View Full Version : Pathfinder retrieving something from the bottom of an ocean

2017-04-23, 08:20 PM
Here are the rules that i have found, the first one is in play the second one im not entirely sure but it definitely complicates things a lot

Very deep water is not only generally pitch black, posing a navigational hazard, but worse, deals water pressure damage of 1d6 points per minute for every 100 feet the character is below the surface. A successful Fortitude save (DC 15, +1 for each previous check) means the diver takes no damage in that minute. Very cold water deals 1d6 points of nonlethal damage from hypothermia per minute of exposure.

and 100 feet per minute is the maximum rate of ascension to avoid any ill effects. A character can rise 100 feet in one round without ill effects, so long as he doesn’t raise another 100 feet for at least a minute. A character that rises more than 100 feet in a minute will take 1d4 Constitution damage per each additional 100 feet traveled in that minute.

I have no idea how far in the ocean it is but the average IRL ocean depth is like 10k so i would imagine around the same for us.

The spells we have access to are level 9 magus spells and level 14 warpriest spells. We also have a wizard and a decent amount of money but the wizards not willing to help us for story reasons.

The object is also extremely heavy. We have a barbarian that can carry it but probably no one else could.

2017-04-23, 10:00 PM
A wayfinder containing an Iridescent Spindle ioun stone will give its wielder protection against both the coldness of the water and the pressure. You'll need another way to breathe water, but there are plenty of those.

It sounds to me though that your bigger problem will be locating the object in the vastness of the ocean though.

2017-04-23, 10:08 PM
Locate Object deals with that problem, long as you have a general estimate of the searchable area.

2017-04-23, 10:37 PM
So long as you have a light source, your warpriest can cast life bubble (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/l/life-bubble/) to deal with all of the other effects. They can cast it twice a day(more if they have a high wis score for bonus), with 28 hour duration each casting. Casting it on a party of 4 would give 14 hours of totally fine time, in which time you can easily reach the bottom of the ocean(jump overboard with a bunch of heavy crap tied to you). If you need extra time, then grab some scrolls or have the warpriest scribe them.

Have the warpriest also cast daylight and the magus cast light, using your remaining spells to fight off any jabronies that come your way. Ideally, don't cast light till you hit the bottom to not attract attention. To get the thing up(and yourselves) have the magus and warpriest spam lighten-object (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/l/lighten-object/) on it and yourselves till you float and start to rise. To increase your time, tie a bunch of buoyant balloons (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances/#TOC-Buoyant-Balloon) to yourselves. Assuming you have enough going to raise yourselves up at full speed, you can climb 3000ft every 10 minutes, faster if you actively swim. So you need enough to do this 3-4 times to get to the surface. Once on the surface, inflate stuff by blowing into bags.

An easy option for the object is to put it in a bag of holding if you have one capable to hold it. If you have somebody that can UMD, scrolls of teleport would also get you off the floor along with it(if you don't exceed max load). Assuming you can find it of course, locate object is probably out of range but good for finding it once you get in the area but won't find it from the surface. Legend lore and discern location will find it, assuming you can find somebody to cast them for you. Commune can find it, but you will be playing 20 questions and using a LOT of castings.

2017-04-24, 02:48 AM
Locate Object, Planar Adaption, Teleport?

2017-04-24, 06:00 AM
You could get a creature to do it for you in exchange for a more suitable quest. Maybe a metallic dragon?