View Full Version : Numenera: Stalled Sun (IC)

2017-04-23, 07:15 PM

Tarym Postslar has travelled a long way. Figuratively, for he is old and accomplished. And literally, too, if he thought about it. He has been throughout the steadfast. Even to the edge of the Beyond. If he had his way, he would stay at home with his machine slave and his aerodrink maker. He travels for work.

And what a collection of works it is. He is an Aeon Priest, pulling secrets out of history’s grave to make the local villagers clap in awe. Well, sometimes, more of a slow clap of amusement. It’s true that he would probably not live to see personal flying machines for everyone as he had dreamed in his fevered, newly ordained youth. But there have been true successes. He repaired the dance machine that made the village of Elo famous. He is most proud of putting together a series of parts from different eras to bring the rolling robots to life, putting them to work to make paths and roads without human effort.

Not one to sit on his laurels (especially with his condition), Tarym believes that his best work is still ahead of him. His strong self-motivation has brought him into the Beyond, where anything could happen. He had to walk several hours from the closest village to get here. But he’s sure it’s going to be worth it. He is close enough to touch one of the only two known intact Blop Towers. From educated guesses of markings in a lost language, he believes that Blop Towers were for food distribution. He is giddy imagining the possibilities of a machine dropping mountains of food at his feet.

A perceptive observer would realize that Tarym is not the most interesting man on the scene. This is the Beyond. It’s not safe to go alone. So, Tarym has a team with him, a group of assistants, guards, scouts, and secretaries. Some might consider the whole team heroes. Tarym considers them desperate enough to work for low pay and naïve enough not to expect their name on the discovery.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-23, 10:53 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places

Whether or not there was actually a Blop Tower to be found hadn't crossed her mind; this rare opportunity had presented itself and she'd jumped on it. It was true, of course, that group work like this wasn't exactly the day-to-day style that Nakita preferred: she mostly worked alone and, when she couldn't, she tried to keep it to one or two associates. Still, this wouldn't be all that bad, she at least knew Horea and the others seemed to mostly have themselves together even if their benefactor were a little ... unique. She wondered what they might be thinking of her, if they even bothered to do so, considering she wasn't what most people would picture in their mind when you mentioned adventurer, archaeologist, or any other the other descriptors that befell those that sought out the numenera.

Nakita stood several inches shy of a full six feet, though the thick, steel-toed, boots she was wearing compensated slightly. Her ebony skin glistened with a light sheen of sweat from the marching they had accomplished already today and it seemed to make the strange tattoos emblazoned upon her face even more bold. She reached in her belt pouch and removed a small cloth which had been folded neatly several times over and uses it to wipe her forehead. Luckily she'd put her hair in braids today to keep it out of her face; a thick braid of brown hair currently rested on each of her shoulders. Accompanying the braids were the straps to her loaded pack which rattled and jostled with the various pieces of gear she'd brought along.

"So, what do we actually know about this site?" She asks no one in particular.

2017-04-24, 02:00 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

So... the old fool is looking for a Blop Tower? I wonder if Nakita, or any of the Nanos on the team, know anything about these towers? Ariana is keenly aware of the fact that she has very little understanding of numenera and the workings of ancient artifacts. She's worked very hard to get to the point where she doesn't feel a step behind, thanks to her issues with understanding new concepts. That's one of the reasons she was so sure she wanted Nakita and her friend, the AI Horea, on this mission. They have a lot more experience with this type of field work than she does. Even back when she was in the militia she didn't do much of this type of work. It was mostly patrols and staffing the local clinics.

That was another bonus! Reconnecting with her old commander, Krysen. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, since they arrived in town really. Since it has been so long, she figured it was safe for the two of them to be around each other again. And an experience leader is always good to have around!

Ariana stands just under or over six feet tall, depending on whether she's wearing high heels that day. The boots she is wearing are far more functional than fashionable, as is appropriate for a combat medic, which is her chosen profession despite her lack of employment in the field for much of the last few years. Her tight fitting black pants are tucked into the boots and have several pockets to keep gear she needs handy in them. She has a belt with a hook to hold her verred at her left hip and her quiver of crossbow bolts is over her left shoulder. Her first aid kit is slung across her body resting at her right hip. She appears ready to deal with either combat or a medical emergency. She is carrying her crossbow over her right shoulder in a relaxed manner, keeping it close to the ready instead of strapped to her back, but still trying to make sure the less combat oriented members of the team know that there is no threat imminent. She knows body language is important.

Her copper-red, short hair is styled so she can literally just run her fingers through it and it will look decent, if she doesn't have the luxury of a professional dressing room, not that she's really cared about things like that for the past 10 years or so. She decided to let it go back to her natural color years ago, after having had blonde, blue, silver, and even multi-colored glowing hair at one point. Her pale skin and blue eyes are a throwback to a classic look. At least that's what her mother always said. She was always a bit confused at why her mother, who has dark skin and hair, not to mention violet colored eyes, ended up with a daughter who looked like her. But she never knew her father, so she always guessed that he was the answer to that riddle.

She was mentally chiding herself for not following proper safety precautions at the moment. Her armored jacket, which looks like a normal jacket from the outside, but has an inner lining of chainmail and would shock any clerk at a theater coat check if you handed it to them because of the weight, was currently wide open, exposing her bare midriff and tight fitting tunic. If this were Krysen's militia unit, he would be reading her the riot act, but this isn't the militia. And it is hot as freakin' heck!

2017-04-24, 06:31 AM
Tarym sighs in relief and excitement as the Blop Tower comes into view. It looks like a shiny black bean stood on its end, extending about 100 feet into the air. There are no visible doors or windows but Tarym has assured everyone that there are secret access panels on the surface, which were more obvious on destroyed tower that he had examined. There are no other buildings or structures nearby.

2017-04-24, 06:44 AM
Liviria Senesti
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
Liviria snaps back to attention - the group had stopped. She saw little reason to pay attention to her surroundings while travelling, there were professionals for that. Instead she visualised plans for tools and solutions to problems in her mind, leaving casual observation to the people more suited to it.
She glanced around at the others, Krysen and Ariana were professionals, if there were danger they would be readying weapons and seemed to still be casual - not an attack then... Oh, the tower, we've arrived , a distracted smile touches upon her lips, this is what she's walked all the way here for.

Liviria is small, especially compared to most of her companions. A smidgen over five-feet in height, and fairly compact. her defining feature was her overly red hair, brighter than any natural hair colour had a right to be, and even cut short it formed itself into wild busy shapes. Though unless it started getting in her way she barely spared it any thought. Her clothes were similarly haphazard, a single armoured glove padded knees for crawling around under machines and long jacket which she cut shorter so it wasn't in her way. And pockets, belts and tools conveniently to hand - no sense in getting caught out.

"No Sense wasting time, we should take a closer look." though she does look to Krysen to lead the way.

2017-04-24, 09:52 AM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out

Though she may be as much an artificial creation as the drones employed by the Aeonn priest, with her humanoid form and obviously different design Horea stands out quite a bit, like a porcelain doll in the middle of bulldozers. She stands at an average size in fact technically rather small even if her long thin arm make her look higher, only covered in a green and red decorated with colorful pattern shawl and carrying bags around her shoulder, Her tall white smooth exposed shell reflect the sun rays as she stands on the walk around the path in silence. She usually stand near Nikita or occasionally may try to talk with the Aeon priest. Sometime she will stand still and stare at something. Her black unblinking eye glow of a different color, green, blue, red, for a few moments, then her cables at the end of the head light softly and she's done.

"So, what do we actually know about this site?"

Despite her apparent unconnected or distant behavior she must be paying attention to the people around her as she answers after a split second, without even turning her head to look at the person she talks to, apprently still starring in the distance. Her voice is

"The design show simple curves and shiny united colores aesthetics. Could belong to a number of tendencies from previous worlds but the language trail that led pour employer here means it is from partial known part of history. From our employer, I gathered some the faded runic language found on the trail that led him here is reminiscent of Mangnio-ith which could mean this was build somewhere at the zenith the first Zerth empire to one of the many revivals that happened in the following millennia. Walls are thick and durable, exact material cannot be determined at this distance.
Our employers believe this was part of a food distributing network, yet no roads or rails or anything that would hint as a transport network nor what could have been fields or glasshouses are visible; even as ruins, that would indicate that flying or matter transportation technology was used, or that our employer was wrong about the purpose of this building.

Perhaps of more pressing concern, the building seems intact despite having spent a long time in plain visibility, above ground and the name is at least known as rumor by the local population. While the remote location certainly play an isolation factor, as does the lack of visible doors, the fact is hasn't been apparently pierced by any would be scavengers or ruin explorers in such a long period of time is worrying. I see no traces of energies from there but these walls seem both thick and isolant. Presence of active harmful, numera, possibly defenses is a strong possibility."

Her voice takes a faint slightly eager undertone.
"Do you have a planned approach ?"

2017-04-24, 10:10 AM
Tarym stops to listen to everything Horea has to say. At the end, he responds with, "That's a good girl." For reasons unknown to any of the others, Tarym apparently considers Horea to be an information dispensing puppy.

Tarym considers. "Well, all reports show the towers to be unresponsive. I also don't see any recent tracks of bandits or creatures. So, let's take the direct approach."

Tarym walks up to the tower and starts examining the surface.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-24, 11:21 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places

"Thank you Horea." She says as the artificial woman dolls out quite a sizeable bit of data on the strange structure that had just begun to crest into view. Nakita didn't particularly concern herself with whether some of the others in their little band were bothered by Horea's information dump though she was a little curious as to how Tarym reacted to it. Some of the information was the obvious sort of stuff one would ask themselves before delving into a ruin, a temple, or some structure from a bygone age; other points were the sorts of things that some crusty scholar locked away in a library might feel was important to note about a site--but together they helped to better cement what exactly it was they were walking into here. Still, a lot of mystery remained... and they hadn't even approached the thing yet.

Satisfied with that the site didn't exhibit any glaring dangers, Nakita hustles to catch up to Liviria and walks alongside her up to the Blop Tower. "Certainly is an odd thing isn't it?" She asks the other woman while giving the strange facility a better look over as they get closer and closer. She manages to pry her eyes away from it eventually and turns them toward the ground; if others had been here recently or whoever had created this thing had left any defense to protect it, she wanted to know as soon as she possibly could--no sense walking into a trap. "I wonder why this one survived intact if there are others that he'd found that were destroyed to such a degree."

As Tarym and any of the others who had kept to his slower pace arrive she decides to start examining the actual surface of the object closer: she looks for any signs of access panels, seams in the construction or any other items of interest. She also tries to gauge what sort of material the tower is crafted from, though she doesn't brave touching it bare handed yet. 'Wouldn't want to end up like Rhys.' She thinks as she dons a pair of black padded gloves with hardened knuckles.

2017-04-24, 05:19 PM
Liviria Senesti
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
"If it conforms to the same patterns Tarym has seen before we should at least know where the entrances are. Even if it isn't what we expect, it should still be interesting." Not one to let someone else start work before she does, Liviria runs her hand across the surface, similarly cautiously avoiding touching it with bare skin, relying on her thick gloves forge-working gloves to protect her from any conductive defences.

2017-04-24, 09:34 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads

Krysen's halberd bounces across his back as he walks at a brisk, long-legged pace at the front of the group, bow strung and quiver bouncing at his hip. It's been a while since he's been out in his element at the head of a group, and it feels good to have competent folk backing him up again. Finding time to be with Ariana again has helped him feel more in sorts, she the soldier and he the leader, for what good it does. Since the coup and the need to separate for safety, Krysen's been quite out of his element in a city full of strangers, so it's good luck - or the will of the Truth, depending on your worldview - that he happened into her. Laying low had been harder on him than on her, and it was a relief both to rediscover a friendly face and have a set task to accomplish.

With the halberd nearly fully as tall as his 6 foot frame, it juts out over one shoulder where it's strapped across his armored frame. Some design of a previous world glows dully in the daylight where it's inset into the blade. Squinting slightly, the creases at the corners of his eyes are exaggerated as he examines the horizon. When the distance to the tower diminishes, so too does his distance from the group, dropping from a dozen or so paces ahead to just next to Ariana. The glow in his weapon's blade describes a bluish arc as he turns to face the rest of the group. "I'll scout the permiter. Be right back."

At a light jog, Krysen circles around the base of whatever this place is. Yet another alien leftover of a previous world, like so many strewn across the Beyond, Krysen regards it with little interest. His role here is to provide security, and his own goals of establish rapport with the Aeon priest and Ariana's newfound allies are far more important than contemplating the unknowable purpose of some ancient nano's haven, or whatever this thing is. Attempting to understand the purpose of the detritus of ancient kingdom is a pointless exercise, and Krysen has long ago made peace with the fact that there is enough mundane nonsense to deal with in life and has no desire to waste brainpower figuring out the Numenera.

Completing his circuit in extremely good time for a middle aged warrior, he huffs a little sigh as his breath catches back up to him and he with the group. "Whatever this thing is, seems like we're the only ones interested in it, for better or worse. No signs of company." Having departed just as the group was beginning to examine the bean-shaped tower, he assumed they made an examination in his absence. He completely missed the facts that Horea presented, but even if he heard her it would have made little difference to him, it's doubtful he would have made anything of the jumble of information. "Any luck finding a way in?"

2017-04-24, 11:21 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

A slight grin appears on Ariana's face as her old commanding officer, friend, and mentor heads out to scout around the tower. It feels good to be out in the field again! No matter how many shins she pulls in by singing in club; performing elaborate illusion and dance routines; or even if she could find a legitimate theater and actually do some acting again she wouldn't want to trade it for this lifestyle. If you would have asked her 12 year-old self if she would ever want to be out trudging through the beyond like this, she would have told you you're crazy!

She was a bit worried when we were first approaching and Liviria seemed like she might just head straight to the tower without proper security measures, but she obviously deferred to Krysen. Speaking of which, Ariana slings her crossbow around her back and presses a series of buttons on the front of her jacket to close up the front, causing the magnetic seals slide together.

Horea answers Nakita's casual question about the site in far greater detail than Ariana thought possible, which elicits another grin. That is one impressive lady! Damn! Then Tarym treats her like some sort of well behaved house-pet with a database interface or something. Ariana rolls her eyes, shakes her head, and sighs. That pompous old blowhard! I know I should be grateful, but... Oh well... Somebody else's problem... Just do your freakin' job Ariana! You're not on stage being ogled at or having guys making rude suggestions about about any other professions you might practice just because you work in the same part of town as the red light district! You're doing what you want to do again! You can deal with an arrogant windbag who thinks he's actually paying you enough to make it worth your time... I wish! I hope we find enough numenera and artifacts to make it worthwhile for everyone! Otherwise I'll really feel bad.

As Tarym, Nakita, and Liviria start examining the tower, Ariana takes position so she can see them out of the corner of her eye and watch their backs at the same time and starts walking a slow patrol route about twenty yards away from the tower, covering about a quarter of the circumference of the tower with each pass. After only two passes, Krysen returns and reports:

"Whatever this thing is, seems like we're the only ones interested in it, for better or worse. No signs of company. Any luck finding a way in?"

"Not yet, but those three are looking. Horea is concerned that there may be active defensive numera, since this place is in one piece and the others that Tarym has found haven't been. Have to admit... the logic is sound... There must be a reason why this one is still standing? I was just trying to keep them in view and keep an eye out for any unwelcome visitors, just like you taught me." She winks and bumps him with her shoulder. "Damn! I've missed this... and you! It gets in your blood, doesn't it."

2017-04-25, 09:07 AM
The team gets started on what is often a long slog through many failed options. Understanding a major artifact could take years. Different civilizations in many different eras had vastly different thought processes of how something should be put together. Even basic things take time to tease out. Does that wire conduct electricity, conduct light within its hollow core, shunt away heat, hold parts together, block interfering waves, or there for aesthetic reasons? Languages and alphabets varied tremendously; good luck also trying to understand context and idiom. The best that can usually be hoped for is figuring out things like “this triangular stud makes things happen”, “that symbol like a bird with an open beak is a warning”, and “don’t sever the yellow tubes or it will never work again.”

Luckily, Tarym had spent a season with a nearly identical Blop Tower that had been sliced or burned through several times in the distant past, with multiple sections left lying on the ground. Exposure of the insides had resulted in oxidation and degradation. A few million years of dust had filled in areas and solidified to stone. Tarym had really studied a fossilized Blop Tower corpse. Nonetheless, Tarym felt confident that he had learned enough to merit spending time with an intact Tower. The expected result was a test of any internal power source and whether any internal access could be gained. The Tower was close enough to civilized areas that it had doubtlessly been explored several times before and those explorers must have failed and moved on. Tarym was counting on experience with the other Tower to enable him to succeed where others had failed. This discovery could make him known through the ages for something even bigger than the Elo dance machine.

With this expectation, the team has brought supplies for a week’s stay for an initial foray to see if the tower would be worth the effort to set up for a semi-permanent stay. An initial look over reveals a shiny black surface that has only tiny scratches and minor pitting after standing up to the elements for epochs. That and the fully intact shell or outside gives hope that the insides will have secrets to reveal.

With everyone full of the initial thrill of the unknown, work proceeds exceptionally quickly and smoothly. Things happen so quickly that no one has yet started unpacking for a longer stay. Tarym tells Horea what to look for and, within an hour of scanning and recalibrating, she finds an oval on the surface with differing static electrical properties from the surrounding area. With Horea’s direction, Tarym marks the oval’s outline with chalk. After another hour, Tarym and Liviria think that they have determined how the oval is held in place. Eventually, Nakita applies a bit of hedge magic to the exact right spot and a panel swings open. It’s a small victory but it’s far more than anyone else has accomplished with a Blop Tower.

Everyone takes in the wonders of the interior. The device inside looks like a collection of colorful sea shells interlocking into something larger. The complexity of just this one section is almost too much to take in and might take a great deal of time to map out.

After studying the symbology, Tarym risks touching the device and turning a shell. In rapid series, he exclaims, “Ah ha!” “Hmmm?” then “Oh Dear!”

Tarym is bathed in a red light. Blue beams fly out and strike everyone else.

Everything is drowned in light and thunder. After a moment’s confusion, the team realizes that they are the source of the light and thunder. The tower is gone. Discordant piles of, stuff, are everywhere. The thunder and light was the shockwave of their arrival. Except Tarym who is nowhere.

Everyone finds themselves standing on a mirrored surface that rocks precariously. They are about 50 feet off of the ground; exact distance is hard to tell as the ground is covered with things of all manner. The world around them is a maze of piles of mismatched items, as if a surreal artist was trying to demonstrate the cacophony of change across the ages. A ribcage juts a hundred feet into the air behind them. An assortment of very large beetles can be seen in the distance. A burned out humanoid battle machine makes up much of the pile that they are standing on. Bones and dust are mixed in with everything.

It is hot. A bright sun burns in a tan sky. The time is apparently mid-morning, not the late afternoon it was moments ago. An orange cube with pipes or tentacles jutting out in all directions floats by lazily in the distance.

This place is certainly unlike anything any of the team has seen before. They are likely far from any place they have been and it is questionable whether they will ever see home again.


Bounty Hunter
2017-04-25, 09:35 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places

In a knee-jerk reaction Nakita holds up one had and blue light from above bathes her from above; she didn't actually expect her arm to shield her from anything but the motion was purely reflex. Thunder booms and lights flash and suddenly she realizes the light has changed from a cold blue to a warm dull orange. She lowers her hand to see the low-hanging orb of the sun in the sky and quickly begins to turn to see where the structure had gone only to realize that it hadn't--they had. "Wha...?"

Her mind begins to race, confusion and excitement pump through her at tenfold what it had as they entered the tower. She turns her gaze down and studies the piles of ...well... everything apparently. It wasn't all junk per say, it just seemed to be a completely random assortment of things that had been gathered and simply left here. She turns her attention to the mirrored surface upon which they are now balancing and tries to gauge whether it is free floating or appears to be resting atop something.

"What happened to Tarym?" She asks eventually, though she assumed the others knew just a little as she. "Horea, what is this place?" She had been poking around old ruins and other sites for nearly all her life and never had she had something seemingly teleport her somewhere else. 'Was it teleportation?' She wonders to herself as she begins to try and figure out other possibilities; time travel and the like.

2017-04-25, 10:57 AM
After vision returns from being luminescent, more details emerge. Everyone is standing on a rectangular, shiny, plate of some sort that is roughly 30' by 40'. The way it rocks when anyone moves suggests that it is resting on top of a pile but is not secured in any way. A wrong move might start a sled ride that ends in a thud.

Looking around shows a landscape of irregular hills. Focusing on the hills, each is made of more things. The landscape, as far as can be seen, is irregular piles from 10' to 100' tall on what might be a flat surface underneath.

The orange cube, the only visible object in the air other than the sun, is still visible, drifting slowly, as if on the wind. There is zero wind. Without a reference, its size and distance are hard to tell. It is likely hundreds of feet up and at least a hundred feet across.

2017-04-25, 04:12 PM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out

"YY..I.. Y;..i"
There is a long mometn after the telportation where Horea is completely still and silent. Only the soft light behind her yes blinking furiously and small erratic sounds that one could asociate as glitching.

"Yes. Given the complete change of surroundings, teleportation seems the most likely, possibly dimension shifting may be involved as well, it is unclear at this point. Whether we activated a sytem of the tower or a defense fromt he tower, a telporting trap, I do not know. "
Her voice is flat. she sounds unshaken as one would expect from an emotionless automation. It is not so. She is as surprised and lost as everyone else. And scared. She simply do not show it, not does it influence her in the same ways, once her 'glitch' is over."Privilege" of her robotic state. In truth she has deliberately put out fo mind the full impact of what happened.. denial makes dealing with the imediate so much easier sometime.
"Hypothesis number 1: The wreckage we are standing on ,suggest this could be a landfill. A dump. The platform we are standing seems installed to receive things, which indicates that thing are transported here on purpose rather than being some of teleporting Bermuda triangle. However the complete heterogeneity of our surroundings could indicates multiple points of origins. A graveyard of teleportation accident ? Perhaps both or something else. it is yet too early to tell.

Lastly for now I notice organic residue below, bones at least. Unless local conditions are unfavorable to corpse decomposition, this would indicates that living creatures have been sent here, close enough in time that their bones have not turned to dust. And died here. At second though, considering the unstabiltiy of the platform we are in, indicating some riging, it is possible that it was isntalled by previous telportees, this would be a good thing as it indicates they lives long enough for this kind of work. yet everything seems dead."

Horea gives a couple of foot tap on the platform they're on, testing the instability.

"While our employer was in a ray of light, he was not teleported with us. There is a chance, however slim it may be, that he is still in the tower and might be able to bring us back, at which point staying in place is the best course of action. Finaly if previous unwilling telportees installed this platfom it is possible we may be eventualy reched by a 'welcome comitee', whether this is a good or bad thing is unknown. However should we be standing around for a long time, I see no water or edible food around, everything seems dead? therefore it will be encessary to move at some point to search for food and water.
I choose to stand here for now, I trust Master Postslar to do what he can, if he can."

Horea atempt to move a side of the platform, as close as she can without destabilizing it then sit in a lotus like position as she looks in the distance. at the outlandish background, had she breath it would take it away, in a vaina tempt to glimpse the rules, of this new place. Any details to go on would do.
For now she's looking at the beetle like things, standing, (very slowly crawling ? no movement sqhe can see), around in the distance, along with the orange floating cube they stand out the most.

(I do apologize if Horea seems very long winded to say very little but this is alway a risk when playing such characters.
Either it seems they are just stating the obvious; or to seems they are pulling conclusion out of their a.. thin air Since first posts in a Pbp game are kinda important to give first impression about her character, I prefer to risk the former rather than the later.
In the future, I intend her reasoning to be more silent as well as having more emotions in her narration (mostly because i'm still sort of tweaking how i want to play her personality )

I will spend a round to observe the beetles.
Even if I don't get the bonus from applied observation, just extra info would be nice

2017-04-25, 04:26 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

When Nakita gets the panel open, Ariana sees that Krysen has also noticed and nods toward the group looking into the now open tower. "Doesn't look like we're getting any company here. I'm gonna see what's up? Maybe they could use a fresh pair of eyes if they can't figure something out, not that mine are likely to be them." She walks over toward the tower and peers into the interior along with the others.

It is far too confusing to make any sense to her. Sea shells? Why the heck would there be things that look like sea shells? She turns toward Liviria to ask if she understands why they are shaped that way and realizes that it really doesn't matter, having drawn her attention, she is embarrassed not to say anything to her companion... she hadn't really gotten to know her much yet, since she was the one person other than herself who she knew was here specifically because of Tarym and not someone she recruited. Kinda pretty... I wonder if she'd let me try to do something with her hair sometime? Whoa... stay on task girl! Krysen would have my head! Damn... When did I become a ditz?

She clears her throat. "Kinda pretty... Those shell things... Any clue what they do?" Ariana tries to not seem like an idiot about these things, but she's pretty sure that Nakita would be laughing at her if she heard her. At least I think she knows that I have trouble understanding this type of stuff...

Just then she sees movement out of the corner of her eye and turns to see Tarym reach out and turn one of the shells. What the heck does he think he's...

“Ah ha!”
“Oh Dear!”

Tarym is bathed in a red light.

"Oh for cryin'..."

Ariana's vision is filled with blue light and all she can hear is the crack of thunder.

"...out loud!"

It takes a moment to realize what just happened, but before long Ariana has pieced together at least a portion of their predicament. That arrogant old fool! He activated the tower in some way and it was some sort of a device that transported things... Us to be specific... But where the HELL are we? This doesn't look like anywhere I've ever been... She leans to start moving toward Krysen and feels the inherent instability of whatever they are standing on.

"Stay still, people! Whatever we're on doesn't feel stable. But first things first, is everybody alright?"

2017-04-25, 04:35 PM
The beetles are sitting in the distance, some on top of each other. None of them are flying or moving.





edit: don't worry about post length early on - it's important to establish character the first few posts.

2017-04-25, 05:57 PM
Since he was facing away from the grandiose artifact the scholars were studying, the sudden conflagration of light from the thing catches him more with greater surprise than the rest of the group. Despite the nearly blinding brightness, habit from years of combat experience causes him to reflexively close only one eye as the whatever-it-is does whatever the hell it's doing. In theory, keeping one eye closed when a bright source of light suddenly appears helps preserve night vision, or at least help one adjust more easily to the new lighting conditions. Seems it's a pointless exercise, since the new environment's light source is a distasteful shade of orange and just as bright as where they came from.

Throwing out an arm to balance himself at first, he falls into a bent-kneed stance that seems like it would be at home on the field or on the practice floor, letting him easily adjust to the swaying of whatever this platform is. Not even bothering to look up - assuming the orange to just be a shade of sunlight that's different - he scans the immediate surroundings. Jaw set in a grim frown, the presence of the myriad beetles registers as threat numero uno on his mental radar. Watching them as he half-hears the nano's flood of hypotheses, he's only just finished assessing their numbers, distance, and behavior when the one relevant observation Horea makes prompts a verbal response from him.

"We only have enough food and water for a week at best. Here's what's going to happen: Horea, Liviria, spend the next hour using whatever nanotech and learning you have to put together some observations about this place from up here. Ariana and I will make a security assessment during the same time, priority number one is getting down from this platform safely, then avoiding whatever the hell those things are, and lastly getting out of here and towards some sort of water source. If the old man is coming back, he has an hour to do it. After that, we have to look after ourselves."

Doffing his pack, he pulls out two small numenera. One is a leather bracer with a piece of glass attached to the top, which he slips on with ease born of practice. The other is a handle with a small protrusion made of synth and metal [ OOC: Think hypospray from Star Trek. ] "Oh, one other thing. I need each of you put this at the base of your neck and then push this symbol." Turning the handle so everyone can see, he displays it to the group. "Once you do, this cypher will show me where you are at all times, so we can't get separated." Holding it out for anyone who wants to grab it first, he adds, "And, uh...it's not pleasant. Feels like being bitten by a snake, but it only lasts a moment."

What kind of task, if any, would it be to

a) try to figure out what the best way down off this thing would be, and

b) assess how many of / how far away / how dangerous the beetles are?

2017-04-25, 09:11 PM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out

"then avoiding whatever the hell those things are, and lastly getting out of here and towards some sort of water source."

"So far I have seen no movement, they seem perfectly innert. It is possible they are resting. Or as dead as the rest of the organic remains around this place.
... However should they be organic and still alive... I'm aware you might find the idea unpleasant but wouldn't it make sense they would be near the closest sopurce of water and organic food ? If not a source of it themselves, should none other be found"

Horea looks at the little cypher the man handed to her then clasping it around and into one of her back cables.

"May i ask where did you found these ? I have in my possession a pair of somewhat similar. It enable a soundless long range communication for one hour. I assume it would be usefull should we have to split for scouting or exploration purpose. I wonder where they wmade by similar purpose ? Do they use similar technology ?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-25, 09:20 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places

"My vote goes for getting off the balancing piece of metal fifty foot in the sky before placing any injectors into my neck." Nakita comments as she likewise doffs her pack and sets it down near the center of the platform. She wanted as much weight as possible to be centered before people started moving around too much and sent the whole things sledding down the side of an enormous pile of rusted junk. She studies the platform itself to see if it was a single piece of metal or whether it had been constructed of smaller pieces as if it had been built then placed here or built in place. She then makes her way toward the edge exactly opposite of where Horea has settled, and attempts to gauge whether there was a foreseeable way down.

"Certainly we shouldn't move to far from this point initially, in case there was to be a chance at returning. But we can't sit here in the open and playing the balancing game for too long...especially not under this damned sun."

2017-04-25, 09:29 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

"It really isn't that bad. The pain goes away pretty quickly... At least it did when I was tagged back in the day... If anybody has lingering pain I have some analgesics in my med kit."

Ariana looks out over the horizon, trying to see if there is anyplace that looks like a decent shelter or a reasonable place free of debris to make camp.

"Don't forget to be careful with movement up here. We don't want to find our was down off of this platform the hard way!"

2017-04-26, 08:09 AM
Examination of the mirror-like platform show that it is a single inch thick sheet of synth. Regular series of small holes show where it used to be attached to something. It is warped slightly from being on an irregular surface. Most of it is about 10 degrees off from horizontal.

Horea and Krysen determine that the beetles have not moved for some time. They have dust and debris on them. It's not clear whether they are mechanical or biomechanical but they are likely designed to be vehicles, most likely a type of tank or war vehicle.

Horea's scan reveals a great deal of variety. There are metals, synth, plastics, composite materials, bone, shell, and other materials but not much wood. The humanoid robotic warrior would have been over 40 feet tall. It's empty missile rack and destroyed gun imply that it would have been terrifying when it was operational. Nothing in the immediate area has power, unless it is very well shielded. The robot is missing an eye and there are wires coming out of the eye and draped along its face.
(ooc: spending points tends to give better results and Scan is a specific chose ability.)

The floating orange cube remains a mystery.

2017-04-26, 08:43 AM
Liviria Senesti
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing

Liviria offers no resistance against the Numenera monitoring device, this is not the situation to show a lack of trust in her colleagues.
"I can likely get down myself, I'm not sure how many I can carry" Liviria indicates a bulky ring on her right middle finger. "This generates a bubble which ascends or descends at the wearer's indication, I believe it will only work for 10 minutes, and cannot be disabled once activated until the ten minutes expire. I know it will work around the wearer, I'm not sure how many others they can carry?" Or maybe I can put something together, don't want to destabilise the platform while I'm working though...

2017-04-26, 09:16 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana nods at Liviria. "It's probably too risky to try to carry multiple people inside it if you aren't positive it will hold them... But maybe we could rig some ropes to put over the bubble and we could make foot and handholds with knots and loops at the ends so we could ride down? We would only need two long sections of rope. I'd expect between Krysen and I we can handle most of the gear if we can tie it into bundles that can be carried on our backs, or we could use a third rope and tie it up the same way. OH! But we'd have to balance weight... Dang, I hate to ask, Horea, but... how much DO you weigh? Maybe we'd need to counter you with some of the gear if you're heavy, being an AI and all? I don't know... Maybe you're made of lightweight material... Anyway, sound like a plan folks?" A huge grin spreads across her face. "If we all plunge to the ground I promise to patch you up!" She looks over at Horea. "Well, I can't help you much, I guess, I'm a medic, not a mechanic." She winks, "So we better make it work, right?" She turns to Nakita and asks, "You always seem to be able to figure out how these things work. What do you think? Would it be able to carry extra people like that or are we asking for trouble?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-26, 02:59 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

It wasn't that she didn't trust her companions, she knew full well that they were each more than experts in their particular areas of skill, but she didn't enjoy some of the ideas that were being toss around one bit. With a slight grunt Nakita lowers herself to the ground and lays in a prone position. He black gloves and leather armor sparing her skin from what she assumed was a quite warm sheet of mirrored metal that had been heated by the sun for several hours minimum. "Though I trust your skills to patch us up, I think I'd rather just avoid the injury in the first place eh?" She jokes and then, using her gloved palms, slides herself partially over the edge of the platform. Trying her best to ensure her grip on the edge holds tight she tries to get a better look at what it was sitting on, how it was fastened there, and whether she could justifiably descend in a mostly safe manner.

If she feels she can safely reach somewhere with her feet or mostly reach and then drop, she will spin herself around on her stomach to allow for feet first decent.

I want to know a way off this platform...

I'm trying to find a decent enough spot where climbing over the edge and down is doable. If that is absolutely not possible please let me know. If there is anything you need me to roll let me know.

2017-04-26, 03:01 PM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1

"If we can rig a net, it will be better, I'm not entirely sure how large the bubble is, though I beleive it will generate a sphere large enough to encompass the wearer, so working with an approximate six foot sphere... Anybody have any rope, or cables? Liviria takes a look around to see what's in reach that she can work with, and barely registers that anyone else is there.

2017-04-26, 03:57 PM
OOC: I'll just roll this time.

Krysen needs a 6 because of skill [roll0]
Nakita needs a 9 [roll1]

There look to be some stable paths down. The key seems to be to get everyone to stop off of the shiny sheet in such a way that it doesn't become a sled.

2017-04-26, 04:02 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana lowers herself gently to one knee and takes her pack off her back. "I have 50 feet of rope here, Liviria. Will that be enough for what you need? Talk to us... What are you thinking..."

She watches as Nakita carefully looks for a way to climb over down, then glances toward Horea. Can she manage a climb like that? She looks so thin, but I know she's made of pretty sturdy material. I just don't know her physical capabilities... I suppose Nakita knows her best, so if she thinks the she's found a safe route, Horea should be able to handle it... But maybe...

"You know... I'm no expert or anything, but I can probably hold my own climbing down if you find a safe way. Do you think that cypher would hold one person? You and Horea are both pretty small, size wise at least. You might be able to fit together inside, then the rest of us could split the gear and climb down, presuming these two capable individuals find a safe way!" She flashes a smile toward both Nakita and Krysen. "What's it lookin' like down there?"

2017-04-26, 04:04 PM

An artifialy inteligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intelect 18/20

"From the variety of meterials I feel under us, cables could probaly be found in the wreck under us if someoene is nimble enought to take the risk to climb down and search.
This platform we are standing on is not only not fastened to the support under us but also present multiple small holes around it's rim. If we have anough cables for a 'net', could we not smiply attach link the edges of the patform to your bubble, using it to provide lift for a slow fall while the platform would provide a solid 'basket'."

2017-04-26, 04:23 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana smiles and shakes her head. "Horea! Has anyone ever told you that you are a genius! Wait, what am I saying! Of course someone has, because it's obvious! But we don't even need to get cables. We just need one more rope! This platform isn't that big and the bubble shouldn't be that tall. If we tie two ropes together at their centers, we should be able to secure each edge of the platform with two ropes! If you really want to be safe, get a couple more, but I'm sure Krysen has one, and I'd be SHOCKED if Nikita didn't have at least one length of rope in her pack! The only problem is how to secure the ropes to the holes so they won't come loose until we get down."

Not my character's purview, but I did the math. We need less than 50' of rope to cover both hypotenuses from one side to the other.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-26, 04:54 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Nakita spends a few moments studying the mountain they are perched atop. Unsatisfied with her first location she asks a companion to adjust their weight so that she might try another until she's satisfied that she might have found a mostly safe way down. She rolls back over to be all the way on the platform rather than hanging over the edge and catches the tail end of the conversation at hand. "Well, that is certainly out-of-the-box thinking." She chimes in, still laying belly-down on the shimmering metal in a position as if she were about to start doing push ups. "I've found a way down that shouldn't be too terrible for those able to make the effort though... I'd much prefer a bit of arduous climbing than having half a dozen people, on swinging mirror, wrapped to a bubble we're not sure of the details of..."

She spins herself in a manner that places her legs dangling over the edge from the waist down and readies her hands at the edge of the platform. "Mind the weight shifts... and be ready to lower down my bag of gear please." She asks, before vanishing over the edge leaving naught but a row of fingers clinging to the edge for a moment. If she's able to make purchase on the ground before letting go, she does so, elsewise she looks for the best place to land and tries to gentle drop to it. Assuming all goes well, she tests the ground to ensure its stability by applying weight to one foot and then the other.

[Assuming She Makes It]
"All good, lower the pack please!" She calls out to those still on the platform above.

I'm climbing off the platform while some acts as a counterweight. I do not have my bag of gear but am asking folks to lower it to me.

2017-04-26, 05:11 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

[making the same assumption as Nakita... that she makes it...]
Ariana takes Nakita's bag over to the edge, carefully mimicking the way she had been moving to minimize the disturbance on the platform. She looks over the edge to see how far she needs to drop the bag. "Hey! I'm gonna get out a length of your rope to send this down to you! It that alright?"

Nakita looks up and, dusting off her gloves, nods, gives a thumbs-up, and waits for Ariana to throw down the rope. Sure enough, there is a length of rope near the top of her pack. Ariana re-seals the pack, tosses down one end of the rope to Nakita. Ariana sends down the pack. Nakita then suggests that they keep the rope to help secure the platform if they still plan on doing that.

"Be careful down there, alright! The more I think about it, though, Horea's idea had one really big thing going for it, even if we don't all ride the platform. This thing is the destination of that transport device, right? And IF that old fool who managed to send us here is going to figure out how to get us back, we're going to want to have access to it. I doubt that it has to be in the same location, since it is obviously NOT attached to anything now. I'd bet it's moved a lot over the years. Probably just about every time something gets transported here since it was dislodged from whatever it was on in the first place. If we can move it somewhere stable where we can get back to it, we may have a better shot at getting home!"

Edited to incorporate Bounty Hunter's idea of us keeping the rope to use for the platform.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-26, 05:51 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

[Continued Assumption Roleplay]
If the distance down is great enough to warrant it, Nakita suggests using the rope attached to the side of her kit to lower the bag down gently rather than risking too much undue strain on both the junk pile and the platform. If the group needs her ropes for the platform she suggests they keep them up their once the bag transfer has occurred. "It's very possible that the platform is the destination point for whatever happened. Perhaps it comes from another destroyed tower and they had some sort of transportation network between them?" She considers the possibilities while receiving her pack and then donning it proper. "I've no qualms with moving it to ground level to be safer for us, for others, or just in general ... I just don't wish to be atop it when we do so."

2017-04-26, 10:41 PM
As Nakita shimmies off the edge of the unstable platform and clambers over piles of junk towards the ground, Krysen watches where she puts he weight, carefully noting each foot placement and how the detritus that makes up their mountainous obstacle behaves as a result. While Ariana lowers the pack into Nakita's waiting arms, Krysen spends the time stowing his bow and wiping the sweat from his hands. Once the pack is safely secured, he taps Ariana gently on the shoulder, gesturing for her to hand him the rope. "The lot of you head down, I'll stay up here and man the rope. I've climbed more stable crags back in the Weald, though the scenery was considerably more pleasant." Looking between her and Horea, he continues, "If you think this thing is REALLY necessary to bring down with us, I'll secure it on one of those holes before we go down, and I can yank it down after us. " Snorting in self-derision and annoyance, he adds, " 'sides, it's not like whatever might lives here didn't hear us arrive, what's a little more noise?"

( Assuming she gives him the rope)

Wrapping the end of the rope around his left wrist and getting a good grip on it, Krysen finds a comparatively stable spot and plants his feet. "G'won, now. I'll be behind you. Three points of contact and a secure grip on the rope, mind." Nodding towards the edge, he indicates the edge of the platform to Horea and Ariana.

2017-04-26, 11:28 PM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intelect 18/20

Horea spend a moment just ..standing. Her head ***** as she looks at Krysten, her lips frozen closed as if an eternal unasked question, then she stands again and look at the pile alongside the traject of the rope

She grabs the ropes, give a single tug, stands for about ten seconds, she seems frozen in place.. the she jsut suddenly seems to flip over the edges, like she's spinning over around her own arm and spinns so her elongated legs reach around the rope and her feets almost touch the pile ,and she start slowly climbing down the rope, reminding a little with her elongated lips and carefull planned movement of humanoid spider slowly crawling alongside it's wire.

(.. unless she loose grip and start tumbling down at which poiint she'll remind more of a humanoid stone bumping and falling down all the way with much clanking sounds)

Hmm, I suppose having a fastened rope should count as an advantage
Hopefuly, applied observation gives another.
As I cannot be sure I'll let the GM confirm if I passed or not and post the result in case of failure.
edit: okay pretty sure I did


2017-04-26, 11:51 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana watches Horea descend down toward the rubble and quietly speaks with Krysen. "I agree that we should climb down. And you need to send down the gear using the rope before you head down as well. I don't want you to make the climb with too much extra weight! But why don't we see about rigging this platform up with Liviria so she can float it down to somewhere without knocking up a bunch of dust. I'll bet she can figure out how to do it. I mean, as long as she's fine with doing it?" She looks over toward Livria. "What do you want to do? Try it or just float down?"

2017-04-27, 07:59 AM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1

Lyviria shrugs, "In retrospect, it may be better to save the device for when we need to ascend somewhere? I am not convinced of this platform's importance as the overall impression I get from this place is as a trash pile, for some reason the tower's systems seem to have categorised us as waste to be disposed of. I would not cling to any hope of returning to the tower via the same method we arrived."

Climb Roll [roll0]

2017-04-27, 08:38 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana glances over to Krysen with a sad look in her eyes. I've got to get him back... I owe it to him. He taught me so much! Damn! This is all my fault! If I hadn't been so gung-ho to get back in the game I wouldn't have listened to that... She closes here eyes and sighs. Enough self pity! That won't get us anywhere!

She claps her hand on Krysen's shoulder and gives him a lopsided grin. "I'm glad to see Liviria has just as high of expectations of our esteemed former employer as I, despite the fact that he was a benefactor to the both of us! It might have made things a bit awkward if she thought he was brilliant or something. I only ever saw him as a doddering fool who liked my singing voice and was my ticket back into real work instead of singing and doing magic tricks in a bar in the red light district. You know... If we're going to be stuck somewhere, I can't think of anyone I'd rather be stuck with than you, Krysen! Now send down the gear before you climb down! Take it easy on yourself." She takes off her med kit and hands it to him, which she hadn't removed yet. "I'll even let you send down my med kit so I'm not being a hypocrite. But if I fall on the way down, I'll wish I hadn't!"

Ariana takes hold of the rope and carefully approaches the edge of the platform. "Watch your balance when I go over the edge! I don't know what being the last one up is going to be like!" She goes over the edge of the platform and descends.


2017-04-27, 09:11 AM
Ariana is most of the way down when an armored figure skips lightly over a hill of garbage. Despite their heavy appearance, the figure moves easily over the uneven ground. They're a foot taller than anyone in the group.


link to larger version. (https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/t__/images/a/a4/30cy6p5.png/revision/latest?cb=20110109014854&path-prefix=teamico)

It pauses about a third of the way up the hill between Ariana and Krysen. It faces Ariana and those on the ground. It starts speaking rapidly but unintelligibly. It's words must be in a language other than the Truth. After a lack of response in its language, it speaks again.

"Tech. Food."

As it is saying these words. Long spiky tentacles extend from its hands. It raises a hand as it's about to swing the tentacles down the hill.

ooc: Everybody gets to act first, in any order, before it goes. Say what you're attempting and make a roll, if needed, in your post.

The hill is 50' high but not perfectly vertical, so about 70' of movement. It's 15' up, about 20 feet from of movement from the bottom. Ariana is 5' from the bottom. The hill is difficult terrain as it's a mix of objects piled on top of each other. If you want to close to immediate range with it, you can consume an action and make a dc=6 speed roll. Or, you can run over the junk, and make a dc=12 speed roll, keeping your action if you succeed. DCs are not modified for skills or assets so it may be easier for some. If you want to do something from short range, no climb roll required as you can do it from where you are or move along the ground.

The same DCs apply to Krysen. He has further to go but it's down instead of up and it would be along a tested path.

2017-04-27, 11:42 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana sees the tentacles spring out of the hands of the armored stranger who obviously doesn't speak our language normally and begins to move more quickly. We're in it now...

"Hostile, 2 O'Clock!" She yells at the top of her lungs, projecting the way only a trained stage actress can so she is sure that none of the group is unaware of the situation.

She then releases one hand from the rope, reaches for her crossbow, hooks her foot in the rope briefly, spins around the rope rapidly (her glove protecting her hand from chafing), and crafts an illusion of another version of herself, then pushes off and BOTH versions leap the remaining five feet to the ground and begin loading their crossbows, one kneeling and the other standing directly behind her kneeling duplicate. Unless you are close enough and have an acute sense of smell, you wouldn't be able to tell which one is her and which is the image. I'll try to keep the quiver in a position where the enemy can't see how many arrows are in it, but being above me, it might be able to figure it out after an arrow or two... Heck, I might have to close for melee by then anyway...

ACTION: Minor Illusion (1 Intellect Point - 1 point EDGE = 0 Intellect Points) Let me know if prepping the crossbow as well was too much for one round.

2017-04-27, 03:13 PM
Having ample time to observe the situation below from his precarious perch above, Krysen grits his teeth as he's almost literally tied up with Ariana's weight dangling from the end of the rope. When she does him the favor of shouting a warning and nearly reads his mind by hopping down, he grins. Attagirl, good lungs.

The moment rope gives slack from her acrobatic leap to the ground, the glaive's gloved hands are already in motion, pulling his halberd free with one and tossing the rope down with the other. Ariana's medpack had already been slung over one shoulder, a few medical supplies aren't going to make him any more awkward and unbalanced than he already is. Taking the placement of his cargo into account, Krysen hops lightly down from the edge of the unstable platform towards the mechanical soldier, letting his momentum carry him forward. On the way down, he grips the halberd with both hands like a lance and half-jogs, half-skips down the mess of junk with its glowing point aimed at center mass of the ancient guardian. This isn't the first time a downhill charge with a polearm will have felled a foe in one blow, and as the last few meters of brickabrack rush by, he thrusts forward with a wordless yell, ignoring the tentacles completely as rams the weapon forward with a snapping motion.

Attack roll w/ 1 level of advantage:


Dic roller, why do you hate me? Rolling in roll20:


2017-04-27, 04:13 PM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1[/SIZE]

Liviria plants her feet as best she can and aims her dart thrower at the... creature?
[roll0] - Well, 6 damage + Major Effect. ummm, strike it to reduce it's armor (knock it's helmet off), or if that's not an option, just stun it for a round...

2017-04-27, 05:19 PM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intellect 18/20

Horea observe the approaching creature from where she is.
As she reaches to her own dart throwing weapon, her eyes follow the tentacles movement, ready to dodge aside should it lash at her but she doesn't raise her weapon sto aim yet. She has no doubt the others can handle themselves in a fight, likely much better than she does, she is no combat unit. She is familiar enough with nakita, though the woman isn't a warrior in the strictest sense of the term, she is an explorer accustomed to dangerous situation and even the occasional scuffle. The man named krisen is a trained and seasoned warrior, as seen both by its speech and mannerisms, and the one named Ariana seems to have a subservient report to him, indicating she serves in some sort of shared past in an armed organisation.

She doubt her participation would add much for now. If she can however ascertain details about the creature. It mentioned food so organic likely, but was interested in tech, so a form of intelligence. even communication , even if ti seems to only speak the Truth as a secondary language (possible to get it to stop attacking, reason with it ?). But aggressive behavior, predator from it's food comment ?

The armor covering its body does not let see it's appearance or nature quickly and it is currently too far for a reliable scan but she can attempt to discern as much of it as she can for now. It's nature, any possible surprises it may have in store (those long tentacles might mean much more mass coiled under that armor that may appear) or possibly even some point to strike....

Will spend one full round observing for that appied observation bonus for future action.

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-27, 09:02 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Preparing the gear and helping the others the appearance of ... something... catches Nakita because thus far there had been no signs of anything here. She quickly scrambles to start drawing her weapon as it blares out some foreign tongue and then eventually speaks where they can understand it. 'Food? Tech? Is this thing making demands??' She starts to think but is cut off from that line of thought as the thing appears to become hostile and start swinging. She levels her crossbow at the thing, unsure how much damage a small bolt would do against such an armored foe (but not wanting to tangle with it face-to-face) and fires.

Crossbow : [roll0]
4 Damage

2017-04-27, 09:22 PM
Krysen's maneuver fails to hurt it but does get its attention. The creature faces Krysen and tries to give him a prickly hug with its tentacles.

Nakita's shot bounces off of it's helmet.

The creature is level 4 so it's defense is 12. However it attacks at level 5. Krysen needs to make a level 5/ DC 15 speed defense roll or take 5 pts of might damage (prior to armor reduction.)

If your action for next round would be affected by whether Liviria did extra damage or reduced armor, then wait until after Spinningdice posts tomorrow.

2017-04-28, 12:27 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Both Ariana and the illusion of her, whichever is which, fire their crossbows at the strange attacker, then rapidly move to a new position and start to reload.

[roll0] Crossbow; Weapon type: Medium-Stabbing; Effort: 0; 1XP - reroll = 9. 4 points of damage if it hits.

2017-04-28, 08:25 AM
(from 1st round) Liviria's dart skips across the top of the creature's shoulder. It does no damage but hits a catch that causes the creature's chest and back plates to fall off. The creature's skin underneath is a checkerboard pattern of bright pink flesh and shiny silver metal.

(from creature's 1st round attack) Krysen manages to duck and shift just in time. He can feel thorns brushing through his hair, coincidentally giving him a momentarily coifed look.

2017-04-28, 09:18 AM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intellect 16/20

In Horea vision, an image a new image of the fore is constructed over simple video feed highliting points of interest, ohowing observation and predicted movement. Targeting reticles align in her mind as she calculate trajectories.
The robot's arm slowly bend far in her back, clutching the dart thrower berween two finders then snaps back with almot inhuman speed to deliver what should hopefully be a high precision dart shot in a weak point.

[Dart launcher; Light weapon (offense 2), Long range, ]

Int roll to bypass armor. 2 point of Int (current pool at 16 now) spent to reduce difficulty to (3/9)

Speed roll for attacking. Observation provide an advantage to reduce difficulty to (3/9)

Bounty Hunter
2017-04-28, 10:50 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

As her first bolt clatters uselessly off of the creature Nakita scrambles to load another into her crossbow, uttering what appear to be curse words in some foreign tongue. The levels the weapon again as the armor plates begin to clatter and fall from the strange being. She hesitates; it was so odd underneath ... some sort of mesh between flesh and steel. 'What is this thing?' She wonders but then snaps back into the situation at hand. She exhales a breath and lightly squeezes the trigger of her weapon.

Crossbow : [roll0]
Damage : 4

2017-04-28, 01:42 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 10/13/1 | S: 13/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Krysen's warrior mindset saves him from letting his mind tumble down the rabbit-hole of how incredibly close he was to getting smacked in the head by spiked mech tentacles, letting the surprise and natural revulsion towards pain pass over and through him, and only channeled rage remains. Harnessing the fury with the discipline of many years, he lets his momentum slide past the automaton, turning on his heel as he does so to make sure he never faces away from his opponent.

With the opening provided him by his ally's precision strikes - he hasn't the attention to spare to have noticed whose - literally opens a gap in the thing's outer shell, Krysen takes a two handed grip on the middle of the haft, changing stance now that he's in close melee. Slightly below the mech now, he waits till it turns to face him, jabbing forward at the same time towards the exposes "flesh" with his full weight behind the stab.

Spending 2 points (3 Might points - 1 Edge) for 1 level of Effort to lower the attack's difficulty 1 step to Difficult 9.

Spend 1 additional Might point for the Thrust special action, adding 1 point of damage on a successful hit.

Attack roll Difficult 9:


2017-04-28, 05:31 PM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1[/SIZE]

Liviria smiles slightly as it's armour plating falls away... perhaps she should scan the creature for weak points - no, our attacks are working better to keep up the pressure... Her shot goes wide of the mark, but hopefully the creature will be distracted by so many opponents at once.


2017-04-28, 06:12 PM
With a dart and a bolt sticking in it, the creature is oozing and bleeding but doesn't appear any slower. It turns briefly towards Nakita as if considering an attack. But now Krysen is between it and everyone else.

It dips down to grab an armored plate in each hand and dances lightly up the slope, twisting as it goes to whip it's tentacles at Krysen.

ooc: at the end of round 2, it has taken 6 pts of damage, no one else is hurt, yet.

Krysen must make another DC 15 speed defense roll.

The creature is now at short range for Krysen, long range for everyone else.

2017-04-28, 06:42 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/7/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana watches the creature attack Krysen again and start to run away. She considers letting it run, but figures it will only come back with enough to take us out if it gets away. Enough of this! Aim this time! She takes greater care in aiming, slowing her movement, and takes a careful shot at the fleeing enemy.

[roll0] Crossbow; Weapon type: Medium-Stabbing; Effort: 1 speed: 3 points;

2017-04-29, 07:16 AM
A tentacle wraps around Krysen's calf and yanks unbelievably hard. Armor protects from some of the thorns but the wrenching is just the beginning. Krysen is launched through the air feet first as the tentacles retracts towards its owner. Krysen's head and back skip along the ground a few times before landing with a thud next to the creature.

From underneath Krysen, a woman's voice is heard. Despite being muffled by garbage, all can clearly hear, "I wuv you!"

The initial attack does 5 speed damage due to a twisted leg, reduced to 3 by armor.
The bouncing and thudding does 1 ambient might damage (armor doesn't apply)
Krysen is now in immediate range of the creature, on his back.

2017-04-29, 08:09 AM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 7/13/1 | S: 11/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Frakking skikst! Just need one good hit....

Rolling up to one knee, Krysen stabs forward with all his might at the exposed "flesh."

Spending 1 Effort (3 Might - 1 Edge = 2 Might) on attack roll.

Be kind, dice, be kind..


Bounty Hunter
2017-04-30, 02:26 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Things were turning ugly quick and Nakita knew that the rest of them wouldn't stand up so we'll to the brute attacks as Krysen had been. Not that he had much of a choice in the matter. Still it was nice to not be on her own for once when things devolved into trading blows. Shed had scrapped with bandits, rivals, and even the random defensive system... But this was a fight she would not have won.

She reloads and prays the next strike flies true.

Crossbow : [roll0]
Damage : 4

Will move if needed.

2017-04-30, 05:53 PM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1[/SIZE]

Liviria loads another dart into her launcher and let's fly.


2017-05-01, 05:35 PM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intellect 14/20

Horea waits for the others to have done their attacks and thel projectiles and blades to have done their painful work. If the creature has any situational awareness and survival instinct or notion of pain, it should have got that they are far from defenseless now, particularly the man Krysen and outnumbering it. Then she raise her arms in the air and say out loud in the creature direction

"If you understand our language, it is not too late to surrender." It did say two worlds in their language, so who knows maybe it understand more. It is worth a try; after all the dead don't talk (much; it's alway possible to learn quite a bit from a corpse but it is still not the same) and they could really use .. well any kind of information about their new locations. She accompany each of her worlds with hand gesture she think might be evocative, pointing at it when saying 'you', at her for we, at her 'mouth for talk', etc.. "You Stop fighting. We Stop pain. Talk."

Sorry for the delay there.

If a roll is needed, I believe that'd be int.
Will spend 2 int point to lower difficulty by one (pool at 14)
However being an AI, Horea has difficulty raised by two steps to interact with organics
so diff raised by one total unless the pain it received this round is considered an advantage to make him surrender at this point.

2017-05-01, 06:05 PM
The creature pauses extremely briefly to look at Horea. Its helmet covers facial expressions. If it even has a face. Maybe Horea got through. Perhaps the major chest wound and the missiles sticking out of it make it decide that it can't win.

The creature, still carrying its fallen armor turns and hops over junk, cresting a rise and starts to descend. It is almost out of view.

If anyone wants to take a shot, it would be two increases for difficulty, one for partial cover, one for the extreme edge of long range. Krysen would have to make climb rolls to follow, or take the time to get out his crossbow.

2017-05-01, 07:29 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/4/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

"Nice try, Horea. But I don't know if it doesn't understand enough or is just planning on running. I just don't really want it to come back with reinforcements!"

This is gonna be a harder shot... Take aim and hit it this time!

[roll0] Crossbow; Weapon type: Medium-Stabbing; Effort: 1 speed: 3 points;

2017-05-01, 09:04 PM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intellect 14/20

Horea lowers her head.

"I apologize if I but this battle seemed to be of no benefit and with all due respect this attack was a rash move.

And what it understands or weither it is willing to 'play nice' if you'll allow me the venacular seemed secondary to the fact that it's the first live organic things we have seen since we arrived, I figure it means it might knows a source of water. Or other beings. Or at least some thing of interest. As we are in compellty uknown territory, I thought this might be of some interest for your continual survival ?
I would suggest tracking it as a reasonable distance, perhaps ? Even if it just go to reinforcement, knowing where they are mleans less chance to bump into them by accident later."

Bounty Hunter
2017-05-02, 02:28 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

As the strange armored entity clambers and makes its way out of range of the group, Nakita kmumbles a select few curse words under her breath. It wasn't that she wanted the thing dead mind you, it was just that now even more questions had been raised than had been answered. If they could have knocked it out or been able to search its body after they had defeated perhaps they would have learned a small sliver about what to expect here in this strange land. "Well that was unnervinging... best gather up everything before more decide to show up."

Depending on how the group progresses from here, if she can she takes a moment to investigate the area where the beast had stood for any of her crossbow bolts that might still be reusable.

2017-05-02, 08:06 AM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1[/SIZE]

Liviria takes a look around. Now that immediate threats are over, water, food and possibly shelter should be main priorities.
"I agree with Horea, as much as I'd rather not fight a bunch of those things, I'd rather stalk them, than let them stalk us, and it seemed fleshy, so I would assume it requires food and water."

2017-05-02, 08:45 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana slings her crossbow around onto her back and holds up one hand, taking a deep breath. "Just a sec... Okay. I just needed a breather." A lopsided grin forms on her face. "WOW! I think I'm outta shape!"

She starts walking over toward Krysen. "I agree. Tracking that... thing... and seeing if we can find a water source is a good idea. But first things first! Krysen! How bad are you hurt? And we do need to get the rest of the gear down from up top... No?"

When she gets closer to Krysen she says, quietly. "Thanks for bringing my med kit."

2017-05-02, 09:18 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Krysen grimaces slightly as he reaches down and loosens the laces on his foot where the tentacles yanked it but good. A little swollen, nothing permanent. Just gotta loosen this up to give it room to swell and it'll be fine.
Re-tying his boots a little bit more loosely, he use the shaft of his halberd to get up on his feet more easily, then making his way down the hill of junk onto stable ground by Ariana's side. "Ankle's a bit swollen, but I've had worse. Might wanna save your supplies for a sucking chest wound or the like. Here."

Doffing the medkit he hands it to Ariana with a "thanks anyway" somewhat grim smile. Pulling his canteen from where it's clasped to his pack and takes a deep drink, some water dribbling down his beard and sun-worn face. "That should be it for the supplies, right?" (OOC: Right? I lost track of where everyone's stuff is. ^^; )
Looking around for confirmation or not, he adds, "Either way, might as well track thing. Even if old man whats-his-face is coming back, security is our primary concern. We can head back here later if necessary. Besides, wherever it's going probably resembles civilization more than this glorified trash heap."

Capping his canteen he asks, "Anyone a decent tracker? We could just keep it in sight if not, if we leave now. It didn't seem in a hurry."

2017-05-03, 09:16 AM
During the post-battle cool down and the planning, everyone gets a view of the area from the ground. The ground is mostly coarse sand of some sort. There is a fair amount of tiny bits of metal and other things mixed in. There is very little moisture in the ground but there are rare sightings of plants clinging to the ground. All of them seem to be the same species, rising up only an inch off of the ground and spreading out to no bigger than hand-sized.

As from above, it is apparent that the terrain is hills of detritus. There are moldered bones, human and animal, mixed in with devices, vehicles, and things of unknown intent. Wires, panels, and vestigial parts dangle down listlessly. From ground level, it is hard to get a lay of the land. On the bottom, however, there are meandering paths of relatively safety than can be taken without worrying about a sudden shift in debris causing someone to drop into a giant box of whirling blades.

Other than noises from the group, it is largely silent. For the first minute, the retreat of the wounded creature can be heard. Then nothing.

you can follow the creature. Someone make a tracking sort of roll. You basically have 3 travel options.
1. Follow the creature directly as is went up and down hills. In the battle it was more sure footed than you.
2. Try to stay on the top of hills for the best view of the area.
3. Move along the bottom to avoid issues with climbing.

2017-05-03, 05:52 PM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1

"I can probably track it, I'm no hunter, but I can note the signs of passage well enough, I vote we try and make it to higher ground... I maintain my working theory that this is dumping ground, perhaps from a higher vantage we may see evidence of the end of it, or something that may contain water. We can still follow the creature's direction if nothing provokes our interest" Liviria seems distracted, her mind is running through a thousand contraptions she could make using the resources here, sadly few of them would be useful for their current needs... maybe later.

Bounty Hunter
2017-05-04, 05:27 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Nakita gathers up her pack and straps it on before heading over to where the armored figure had been locked in combat with Krysen. She quickly searches around for the crosssbow bolts that had been fired at the thing and had bounced off uselessly for the most part. Gathering each of them up she slides them into her quiver and if any of the others ask for their fired bolts back she'll provide them however for now, haste was her concern. High ground has its advantages for sure, but will it be hard going to climb more rubble? I dont see that it was so much following a trail as simply adept at navigating this ...this...junk."

She begins to make her way down the pile in the general-ish direction that the thing had gone. "Gives the best view of other threats though I suppose..."

2017-05-04, 05:49 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana sees that Nakita is collecting bolts and is relieved that someone thought to do that already. "Nakita, could you hold on to my bolts until we camp tonight? We'll even out our quivers then."

"As for high ground or low ground," she looks to Krysen, "that sounds like a tactical decision to me. I'd say that's your call, Krysen."

2017-05-05, 05:53 AM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1

Liviria shrugs, "I stated my thoughts, you two are the soldiers. I'll defer to your judgement." Liviria assists in gathering up ammunition. Her own darts painted bright garish colours for just this reason.

2017-05-05, 09:31 AM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Holding up one hand, he attempts to judge the time of day by looking at the sun, and for the first time realizes that there is some weird companion satellite hovering several hundred feet above the ground. Sighing with resignation, he returns his gaze to the rest of the group. "I'd wonder what the hell that cube-thing is, but I gave up on even attempting to figure out the numenera a long time ago. Now, about tracking the thing. It can get up and down those trash heaps much more easily than we can. If we stay up top, we'll lose track of it pretty quickly simply by virtue of it being faster. But at the same time, we need the vantage points of the hills to be able to see where the hell we're going. So we'll split the difference. We'll start in the direction it headed in the flatland, and every 30 minutes or so or when a particularly easily climbable hill presents itself, we'll use it to scout out the next couple of miles from a higher vantage points and then go back down. That way we can see where we're going but not lose it, and we can make up lost time in the lowlands."

Still holding his canteen, he takes a good long gulp after the long-winded instruction. "And don't forget the hydrate regularly. Wherever the frak this is, it's hot as hell." As he screws the canteen's cap back on, he adds, "Uh, those of you that need water, I mean." The soldier's glaive returns to its former position on his back with the click of a clasp and his bow is redrawn. "Weapons at the ready. Truth knows what the hell else is out here. We set to go?" The latter is addressed to all and sundry, his scarred visage finding each of his team mate's gaze in turn.

2017-05-05, 11:29 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana nods and proceeds to channel the old Staff Sergeant from her militia platoon. I figure somebody has to execute orders the officer gives? I'm 'it' by default here...

"Alright, people! As soon as your gear is stowed and you're ready to be mobile, we're movin' out! Liviria and Nakita, you two are on point. You're our best trackers, and Livira's a bit too squishy to leave her hangin' out there by herself in case of an ambush. I'll stick to the rear guard with Horea so Krysen can be close enough to give aid to either the front or back of the unit in case of attack! Sound off when ready and if you need any help hauling, let me know." She flashes a million shin smile that, would probably be seductive under other circumstances, but with the current conditions actually comes across as self-depreciating humor. "I may look like a delicate flower on the outside, I'm bulked up for pack mule duty today if needed!" She flexes her bicep and winks.

She takes out her crossbow, snaps it into the active position again, checks the action on the loading mechanism to make sure it is smooth and doesn't need to be lubricated after all the dust in the air from the recent scuffle, sets the safety, and loads a bolt so it is ready to fire at a moment's notice, then points it off to the side and walks over by Horea, waiting for the others to indicate they are ready to lead the way.

Bounty Hunter
2017-05-05, 11:20 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Having already began heading in the direction the thing had retreated, Nakita turns back to the group. "I'm glad we're all getting some practice playing solider again ... but ... isn't time sort of a factor here?" She skips a few more steps down the pile of rubble and discarded parts, still being sure to check her footing before letting her momentum carry her forward. "Its either getting further away ... gathering reinforcements ... or both.... and we're out here getting ready to start calling cadence."

She wondered if this was why it always took so long for the militia back home to accomplish anything. 'Something that tried to kill them is fleeing further by the second and they're taking time for inspirational speeches, hydration briefings, and ... flexing?' She thinks to herself with a small eyeroll away from the others and continues down to ground level proper.

2017-05-06, 11:50 AM
Krysen does his best to keep a neutral face and silently makes an 'after you' gesture towards Nakita with an open palm, indicating one of the pathways between the hills of rubbish in the direction the tentacle-soldier went.

2017-05-06, 05:55 PM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1

Liviria reloads her dart thrower, and keeps it ready, and tries to follow the creature, taking point alongside Nakita.

[roll0] Trained in perception (if required - we know which direction it was heading at this point...)

2017-05-06, 07:08 PM
Everyone files out and starts following the tentacle-soldier. The going is slow but it gets easier with experience. After half an hour, nearly a mile has been covered. Along the way, several curiosities come and go. Despite their unusualness, it's decided to keep going for now. There is a pile of cube-shaped skulls, a sphere of orange translucent rubbery material that is about 12 feet in diameter and has a couple of skeletons in it, and some metallic bird wings with a 50 foot wingspan.

Travel has been heading northeast. Liviria has proven capable of noticing a path where the fine dust on everything has been disturbed without having to actually walk along the path. Movement and noise can be heard in the near distance. After a few moments consultation, it is decided that some of the group will go up on the low hill and try to see what's up. The hill is a jumble of black disks about 4 feet across and a 1 foot thick. They have settled into an apparently stable rough formation so that they can be climbed almost like steps. The hill is about 30 high and 100 feet across.

Peeking over the edge of the hill, half of the source of the noise is in view. The tentacle-soldier is lying at an awkward angle at the bottom, oozing pink fluid. It looks dead with new wounds. The source of the wounds is unknown.

ooc: you can choose later to go back to loo at something if you want. Everyone can decide if they went up the hill, around it, or other when they post.

2017-05-06, 10:42 PM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intellect 18/20


Horea is scribbling into an open journal. Under her unnaturally fast moving fingers the feather point the scratches regularly on the paper surface in short steady horizontal and vertical movements (in a way that's not unlike reminding of a printer’s head in another age, another world).

This is a pretty new journal, she already has in her bag (one of her few clothes and possession she lugs around) two others filled in the span of a couple of years since her awakening. If one were to look, they'd find it's already slightly filled with notes and very detailed drawings, (the faces of every members of the expedition (Tarym Postslar a,d a few of his drones included), some views of the path and the Blop tower itself, relief found inside and more) from the start of the expedition to now.
In a way, filling these journals is an odd habit for the automaton. While it make perfect sense for a human to note information so that it is not forgotten, whatever serves as Horea thinking engine is preformant enough that she doesn't forget or barely. Not without a large problem such as the long sleep she experienced at least. But such a thing did happen once, at least, and so she feel compelled to fill the pages, so that should she be terminated the information would at least stay for someone to use. It's a strange thing but it make her feel.. useful, in a way.

The pages she just now filled show besides a few notes, some small but detailed black and white drawing of outstanding things, that giant ribcage, the lumped form of the giant robot the platform was standing on, the Cube some of the beetles in the distances... The following double page seems to have reserved aside for what si the start of a map, featuring the giant robot and the pile they jsut climbed down at the center and the direction of the 'Cube' as arbitrary North. It's not exactly expert mapmaking but it'll help.

As soon as the ink is dry after a few minutes she closes the book and silently start catching up after the already moving Nakita, not surprised that she has already moved on her own. When Ariana gives her a signal to move on the rear, there's a moment of hesitation then she does comply.

During the walk, she does observe the woman near her. Her body is lean and muscular but not as strong as the man krysten. She seems adventurous and confident, like nakita but whether the later is distant and seems to ignore social contact, this one seems much more not just talkative but also willing to defer to the Kristen's authority..
Of course all that she had seen before already, since the first day of the expedition. Maybe what she find the more odd right now is how little the current emergency situation and all it's potential unpleasant implications, being stuck with possibly no return in what seem to be a completely unknown and highly hostile environment seems to have affected the moods much, yet group dynamics were already showing.

"You trust Krysten advice and are used to obey his orders. Were you part of a millitary group or a militia ?" that's more of an obvious rhetorical question " How long do you know him from ? You were hired as security for this expedition, so you are mecenary, have you been so for along time ?"


Once/if Horea is made aware of the body (since she' s likely trailing the group), she gets closer to it, she doesn't climb on top of the hill, rather staying on a lower part of the flank, but stay at a respectable distance, the maximum she can get a good look at the thing without being too much in view herself and start a scan on the now deceased body is an attempt to understand more about it's late biology and whatever seems to have killed it

I dodn't think Ariana and Krystne have mentioned their connections as part of the militia openly yet ? (Nakita seems to know but Horea is younger) so it is not a stupid question (If it is, than I'll edit it out.)
Using scan on the body, spending two intelect point

2017-05-07, 12:14 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Hearing Horea's question, Ariana realizes that, while she told Tarym that she had served in the militia with Krysen before when she suggested him for the job and she had talked with Nakita about her past once the got to know each other, the other two may not really know much about her.

"Yes, I served under him in one of the local militias for about five years, but that was about five years ago. I do trust him though. He's the best commander I've ever worked with. He knows his stuff. As for being a mercenary, I'm just getting back into this line of work. Being a combat medic is what I want to do, but since we left the militia, I've been working in a bar as a singer. I grew up in a family of entertainers, though, so it comes naturally. That's where I met Nakita, actually. She came into the bar when I was doing a show. It probably took me two or three months to get her to say more than three words to me! She's so closed off! But I get it. She's not used to people who keep trying. I'm just... persistent when I find someone who intrigues me, and she is an intriguing person, no doubt about that! Liviria and yourself are as well! I'm glad I met all of you. I'm not so sure I would have wanted it to be in this particular circumstance... but, frankly, this is interesting at least! I was bored to tears working at that bar!"

Ariana will not climb the hill, but when word comes of the tentacle-soldier's condition, she will go examine the body. Is he any kind of being she has knowledge of? (Are there visitants of other species? I don't remember...) Can she tell what kind of weapons were used to kill him?

[roll0] examining the body. Med kit and Healing skill as medical knowledge to decrease difficulty if they apply.

2017-05-07, 08:50 AM
Up close, Horea is able to match the creature to data on something called a mastigophore. It is a true cyborg with tech and bio fully integrated. As such, it works best when it has both power and food. (you can look at the entry in the book without metagaming, now).

As to the cause of death. it's fairly obvious. There is a new (not caused by the party) stabbing wound in it's side (it never had a chance to reattach its armor) from a sword, spear, or something else with a moderately wide blade. There are six more wounds in its back, made with the same type of weapon but not as deep.

Bounty Hunter
2017-05-07, 04:18 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Nakita tries her best to keep pace alongside Liviria once the entire group starts moving through the strange junkyard of a world. Its a shame there wasn't more time to explore and tinker some of the thing they were passing clearly deserved a second look or evening a bit of prodding; it was truly tough for her to star on task and not try to figure out what sort of use 50ft metallic wings might have had or could some day have again. Such is the nature of life though and she was certain by this point that there would only be more mysteries ahead.

Suddenly, there is the faintest sound of movement from beyond the next hill -- well, pile really, -- and the group readies themselves for more action. The dark skinned woman opts to be one of those climbing to the top of the hill and upon doing so sees the fallen corpse of the strange thing below. "I dont like this ..." She says, looking around from a vantage point partway up the pile of black discs while some of the others check out the body. "We didn't see any signs of anything else crossing paths with it... but clearly something else is out here and it's armed."

Crossbow is at the ready, I'm keeping an eye out while folks investigate the body. I dont want anything sneaking up on us.

I doubt it, but do we see any sign of where the creature was heading yet?

2017-05-07, 05:02 PM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1

Liviria takes a step forwards, but as Ariana moves to check on the body she realises there's no sense in endangering the entire the group, she raises her dart thrower, and watches for signs of another attacker.

2017-05-07, 05:57 PM
Crossbow is at the ready, I'm keeping an eye out while folks investigate the body. I dont want anything sneaking up on us.

I doubt it, but do we see any sign of where the creature was heading yet?

There is no sign of any buildings or anything though the piles might taper off further north.

2017-05-07, 10:03 PM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intellect 18/20

While walking

"Yes, Nakita does not talk much.
Why do you find her intriguing ? Were you attracted to her secretiveness as a direct contrast to your own inquisitiveness or was it a challenge to your curiosity ?"
Her voice is as usual even, no traces of accusation or sarcasm, if any emotion points in it just seems to be tactless curiosity with no sign of realisation it could be taken badly.



"Match found. The creature is a Mastigophores, a class of old ages cyborgs. They are usually found in pack, garding relics from older ages but individuals will wander to hunt for food, I can only surmise it was the case of this one.
All wounds seems fresh, either by us or by the most recent attacker who achieved them. There seems to have been only one very fast attacker or multiple one armed with the same weapon. The otherwise decent state of it might means it is a local not a transportee like us or had plenty to hunt regularly.
The mechanical parts of the creature can be salvaged for cyphers and precious parts."

I'll stop the Then/Now time skip talk soon, I just though it was a good chance to devellop character a bit.

2017-05-08, 12:49 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

While walking
Ariana stifles a laugh. "Why... hmmm... Well, to be perfectly honest, there were a few reasons. First was her reaction to my act. I use illusions in it and she didn't react to them the same way as other people watching. It made me wonder why. Eventually, she told me she pretty much sees through them as soon as I create them. That only made me more intrigued. I'd never met anyone who could see through my illusions before. It actually scared me! I mean... you saw what I use illusion for in combat, right? I use it to confuse the enemy and try to protect myself from getting hit. If I tried to do that against Nakita, she'd know which was me immediately. I should probably mention to her not to watch me too much in combat, in case she tracks my movement... But the illusion has to be close to me, so it might not matter..." She looks thoughtful for a moment. "But anyway, once I got talking to her, the secretiveness was also part of it. She was a challenge. Most people open up to me pretty easily. It's just a gift. I'm able to make people feel at ease. It wasn't so easy with her and even I felt a little uneasy around her, which was strange. It was different... I like different. And, as I said, I was bored working in that bar! I was looking for something interesting and figuring out how to get her talking to me fit the bill. And... well... she's not bad looking and I like to hang around with good looking women... It's a weakness..." Her eyes widen a bit, realizing what she said may have sounded bad. "Not that I'm some sort of playgirl or something, mind you. I actually haven't even dated that many people. Hardly any really."

"I agree. Definitely one, or at least the same type of weapon, made all the wounds that came after the ones we inflicted. I would definitely say we would be wise to harvest any cyphers and usable parts from this thing, especially anything Horea might think she could use as a spare part if she ever needs it!" She turns toward Horea, "not that I have any clue where you've gotten parts in the past... But keeping a lookout for whatever killed it is also the wise thing to do! It may take a while to take it apart, but we were following this thing in order to find a water source and ... I don't think that goal is workable anymore. We could follow it's killer, but ... Do we really want to follow the bigger fish at this point?"

2017-05-08, 04:12 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 7/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

During the walk there, Krysen is entirely silent lest conversation drown out any important noises or give away their position. His head remains on a swivel the entire time, eyes flitting back and forth over the jumbles of brickabrack and detritus of the old worlds in an attempt to notice any movement. A few times he even walks backwards and scans the rear of the formation for a few moments when he thinks he hears something.

Joining the group as the noise draws their attention, he remains a short distance away as it's examined, bow knocked and on the lookout for any signs of what might have killed this thing. "Seems like someone or something might live here, or at least have been passing through. Nakita, Liviria, see if you can pull anything useful off of it, maybe if you pry its armor off you'll have an easier time of it. Ariana, any idea how old those wounds are?"

Having kept a purely mental map in his head, he finishes, "Once we're done scavenging, we can keep to the lower ground and head north. Seems like the junkyard begins to dissipate, and I have a hard time thinking of a more potentially threatening environment than where we are now. If we can get out of here before nightfall, we need to make that a priority since this thing is dead."

Spending 1 Intellect for Good Advice. Whoever is doing the scavenging is Trained in doing so for the purposes of that action if you're not already.

2017-05-08, 05:00 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

"These wounds are fresh, Krysen. Some still flowing with ... whatever this fluid is ... It sure isn't blood. Smells mechanical. Some of the places our theater troupe went had machines that used fluids that looked like this, if I recall... I don't remember the term for it. I was too busy talking with the people working on the machines to learn about their workings." She starts stowing her med kit and leaves the salvage operation to Horea and the others. "In any event, I'd say that scuffle we just heard was when these wounds happened, so let's keep watch while they strip anything useful off this thing. Getting out of these mounds of junk is probably a good idea, though I'm sure some of us would be interested in looking for useful items in here later, let's try to do it in an organized manner after we've gotten our bearings."

2017-05-08, 06:45 PM
There is a chorus of jingles and clanks as several figures appear from around things on the ground, come over the opposite hill. and come from around both sides of the hill. They form a rough U about 100 feet across, around Horea and Ariana. They eye the others as well, careful not to come too close.

They are wearing all manner of decorative and armored bits on them. Their ensemble is scavenged from a wide variety of materials - plastic, metal, bone, colorful whatsits, circuit boards, and unrecognizable chunks. The factor that unites the collection is filth. They are all dusty and grimy in their irregular gear.

The one clean thing on each of them is a spear with a long, wide blade with a bit of a curve. The blades look shiny, clean, and sharp.


After three tense moments, one of them starts to talk. They cough a few times, then start talking.

"We are killing this whipper. It is dying and giving its stuff to us. You are running away like little meat lizards."

The one beside the first talker pipes up. "One question. Odd or Even?"

The team is not entirely trapped, they could probably run for it if they tried. The dusty ones were not that stealthy in their final approach so the team has had a few seconds to step to a slightly better position. However, if it came to a fight, Horea and Ariana would have to turn and run up the low hill behind them or try to sprint past those on the wings. A quick count reveals ten figures. The team is outnumber exactly two to one.

2017-05-17, 05:21 PM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intellect 18/20

"There is no need for violent confrontation; We are simply lost travellers."
Horea get back up and start backing up in direction of the others slowly.

Not doing any decisive action yet, just seeing if we can kickstart activity again (or agt least keep the thread in enough semi activity till the end of exams season.)

2017-05-17, 06:23 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Inwardly cursing himself for not having set up a permimeter before investigating the 'whipper,' Krysen turns to look up at the group of scavenger tribesmen, assessing their threat level. Addressing the one who spoke first, he replies, "We gravely wounded it first, and have been tracking it. Since you finished it off, how about we split its stuff?" Turning his head slightly to the one who asked the question, "I'll need some context before I can answer that question. What does it matter if we pick odd or even?"

Not moving from the position he was in, Krysen's bow nonetheless remains nocked and ready as he has been during the march to follow the cyborg.

Stan, do I need to roll for social interaction?

2017-05-17, 07:11 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/16/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Realizing that this is far more Krysen's area of expertise in terms of negotiations than hers, Ariana chooses to let him handle the talking for now. She slowly stands and goes over next to Horea. Whispering so only Horea can hear, she says, "If things get ugly, I'll put up an illusion of some sort to screen us. Smoke or a wall of fire or something. Something that will block their vision long enough for you to get back with the rest. Then I'll wing it from there."

2017-05-17, 07:29 PM
ooc: if you want to influence and change their outlook, then you'd need a roll, Otherwise, you can talk and just see what happens.

There is no reaction to Horea's meek actions. Ariana, movements garner a few looks but no aggressive action.

The second stares at Krysen with a goodly dose of disbelief.

"There is no First. We are killing the whipper."

He huffs and shakes his head.

"You do not choose Odd or Even. It chooses you. Again. Odd. Or Even."

2017-05-18, 12:02 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 5/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Krysen realizes a unyielding stubbornness when he hears it. Especially given that the party is likely on these people's home turf, he decides that discretion is the better part of valor. "Fine. Take all of it. But in return, you either show us or tell us a way out of this place. We are here against our will."

As a gesture of peace, Krysen sheathes his arrow at the quiver on his hip, knowing that he can draw and loose quickly enough if need be. Still, it's a good visual symbol of a desire to cooperate. "After you answer my question, I'll answer yours. Will you help us get out of this place?"

Spending 1 Intellect point to lower difficulty of persuasion / negotiation roll (if necessary). I am also Trained, which lowers it an additional step.


Edit 1: WELP. :-/

Edit 2: Words.

2017-05-18, 12:49 PM
The first speaker is shaking a bit. With his face covered, it takes a moment to realize that he's laughing.

"We are here. We are all here in the Now. There is no out."

All of them start pointing and laughing at Krysen.

ooc: the original difficulty was 4/12 so you just needed to roll a 6. Wait - doesn't it take 3 pts for one level of effort?

2017-05-18, 04:21 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana whispers to Horea, "start heading toward Nakita, but slowly. It looks like we're withdrawing gracefully."

She then takes her med kit and slings it back over her shoulder, tossing her head to the side and laughs briefly. "So we're all trapped here, eh? Maybe we can trade stories about how we got here sometime? Perhaps trade supplies? I see no reason we can't be on friendly terms with each other. The only reason we were tracking this whipper was because we thought following him might be advantageous after he attacked us with no provocation. Hope you appreciated the damage we did to that armor he had!" She winks, runs her hand though her hair, and starts heading toward Krysen, flashing a hand signal to him and making eye contact asking him to let her know if there is any threat from behind, but appearing to be entirely trusting the group she just turned her back on. She takes about ten steps, then turns back and says, "Oh... By the way... Odd! Always Odd!"

I'm considering this a positive social interaction, since she is essentially trying to be friendly and set up a positive relationship with them. Also applying effort, using 2 points of Intellect. [roll0]
[EDIT: fixing spelling]

2017-05-18, 04:31 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Krysen nods almost imperceptibly at Ariana's hand signal, giving her the "ready" handsign. Crossing his arms, he lets her take over talking since the scavengers aren't in a mood to bargain and seem to be done talking with him. Looking down at his bracer with the tracking-glass in it, he checks everyone's position to know what the next best tactical move will be depending on how badly this goes.

2017-05-18, 09:32 PM
There is movement at the top the hill the next hill of stuff in front of the group, behind the dusty ones. A new figure appears. She is obviously with the them but has more poise. By their glances, you can tell that they respect her. With only a bit of care she saunters down the hill toward the whipper.

With fluid grace, as she gets close she raises her spear and swings it down hard on the whipper, decapitating it. With a smile, she reaches down and grabs the head. She lightly tosses it to Ariana.


She displays a coy smile as she looks at the newcomers. "Hah! We are all odd! We are many. We are more than the Evens. We are winning!"

The others break into cheers and noticeably relax.

The leader tilts her head. as she looks the newcomers over. Her eyes crinkle with a hint of concern.

"Some odds are confused. There is no were. Only are. Odds are returning to camp. Are destroying Evens."

The leader indicates that four of the others are to grab the headless whipper and carry it with them. She turns and begins walking away and the rest follow. After ten steps, she turns to the newcomers and gestures with her arm for the newcomers to follow.

2017-05-20, 10:11 AM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Having absolutely zero context to put the newly presented leader's comments in, Krysen just shrugs and sighs at the dialogue, but perks up some when the group is gestured to follow. Jogging forward, he gives Ariana the sign for 'caution' behind his back as he attempts to catch up to within conversation distance with the scavenger's head glaive. "I'm Krysen, the leader of this group. Thank you for letting us accompany you. Can you tell us anything about this place?"

Rolling to positively influence her attitude if possible. Trained only, no Effort.


2017-05-20, 12:35 PM
She looks at Krysen with either concern or disdain, hard to tell.

"No. You are Odd. I am the leader of this group. "

She gestures widely with her spear to take in the everything.

"This is the world, now. A world outside of time. When the Evens are gone and time restarts, then there will be time for questions."

ooc: Krysen's attempts at using conversation have not had good rolls, so far.

2017-05-20, 12:53 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Well... looks like I chose the right option... Good thing odd is what felt right!

As Krysen moves past her and talks with the strange leader of the 'Odds', Ariana turns and motions for the rest of the group to follow, moving slowly enough that they catch up to her fairly easily. When the first couple get within whispering distance, she says, "I guess we've found a fairly secure group here, but it looks like fighting is a way of life. I hope this means they have a stable source of food and water though!"

2017-05-22, 06:56 AM
Liviria follows, still not entirely sure whether she was following them to safety or further trials and danger, but at least the group looked somewhat fed...

2017-05-22, 03:42 PM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intellect 18/20

"You speak of a world outside of time. Yet I cannot help but notice we are experiencing something akin to time passing." She sloowly waves a hand. "This movement was aproximatively 10 cm wide in a speed of two seconds. There is Speed, Linear Motion, Events success each others with apparent linearity over a frame. even acounting for the fact that the passing of time for oneself is a subjective experience, the physical realities seems to be here. Do you mean then that we are in a pocket dimension with it's own time and we are cut of 'Time' compared to the 'rest' of the world from which we came from then ? "

2017-05-23, 06:41 AM
The first one who spoke earlier turns to Horea, stopping a moment to take her in.

"Look here, machine person. I don't understand your words about time in our pockets. But, here it is. We may move around but we are stuck in place. Well, I mean, not literally. But this place is always the same. Look up at the sun. Does it move at all? Ever? If there is time, why doesn't the sun move across the sky? Analyze that."

He turns and starts walking again.

Horea is able to determine that the sun is in the same position as it was an hour or so ago when they arrived.

2017-05-23, 07:43 AM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1

Liviria, content observing the surroundings, perks up at Horea's conversation and peers up at the sun.
"That is interesting, I can propose a few theories, but I suspect your machine-mind has already speculated countless more." Liviria spares a smile for Horea.

2017-05-23, 08:58 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

"Well... I'll be damned... For several reasons according to many ancient religions I've heard of in my travels," she looks at the severed head she is carrying, "among other things. But I don't know why I hadn't noticed that? If you two figure anything out, I'd love to hear your theories."

She pats Liviria on the shoulder, then drifts over toward Nakita, matching stride with her without making eye contact. "You OK with this old pal? I know large groups aren't your style, but, it seemed safer than the alternative. If I end up getting us all killed, it's my bad, eh?" Ariana turns to her and winks.

2017-05-24, 01:49 PM
The leader takes all the Odds, old and new, on a serpentine trail through debris and oddities. The heading is mainly east but the course moves around dangers, under giant vehicles, and over more large discs. It is clear that the Odds are familiar with the territory and know where to step and what areas to skirt along.

One them points a little ways to the north. "The rain is pretty." Rain appears to be falling in an area about five feet across. It is collecting in a large pond, which appears to have been purposely built up to hold the water.

You approach the what appears to be a small fort. It is made out materials at hand but it looks reasonably defensible.

The leader holds up her hand for everyone to stop. She looks around. "Everyone has their insignia so that the light knows us and does not burn us." She states it as fact but she is holding up five thin armbands. Others can be seen checking that theirs are still in place.

2017-05-25, 09:22 AM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Krysen raises an eyebrow at the implications about their safety should they lose the armbands. Otherwise he makes no comment save "Thank you for the protection," as he takes one of the offered cyphers and attaches it around his forearm just above his vambrace tracking device as his upper arm is covered in armor.

Secured in place, he gives a general nod to the rest of the group confirming there are no adverse side effects. Not any immediately noticeable, anyway.

2017-05-25, 10:20 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

[While walking]

One them points a little ways to the north. "The rain is pretty." Rain appears to be falling in an area about five feet across. It is collecting in a large pond, which appears to have been purposely built up to hold the water.

Ariana turns to Nakita and says, "Pretty... Pretty darned convenient, I'd say! That cannot be natural!" She shakes her head, then quickens her pace and catches up to where Liviria and Horea are still walking together and speaks quietly, hopefully so only the two of them can hear. "Horea... If you can get a scan of that 'rain' it would really nice... I just can't imagine that's natural, can you? It just looks too odd... Not that everything here isn't too odd... Well, I guess we all are now... By the way... Sorry if this," she pauses as if unsure if she should continue with what she was about to say, "situation... gets us killed... It was a fifty-fifty chance, ya know?" She runs her hand through her hair, in what her companions are beginning to recognize as a characteristic gesture, then drops back to walk with Nakita.

[At the fort]
Ariana takes one of the armbands and places it on her left arm, making sure it is secure and not likely to fall off. "Thanks! Being burned by the light doesn't sound like something I want to do today! But I do like knowing that we'll be in a secure location where unwanted guests won't be visiting!" She smiles and bows her head to the leader and heads back with the group.

2017-05-26, 05:11 AM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1

Liviria, looks at the rain, peering up at the sky trying to find the source of it, is there some distortion or numenera up there that causes it to rain just here?

2017-05-26, 05:53 AM
Liviria notes that the sky is a uniform tan color. There are no clouds or anything above the rain. The rain is not heavy but it is consistent.

2017-05-28, 09:54 PM
As they are walking.

"That is interesting, I can propose a few theories, but I suspect your machine-mind has already speculated countless more."

Horea nods. "I have tried to, formulate many possibilities as well but little can be confirmed by what is known at the moment. Much sums up to what can be thought of being trapped in "dimensional time sink" of sorts, possibly by elements plucked from all over the timeline of our dimension of origin, possibly others all wrecked in a single "place" and "time". However it does not explain why some of it seems to be 'still' why we keep experiencing time as if we were animated figures in a foreground over a fixed background, so to speak.
However we cannot discount the fact that we might be in a contained environment of sorts, and the fixed sun we see would be 'fake', Or we were moved in a completely different dimension or planet with rules of it's own.
I am also curious as to why our current guides seems to associate with numbers. "Odds or even" or why they think they could make the sun restart by winning a fight" Horea tilts her head slightly, there's a little pause. "I would be glad to compare notes as we acquire further data"

She simply nods silently at Ariana justifying her decision to choose one of two camps at random. She perfectly understand the reasoning, even if it wasn't the wisest course of action, though she has no doubt Ariana is the kind of person who could have spinned the situation further had she picked the 'wrong' choice.

Near the rain.

Horea scans the rain from as high as she can to the pool. She doubt thse'll be ale to learn much about the mystery with her simple sensors but any trace of energy or telporting effect would explain so much. .. Or jsut checking this water is drinkable by hulmans, although this seem likely as she presume this is the 'Odds' source of potable water.
She also holds the armband she was give,n in her arm in order to get it int he scan radius if she can; she is curious as how those seemingly normal band of cloth could be part of a IFF system.

"An effect without an apparent cause. I assume it has alway been part of the now ?" By previous hypothesis, it is possible part of a rainy region of space was stuck in time 'freezing' or displacing effect. Ooor the rain through some kind of portal. .. there would be one way to check this. She look at the part of sky where the raindrops come from. Just how high is it ? She wonder.. if they could throw a projectile in the opposite direction, what would happen to it, would it disappear to where the rain comes from or would it keep evolving in the local space ? "How high up can your ranged weapon reach to ?"

Spending 2 int points for scan. (rainn and the armband if possible since scan work in a region of space.)
Sory for the slightly rushed post.

Bounty Hunter
2017-05-29, 12:02 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Nakita was truly at a loss with everything that was happening but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't at least a little bit excited about it all. She keeps herself near the back of the group and lets the de facto leaders do the talking with these self titled 'Odds'. She wonders if they had at one point been transported here by the tower like they had or if people found themselves here, wherever here is, by other means. A barren hellscape full of rubble from the ages baked in the warm blow of a stalled sun ... with the strangest rain she'd every seen.

Once they are given the armbands to protect them from the light, she inspects the item to see if there was anything particularly interesting about them that might serve to activate such a response.

"So many questions and more every minute." She whispers to Ariana "Even I dont know what to make of all this."

2017-05-29, 05:09 PM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1

"Let's not fire things at the sky just yet, while I'd normally indulge in experimentation for curiosity's sake, as far as we know this is our only source of water. Should we manange to somehow damage or destroy the source we may well end up as further dessicated corpses... Most of us anyway."

2017-05-30, 04:25 PM
ooc: backing up just a little to catch things up.

Horea's scan reveals that the rain is plain water, though it's a bit higher in mineral content than most rain. There is no energy source or anomaly associated with it.

The armbands are thin like wire but not sharp or uncomfortable. They have a circular area that sticks a bit to the skin. Above this, there is a shallow cone sticking out 1/4 an inch.

As the leader approaches the wall, a red light from a tower in the center of the fort appears and shines on her briefly before turning off. It does this to each of the odds as they approach.

The leader unlocks the door. Then she turns and smiles.

"We Odds are gathering to to prepare to fight the Evens in a final battle that will restart time. We are eating before travelling to the other side of the world."

Bounty Hunter
2017-05-31, 07:55 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Nakita waits for a moment when she wouldn't be overheard and turns to Ariana to ask: "What do you think determines whether one is an Odd or an Even?" She tumbles over a few possibilities in her mind and speaks again. "Does when or where people arrive play into it?" She fidgets with the armband a moment and finally puts it on. "Certainly it's enough to warrant a battle whatever it is..."

2017-05-31, 08:52 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana shrugs. Keeping her voice just as low, she replies "frankly, your guess is as good as mine. Limited resources leads to fighting, but I would say the odd/even division is probably very much a matter of chance. In my case, the choice had two factors... One, I've always been a bit of an odd duck." She winks, but the look on her face is not particularly happy. You might call it pensive. "Two, primacy. When they asked us, they said 'odd or even'. People don't say 'are you against us or are you with us'. They say, 'are you with us or are you against us'. I figured the best bet was Odd."

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-03, 12:45 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Nakita furrows her brow. "Hadn't thought about it that way. Interesting. Will be curious to see what others say should we encounter them."

2017-06-05, 02:18 PM

"Of possible interest, the water from this pool should be drinkable by your biology. I there is a need to refill your reserves, it might be good idea to do it soon in case we need to Leave abruptely." Horea informs. The last part a little lower than her usual voice.

To one of the Odd she asks "Was this rain alway there, in the Now ?"

2017-06-06, 09:57 AM
The Odd nods to Horea. "The rain falls and greets our arrival."

(Later back at the fort)

The leader opens the door and leads everyone in. It looks like a long occupied home of mismatched objects. The whipper is dropped unceremoniously just inside the door. All of the odds move to the right and solemnly kneel before a mound with spears stuck into it. The spears are of the same type as the Odds carry. There must be over 50 spears with their blades buried in dirt in the thicket of spears. A few have crusted blood on them still fresh enough to show some red. Many look rusted as if they have been sitting there for years.

After the brief, silent prayer, the leader stands and calls out. "Great Leader Toruc! We are returning and Odds are growing!"

A weathered, grave individual emerges from a plastic hut. He smiles grimly when he spots the returned group and the newcomers. "Leader Selila. You are returning and we are eating and preparing to march to the other end of the world. This limbo is ending. May the Sun Move Again."


All of the odds repeat, "May the Sun Move Again." as if it is a common holy phrase.

People start bringing out food and drink and jumping around excitedly. Toruc indicates a rack of the spears to the left while catching the eyes of the newcomers. "Odds are arming to fight the Evens in the final battle."

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-06, 09:08 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"May the Sun Move Again" Nakita echoes a moment too late; she gives a nervous smile if anyone were to eyeball her for doing so She eyes the mound with all fifty some odd spears sank into it and wonders if it might be some sort of shrine to the fallen. When the spears are indicated to, she moves as if to pick one up but looks for a sign that it is the right choice. "How many are the Evens? What can we expect in the final battle?" She asks the Odds nearby.

2017-06-07, 06:32 AM
Liviria Senesti (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ppPHnrdSLTtpzuV2DKZmcqCjkS8C9EGbpFPJUSTg5o/edit?usp=sharing)
An Efficient Nano who Makes Something from Nothing
MIGHT: 8/8/0 | SPEED: 13/13/0 | INTELLECT: 15/15/1 |EFFORT: 1

Livia tries her best to watch and interact as little as possible, cautious that it is only random chance that they have allied themselves with this group and not the other... Still, it may be better than doing nothing at all.

2017-06-07, 10:55 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

After the whipper's body is discarded, Ariana sets the head down a little further away. I expect there are important bits of tech in there... She watches this woman who is the leader of the Odds as she kneels in what appears to be prayer, then calls out to the 'Great Leader'. Hmmm... so she's the field commander...

She continues to watch the woman, who Ariana now knows is named Selila, and sees the tell-tale intake of breath when the 'Great Leader' speaks what is obviously a 'call and response' type of holy phrase, drops to one knee, and joins in, "May the Sun Move Again."

As the food and drink are being served, the excitement in the group is palpable. Toruc points over toward the rack of spears and catches first Krysen's eye, then hers, then each of the group of newcomers in turn, saying,
"Odds are arming to fight the Evens in the final battle."

Ariana walks over to the rack and inspects the weapons. She selects one that is free of rust, not entirely unstained by blood, but not fresh either. Testing its weight and balance with a brief spear kata she learned when in the militia, she ends with a bow of her head to Toruc. She then leans the spear against the wall, placing her crossbow and quiver next to it, and walks over toward Selila.

"Might I help with the preparations, Leader Selila? And, also, my associate Horea should be able to extract any useful technology from the remains of the Whipper. Should we take the corpse away from the festivities?"

2017-06-07, 04:57 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Krysen remains silent for the rest of the walk to and into the fortress after receiving the armband. Security minded in his observations, the soldier's eyes flit over features of buildings, noting possible exits and entrances and observing any potential defensive measures. Then he counts the people here. It's clear that they would be overwhelmed almost immediately if violence were to occur. Best to roll with the punches and make the most of the situation as it unfolds, planning and re-planning as new information comes to light.

Lost in thought as the rest of the party discusses the local numenera amongst themselves, he belatedly drops to a knee beside the memorial as well, moving his mouth and making sounds that are lost amongst the sibilance of the crowds in an effort to show respect without knowing what should be said.

When advised to arm, Krysen simply lifts his halberd slightly to show he is already armed. As Ariana approaches the field commander, follows her over, standing beside her and offering a nod of agreement. "Ariana speaks for all of us in this regard. We'd be glad to help however we can," knowing that these people respect strength, and displaying it in battle alongside them will help bolster Great Leader's goodwill.

I'm going to spend 1 I.P. to active Good Advice to give Ariana 'Trained' for purposes of her social interaction with Sellia. I know she's trained in "Pleasant' social interactions, but I dunno if that applies here? If it does, read as written I think that moves it up to Specialized? If you decide it doesn't Stan, then I won't spend the I.P. since it won't do anything, but I still do the above.

2017-06-13, 10:38 AM
An Odd responds to Nakita, "We think there are about 20 Evens. Go ahead, take a spear. All Odds have one."

Looking around, Nakita counts about two dozen Odds, not counting her companions.

Selila eyes Ariana and Krysen up and down, then smiles. "No time for the Whipper now. I think you can help with the Shimmer."

After most people have eaten, Great Leader Turoc calls everyone together. "Now we are leaving to kill all the Evens holding time hostage. There will be a tomorrow!"

Everyone cheers. But one of the Odds who spoke at the first contact scratches his chin. and raises his hand tentatively. "No respect to the Great Leader. How are we getting past the Shimmer to get to the Evens?"

At that Selila claps Ariana and Krysen on the shoulder. "These Odds are clever and are bringing down the Shimmer as the rest of use charge in."

2017-06-13, 06:29 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Krysen quirks an eyebrow at Selia. "What's the Shimmer? Sounds like a defensive weapon."

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-14, 10:23 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"I don't mean to offend..." Nakita starts, shyly speaking to a nearby grunt of the small group of Odds. "...but why are we Odds and they the Evens?" She asks and almost immediately regrets it, she doesn't want to offend or cause a rift between them and their new...allies...but it was still bothering her that she could not make sense of what separated the two groups. For all she knew they could have answered even and immediately been set upon by an attack back at the whipper. Questions about how the groups were started and how long they'd been stuck here, warring with each other beneath the sun that never moves.

"How often do newcomers like us arrive?" She asks later assuming her first question hadn't made any enemies yet. She wasn't great at this part, dealing with people and figuring them out, she'd much rather be out there clambering through the piles of technology and numenera.

2017-06-14, 11:37 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Krysen reacts calmly to Selila rather bold claim that we will be able to "bring down" this "Shimmer". Whatever that may be.

"What's the Shimmer? Sounds like a defensive weapon."
Ariana decides it is best to follow his lead. Or Standard Operating Procedure... Damn! This is how life should be! No more boredom, that's for sure!

"Yes, it does sound like some sort of defensive weapon. Is this 'Shimmer' something like the light we passed through to get into this fortress? If so, our group does have some who are particularly adept at figuring out how things work, but we'll need to be able to examine it with enough lead time to figure it out. It might be good to have us go out with a smaller group first to scout it out before the full attack force arrives. We would need enough for safety, but small enough to be stealthy. How far away is the Even's stronghold?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-16, 09:30 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"If it's anything like the defenses here, they have a way to get through it unharmed right? We could ambush a patrol or something for their 'keys' and once you're inside disable this shimmer?"

2017-06-20, 04:54 PM
Celila gives a more detailed explanation. "The Shimmer is different. It does not kill. it stops everyone but Evens from entering. We have tried to capture an Even to get a way through. They carry no keys. The Shimmer knows them somehow and lets them through. The Evens are on the other side of the world. About 5 miles away. If you are wishing to run ahead and and are making assault plans, go ahead."

Meanwhile, a grunt who is not so intense about present tense everything opts to answer Nakita. "In the beginning, on arriving in the in the Timeless World, the Tribe was divided. The two divisions fought over how to restart time and went to opposite ends of the world. We've been fighting ever since. Newcomers are rare. And most of them turn out to be Zeroes."

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-20, 05:12 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"Oh my, how long ago was it the tribe came to this place? My companions and I arrived by complete accident but what brought so many of the Tribe to such a place?" Nakita asks, still trying to make sense of everything that was going on. She wondered if there was some way to avoid these to halves of an old tribe slaughtering each other to start the sun again... and how was doing so supposed to pry the stubborn sun from its entrenchment.

2017-06-21, 10:20 PM
The Odd shrugs at Nakita. "It's hard to say how long in a world without time. Most of us had recently entered puberty, thus becoming warriors."

Nakita thinks that all of the Odds definitely look over 30.

2017-06-22, 06:11 AM
"I am sure we can fathom out this shimmer, though I doubt your puzzle will be solved by violence" Liviria states. "It seems apparent these Odds and Evens have no clue on how to either escape or... resync this place. We are wasting our time with them."

2017-06-22, 09:22 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

"The Shimmer is different. It does not kill. it stops everyone but Evens from entering. We have tried to capture an Even to get a way through. They carry no keys. The Shimmer knows them somehow and lets them through. The Evens are on the other side of the world. About 5 miles away. If you are wishing to run ahead and and are making assault plans, go ahead."

Ariana nods "That might be a good idea. It could take some time to decipher how this Shimmer works."

She bows slightly and tilts her head toward a quieter area of the room. She hears Nakita asking another question about how long the tribes have been here and hopes she gets some useful information. That is a good question. As well as why this place is the way it is... Not that I expect to ever figure that out...

Liviria comments on the probability of our being able to figure out how the Shimmer works, but suggests that the Odds and Evens are most likely too clueless to be of any help in actually achieving their goal or helping us get out of here. Ariana looks around, hoping none of the Odds were close enough to overhear, and whispers, "I agree, but it's probably best not to rock the boat just yet, considering how badly outnumbered we are." She sighs, "it looks like we have an assignment. What do you think Krysen? Shall we get these folks that can actually figure out this Shimmer thing to where they need to be to do it and try to keep them alive long enough to figure it out? I think that's our job at this point."

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-22, 02:45 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"Ah yes, of course." Nakita responds to the Odd she'd been speaking to. "Just trying to understand what I can so that we might better defeat the Evens"

Once the man she'd been talking to says his peace and leaves, she will walk back over near her companions and see if they'd started discussing this shimmer that seemed to be the primary concern of the attack. She had hoped it would simply be a system like the one in place here that allowed a member to pass with some sort of 'key' but it seems that wasn't the case.

2017-06-22, 03:58 PM

Has been standing silently. Hearing. Watching. Thinking.
There is no way to know how long the Shimmer will take to neutralize.And while you are gone the Evens could strike the village on your back. Great chief, I would recomand staying untill we give the signal of having bypassed the Shimmer.This would be simpler if we could see an even. A prisoner or scouting partyt of theirs"

2017-06-23, 07:06 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Listening to the group bandy ideas back and forth, he nods at Ariana's insight and Horea's subsequent suggestion to the leader. After hearing how young the "tribes" were when they first arrived, he notes inwardly, "Children. Explains the rash decision making. And it sounds like they haven't learned. But diplomacy can wait. We've already cast our lot."

Chiming in, he adds, "Hopefully we can figure this 'Shimmer' out for you. Give us two hours to get there and try to figure it out, then come. Watch for two fire arrows in the sky if we figure it out before then."

Furrowing his eyebrows, he asks, "Actually, do you have any way to mark time in this place?" Looking about, he tries to identify a fuel source he can use to wrap a few arrows and ignite them.

EDIT: Grammar.

2017-06-25, 10:28 PM
Great Leader Turoc looks on approvingly at first. But at Krysen's major slips of the tongue, he stands and glares. "That's now how this works. That's not how any of this works! There are not hours. There is no time to mark! We are preparing for assault as the newcomers stop the shimmer. That's now how this works.

As he turns, he flicks his arm back in a gesture of gruff dismissal. Everyone gets the impression that he approves of the general plan but cannot abide such open talk of time. Selila shrugs and escorts the newcomers to the door. She tries to smooth over the drama with a weak smile.

"We are bringing down the shimmer and are victorious."

2017-06-26, 06:23 AM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intellect 16/20

.. is as pagtient as a machine can be and yet she's starting to quietly, but definitively have just about enough of this. Quietly she comes near the other nano of the group and Nakita.
"Miss Liviria, Nakita would you please help me give these people a much needed gift ? We need to find some transparent or semi transparent material that can be cut or shaped, something to make hinges from and sand."

2017-06-26, 07:29 AM
Livia sighs, "Very well, I'm sure we can put something together." Liviria starts to look around for appropriate material.

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-26, 09:14 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"Yeah, I can totally do that." Nakita answers, a bit of excitement seemingly creeping into the edge of her voice. "Might even be a little fun before we set out on such an important undertaking." She drops her pack and begins to riffle through her things looking for anything that they might use. Not finding much to use or modify in this situation she begins to pack things back up and shoots a sweeping gaze through her surroundings. "Transparent, hinges, and of course sand..." She mutters to herself.

I don't think anything in my pack currently is terribly useful so, after searching it, I'm gonna kinda take stock of the surroundings and see if there are useable parts about.

2017-06-28, 08:43 AM
There are a set of serviceable hinges on the chest door of a robot. There are a few large pieces of transparent blue material from something that shattered long ago. The ground is mostly made of sand.

The group finds themselves outside of the Odds' fort with all the materials that Horea requested.

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-28, 09:29 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"Do you think it will work?." Nakita asks as the group gathers around the materials they'd scavenged up. She tries to casually check to see if any of the other odds were invested in seeing this experiment through or if they'd simply dismissed it as futile. They were a strange bunch and this place had certainly taken a toll on them and their minds but they were still the best source of information around "I was thinking you meant to make an hour glass but with the hinges I'm not so sure. What's the plan?"

2017-06-28, 10:00 AM
Krysen looks considerably more comfortable back in the field with a mission to undertake, even in this Truth-forsaken place. Raising his eyebrows in an exasperated look, he comments to the group at large, "Well, that was interesting. All the same, well done everyone. We've cast our lot with the Odds...if we fail and time 'resets' in the way I suspect it does, maybe next time we can cast our lot with the Evens and see what they know about getting out of this place. Once everyone is ready, I'll take lead."

Finding a position just outside the gate where he can keep a good eye on any incoming threats, Krysen cants his head slightly as he watches the group artisan fashion...something. Having no real artistic talent himself, curiosity crawls over his features as the thing slowly comes together.

2017-06-29, 02:24 AM

"I do wish to make an hour glass. this notion that time stopped flowing merely because the sun did is contradicted by observation of the condition of many phenomenon such as the very existence of motion and fall. And so far, while it could be proved true by other factors, the notion that by murdering others is the key to restarting it again seems spurious. ...I know it is not our business, but I would rather avoid them killing themselves if it is avoidable, Miss Livria, Nakita. Not when people themselves seems to be a resource is such limited supply. And I don't want us to be caught in it."

"I would like to cure them of this delusion and believe the best way to do so is recreating a regular time frame. One can at least hope it will encourage them to think of things differently.
However merely creating an hourglass will not do. It will run out of sand and they will refuse to tip it over, citing as proof that time does not exist. Thus it needs to be self tiping, which is a challenge. It needs to be combined to another mechanism so that it flips itself. However I believe a nearly endless source of motion, possibly defying entropy to a point is provided by the eternally falling rain outside this camp."

Bounty Hunter
2017-06-30, 12:34 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"What do you mean 'reset'? Did I miss something back there?" Nakita asks Krysen because his statement had legitimately confused her. She had been busy talking to the other odds and trying to figure out more about this place, maybe he'd done the same and came to some new conclusion. She reckoned the group should compare ideas at some point but current this hourglass project both amused her and seemed a decent endeavor to uptake.

"I wonder how they'll react if this works... I wonder how we'll react if it doesn't..." She says aloud as work on the project gets underway. "The thing is though, there is already proof of time passing, albeit slowly, right in front of them. The man I spoke with said most of them were only just past puberty when they came here and yet... they've grown."

2017-07-01, 08:35 PM
Horea is able to make an hourglass and has a plan for using the force of water to make it move. It takes an hour or so.

(we can jump ahead to after it's done if you like and take it from there.)

2017-07-06, 02:35 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Watching Horea construct the hourglass with the occasional glance, Krysen focuses his attention on Nakita. "One of them said that they are fighting about how to 'restart' time. I'm only making an educated guess, but if they're even half right and time is stopped, we'll either all die horribly or time will....'loop'? That's not the right word, but I think time would go back to whenever they arrived. Or maybe another point. Your guess is as good as mine" Shrugging, he plants the butt of his glaive and looks over his shoulder to the fortress they just exited. "Hope I'm wrong, though." Turning back, he rubs his temples as he smirks self-derisively, commenting, "That's what I get for trying to figure out the numenera. Makes your brain go in circles. I should just leave that to you experts."

Once Horea finishes her hourglass, Krysen refills his canteen from the endless raincloud before settling his pack into place. "We ready?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-07-07, 12:03 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"I don't think that's what they were meaning..." Nakita says, a look of confusion crossing her facial features in response to Krysen's comments. "I may be wrong of course, but I assumed the Odds mean that time will resume flowing once the Evens are bested... not that time will jump back to the start of when they arrived." She gives a small shrug and looks around to see if any of the others had input on what they believed was going on here before turning her attention back to the hourglass they had created.

"I'm curious to see what happens now; lets go test it!"

2017-07-07, 03:39 PM

"Yes. I suppose this is true" She sounds a little confused as if the idea people couldn't be swayed with rational arguments nonplussed her "but if only a few could be convinced, to think otherwise, this could in time lead to a change of behavior for the whole group or at least much needed questioning.

.. this would be a good thing to do, Nikita, yes ?" She sound a little pleading under her normal neutral deadpan tone here, a bit like a kid searching for approoval.

She look at Kristzen then think for a moment.
"I do not think so either, sir. Although it is apossibility, nothing we've seen indicate time looping around."

When it is finaly complete, Horea waits a second and raise the hourglass, letting the sand flow from one cup to another then when all the sand fell to the bottom cone a finaly tune system of counterweight flip the hourglass back so the cycle repeats.

Bounty Hunter
2017-07-10, 10:21 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"Yes, that would be a good thing to do." Nakita answers and gives a solid nod toward Horea as the hourglass project is tweaked into final configuration. "I think we should be careful of course too though. The odds seem almost ... fanatical ... at times and I'm not sure how they will react to us attempting to... uh ... change their world view." She watches as the hourglass begins its cycles and is relieved to see the project works; whether or not it will achieve the desired result it was always exciting to her to see things created from the scraps of the old world come to life.

"Ready everyone?"

2017-07-10, 08:59 PM
Selila and one other Odd come out of the gate and climb a low hill as if looking for the newcomers. They are surprised to see them so close by. they jog over.

"We are confused. Odds are not travelling to attack the Evens?"

She notices the hourglass. She smiles and studies it a few moments.

"It is beautiful. Is this stopping the Shimmer? The world is amazing and I don't always understand."

2017-07-15, 11:24 AM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Krysen definitely looks ready to go, and Nakita and Horea appear to be in the process of preparing to leave. "We are, Selia. Horea just needed to build something to help us once the fight is over first. We're leaving just now."

2017-07-17, 01:10 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana walks up next to Krysen. "When the sand has finished running to the bottom, the device resets itself, then let it run to the bottom again. At that point, come join us. Hopefully we will have deciphered the Shimmer by then."

At least she hopes that will give us enough time. If Krysen's right about this looping concept, we might end up fighting ourselves or something insane like that!

[OOC: Edited to more accurately state how the hourglass works... Sorry I missed that. :smallconfused:]

Bounty Hunter
2017-07-17, 10:31 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Nakita gives a small raise of the hand to acknowledge as Selila and the other odd approach the small group of adventurers just as the hourglass completes its first few cycles. Once Krysen and Ariana have answered, she speaks up as well in an attempt to placate the curiosity and perhaps clarify their intentions. "It's an hourglass but built in a way where it resets itself once the hour has passed. See the counterweights here, and the way this arm moves to flip the container here? Once it has ran it's course, it should prepare itself to start the cycle over." She points out each piece hoping that they'd understand better though she didn't want to steal any thunder from Horea--it was her idea and efforts that brought it to life after all.

"Time still flows here it seems. We're not frozen, people still age, sand still falls through the hourglass--the signs all point to time still flowing--it's the sun that seems to disagree. But I wouldn't know what would stop a sun let alone restart it." She shrugs and wipes a little sweat from her ebony brow. "If nothing else, knowing this might give us an advantage over the Evens, if we even need to fight them at all..." She trails off a little. People weren't exactly her strong suit and she didn't have a habit of challenging a groups entire worldview. She hoped it wasn't too poorly received.

2017-07-18, 07:29 PM
Selila observes the hourglass for several minutes, obviously deep in thought. She looks carefully at her companion before speaking.

"You make good points. But the sun does not move and we are trapped in a small world. If the Great Leader says time has stopped, who are we to disagree. It would divide the Odds we are too few and under too much pressure to survive that. But we are watching the wondrous device until we come to follow."

2017-07-21, 08:51 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana nods and runs her fingers through her hair. Just as I suspected. The plain truth isn't going to make deep set ideology budge more than about a nano-meter. Seems like the same thing happens over and over, throughout history.

She flashes a bright smile and her eyes sparkle. It's hard to tell if she's adding a touch of illusion or if she's just that enthusiastic about life. (Well, for everyone except Nakita who can tell she is just that freaking bubbly at times like this... Ariana has always suspected that it drives her nuts.)

"Well, sounds like that's our cue to move out, people! Let's go figure out this Shimmer!"

2017-07-21, 08:26 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 12/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Krysen hefts his glaive and sets out in the direction they were pointed, towards the Even's headquarters.

2017-07-22, 08:28 AM

Hore look at Krysten and Arina and understand it's over. Aftr all if she cannot convince half of her own team of the validity of her demarch, what are her chancse with the Odds as a group ?
She doesn't understand the motor of this coflict when survival is still a primary concern current situation, making it a lossing sitution anyway you look at it. It is not like there's an overpopulation to quell or a disparity or resources that could justify conflict. Since both sides of the conflict issues from a same stock, there should not be too much deep rooted cultural differences,even if it has been decades, it was just a couple as most.
But, still, she's not quite ready to go without at least arguing her point once.

"Very well, I will go see the Shimmer.
But before I go miss Selila, I want you to ask you a few questions. Take your time to think of your answer if you wish, perhaps we will tallk again later. Was the Supreme leader alway the Supreme leader ? Did the Supreme leader ever told you why the Even's death would restart the Sun ? Maybe the Supreme leader is right" she must admit, she cannot rule out for sure that somehow these 'Evens' are the oe stoping the sun, even if it seems unlkely given all elements seen so far. "but are you sure ? If the Evens arrived at the same time as the Odds when in this place then how could they have stopped the Sun in the first place ?"

But remember you are Odd just as the surpreme leader is. If you die fighting Even, an Odd's life will be lost. You say you are too few. If some of you die fighting and th sun doesn't restart, you will be even fewer for nothing.
I whish you luck, may we meet again"

Horea look to Sellia and her companion for a little while. Then, assuming there's no more to discuss, she goes to move after the rest of her team

Bounty Hunter
2017-07-24, 01:47 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Nakita has a lot on her mind as they march toward the Even camp to investigate this force field called 'the Shimmer'. She completely agreed with Horea, something she was finding herself doing a lot lately but the AI seemed very much to have similar ideas. She wished she knew more about artificial intelligence and how it worked. 'Wouldn't it be exciting to understand how a machine can have the same curiousity for exploring and understanding as a person? Is it actually curious or is it following some sort of vague set of instructions buried deep in it's wiring and circuits?' These questions and more rose to her mind as they walked; most of them spawned more questions or theories and she soon found herself having to re-focus on the task at hand.

"I'm just not sure that killing people is the answer here..." She tells her robotic companion as they walk.

2017-07-24, 03:39 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana is a bit concerned that Horea is getting frustrated with the lack of logic of their situation. Not that I blame her! Nothing here makes much sense.

She sees Nakita move closer to Horea and drops back closer to them herself and hears Nakita say:

"I'm just not sure that killing people is the answer here..."
Ariana sighs. "Sorry, I don't mean to eavesdrop, but... Well, I was kind of," she runs her hand through her hair nervously, "but I totally agree. I seriously doubt that killing people will do anything to help, and I expect that it is very possible that there is no issue with time needing to be restarted." She looks at her two companions. "But I also know that we aren't likely to defeat years and years of dogma and closed minded ignorance as newcomers with new ideas. We're far more likely to find ourselves dead. And..." she holds up one finger in emphasis, "I'm willing to concede that we don't know enough about what's going on around here to know whether we're in some sort of stasis field where time is stopped or if we're on a tidally locked planet or moon that always has the same side facing the sun. I'd be more likely to say the second. There were some astronomy books with pictures of things like that in one of the libraries in a town we passed through when our troupe was still a travelling troupe. I always liked books with lots of pictures... That would explain a lot? But, with Numenera, who knows what could be done?"

2017-07-25, 12:31 PM
"Of course, the precurser's were capable of more than we are ever likely to know. Alternatively we could be in some alternate dimension and this is all there is, or our bodies destroyed and personalities downloaded into some electrical matrix and none of this is real at all. We do not however appear to be in stasis, we move, we need to breathe we get thirsty and hungry." Liviria states, after mulling over the situation for some time.

Bounty Hunter
2017-07-25, 01:14 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"I suppose we'll know more when we get to the Evens..."

2017-07-25, 04:21 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

"I'm actually not entirely sold on the existence of the Evens. After all, if they have this 'Shimmer' that only lets 'Evens' in, and all we had to do to be deemed 'Odd' was have me pick it, how exactly does the Shimmer know who to let in? If I'd chosen Even, would they have sent us toward the Shimmer or just killed us on sight? Since they seem to have the territory closer to where we materialized here, how would the Evens ever get anyone that was new who came in?"

She sees the look on Nakita's face... "I'm rambling... aren't I... I'll be quiet now..."

2017-07-27, 10:29 AM
Selila watches Horea intently while she is talking and for a full minute afterwards. She is obviously working through a great internal conflict. She seems to come to a decision and walks to within a foot of Horea. She gives a long sigh before speaking quietly.

"I don't know everything. We have only one Elder Odd left so there is only one story. I know the tear between Odds and Evens revolved around Dubzee. Find her among the Zeroes if you want to know more. I am walking my path. You are walking yours. Maybe they go the same way, maybe they don't, you are deciding what paths are parallel, crossing, or diverging. I can say no more."

Selila turns and she and her companion go back inside the makeshift fort.

2017-07-27, 02:59 PM


“Where are these Zeroes now ?” The machine woman asks before the Odd is away. this could be critical new information. Or a wild goose chasse, but it's not like they have much better to do anyway...



Horea has been silent for a while as they walked and then suddenly start talking without even turning her head, were it not from a slight tilt in the direction of her interlocutors it’d look almost as if she monologuing.

“Do not get me wrong. I understand your species like many of it’s kind, being evolutionary competitively biologically driven individuals non directly linked yet social sentients” That’s a mouthful of an sesquipedalian to say ‘social animals with no hive mind’, but in fairness given the diversity of life one might encounter in the ninth world, Hore prefer to be as precise as possible when discussing these matters.
“Conflict is inevitable between packs and tribes as part of the natural competition for resource, space or the drive for cultural dominance.
What surprises me is that in the current hostile environment we have seen so far no children, would it not mean that every human life is a nonrenewable resource ? Therefore a large scale conflict seems unprofitable no matter the outcome. And this could impact this group negatively eventualy. I do not whish that.
I did not expect to change the entire tribe mind with but a single discussion, however though it might be possible to instill enough hesitation to delay conflict.”

“As of the nature of this place. All of these theories are possible, and I’ve considered similar theory. So far none can be proved wrong nor false to any sufficient degree of reliability.

I believe the only thing I feel comfortable to affirm is that whichever this lace is, it must be ‘close’, so to speak, frequently linked to the ninth world. the reason for that is simply that outside the sun stalled, the general laws of physics, but also biology compatibility in general as well as details such as similarity of language and even species with the Odds are just too makes it statistically unlikely that we were transported to a completely random dimension. The Odd Sellia mentioned a tiny world and why we cannot judge yet how accrate this might be, this reinforce me to think that if dimensional travel was involved, it is in a ‘pocket dimension’”

“Some Numeraras can use a number of indicators to detect the “right’ person” : cues from senses we are not or badly equipped to perceive, chemical senses, sub or supersonic auditory frequencies or paravioletto subred light wavelengths; biometry or psychometry*.”

*Like biometry but of the mind. Since there are a number of mind reading numeraras, I figured there’d likely be a term for it.
One nice things about PBP, it handles flashback and flashforward well, which is praticall for some situation.

2017-07-27, 07:43 PM
(Selila refused to say more.)

The group has walked 3 miles of the 5 miles to the referenced other side of the world where the Evens live. The direction of the sun has moved visibly. At first it was in front of them, then above them, then behind them slightly. it is believed that the sun is not moving; the group is traversing the world enough that the their position relative to the sun has changed.

The trip has taken nearly two hours to the difficult path. The menagerie of junk appears to be never ending. It is difficult to travel quietly without causing debris to shift. But progress is definitely being made. It's almost peaceful among the rusty rainbow of forgotten things.

Then the monkeys attacked.

2017-07-27, 08:26 PM
One of the many oddities of the place is a large stone head with crude features. It stands roughly 30 feet high. Its mouth is wide open. in a roar, laugh, or something else, it's hard to say. Pouring out of this mouth are several monkeys or primates. They are about waist high and moving quickly. They are obviously more agile than the average human and are having little trouble negotiating the rubble. They are rapidly approaching the newcomers with a purpose.


2017-07-30, 11:39 AM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 11/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Krysen recognizes bestial aggression when he sees it, having encountered it enough in the course of defending the village that has since exiled him. "Heads up, incoming!" comes the shout as the soldier spies the threat. "Firing line on me!" Knowing Ariana should understand him but the others might not, he drops his glaive beside him and then extends his arms to his side, pointing alongside him to create an imaginary line where he wants the others to stand. All this happens in seconds, and after indicating the formation, his bow is drawn, strung and knocked with fluidity borne of years of practice.


If there is a 'leader' monkey or one who appears larger than the others:

Krysen bellows, "Target the leader!" and lets fly a shaft.

If there is no apparent 'leader':

"On my target!" and looses at the closest ape-thing.

After attacking, he drops the bow and picks up his glaive for when the enemy closes to melee range.

Spending 1 Speed Point for Pierce, +1 damage on successful hit.


2017-07-31, 09:21 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana scans her companions, while quickly reacting to her commanders orders with practiced ease. Nakita can probably hold her own in melee... not so sure about the other two... we'll need to protect them, I expect...

"Alright, people! Form a line and fire on Krysen's mark!" She presses the button to snap her crossbow into attack mode, loads it and fires at the target their leader indicates."Once they close to melee range, I want Liviria and Horea to drop back and continue ranged attacks against the monkeys fighting Nakita and myself! That should give us an advantage."

[roll0] Crossbow; Weapon type: Medium-Stabbing; Effort: 0; +1 bonus if 3 of us attack the same target. 4 points of damage if it hits.

If they are close enough, Ariana drops the crossbow and switches to her Verred.

2017-08-01, 07:55 AM
The front monkey collapses to the ground. The remaining screech and roar. They split into two groups of five, half starting to go to the left, the other half starting to go to the right.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-07, 05:05 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

The march across the world to the home of the Evens was certainly an interesting one; the lazy sun hung above them--still stubbornly refusing to move--but oddly enough was overhead and then behind them in much shorter of a time than expected. This made Nakita wonder how small of a world they might be on but more importantly rose a question that she somehow hadn't thought to ask yet: 'I wonder if that means there is a side of the world stuck in an eternal night?' She thinks to herself until suddenly commotion breaks out in the rubble ahead.

Spotting the monkeys quickly moving toward their position, she levels her crossbow and fires at one near the target Krysen had deftly felled.

Crossbow : [roll0]
4 Damage

2017-08-08, 07:13 PM
A 2nd monkey falls.

The monkeys spread out and retreat, hiding behind refuse on opposite sides of the group. The nearest is roughly 30' away. They are barely visible peaking out.

2017-08-11, 09:26 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana reloads her crossbow, then takes moment to craft an illusion of another version of herself to add confusion to the monkey's minds in case it will help drive them away.

"What's your call, Krysen? Do we try to work our way around them or take cover and wait?"

ACTION: Minor Illusion (1 Intellect Point - 1 point EDGE = 0 Intellect Points)

2017-08-11, 01:30 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 11/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

"We might have deterred their attack by killing a few. Two lines, back to back, ranged weapons readied, continue moving up the path. I'll fill in the rear and keep my head on a swivel. It'll be slow moving, but they'll either give up or attack again. Either way, we'll be ready."

Given that they've retreated for the moment, Krysen stows his halberd and picks up his bow, knocking another arrow and waiting for the others to get into position. If there's any confusion, he points out where the rest of the group should place themselves.


ASCII map of what I'm thinking:

Direction of travel

m| <L H> |m
m| <A N> |m
m| K |m
m| |m

Actual positioning of characters (except Krysen) isn't hugely important.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-13, 07:04 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Nakita keeps her weapon leveled and sticks close to the others; she didn't dare waste ammunition on such an impossible shot while the creatures hid so she waited for them to make a move.

2017-08-14, 02:57 PM
The monkeys stay in place until the group has moved a couple hundred feet. Then they start following at a distance, tryin got stay largely out of sight.

(ooc: we can drop out of rounds)

2017-08-15, 07:17 PM
As the monkey-things back off, Krysen speaks in a low growl to the rest of the group. "I think they got the message. Let's go back to a close formation moving forward, but keep your eyes on the junk piles, they might just be biding their time. I'll take point." Moving to the front of the group, the soldier's head turns back and forth as they resume walking normally, senses heightened by the recent dump of adrenaline into his bloodstream.

2017-08-16, 09:33 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana nods, then waves for the others to move into formation. "I'll take the rear guard. Let's go."

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-18, 09:30 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"They are still following." Nakita warns as the watches the shapes in the distance dash from one pile of rubble to another. It was no quite apparent that humans weren't the only things trapped here; between the cybernetic creatures and now a swarm of hostile monkeys, other threats lurked in the wastes. The Evens might not be the worst of their problems if they weren't careful. She keeps her weapon ready and thinks things over while she walks--she was more than happen to let the other two play soldier.

2017-08-18, 11:29 AM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intellect 16/20

"These show signs at ast of a certain coordination and their simian appearance could mean a lower but still existing level of higher cognition, they do seem to be interested in technological pieces and artifacts. And while they have shown agressivity at first contact, no of them have actualy swounded or striked at any of you. After the demonstation of willingness and capacity for defense, quelling open hostilities for a moment, communications could be atempted. they would ikely have to be non verbal in the absence of a common language."

2017-08-21, 11:09 AM
The monkeys keep their distance but occasional signs of their presence continue.

After a couple more miles of slow travel, about five miles from the fortress of the Odds, something shiny is noted about a hundred yards away. It looks like a swiftly undulating, transparent curtain. It must be about a hundred feet high and two hundred feet across. This obviously must be the Shimmer which was mentioned previously.

2017-08-21, 11:42 AM
An artificially intelligent nano who figures things out
Might 10/10, Speed 14/14, Intellect 14/20

Horea approaches closer to the shimmer but enough to touch it, looking at the ground and objects around.
Then she reaches to the ground, grab a small rock or object lying around and tentaviely throw it into the transparent curtain as to ascertain what will happen to it. he will throw a couple more. If she does happen to find a small living being like say an insect or a wormshe might flick them in too, unless it look unessecary.

Her eyes lit up of the usual pale green light as she direct a scann of the curtain, atempting to trap in the zone of scanning both one of the object she threw and some of the ground under the curtain to see if she can detect anythinghinting at something burried undernath.

2017-08-21, 07:43 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana tilts her head and runs her hand through her hair. "Well... Shimmer certainly is an apt description..." She looks over to Horea as she starts investigating, then to Nakita and Liviria. "I'd say this is your ballywick... I'll keep an eye on our monkey friends and try to make sure we aren't blindsided by anything else while you guys who are good with these things do your thing. If it seems to be an illusion, let me know! Then I might be able to help. Or, you know... if it blasts your arm off or somethin' like that..." She winks at Liviria with a lopsided grin before she turns to continue scanning the horizon for monkeys and other hostiles.

2017-08-22, 08:28 AM
Everything, living and non-living, bounces off of the Shimmer. Horea is able to determine that it is a force field. It's strong enough that a fist-sized stone doesn't even phase it. There are multiple, complex frequencies in the field that it would be very difficult to learn but might be possible with time.

Horea and the rest notice several people a hundred feet to their right, just outside of the Shimmer. They are clean cut and dressed in various guady clothes. Their movements suggest that they are rehearsing ... something. They have not noticed the newcomers.

2017-08-22, 12:41 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 11/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

While Horea proves that The Shimmer is seemingly impenetrable, Krysen keeps watch. After noting that the simians have lost interest, the group of human(oids?) inside the Shimmer draws his attention. Carefully examining them, he notes to the group; "Well, they seem a fair bit more civilized by the looks of them.... Horea, do you know if sound can pass through this thing? If so, maybe we can parley with these 'Evens,' though I imagine that's not what they call themselves."

Edit: fixed header

2017-08-22, 04:43 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana watches as Horea bounces item after item off the Shimmer. Hmmm... I guess it's a force field of some sort... She sees Horea look off in the distance and a flash of color catches her eye. She quickly brings up her bow as she realizes there is someone over there.

After a moment studying the group, however, she lowers her bow, squints, and runs her hand through her hair. "Well... I'll be damned..." She presses the button to put her bow into 'safety' position and it folds in on itself before she returns it to its standard place on her back. "If I'm not mistaken... that looks like some sort of theater troupe... Whatcha think... Should I freshen up and go talk shop? See if I can figure out who they are at least?"

2017-08-22, 05:10 PM

"sound would be at best heavily distorted and muffled. Clear auditory communication through the shimmer seems highly unlikely

"Given the harsh environment and general state of culture seen so far from the Odds, a wandering unarmrmed theater troup seems unlikely, particulay outside of a settlement. though I do agree with the assessment that these seem to ave better living condition to the odds"[/COLOR][/FONT]

"I see no wagon that would indicate an intinerant lifestyle, either. Given the presence near the shimmer I might surmise these, if humans , may be Evens or afiliated. There... may be signification that escape us to this, I'd recomend caution. "

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-23, 11:24 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"Well it certainly beat giant machine men and swarms of monkeys." Nakita pipes in; quite please that the folks seemed mostly normal compared to the other encounters they'd had the joy of coming across so far. This brought up an interesting consideration though: 'What if the Evens aren't barbaric fanatics like the Odds? What if we just happened upon a group of outliers first and a real society exists here?'

She keeps her weapon ready, but holds it casually, and begins a slow approach toward the group of oddly dressed folks.

2017-08-23, 02:30 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana takes a small leather case out of her pack, opens it and pulls out a small hand mirror. "Hmmm.... Not much I can do about the clothes... but..." She quickly goes about the process of applying makeup, changing her look from the attractive, even in combat gear, woman you have been travelling with, to something closer to the stage performer Nakita has known for quite a while and Krysen met several years ago. She doesn't do anything too drastic, just makes herself look like someone who would be comfortable on stage.

Then she takes a small amount of hair gel and works it into both sides of her hair. When she's done, her hair is out of her eyes and shaped into a simple, but attractive style, with golden highlights. Seeing the look on Nakita's face, she shrugs, "it's temporary styling gel. Great for when you have to play multiple roles in the same production."

She looks over her clothes once again. "What do you think? Do I leave the armor vest here? I am going over there, right? I mean... It's a good idea? Right?" She glances at each of the party in turn.

2017-08-25, 09:13 AM
There are four people who seem to be working on something, trying to get the details right. An older gentleman (https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bf/53/30/bf53306a74e8a19a52f277a975f597c0--character-art-character-design.jpg) is doing all the talking and seems to be in charge.

"No Jurg, remember you're Nimden now. As you greet the dawn, you flick your hand in a carefree and confident gesture. No, not like you're flicking a bug, like you're trying to impress someone with your fancy style. Yoplo, twenty seconds after that, you trip and get stuck in the pipe, finding the lucky rod in the process. Come on people! We've been through this a thousand times. We have to get it right. I'm sure this variation is on the right track!"

The other three show little enthusiasm or energy, as if they literally have done this a thousand times and expect to do it a thousand more.

2017-08-25, 12:28 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/12/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana smiles and shakes her head. "He's like a male version of Aunt Sophie..." she says under her breath. She sets the weapon she brought from the Odds on the ground, takes off her armored vest, and hands it to Krysen along with her crossbow, leaving her Verred hanging at her side, but shifts her Med Kit to cover it. "Hold these for me old friend. I'm going to go see what's up with this group of ill fated performers."

She waits a moment, scanning the group to make sure no one objects, then walks toward the group of actors, her white shirt damp with sweat and sticking to her back after wearing her armor in this heat all day. My clothes and face must be a pretty drastic contrast...

She raises her hand in greeting and flashes a brilliant smile that reaches her eyes and inspires trust. "Well met, gentlemen!"

Positive Social Interaction; Applying Effort to reduce DC by 1 for 2 points of Intellect [roll0]

2017-08-25, 08:14 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 11/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Couching his halbred the crook of his arm, Krysen takes Ariana's combat gear so she can fit the part of the diplomat better. "Don't see how it could hurt things. You go this." In case retreat becomes immediately necessary, he stuffs the gear in his sack as best he's able.

He then stands within earshot of the group of....players? Martial artists? He can't quite make out what they're doing. In case his obvious martial capacity might be offputting, he keeps about halfway between Ariana and where Horea is examining the Shimmer. Looking to Nakita, he nods emphatically. "I hope you're right. This lot sure as hell seems a lot more reasonable than the Odds.

Bounty Hunter
2017-08-27, 11:12 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Nakita stands and watches as her companion approaches the group in the distance. She didn't worry about doffing armor or dropping weapons--in fact she quite enjoyed the appearance she had going--figuring it wouldn't matter when standing aside the walking armory next to her. She hoped that the discussion went well, it would be nice to finally start getting some answers around here.

2017-08-27, 09:29 PM
The old continues babbling for a moment before turning to look fully at Ariana. His expression passes from confused, to annoyed, to lecherous, to curious. He turns to the other three and says, with obvious disappointment.

"Well that screws that. I swear it's like Jocab and the drone. It's never complete. Might as well pack it in and pick it back up AGAIN in the morning.'

The he turns and gives Ariana a full appraisal, eventually taking in the rest of the new arrivals as well. He addresses them with a voice suited to a carnival barker or a populist politician.

"Well, Met. Well met remains to be seen. Who are you interrupting interlopers? Do you realize that you stopped an important ritual? No matter, no matter. Perhaps you have a valid reason for your impromptu entrance? Are you being pursued some monumental machine of death and destruction? Do you have some wonderful new nutritive item you can't wait to share with everyone? Are you looking to lend a helpful hand?"

The man stops and watches carefully, looking to gauge the wits and the responses of the newcomers.

2017-08-29, 09:23 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/10/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana bows her head slightly. "I humbly apologize for interrupting your ritual, dear sirs. We are new arrivals here, wherever here is, and you were the first shining ray of civilization we've come across. It was clear you were rehearsing something of great import. I immediately recognized the regal bearing and air of sophistication that the leaders of my family displayed in my youth. We performed many of the ancient plays, in addition to newer works, but were also asked to assist in rituals on occasion, though I was never allowed to participate in those," she bows her head, "being a junior member."

"As for nutritive items..." She shifts her pack so she can access the pouch with her rations in it and takes out three ration packs. I just had a hearty meal with the Odds... I can afford to offer up some MREs for info... "These aren't the most tasty things in the world, but they are nutritious. I'm happy to share these with you."

"Other than that, we do seek information on this world and it's workings, being new here. Have you been here long?"

Positive Social Interaction; Applying Effort to reduce DC by 1 for 2 points of Intellect [roll0]17 (from OOC Trhead)

2017-08-31, 10:04 PM
The old man takes in Ariana's words, knowing them to be puffery, but appreciating them nonetheless. He pauses for a several seconds and sighs before making a decision.

"Well, we are quite short handed, making the reenactment nigh impossible. Why don't you call all your friends over and we can see who would be suitable for which role. "

2017-09-01, 07:40 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/10/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana turns toward the group. "Ah, yes..." She motions to Krysen and to come over. "My name is Ariana Haiden, by the way, formerly of the Haiden Theater Troupe, which originated in Mulen, but then became a traveling troupe when I was but a young girl. I chose a different path as an adult." She nods toward her medical kit. "I'm a trained medic. If anyone has any physical ailments, I would be happy to assist."

She lifts her hand and nearly runs her hand through her hair, but remembers she styled it at the last second and brushes the sweat from her brow instead. "My companions and I were assisting a researcher who was investigating a tower of some sort and he triggered some sort of mechanism that... well, sent us here. It appears we're stranded. I'm not sure if any of the others would be able to assist in your ritual, but I would be happy to help."

No effort expended. [roll0]

2017-09-06, 09:55 AM
Not wanting to interrupt the negotations, Krysen simply offers an emphatic nod at Ariana's assertion that her friends are willing to help. As he does so he seeks eye contact with one or more of the strangers, hoping to appear friendly.

2017-09-07, 03:05 PM
The old man's pupil's dilate at Ariana's words. He brings his finger to his chin as he starts recalling the distant past.

"Oh yes. The Black Tower. That's how we got here as well. It must have been over 20 years ago now. The Harvesters had digested nearly the entire town Redbock. There were only a handful of adults left. We gathered up a force, mainly made of conscripts barely past puberty. Yes, that's awful. We were really that desperate. Anyway, we ambushed the Harvesters the next time they came through town. The last two fled and we followed them across Torrin Valley and found them hiding in under a tree next to the Black Tower. We knew old tales of The Tower gobbling up lost travelers. But Selma, the oldest of us, said that we couldn't let old scare stories stop us now. I guess the Harvesters knew how the tower worked and tried to stay out of its sight. Soon after we started attacking, the Black Tower started zapping us. The only good thing is that we destroyed one Harvester and forced the other to retreat into the Tower's view. It got zapped here and had a bad landing. We finished it off. The whole battle lasted less than a minute. Then we were here. This other world of waste and despair."

From his description, the newcomers believe that he is actually talking about a different Blop Tower. The town and valley name are unknown to them and this other tower is apparently more active.

The old man pauses for a minute, lost in the past. His three companions are of the right age to have been pubescent a couple of decades ago. He looks up to Ariana.

"I've often wandered how Redbock fared. It would have been mostly kids left. Tell me, do you know the town's fate? No, wait. Don't tell me yet. if it's bad news, I couldn't take it. There will be plenty of time for that once we restart the day and leave. Ariana, is it? We will need all of you. Shortly after we arrived, a very dark morning happened. I won't go into the details now. But our actions caused the sun to shiver, and stop. We are trying recreate that day. But better, with a good ending. Then the sun can go about it's business of travelling across the sky. Ariana, you have the look to play a key role, that of Daeliza. What say you? Are you ready to try an acting role that will cause the sun to rise and set?"

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-08, 04:28 AM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

At the signal from her companion Nakita begins to approach the odd display. She keeps her crossbow held loosely in one hand and casually remarks while they're still out of earshot: "So far so good. At least we're exchanging words not blows." What could have caused such vast difference between the Odds, with their post-apocalyptic warrior society, and these 'Evens' who seemed to be the furthest thing from it. She gives a polite nod and a little smile.

As the man describe the events surrounding the pursuit of the harvester into the view of the black tower she's surprised to hear that it was apparently a different structure--one still active and carrying out whatever their purpose was. "Can't say I've ever heard of Redbock. I think the tower that brought us here was somewhere else entirely--our patron had mentioned he'd heard rumors of others out there."

2017-09-11, 11:27 AM
The man considers Nagita's words. "Could be, could be. I certainly haven't been everywhere. Imagine a whole series of Black Towers, each sending people to this purgatory. You miss, can play one of Daeliza's attendants. And I shall play myself. Well, a much younger version of myself. By the way, myself is Renatin Gearhex."

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-14, 05:46 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

"Of course. Just let me know what I must do." Nakita says, glancing to the others for a clue as to what the plan might be going forward.

2017-09-14, 07:39 PM
Krysen looks expectantly to Ariana since she's taking lead on negotiation, giving her a nod of encouragement. Clearly the old man is a bit...eccentric...and peppering him with a barrage of questions might best be left until the group is inside the barrier.

2017-09-15, 09:09 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/10/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana tries to hide her doubts about a reenactment of something they did 20 years ago changing the rotation of the planetoid they are on by slipping into a role, as she did for most of the past few years working in that bar. It's easy for her to assume a persona and fool everyone into believing that's who she really is... She did it most of her life, until she enlisted in the militia. That's why I've been so happy even with all this craziness... I've been able to be me... Or the me I want to be, at least... Enough wool gathering...

"Of course, Ser Gearhex, I would be most honored to portray such a role. If I can assist with righting what seems to have stalled this planet's Sun, that would be... astounding to say the least. Something to tell my grandchildren about... if I were ever to have children, that is..." She gives a small, self-depreciating laugh, nearly a scoff, at the thought.

2017-09-19, 12:48 PM
Renatin slaps Ariana on the shoulder in a friendly, nonromantic way. "That's the spirit. We're start going through the basics. If you're experienced, maybe we can have a full reenactment in only 3 or 4 days!"

Renatin starts assigning rules to everyone, then going over a huge number of details and dialog. One of the others interrupts and asks if fitting for costumes would be necessary. Renatin responds, "Why of course! go get the fabric and the measuring stick! We'll wait." The asker sprints off through the Shimmer, apparently glad for something to do. Renatin adopts a pose of smiling patience as he looks around.

It's apparent that, whatever this reenactment is, it will be a long and intense affair. It's not clear how soon the Odds will show up to see if the Shimmer is down.

2017-09-19, 06:53 PM

"I have a few questions, if I may."

Horea who has been complelty sielnt approach from the man while everyone is busy.

"First, you have mentioned 'about twenty years ago', 'in the morning' and 'in three four days'. The current situation of the sun situation seen so far makes the concept of morning, days, let alone years irrelevant. Even if you were familiar with those concept before cpomming in and were 'eyeballing' it, you show surprisingly little insecurity or confusion when talking of somethong you should have lost track for years. Is there some rhytmic event you use as an alternate mesure of time or do you possess a way to mesure the passage of time idependently ?

Two I notice your assistant was able to comme through the barrier. Am I wrong to assume the forcefield is keyes to a few individuals through biological cues ?


Horea falls very silent for a moment.

"Even accepting the premice that it is you and your group actions that have called the sun to stall, I have no frame of reference in this world that would allow me to dismiss it, what makes you think recreating the event is the way to fix this ?

You refuse to expand on the event that you whish to at least partly reenact, this is ilmlogical as they would be the 'script' to partly follow. At the very least it would make sense to tell what happened as to make sure the same actions are not taken and a different outcome happens as a result."

You have refered to these events as 'a dark morning' and I cannot help but notice one of the proeminent role, lady Daeliza is absent.

While it might be presomptuous to speak for others in my group, I do not beleive they would shy away from danger.i cannot say i fully ubnderstand such a carefree attitude but I happen to find it strangely engaging . However should harm come from something you failed to mention this might be seen less favorably

As such, if there any danger involved in this performance you intend to put on, may I recomend being upfront about it ?"

2017-09-20, 01:29 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 11/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Stepping up to the conversation, Krysen listens in as Horea poses questions, having done his best to demure from any of the instruction of Renatin's retinue, but anxiously waits for Horea to finish, nodding in agreement at her questions at several points. At a natural pause, he injects, "You'll pardon me for interrupting," he looks to his companion and then to Renatin, "but I would really appreciate it if you could let us inside the Shimmer before we continue this discussion. We're glad to help, but we had the unfortunate luck to meet the 'Odds' first, who are on their way here at this very moment to slaughter the lot of you."

2017-09-21, 09:08 AM
(deleted to fix ninjaing)

2017-09-21, 09:33 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/8/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

As Horea begins speaking, Ariana is initially worried. Ah... Her logic... There's something about this girl I really like, even if her ability to read social cues could use some work... Well, she's an AI, what should I expect?

Then Horea pauses and goes on to pose the question about whether my performing the 'role of Daeliza' might put me in some kind of danger... She's... concerned about me?

Ariana's eyes widen as she looks over at her new companion in a new light. And why the heck didn't I think of that, myself?

Krysen's jumps in and Ariana realizes his timing is just about perfect. It's time to let these people know what danger they are about to face and that we are not planing to be part of it.

"Ser Gearhex, I must apologize for not being entirely up front about this with you when we arrived. We were, surrounded, shortly after we arrived, by a group lead by a woman named Selila. The group referred to themselves as the 'Odds'. Their leader is apparently a man named Toruc. They were very violent in nature and refer to you as the 'Evens' if I'm not mistaken. They believe that by slaughtering you, they can restart the sun, just as you believe that by reenacting the events of twenty years ago..." she looks down, then looks over to Horea with a lopsided grin and runs her fingers through her hair, "at least by the reckoning of your body's aging, I'd say... you can do the same. Frankly, I would be more inclined to believe that your theory is correct, since you were there when the events happened and you seem to think something was done to cause the sun to stall, but that won't stop Selila and her Odds from attacking. We MUST get inside your force field to protect you and your people. If you wish for us to leave..." she sighs and bows her head, "that would be understandable. However, I personally would much prefer NOT to be involved in senseless violence today and the only way I can see that happening is by all of us not being outside of this force field when the Odds arrive!"

Positive Social Interaction; Applying Effort to reduce DC by 1 for 2 points of Intellect[roll0]

2017-09-21, 09:43 AM
Renatin nods at Horea and shrugs. "Quite clever. Yes, we all carry a secret that allows us to part the curtain. As to time. It's a fair point. Every time I wake up, I make a mark in a wall. There are now over 7,000 marks on the wall. Is that accurate or reliable? No, of course not. Who knows how much we've drifted or what season it will be when the sun continues rising. My casual use of words with time is merely my attempt to impose normality on purgatory. Until we can erase the events that caused the sun to stop, we maintain a pretense to keep our wits about us."

Renatin sighs and paces a moment. The other Evens watch him nervously, not use to seeing him being directly confronted.

"Well, good people. It's like this. We came here as the sun was rising. Missteps occurred. Our leader died. He was a very smart leader, more like you than of flesh. Without him, all our coordination and planning was wiped out. At that very moment, the sun stopped moving. Since that moment we and the others, the Odds."

Renatin pauses to sneer after saying the word.

"Well, we have been at war over what happened. Lady Daeliza. Sweet, poisonous, Daeliza. She was at the center of it all. But she refused to takes sides. Eventually she left us all. For all I know, she still lives among the Zeroes. Since that awful morning I have been working to redo that morning, make amends for our sins. Maybe the sun will forgive us and rise into the sky."

Renatin's mind is lost in the past until Krysen speaks. His eyes go wide with panic. He starts scanning the area. He takes the time to listen to Ariana but fear is in his eyes.

One of the underlings points at a few discrete bumps under shirts. At the armband openly worn but inconspicuous on Horea. He sqeulches out. "They have armbands!"

All of the evens start sprinting for the Shimmer. Renatin pauses to speak to Ariana. But he's still walking backward as he talks.

I want to believe you but our survival is at stake. Maybe you took the bands by mistake, maybe you've been with them all along.

Then Renatin turns and moves quite quickly for an older man.

2017-09-21, 10:56 AM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 12/13/1 | S: 11/13/1 | I: 5/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Then Renatin turns and moves quite quickly for an older man.[/QUOTE]

As the group begins to move back to the force field, Krysen's face is momentarily blanched by anxious desperation. Trotting after the old man, he calls out after him in his commander's voice, "Please, we had no choice!" Ripping off his armband, he thrusts it out as an offering. "Take them, then! I swear on the blood of my ancestors that we mean you no harm."

Spending 3 IP for 1 level of effort, which will make it -2 difficulty total, 1 from Effort and 1 from being Trained in All Social Interactions.


2017-09-21, 11:48 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/6/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana sees their chances of success at stopping the violence, at least against themselves, diminishing by the moment. Time to do some of that quick talking your supposed to be so good at...

"It is exactly as Krysen says. We were outnumbered and faced with the possible combat against an obviously experienced foe who had killed someone else already. We were presented with a question, 'Odd or Even?' I made the educated guess that the person posing the question wouldn't ask about their enemy first, so I chose Odd in order to prevent attack. This is the truth! I swear it on the lives of my ancestors and my honor as a soldier, which I take very seriously." She turns and nods to Krysen. "These armbands mean NOTHING other than temporary safety to us!"

She removes the armband, creates an illusion of it in the process, places the illusion and the armband on the ground, takes out her Verred, and, swinging the verred toward it, she hits it and the illusory armband and shatters it, the illusion masking the actual armband.

Minor Illusion (1 Intellect Point - 1 point EDGE = 0 Intellect Points) Positive Social Interaction; Applying Effort to reduce DC by 1 for 2 points of Intellect [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2017-09-21, 12:11 PM
Nakita Torgeski
Mystical Jack who Explores Dark Places
M: 10/10/0 | S: 14/14/1 | I: 14/14/0 | E: 1

Nakita wasn't sure how to feel with the amount of information being exchanged. She worried that her companions insistence on being let inside the shimmer might make these folks uneasy and shifts nervously despite her efforts to do otherwise. They'd gotten some good information from this man but she wasn't exactly sure they were on friendly terms just yet.

Worst of all, in a matter of moments things seem to devolve quickly as the group notices the armbands from the odds. She readies herself in case anything crazy was to break out but she refrains from anything rash like raising a weapon.

2017-09-25, 11:04 AM
As the Evens disappear into buildings and behind hills, the sounds of monkey screams can be heard. A minute later the Odds come into sight The can't help but notice that the Shimmer is still up.

2017-10-02, 10:01 AM
Nakita leaves the rest of the Odds behind and approaches the newcomers. After taking a look around, she states the obvious. "The Odds are not attacking the Evens as the Shimmer remains?"

2017-10-02, 11:39 AM
Nakita leaves the rest of the Odds behind and approaches the newcomers. After taking a look around, she states the obvious. "The Odds are not attacking the Evens as the Shimmer remains?"

Krysen nods in affirmation of the statement. "The Shimmer was already up when we got here. We are unable to find a way to lower it. What now?"

2017-10-02, 11:47 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/4/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana sighs as the Evens retreat into their stronghold behind the Shimmer. Damn! Why didn't they believe me? I was actually telling the gods cursed truth... this time... What the... It seems like people like lies better than the truth... I'm not sure I'll ever really understand people, even if I understand how to make them like me... usually... But I guess that requires putting on the face they want to see, doesn't it!

She hears the sound of the Odds approaching and signals to Krysen for her armor vest and crossbow, hoping not to need them in the immediate future, then, after putting on her vest, bends over to get her bracelet. She then hears Nakita walking toward the Odds:

"The Odds are not attacking the Evens as the Shimmer remains?"

Damn! Gotta think fast here...

She moves closer to Horea and Liviria. "Horea, Liviria... did either of you get a good scan of that Shimmer thing when the Evens were going through it? Maybe we can still figure out how to disable it? I'll try to buy some time."

She jogs to catch up to Nakita. "There may still be hope. Some of the Evens were outside of the Shimmer when we got here. I was able to fool them into thinking we were friendly for a few minutes and they didn't attack us. But they did go through the Shimmer, so we might be able to analyze the data from that to figure out how it works. Let's hang back for a few minutes and see if Horea and Liviria can figure it out, alright? You might be able to help them, eh Nakita? You're pretty good with that kind of stuff."

Positive Social Interaction; Applying Effort to reduce DC by 1 for 2 points of Intellect [roll0] Definitely going to have to take a breather soon...
My brain is starting to hurt... LOL... Or use the med. kit. (If I haven't used it today on myself?)

2017-10-04, 08:29 AM
Nakita nods along to Ariana's explanation, and smiles. "The Odds are camping as the Shimmer falls."

She retreats to the rest of the odds and the start getting into a more organized arrangement. (They are now out of earshot.)

ooc: I cannot remember on the medkit, probably not.

2017-10-04, 10:48 AM

"I believe given what I have observed of the nature of the shimmer that figuring it out might take a very long time"

... It took some long seconds of computation, internal deliberation for Horea not to answer Ariana question truthfully but for now the fact she could atempt to force brute break the Shimmer with the right numerara (and with all the salavge around, it should be quite possible to fine the right part even if it might take some time) is somethign she has decided to keep for herself.

"If I may, I believe there is another lead. This man mentioned that 'lady Daeliza" or her possible descendants wouldlive among the 'Zeroes', which from what I understand are people staying neutral int his conflicts. If we could find her, she might know how to get through the Shimmer."

2017-10-04, 03:42 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/9/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana tries her best to avoid showing any overt reaction to Horea's mention of Lady Daeliza and the Zeroes, but inwardly is wishing they would have had time to seek them out before the Odds showed up.

She speaks quietly to Horea and the others while the rest of the odds are out of earshot. "Perhaps that would a good idea." She looks to Krysen while opening her med kit. "Do you think we could convince them that we need to consult with the Zeroes? In any case, I need a stim-shot or I'm gonna drop soon. My brain's about fried."

She goes about the process of administering a stimulant to herself.

Healing roll. Difficulty 3, healing 5 points of Intellect, -1 for Healing skill, -1 for med-kit. [roll0]

2017-10-06, 05:22 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 13/13/1 | S: 13/13/1 | I: 7/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

Shoulders slumping, Krysen finishes putting his armband back on. Jogging lightly over to the group, he huffs, "Well, frak. Right now our choice is savages and a battle or whoever those people are," he gestures with a wave, "and diplomacy. Maybe." Sighing, he briefly pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes, "I'd say this day just keeps getting better, but seeing as how it never ends...." Shrugging, he opens his eyes and relaxes his posture. "Might as well explore our third option. The old man did say this Lady was at the center of it, but refused to take sides. Maybe she'll sympathize with us and give us an unbiased opinion, which is better than we'll get here. Ariana, wanna see if your shiny disposition will get them to tell us where we can find the Zeroes? Failing that, I'll try a scare tactic, they seem a simple lot after all."

Taking this opportunity for my second recovery roll of the 'day'.


2017-10-06, 09:39 PM

While Kristen and Arriana delibrate, Horea decide to go fish for parts among some of the destroyed and piled Numeraras around. Pay no attention to the robot in the background.

Intellect roll To tinker something. Spending 2 point of intelect to lower whichever the difficukty might be

Horea rolled well in figuring things out earlier. She should be able to bring it down if she cobbles something together. It would take several minutes of work

She's going to do that but incomplete with just a few part missings. The way she see it, she has no intention of letting the Odds kill the Evens but ti occurs some insurance gainst the Evens may not be a bad idea.

2017-10-09, 08:02 PM
(speeding things up a tiny bit. Horea can bring down the Shimmer with a minute's notice. But only she knows that.)

When Ariana speaks to Nakita, she shakes her head and walks away. She's obviously confused and distraught, not knowing what to say or do. However, one of the other Odds pulls her aside and explains the layout. The Odds and Evens lay on opposite sides of the world, five miles apart. Zeroes live in a small camp 3 miles back towards the Odds and then a mile to the left. They're not a unified group, just various unaligned people.

It occurs to you that you are all a bit tired. You can choose to find a spot to rest first or take the hour to try to find the Odds first, your choice.

2017-10-10, 12:03 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 13/13/1 | S: 13/13/1 | I: 7/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

After Ariana returns to explain the route to the Zero's camp, she finds Krysen unpacking a bedroll and some dried meat. "That's not too far, but we've been at this all day. Let's catch what sleep we can and then we'll head out in the..." looking up at the sun, he smirks, "well, not "morning," but you get my drift."

2017-10-11, 09:13 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/12/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana smiles and nods appreciatively. "I could really use the sleep, old friend! I'm actually going to take a breather for a few before laying out my bedroll even. I really pushed it today."

She sits down and has some food and a drink while she rests for about 10 minutes, then rolls out her sleeping mat and gets ready to rest for the... duration... she supposes.

"So, what's our watch schedule?"

Health Recovery - rolls 2. (The last one was a Healing roll, not one of the rest and recovery checks. OOPS Wrong roll! - updated Int stat after corrected roll.

2017-10-11, 12:14 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 13/13/1 | S: 13/13/1 | I: 7/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

"I'll take first watch. We're close enough to the Odds' camp that we might be able to rely on their watch. I'll check it out and wake you up for your watch if we need to."

Finding a decent spot to sharpen his glaive and keep an eye out, Krysen takes his watch while keeping an eye on the Odds. If he can save his companions some sleep by pigybacking on the more numerous Odds' watch then he'll do so.

2017-10-12, 09:36 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

After sleeping for a couple of hours, Ariana feels a bit refreshed, but doesn't think she will be able to get back to sleep. She catches Krysen's eye. "Get some shut eye. The sooner we make contact with these Zeroes the better, I think!"

She gets up and starts going through some stretching routines.

Health Recovery - roll 3 (1 hour) [roll0] Added to INTELLECT score

2017-10-13, 02:37 PM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 13/13/1 | S: 13/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

After a fitful handful of hours of attempting to sleep as best as one can with the "sun" still high in the sky, Krysen rouses with a start, immediately reaching for his dagger.

After his awareness fully returns a few seconds worth of looking around later, the middle aged soldier raises himself with a groan. [COLOR="#0000FF"]"Ugh. I'd give my left heart for some shade rightaboutnow."

Krysen wakes himself up by splashing his face with water as much as actually drinking it before turning to Ariana and the rest of the group. "Guess there's no time like the present to pursue the fabled third option. Give me a few minutes and then we'll head out."

Wrenching a piece of dried meat in half with a animalistic chomp, he takes a few minutes to do some basic calisthenic exercises and a basic form with his glaive. Having worked up a bit of a sweat, he drinks sloppily once again before wiping his face "clean" on his tabard sleeve. "Shall we?" he asks with a look cast about his fellows.

2017-10-14, 09:10 PM
While the newcomers were asleep, the Odds slunk back home. Otherwise, the rest occurred without incident.

2017-10-18, 08:32 PM
The party travels 3 miles north, to the point where the sun is almost overhead, then turn west. After a mile, they can see a spot of blue sky near the horizon, contrasting greatly with the tan of the rest of the sky. As they approach, it looks like the section of blue is a large, painted area. Who painted it, when, and why are unknown.

Near the blue sky is a long, low silver building. (about 150' long and 15' high) At the far end you can see the monkeys that you fought earlier. they seem to be taking turns dropping odd bits of equipment into a an opening in the building and pulling a handle. A few minutes later, each takes out a piece of food. At the near end is a stall of some sort. From this distance, it's unknown what they are selling or doing. The shopkeeper, or part of the building, maybe, has noticed the newcomers and casually sizes them up.


Southwest of this can be seen someone practicing their martial skills. Near them is a pen of small animals and a tiny orchard of low shrubs.


There are many other small signs of habitation. However, everyone's immediate attention is drawn by a couple nearby. As the newcomers came over a low rise of drone parts, they disturbed a couple who had been making out in the shadow of plastic disc. The couple pauses and stares at the newcomers in obvious annoyance.


2017-10-26, 12:17 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana turns to Krysen, "So... I think the shopkeeper is a good starting point. Less likely to be hostile or... have their mind somewhere else, eh?"

2017-10-27, 09:43 AM

Krysen Brun
A Tough Glaive who Leads
M: 13/13/1 | S: 13/13/1 | I: 8/8/0 | E:1 | XP: 1

"I'll take first watch. We're close enough to the Odds' camp that we might be able to rely on their watch. I'll check it out and wake you up for your watch if we need to."

Krysen blinks in surprise at the amorous couple so disparate in appearance as he notices them before looking away awkwardly as a silent stare is directed at him and the rest of the group. Fortunately, Ariana breaks the silence and keeps the group on task, to which the soldier nods emphatically. "Makes sense, if he's in the business of selling anything, hopefully he'll be at least polite." With another sideways glance at the couple without moving his head, Krysen confirms to himself that yes, he's still having daggers stared at him. Breathing in sharply, he gets his best polite smile warmed up and approaches the shopkeep.

"Hello! I'm Krysen, and this is Ariana and Horea," he introduces with gestures to his companions. "We're new here and were hoping we could speak with Lady Daeliza. Could you tell us where we could find her?

Social interaction roll [Trained, -1 step difficulty]


2017-11-01, 10:01 PM
The shopkeeper turns their head slowly and smoothly, taking in the newcomers before their lips slowly move back for a wide smile.

"Greetings. I am Sherm Shops. I know all of my customers but I'm afraid that I do not recognize that name. Perhaps it is an alias or nick name? I can ask other customers as they come by if you like. In the meantime, can I interest you in some new or refurbished gear? I can accurately describe what most of it does. Please,take your time. If you are looking for something particular, I might be able to point you in the right direction."

Behind the counter on display are various items, some with obvious intent, others wrapped in mystery.

(ooc: you can buy most standard gear, here..)

2017-11-19, 05:00 PM

"I assume you get most of your goods from salvaging ?"

2017-12-04, 08:57 PM
Sherm gives an odd smile.

"That would be a good guess. However most of the items come from this here."

Sherm pats the side of the wall that makes up the rest of the building.

"You pour in water and items come out."

Sherm shrugs in way that makes it clear that the process doesn't really make sense to them either.

"Now, what can I interest you in? You look like you're new here. I bet you have all kinds things to trade and all manner of things you need."

2017-12-05, 09:57 AM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1
[NOTE: On the way here Ariana took off her armband and put it in her pack, and suggested that everyone else do the same....]

Ariana steps up to next to Horea to speak to Sherm."Fascinating... So this structure is a fabrication unit of sorts... Hmmm... And it has unlimited uses? Well... that's inconsequential really, and I suppose a trade secret, eh?" She winks and runs a hand through her hair. "What we really need right now, though, is information. This "Lady Daeliza" person... for all we know it could be a nickname or a formal title that she doesn't recognize. She is with a group that is recognized as the 'Zeros' by two other groups we have met, which go by the names of 'Odds' and 'Evens'. She would have been on this small world for approximately twenty years, if there were such things to be had, that is... But she would have aged that much, is what I'm saying... Wow... it's really hard to talk about time when the sun doesn't move in the sky, isn't it?"

2017-12-06, 07:43 AM

"Is there limits to what it can produce ? It seems to produce food as well in exchange for material scraps. Or is your doing by trade ? I was also wondering about these simian people. "
... technically she's in a group of ape people
"The blue colored ones."

2017-12-06, 10:05 PM
Sherm shrugs. "Like lots of things around here, I don't know how it works. By Dust, I'm not even sure how I work." Sherm gestures to Horea, "We might be cousins, of sorts, who can say. Any way, I know what to do to get it to work but I cannot control what comes out. I kinda think da blue monkey guys are in the same boat, workin' the other end. They do their thing and get food. I'm not sure how much stuff here is stuff they put in. And they will steal your underwear if they think it has components the machine would take. Udder than dat, they mostly keep to themselves, sleeping, and smoking something they grow themselves. Where was I? Oh yea, what you sees it what I got at the moment. Come back in a few sleeps, and I might have other tings."

At the mention of the Odds and Evens, Sherm rolls his eyes so far back that the sound of gears grinding emanates from him. "Those two groups are missing some bolts, but they have plenty of nuts. When they started out, there was twice as many o' dem as there's now. I wouldn't get involved with either group or the udder group will think you're a target. And to dem, anyone not in their feuds and delusions is zeroes. And you'res now at Zero Central. Most anyone not in the feud winds up here. The rain pool is nearby to grow tings and the open ground makes it easy to spot unfriendly newcomers. As to the last Q, hmmm."

Sherm pauses and thinks, absently spinning his hands on his wrists. "There's a kinda older woman, keeps to herself. I heard someone call her Dubzee Lady once. Maybe she's who you targeting. You can find her home where the blue sky turns black.

Without looking, Sherm points behind and to his right, to the south. The patch of painted blue has a streak of black between it and the tan sky.

2017-12-14, 05:40 PM
Ariana Haiden
Charming Jack who Crafts Illusions
MIGHT: 12/12/0 | SPEED: 11/10/0 | INTELLECT: 16/14/1 | EFFORT: 1 | XP: 1

Ariana nods. "Thank you! I expect we'll at least find more information from that woman, if not the person we're looking for. Meanwhile, what exactly do you have available here..." She looks over the items in the shop, figuring we should consider purchasing something in exchange for the information.

2017-12-15, 03:22 PM
"There's a kinda older woman, keeps to herself. I heard someone call her Dubzee Lady once. Maybe she's who you targeting. You can find her home where the blue sky turns black.

"That sounds like her...thank you, Sherm. We could use some food and water before we head out. We have some shin, but I don't know if you take that here....how would we pay you?"

2017-12-18, 08:49 PM
Sherm gestures around with both hands. He also looks around to remind himself of his current stock.

"Well, I don't have much food and no water. You can get water from the pond. Farm Weasel has a variety of food. But I do have other stuff. This here, it shoots stinging insects, though only for one use. I've gots most of your cutty and smashy tings and stuff to protect from those. Dis lets you see far away. Dis will shock someone, red for pain, blue to stimulate someone into being fast. Lots of different tools, big, small, and tiny. That board to your right has jewelry made from local materials by Leenta. Course, lots of wire and gauges and things."

Sherm smiles, showing silver teeth, and puts his hand on his hips.

"As for pay, shin is ok. Trade good. Or, work. Each of you can go fill one jug of water and bring it back."

2018-01-12, 01:16 PM
"I'll take a day's worth of food and water for the lot of us". Digging into his belt pouch, he fishes around for some shin. "How much? And when you say where the blue sky turns black...could you point us in that direction?"

2018-01-13, 12:25 AM

"What is the 'catch' of simply gatthering water ? It seems if items are genrated from such a simple task, then you should have an abundance of them."