View Full Version : What is the earliest level/cheapest that PCs could make and stock a dungeon?

2017-04-23, 07:10 PM
The idea of making a dungeon and harvesting XP from the adventurers that make it to the end came up in the What Would You Do in Forgotten Realms thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?520343-You-wake-up-in-Faerun-what-do-you-do), and got me wondering.

Let's say for the purposes of the thread that we're looking for a dungeon crawl that would cause 4 PCs to level up once while going through it, targeted at either level 1, level 5, level 10, or level 15 characters as the tiers of targeted audience.

As a limitation against infinite wealth loops, let's say you have the full WBL of either a single PC or a group of 4 PCs, half of it is invested in your combat and utility gear and the other half is in the form of more liquid wealth such as currency, and you can only create wealth equal to half of a single PC's WBL for any one expenditure.

For bonus points, could you get it set up and operational within a year of in-game time? What about making it take a week or less to restock or repair it between batches of adventurers?

What about making a dungeon that one could run through one's self and gain experience from? Could that be done?

I know that in PF at least, a level 1 Wizard could make a maze for free given enough time, just casting Expeditious Construction and/or Expeditious Excavation to build walls or dig channels respectively. Expeditious Excavation could probably do the heavy lifting with digging a pit-trap as well. Unseen Engineers, a third level spell, could make a Pit Trap or connected series of them that would add up to CR 50 or nigh-instantly assemble the raw materials into another form of mechanical trap. Blood Money allows a way to use Animate Dead to create uncontrolled undead to stock rooms with for a fraction of the cost or free depending upon how one comes into bodies.

In 3.5, the earliest spell I know of that permanently gets creatures is Halaster's Fetch I, with is a 4th level Wizard spell.

In either game, a Lyre of Building would easily take care of getting the physical room layout taken care of in a jiffy. There are also a number of spells like Fire Trap or Explosive Runes that create some low CR traps in exchange for a spell slot and maybe some material components.

Silva Stormrage
2017-04-23, 07:39 PM
How fast are we talking? Because handle animal/charm animal would work if you want to spend the time to breed up some animals.

Artificers can animate dead at level 1 so they can flood the base with unintelligent undead then just release control over them, it's not particularly efficient or good but it would be a dungeon.

And is this for a single pc or a party of 4?

2017-04-23, 09:02 PM
How fast are we talking? Because handle animal/charm animal would work if you want to spend the time to breed up some animals.

Artificers can animate dead at level 1 so they can flood the base with unintelligent undead then just release control over them, it's not particularly efficient or good but it would be a dungeon.

And is this for a single pc or a party of 4?

Preferably something that takes a year or less to initially get set up. Let's say a hard cap of 5 years for five year plans.

Either a single PC doing it or pooling the abilities of a party of 4 to demonstrate what synergies might exist or be touched upon with division of labor. Or do you think that's too broad?

Fouredged Sword
2017-04-24, 09:09 AM
Well, you can catch some rats and breed them to get tons of more rats. Something like 8 rats are a CR 1 encounter. A rat pair can generate 5000 offspring every year and each litter grows to maturity in 3-4 months. That means from each breeding pair you get something like 625 CR 1 encounters a year in the form of 8 rat sets or roughly 16 CR 2 rat swarm encounters. 4 encounters per dungeon means you can send through 156.25 or 4 parties per year per breeding pair through your dungeon. With CR 1 encounters your dungeon generates 1200 exp across four party members per dungeon run and with 156 runs a year you are looking at 187200 exp a year. The CR 2 encounters are less EXP productive per breeding pair, but generates more EXP per run (2400 per run, 38400 per year), but require less resetting your dungeon so once you are limited by dungeon time rather than breeding rate. You can keep increasing the number of swarms deployed per room until you hit the point that you are running out of food to support rat breeding pairs in enough numbers to provide 1 encounter per day.

Running 1 CR 1 encounter run dungeon per day for 365 days a year requires 3 breeding pairs. Running 1 CR 2 encounter run dungeon per day for 365 days a year requires 91 pairs. Increasing the CR of the encounter requires you to add another 91 breeding pairs per swarm you throw at the party.

That's per breeding pair, so you can basically scale to as large as your food input for the rats. The first breeding pair will net you as many additional rats as you want within the first year. You can rear your breeding pairs for ease of care. The rest can just remain wild.

So get an old building or barn or something and start breeding rats. Craft largish metal boxes with top hatches and floors that side away. This allows you to put a box under the breeding chamber and remove the floor dumping the swarm into the box without issue.

Now you have an easy way to produce CR 2 encounters you can simply make a short "dungeon" of 4-6 rooms and dump swarms of rats onto the nice adventurers as they pass through.

- Note this post uses sane years and weeks rather than the Faerun 10 day week and odd year length.

All in all, none of this requires more than a level 1 character. A commoner could do it. 4 ranks in craft (Structural), craft (blacksmith) and handle animal and you are good to go.