. They were more or less side bars to discussing various organizations and places in the realms I think.

Any help appreciated.

2017-04-23, 05:38 PM
Lords of Madness?

I recommend dipping Binder (for Naberius) if you plan on performing those rituals, by the way.

2017-04-23, 05:40 PM
Pretty sure they are in Lords of Darkness

2017-04-23, 05:41 PM
Pretty sure they are in Lords of Darkness
Ah, that was it (I think).

2017-04-23, 05:54 PM
Most excellent! Thanks everyone.