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View Full Version : A quick question about summon monster

2007-07-30, 07:07 PM
This is probably covered in the rules somewhere, but does a maximized summon monster spell have the abilities and hitpoints of the summoned creature maximized? How about the special effects of the creature?

For instance, if I use a maximized Summon monster 6 spell to summon three shadow matiffs, do they each sixty hitpoints or thirty? Is their strength 17 (normal) or 25? And if they use their bay is the panic duration automatically eight rounds, or is it 2d4 as normal?

2007-07-30, 07:10 PM
Only the number of creatures summoned is affected by maximize.

The spell simply summons the creatures, it doesn't create them. Their abilities and attributes aren't effects of the spell, so metamagic feats on the summon spell can't alter them.

2007-07-30, 07:16 PM
The creatures summoned are not effected by most metamagic feats. The single exception of this is Imbue Summoning in the PHB2.
Maximize would set the creatures summoned to the maximum, so if you summoned monsters from a lower list it'd be effective, but not it you summoned the monster equal to the spell list.

For example, with summon monster 2 you can summon either 1 monster from the 2nd level list, or 1d3 from the first level list. Maximize would make it so you could summon all 3 from the first level list, but the 1 from the 2nd level list would be unchanged.

Maximized HP might be a decent houserule, though, since it is +3 spell level. RAW, it won't, though.